15931/Downtime at the Belle

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Downtime at the Belle
Date of Scene: 24 September 2023
Location: Third Floor Workspaces
Synopsis: At the Candle's Workspace! Belinda meets Joshua for weight-lifting, college talk, experiment discussions, and more.
Cast of Characters: Belinda Gutierrez, Joshua Foley

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
An unusual day at the Candle, Booke, and Belle-- or in New York for that matter: an unseasonal rainstorm, rumbling and thundering and dousing random streets with its swirling wind and rain. Practical folk are staying home, hiding from the random rainstorm's heavier elements unless they siomply have to go out. Hence-- few customers that day, even among the more eclectic clientelle.

In other words: perfect day to work, maintain, and EXPERIMENT.

"Day 257," Belinda remarks to herself, colorful lab journal in hand as she leans back on the threadbare (and comfortable!) sofa. "The soil mix "D" is working well, probably becaues of the added nitrogen content. Note: thank the barber shop for the hair scraps they collected from me. Cornbread and salsa." She pauses, tapping her chin with a pencil before continuing.

"Also, find more transportable method of moving experiment back to school."

Joshua Foley has posed:
Coming into the workspace, Joshua is dressed down. A pair of sweatpants are tied at the waist and a black tank top with sneakers. He has with him a towel as he makes his way over towards the free weights, intent on getting in a morning work out since he can't go outside and skate as he usually does.

That is until he heard a voice. His attention swivels to spy the young woman lounging on the sofa. It's not someone he immediately recognizes, but as he looks her over, his plans for the day alter. He sets his towel down on the bench and heads over to the couch. A hand lifted, breath. Okay, he did remember to bush his teeth this morning!

"Hi!" he greets Belinda, his golden skin the most dominating feature of himself. "I'm Joshua. I don't think I've seen you around before?"

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda's cheerful hum breaks into a bright grin as she waves to the newcomer. Never met, but *finally*-- someone to match New Person Scent to! "Un momiento!" she calls out, blushing briefly as she jots down a last few, quick notes. "I mean-- hello!" Snapping the notebook shuit, she twists around on the seat, a sharp look taking in even as her nose quivers. "Here for the freeweights?" she asks, gesturing over tothe corner. "They are over there. Clean, I promise-- we wipe them down after we are through with them! Also, I think there is a minifridge with water..." SHe glances back towards the weight area, brow furrowing. "....I think. We've been moving things around lately."

She glances back, eyes gleaming with a warm twinkle. "You are Foley, si?"

Joshua Foley has posed:
"I didn't mean to interrupt your work, except I totally did." Joshua admits, his golden cheeks darkening some - "I mean, yes, I came up for the weights!" he says awkwardly, and then he watches her reactions, and tugs at the waist of his shirt slightly. "I stocked the fridges this morning." he manages in a playful rejoinder.

And then she says his name and his blue eyes glow brilliantly. "Yes, I am! I'm sorry, I did not catch your name. Or I did and I totally missed it!"

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
The young lady giggles briefly, cheeks warming as she ahems! "Belinda," she explains, folding the pencil into her notebook, offering her hand up in welcome. "I would have welcomed you earlier, but--" She mumbles, glancingaway. "Distracted. School things. And not interrupting at all! I was doing private things, working on garden 'ponics." She raises her notebook, smiling. "A school project I work on here, when time allows. Seemed a good day for it!"

She gazes more closely, eyes caught in rapt fascination. "Do I need glasses?" she asks, head tilting quizzically. "...surfer. Too much sun? But I thought you would be redder, not bronze-ish!"

Joshua Foley has posed:
Belinda, Belinda... where has he... oh.

Oh. God.

The granddaughter. The one that Joshua had called 'really cute'.

This realization does NOTHING for his golden complexion, which is nearly as warm as a southern noon at this point! "What school do you go to? I'm enrolled at Xaviers." he explains as he nods. "It's okay to be distracted, we all have things going on."

"I skateboard!" he starts, and then slowly, understands her question. "No. No. It's not a tan. It's part of my mutation." he explains. "I don't know if I can turn it off."

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda gazes with rapt fascination, reaching hesitantly-- pulling her hand back with a soft cough. And then, despite her best effort, offers a poke to his arm. Poke!

"It still *feels* like skin," she remarks, lips twitching with mirth. "I mean, useful. And shiny!" She coughs again, a*hem*ing! "Ah. Happy Harbor. I came up to the Ciudad on a scholarship. It is far from New Mexico, and has absolutely no culture whatsoever, but still....!"

She grins, twisting as she takes herself off of the sofa. "Well-- weights! Do you need someone to help you spot? I have been meaning to do them more myself, but usually-- jogging. And then, too busy to do anything else!" She affects a grim expression, shaking her fist. "I must do more!"

Joshua Foley has posed:
A little yeep when Belinda picks at his arm, but he chuckles a moment later to show her it doesn't really hurt. "Oh, I grew up in Brooklyn." Joshua explains. "Happy Harbor, they just had their homecoming, right? Did you get to go?" A curious question, before shes moving to get off the couch.

"I usually skateboard, it's good exercise. And then I lift some weights in order to carry packages and stuff. But sure, if you don't mind helping?" Stepping back, he offers a hand to Belinda to assist her up.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda shakes her head, sighing wistfully as she stretches-- grrph! "Was... busy that night," she says carefully, grin become sheepish. She takes her jacket off, setting it over the back of the couch as she flexes her fingers, stretching gingerly. "A lot of the school funtions I end up missing," she says with a sigh. "They are fun, but more importanto things always seem to be coming up." She chuffs, shaking her head ruefully as she rallies, grinning anew. "But, here is hoping for Prom night!" Crossing her fingers briefly, she gestures to the weights, eyes warm.

"Xavier's? I have heard stories, seen a few pictures, but theyu are all far away and nmot really very good." She rubs her hands together, checking the weight bar. "What weight to start with? Something light for warmup, or--?"

Joshua Foley has posed:
Pulling his hand back, Joshua chuckles. "Prom could be fun!" he suggests as he heads over to the weight bench. "Keeping it light, I don't want to get bulky, I kind of like the build I have at the moment." As he settles back on the bench, he moves to put a pair of ten pounders on each side for a total of forty pounds.

"Do you plan to go to prom by yourself, or is there someone you want to go with?" he asks. "I enjoy the school." he admits. "It gets busy at times, but I'm happy to have time to work here and still go. They're training me to maybe be a doctor."

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
"Haven't really decided yet," Belinda admits, moving around to the rear of the bench, placing her hands on the weight bar in preparation. "I mean, I have not really gotten to know anyone not already attached, and going by myself seems... Just seems silly." She grins crookedly, stretching her neck to either side before she lets out a hot chuff. "Still have Junior and Senior year to go, so who can say what the future will bring? Besides, I have been so busy with everything else-- college things, because those are always distracting!"

Bracing herself, she nods towards Joshua, firming her stance. "Prepared when you are!"

Joshua Foley has posed:
"What do you plan to do in college?" Joshua asks as he starts his first reps with the weights. So far, so easy, so good. He's not trying to push himself too hard. He gets through the first five reps pretty easily.

"I know the feeling, though. I guess I missed the spring rush of everyone meeting up and starting to date. Girl I had just realized I had feelings for told me all about her new boyfriend." A smirk from Joshua as he looks up at Belinda. "And you know, I stand out in a crowd, so I'm not sure a girl would want someone who takes more attention from her!" He chuckles a little as he starts on the next set of five, though he's slowing as he hits the last two and will need a little assistance as he grunts, sucking in his breath.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda snorts-- biting her lip as she holds back a giggle of laughter! "I cannot believ ethat for a moment!" she says, eyes dancing-- counting repetitions under her breath, palms carefully held beneath the bar as it rises, falls. "Just have to explain it poroperly," she continues. "You are her Sparkly One, a Lady's Friend for all seasons. Golden jewelry that is self-mobile and never can be stolen easily?"

She hums cheerfully, gaze alive with merriment as she follows the second repetitons, the third set. "Mmm. Planninmg to focus on biology, but my truest goal is to become astronaut." She puffs slightly, head held high. "Mi bisabuelo-- my great-grandfather --was very inspired by the Space Race and all the things in it. Followed the Nasa Espacio program very much. Never was able to do anything, but am hoping to follow, achieve, make proud." She smiles, tapping the last few reps out in the motions. "Set. Break now. Dos minudos."

Joshua Foley has posed:
Joshua laughs merrily at her suggestions. "Girls like jewelry that has value, do they not?" he asks her in amusement, "As you felt earlier, it is only skin, nothing twenty-four karat about it."

"Biology? We can study together?" he suggests to her. "I'm about to start on college, and like I said, they suggested I study medicine because of my mutation." he pauses and then he explains. "I can heal injuries on people, really easily. Without tools."

When she announces the break, he cracks open a bottle of water to take a drink out of it.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Whistling softly, Belinda makes sure the bar and its weight are settled firmly on the restraint, grinning ear-to-ear as she considers. "Well, 'biology', but mostly in plants and things," she explains, shaking her head. "Learning the English was troublesome enough. Please, no old Latin atop to make everything worse! I shall never be able to unmix my words!"

She steps to the side, leaning briskly to the weight rack. "Pfft. Wear shiny things, slick hair back, wear glasses and suntan oil on skin. Be totally sparkle-worthy!" She gives a good-natured wolf-whistle, teasing with undisguised mirth. Always show good profile side too, just in case of photographers!"

She checks her watch, marking the time before she continues. "It is a good idea. Medicine. My own--"

She gestures to a tank nearby, an aquarium sans wwater; instead, the fan above runs at a low, constant hum, stirring the air for a variety of slender plants inside. "Am working on growing peppers, controlled conditions. Hoping to improve them, and perhaps have a project worthy of taking to space. Spices, for help with spoace sinuses. Keep clear and not stuffy!"

Joshua Foley has posed:
Joshua laighs softly, a shake of his head. "It's more... I need to understand how an injury works. Like, you cut your hand, I only have to imagine the skin stitching together while touching you. I can heal broken bones, burns, all types of easy stuff. Broken bones, organ damage, I need to understand better. Hopefully, I want to be able to heal critical damage and maybe diseases?" he offers up.

And then she makes the suggestions about his appearance and he laughs. "That makes me sound like a Telemundo villain!" he teases her, "I dunno. Maybe some girl will like me." he shrugs and leaves it there, his attention to the tank. "What type of peppers? Are they just for spices or would they be sustainable for a colony or the like?"

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda smiles, turning to the tank with a gesture. "Just regular green peppers for now," she explains, "Nothing like Ghost Peppers or super spicy-hot ones. A demonstration, for now, and if it works..." She trail;s off, gazing wistfuly. "Mmm. Well, we shall see! Can get them to grow *some*, but they are still slower than when they grow in the climate of New Mexico, back home. Trying new soil mixes now, to see if added nutrients will help."

Turning her attention back, she pats the bench with one hand, nodding as she moves back behiond the bar. "That is a wonderful thing. Much work, to be sure, but if it works out-- Doctora del Oro!" She hums cheerfully, polacing her arms beneath the bar. "Thirty seconds to begin. Have you thought of opening a local clinic, or moving to Genosha? Or is that just too far in the future for right now!"

Joshua Foley has posed:
"Yeah, maybe we can figure out like... the soil mixture on Mars and see how they handle that?" Joshua suggests as he sees her pat the bench andd he moves to settle back down.

As his hands settle on the bar, he considers her question. "I don't know yet. I mean, I'm still getting used to these new abilities." he admits. "What I figured would happen is that life will take me where it needs me. It's already dropped me on my head. Figured only way from here I can go, is up."

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Warm laughter meets the declaration, the sparkle of Belinda's eyes moving over the bar as she gazes down, nodding. "And right now it has taken you here!" she exclaims. "And with that-- bueno, excellente, arriba!" She hoots out with a giggle, exhaling with a chuff as she settles her hands just beneath the bar. "And for now-- time to begin again! Three repetitions of ten each, ten seconds between them, then rest." She pauses, humming absently. "When the skin, it changes colours--- does it last a long time?"

Joshua Foley has posed:
His eyes meet hers for a moment, and Joshua blushes before he laughs. "Such a cruel taskmistress!" he teases as he starts to lift through the reps. But to her question, he starts to offer an explanation.

"No, I'm pretty much gold all the time. Except..." When he's between reps, he sits up and lifts his shirt. On his right shoulder is a small black blotch. "When I harm people, my skin turns black. Gold when healing. I have done a lot of healing, I can't get that blotch to go away." he shrugs, pulling his shirt back down to lean back to lift.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda gazes carefully (don'tblushdon'tblushdon'tblush!), exhaling with a soft breath as she nods. *Focus*.

"Maybe it will go away someday?" she hazards to guess, shrugging helplessly. "Or it can be like a scar, a reminder of the priuce of doing certain things." She pauses in her commentary, counting out again as repetitions continue. Eight-nine-ten...

"...I don't think I have ever scarred," she continues after a moment, thoughtful. "I cannot heal someone else, but I do very well myself." Cough. Understatement! "Broken things, cuts-- I do not really ever get sick either. Just the smell of the city, when traffic is heavy... Ick!" She shakes her head theatrically, shivering with a 'blech!'.

Joshua Foley has posed:
"Phoebe thinks it's like... a scale. It will never go away, but like a video game slider, it's a live look at my dark and light side." Joshua chuckles at the thought as he gets into position and starts to lift again.

"I'm sorry that the scents of the city are so overpowering for you.

"Maybe we can go out in the country sometime?" comes the suggestion. "It's harvest season, visit like a market or a festival or something."

Then he adds. "I mean, like as a group thing."

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Grinning, Belinda nods, counting under her breath as the motions continue. "I know a good place outside the city. Gotham City, I mean; it is far, but one of the benfit of all the rain that Gotham has-- it washes away automobile smells swiftly there. A cliffside view, overseeing the ocean." She sighs dreamily, wistfully. Focus-- turn eyes back to the lifting bar!

"Mmm. That would be nice! I think we had that a while back-- a moonlight excursion to the beach. I had to miss it for...." She pauses, a blush tingling at her cheeks. "...things." Humming absently, she blinks.

"Oh, Dios! I forgot to ask-- is everything alright for you? I know you were staying here, and set up the bed and linens as best we had. Do you need anything else? Something missing somewhere? More blankets? I think the water heater works well now--!"

Joshua Foley has posed:
"Oh, that sounds like fun. Cliffside campfire, making smores..." Joshua responds as he grins up at Belinda. "Clearly we need to get you out there soon." he teases her with a little wink.

"The beach must've been before I joined. I wouldn't mind that." And then she's blushing and talking about things and he ohs quietly, before his attention is focused on him.

"No, I'm good for now. If I get accepted into Xaviers, I'll probably divide my time between here and the school. Nettie took me in when I was at my lowest and you all were great to me. And I feel a bit like family here."

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda nods, smile returned with a breath of satisfaction. And quick sniff of stolen scent. Habit!

"I'd have to get something proper to wear..." she muses, pursiong her lips. Three-two-one.....

"Done," she announces, gently clasping the bar, helping to lift it back to its cradle. "Mmmm. I am told that swimming is good for keeping muscles in proper shape, also. You could weightlift, but if you intersperse lifting with swimming time as well, it keeps one from becoming all 'swole and Herculean and things." She grins, winking with a sly gleam. "Though will have to let me know if you find a good place to practice! I think the YMCA has a pool, but-- all the strangers. And the *chlorine*!" She shudders, waving at her nose. "Ay-ay-yai!"

Joshua Foley has posed:
Joshua laughs at the idea of being swole, and gives Belinda's hands a quick squeeze before he moves to sit up now that he's done with his workout. "I'll wipe the bar down, did you want a turn?" he asks her.

"And the ocean is probably warm enough to swim in for a couple of more weeks, at least if you're not worried about sharks." That said teasingly. "Yeah, I'm not big on public pools. They're kida gross."

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda shakes her head, smiling with a sigh. "Almost time to take place at the counter for this evening," she admits. "Time to shower, straighten up, maybe steal nap, and then get to the shop before things kick off. Our... evening rush." Her lips twitch, a grin threatening to steal over her features. "Such as it be!"

She helps remove the slender weights, returning them to their place at the rack with a metallic thunk. "Haven't worked out a full plan yet," she admits, "Though I might, given time, and soon. Meanwhile-- should work on self-defense classes, doing more than..." She waves her hand vaguely, grinning. "Howl, tackle, wrassle to ground! And *maybe* learn to swim, meanwhile?"

Joshua Foley has posed:
"Ah, well, if you ever need help, I'd be happy to help. Some of the others want me to learn some self-defence, yeah." Joshua admits as he moves to stand up and grabs the cleaning bottle to start to wipe down where he was.

"If you need help learning to swim, I can try if you don't find anyone else!" he suggests. "You can check out all this golden skin in a swimsuit." he teases, "Right now, I'm just grab and imagining what I can hurt?"

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda pffts, offering a friendly thump to the shoulder. "Try not to," she says matter-of-factly. "Do it too much, you could change all over into odd colours, and then you would end up with black spots over golden skin! And there is already someone who calls themselves Cheetah." She giggles at her own joke, humming innocently as she nods.

"I would like that. Thank you." She repeats the gestures, a good-natured touch before she takes the well-worn towel, wadding the cloth before tossing it into a laundry bin. "If you need anything, please let me know!" she adds, sighing morosely before she moves to retrieve her notebook. "Remember to turn the lights out before you go!"