1279/What would you like to do when you graduate, Megan Morse

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What would you like to do when you graduate, Megan Morse
Date of Scene: 21 April 2020
Location: Administrative Hall - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Megan drops in on Sam for some advice on the future. Unfortunately full-time superhero is not a college course yet.
Cast of Characters: Sam Wilson, M'gann M'orzz, Morrigan MacIntyre

Sam Wilson has posed:
Just hired a few days ago as Happy Harbor's new counselor, Sam's still working on getting his office set up. While his certificates and such are still in boxes, there is one thing that is prevelant in the room. In the corner, next to an open window that overlooks over the campus there's a large bird stand that's been set up and currently roosting there is a beautiful hawk that is currently hooded so that he doesn't get spooked.

Behind the desk, Sam is kneeled down. "Alright, everything looks like it's plugged up right. Let's get this turned on." Flipping on the surge protector/power strip, Sam sits up in the chair to work on getting the computer up as he reaches for his appointment book -- only on paper until he gets things booted.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     The appointment would reveal that Megan Morse had a consulation right after lunch, which would indeed explain the knock at the door. When opened, it'd reveal the redheaded teen, today in a T-shirt bearing a diagram of the Curiosity rover, clutching her binders to her chest. "Um, Mr. Wilson? I got a note in homeroom that said I had an appointment to see you?"

Sam Wilson has posed:
Glancing up from where he was logging into the school server, Sam grins as he notices his first appointment. "Miss Morse, right! Come on in." he offers to her encouragingly as he gestures to the chair across from him. "Excuse the mess, I think trying to get settled during the last weeks of school may be harder than getting ready for the first ones." There's a chuckle at that, as the rustle of bells has him glancing over at the hawk. "Just a guest, Redwing." he offers to the bird.

"Alright, one moment while I bring up your files here." With that, he's typing away. "How's this year been for you? Did you enjoy it? Any good memories?"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     Meg settles into the chair, doing a bit of a double take at the hawk. ...The guidance counselor has a hawk here. That's... She's pretty sure that's not normal. Although, given this school, what really is? "Well, I transferred in a couple months ago, so I haven't had a /ton/ of time. Winning the science fair was pretty cool, though. As was making the cheer squad."

Sam Wilson has posed:
Noticing Megan's glance over, Sam grins. "That's Redwing. He's an emotional support animal." And he's dead serious about that, it's actually how SHIELD got him out of Afghanistan. "Congratulations on the science fair." comes the encouraging remark. "And the cheer squad. What was your project on?" he asks curiously as he finally gets logged into the computer.

He's dressed in a white buisness shirt with a bright blue tie and a pair of dark slacks as he taps at the keyboard. "Will you be living in the dorms for the summer?" he asks her.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "Never seen a hawk this close before. ...What's the hat for? And it was growing potatoes in Martian Soil. Well, simulated martian soil I bought off the internet. I read the book and saw the movie, so I thought I'd try it. Turns out it's plausible." Meg shrugs, a brigh smile on her face as she talks about science. Clearly a major interest. "Yeah, i will, unless my uncle comes up with any trips or anything."

Sam Wilson has posed:
"The hood is so he's not exposed to too much stimuli and panicks. He's really well trained, but it's better when bringing him into a new environment to let him get used to the smell and sounds before bringing eyes into play." he explains as Sam is sitting at his desk, Redwing in the corner under a hood, and Megan is sitting across from him. "Simulated Martian soil? That's interesting. How'd you simulate the lack of oxygen on Mars?" he asks as he finally pulls up her grades.

"Is that something you want to do in the future?" he asks then. "Work in exnobiology, or something that would lead to NASA?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
There's a soft knock on the door, because when things are closed there's usually something going on. Though there is a turn of the knob and someone pokes their head in.

A wild redhead appears!

"Oh! I'm sorry I can come back later if I'm interrupting?" Morrigan looks a bit embarrassed that she's interrupted something.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "I didn't, actually. In the movie he was growing them in a greenhouse, which solves the temperature and pressure problems. I just mixed in manure instead of, you know..." Meg waves her hand vaguely, not really wanting to go into /too/ much detail. "And... I do think working for NASA could be cool. I don't know if I've got the skills to be an astronaut. They're mostly ex military anyway, aren't they?" She doesn't jump at the knock, instead just turning to look over her shoulder. "Oh, hey Principal MacIntyre! I don't think you're interrupting anything, I just got an appointment slip, and we're just chatting."

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Not all astronauts are military. In fact, more of them these days are not. The pilots? Yes, military experience is usually required, but just in this latest class of Astronauts, two of the women were non-military. A research engineer at Woods Hole Ocenogrpahy, and one from the California Institute of Technology." Sam points out as he sits back in his chair as he hears the knock on the door.

Glancing up from where he was speaking when he hears the knock on the door, Sam offers a toothy and warm smile to Morrigan when she peeks in. "Morning, Miss MacIntyre." he offers in way of greetings. "I was just speaking with Miss Morse here on her plans for next year and the summer."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "So I have a chance? I mean, flying a ship would be cool, but... I guess I could do other stuff. There's so many opetions though..." Meg leans back in her chair, looking up at the ceiling. "I mean, there's the engineering side, theory side... So many different experiments and stuff, I just don't know what I like the most yet."

Sam Wilson has posed:
Once he's got her information, Sam glances at the screen and purses his lips together. Then he nods his head. "If it's the fact that you don't want to be in the military? No, not at all. The door's wide open. Doesn't matter race, color, or ability. I mean, you will still need the abilities in the science that you chose. Was doing the project on the Martian soil an interest in Xenobiology?" Sam suggests. Though let's face it, they're the xenobiology to her studies right now.

"Alright, so lets take a look at your grades here. Have you taken your college entrance exams? Any ideas on where you would like to go when you graduate next year?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile to M'gann, "Hello, Miss Morse. I'm just going to drop this off and then I can scoot off if you all need some privacy to speak." she tells them as she wiggles a brown suit jacket in her hands. "You left this, Mister Wilson." she states with a smile as she heads over to hang up his jacket. Then she's being quiet and just listening.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "I don't think it's anything private, really. And... I guess? I mean, if people are going to live there long term, they'd need to be able to grow food, so it was a bit of both." With the last two questions, Meg blushes a littl eand rubs at the back of her head. "Honestly, I'm still adjusting going from the middle of nowhere to a big city. I haven't even really thought a lot about college yet."

Sam Wilson has posed:
When Morrigan presents him with the jacket, Sam's cheeks darken for a moment. "I knew I was missing something. Thank you." he watches as she heads over to hang up the jacket, the hawk spreads its wings for a moment, before he makes a small clicking noise. "She's a friend." he points out to the bird - and the bird lowers its wings and even with the hood on, it's staring at Morrigan intently. "Morrigan, meet Redwing. Redwing, Morrigan."

"Maybe you could even consider a new field, one that would be needed for a colony like that. Alien Agriculture or the like?" he suggests to Megan. "It could be a new field to pioneer."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile to M'gann and Sam as they talk, the woman just hanging out after the jacket is hung up, "I'll just be over here then." she tells them. Sam's words make her grin just a touch, "It's no problem. I didn't notice that you left it until halfway home." she admits. Redwings greeting is met with a smile, "Hello, Redwing." she greets the bird, but she doesn't try to touch him.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "I didn't know there were any major plans for missions coming up. I mean, Martian Manhunter's been in the League for years, but they still haven't really done much other than send rovers. And theoretical fields probably don't pay the bills." Megan slumps a little. Reality bites. Especially when it comes to cover jobs.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"If you move one of the boxes, you can take a seat, Miss MacIntyre." he offers to Morrigan, but Sam's attention returns to M'gann. "Well, first off, from what I see here, your tuition and board is covered through next year, so if you're looking for a job, it's because you want to pay for personal items. And I can get that. I'd like to see you focus on your studies. We can use the summer to start to work on scholarships to apply for. Do you know what college you would like to go to?" he asks her curiously.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile as she moves one of the boxes and the woman takes a seat to listen in. She was letting Sam do his thing as she was not the guidance counselor. So she was out of her element in that regard. But she is curious of things and listens intently as the two talk.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "Like I said earlier... Hadn't really put a lot of thought into it yet." Meg looks down at her lap again. "The job thing was more after graduation, though. As I said, I like science, but I don't know what I want to do for the rest of my life yet?" Well, besides help people. But she's got her edge for that.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Hmm." Sam taps his pencil against his desk in thought. "So no plans for where to go to college, but it's in the cards. There's always a general studies course you can take while figuring out what you want, and with your grades, we can get some courses out of your way for dual enrollment. However, if you are wanting to get some real life experience before you go to college, what would you like to do there?" he asks her.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "Well, I suppose I could look into internships and stuff. Maybe I could get something with an aerospace company." Meg gives another shrug. ...Argh why is there so much pressure the Terran school system doesn't make sense. x.x

Sam Wilson has posed:
Because the Terran school system is set up only to prepare someone for the Terran workforce. College is where you get to decide on what else you want. "Alright, well, we have the summer to work on this and for you to decide what you may want to do. You have a lot of potential, Megan. I'd like to see you succeed in whatever you decide. So if you need me, just email to set up an appointment, alright?"