15585/A Clowder of Cats

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A Clowder of Cats
Date of Scene: 09 August 2023
Location: Blake House
Synopsis: Catseye leaves Catman in suspense.
Cast of Characters: Thomas Blake, Sharon Smith

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake is cooking. Since hanging around his Aunt Zinda he learned a few things. The lasagna has bacon and other meat goodies in it. Perhaps redundantly he's trying his hand at Zinda's biscuits, having watched the procedure. But those are for breakfast. Sauce, meatballs and pork stews in a pot. He takes a sip from it. Mmmmm. Then while several timers are going, he goes to his worktables and starts putting a fresh edge on a few knives.

Sharon Smith has posed:
There was a loud crash and clatter in the next room. While Sharon could be very careful and silent, she had a raging internal conflict of whether to carefully leave things on shelves sitting where they were, or whether to enjoy the sight of them falling to their demise. When he arrived he would find a familiar Catseye digging around underneath his bed. It was hard to say what she was looking for Monsters? Perhaps she was hiding things under his bed when he wasn't around and using it as an emergency supply stash, or perhaps she finally found Thomas' hidden stockpile of Batman comics.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Just for the record, Thomas reads Batgirl if anything. He is a little put out at having the waif go through his things. Those were memories, some not yet past the statute of limitations. Silently he grabs a towel, twists it and lets fly at Catseye. He targets about what you'd expect.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith gave a yelp, followed with a thump as her head collided with the top of the bedframe. Catseye flattened to the floor so she could peek back at thomas from beneath the bed. "Hey" she finally huffed back in complaint. "What are you doing here?" she asked almost grumpily. Wasn't this his house? Catseye never had a great grasp on the concept of 'property.' The world was hers, she just let other people rent the space from time to time.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake puts his hands on Sharon's waist and pulls her out. "Hey, get out of there before you shoot or cut or blow yourself up. This place isn't exactly kitten proof!" He stands her up and flops in his chair. He can take heat but the kitchen was humid. Ick. "Would you be a darling kitty cat and bring me a beer?"

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith did a fair ammount of flailing as she was grabbed. She scrambled to get a grip on anything that might help keep her from being drug out from under the bed, but unfortunately all she got ahold of was a small tuft of carpet and an old shirt, neither of which did a good job anchoring her in place. She eventually was pulled to her feet to flop back on the chair with him, giving a light huff in her defeat.

His question had her turning her head to give him a skeptical look. "Why would I do that?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake peers at her. "Okay would you be your regular self, and get me that beer, please? Or purr for me or something? I dunno." He absently rubs one the scars on his chest.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith pulled her feet up to sit cross-legged on his lap, using him as a chair of her own. She tilted her head to consider his words. It almost seemed as though she were about to get up, but instead she leaned back against his chest and let her head fall back to give off a very exaggerated, unthematic recital of "purr, purr, purr." She wasn't trying to mimic the feline sound in the least, just saying the word over and over. The simple joke was enough to break her composure into a fit of snickering.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake responds with his own purr, which made a cable vision exec green light the pilot of his show. He says, "You don't like me. You just come here to mess with my stuff and bother me. Well get up and I will serve myself." Thomas rolls his eyes in mock misery at this reversal of fortune.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith seemed to hesitate for a long time deciding whether to get up. "Maybe you can be a darling catman and bring me a beer." she decided. "I have things to attend to." she claimed, giving another stray look at what was beneath the bed before finally sliding off of him.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake gets up, dusts himself off and goes into the kitchen. "Yeah, I don't think there's much chance of that. You'd better get your own." He gets an Adams from the fridge and waits for the next move. Oh yes this is a game. He wonders how she'd react to a laser pointer?

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith waited for a brief moment, coyly standing in place before slowly lowering herself to sit on the carpet. She casually leaned back to look beneath the bed again for whatever it was she was hunting for. Perhaps she was just trying to dig out all of his evil secrets, since most evil plans tended to be hidden under beds.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Sharon will find a number of dry and dusty notebooks, full of clippings and notes for crimes never committed, as well as some Catman merch from his show. Nothing too incriminating. He takes a sip of beer and then glares at Catseye still eying the under bed. With a muffled swear word (the only Wakandan he knew in fact) he slams the bottle on the counter and strides towards her, crouching and ready to pounce.