1235/Beasts in the Bronx

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Beasts in the Bronx
Date of Scene: 19 April 2020
Location: Bronx
Synopsis: While trying to save Kainashi from a group of young thugs, Raphael and the former Foot mutant get dropped into a swampy pool. Raph finds out Kainashi isn't as dumb as she acts, but isn't willing to be friends just yet.
Cast of Characters: Kainashi, Raphael

Kainashi has posed:
    Sometimes you just get lucky. Sometimes you're walking about and you find a fiver on the wind, or someone gives you a free lunch. Sometimes theyre giving away cookies at the bakery down the way.

     And sometimes your luck isn't. But tonight? It's a lucky night. The dog mutant who had worn a Foot jacket (and had hurriedly retired it) was snuffing around in an alleyway of a derelict bit of The Bronx, a project that was going to be bulldozed over when construction picked up again. Empty windows hung like mouths caught in silent cries, refuse and paper carried on the wind.

    And she seemed to be alone, no Alopex this time.

Raphael has posed:
Another night patrolling solo. While the group had done a few things together again, at times it felt like not much had changed. Raphael and Leonardo probably still had some stuff to work through, more on Raph's side than Leo's to be fair, but the one with the red mask always was prone to going off on his own when he felt like it.

This leads to a spot in the Bronx, after having climbed up from the sewers below, a manhole cover slid aside for him to exit, replaced silently. From there, he ascended to the rooftops and moved north a few blocks. Things were quiet so far. Good for others, not necessarily good for him if he was in the mood to bust a few heads. But, the night was young.

Kainashi has posed:
    The night was young, and so were the group that turned down the alleyway to find a snuffing-about canine.

    "Whoa, whoa, hey -- you're a long way from Freak Town, Mutie." one of them speaks up, and the others give wry grins, following suit. One of them's even carrying a crowbar.

    Kainashi shifts her weight a moment, backing up a little bit towards some boards covering a hole in the alleyway.

    "Don't want trouble." she squeaks, "Good dog. Good Dog not bite." she stammers, her tail curling, scarred-up face looking at the kids making their approach

Raphael has posed:
A couple buildings away, Raphael took note of the kids, or whatever age they were, making their way brazenly along the sidewalk as though not caring if anyone saw them or not. Brash, bold, sending a message that this was their turf, their domain, and anyone who got in the way of that would regret it. What else could the message be, when one of them is brandishing a crowbar in the open?

Raph didn't play games like that. He didn't accept that kind of 'authority.'

A shadow in the darkness, he vaulted over a gap between one set of buildings, kept pace as he kept an ear toward their chatter, showed off to nobody by flipping his way over to the next one, then paused to peer over the edge when they went off course into the alley they happen to find someone else in. Someone familiar, Raphael realizes after hearing and seeing her response. "Well, this is just great," he mutters under his breath, waiting to see if they push the issue, knowing they will.

Kainashi has posed:
    "Aww, lookit, it's trying to talk. I think this one's broken, Paulie." One of them speaks up, and the one holding the crowbar takes a swing, a compatript kicking some trash towards the dog to try and distrct it.

    "Remember when my brother used to fight those things?"

    Kainashi dups back, stepping away from the blow. It's not as practiced as the Turtles, or as smooth as Alopex's, but there is a solid foundation there. The dog could dodge.

    A quick duck followed, with a parry of a punch as she raises one arm, and backs up. The wood beneath her, covering a hole in the pavement, ave a groan in protest against even her weight.

    "Don't want to fight! Don't want to hurt!" she squeaks out again.

Raphael has posed:
Within literally two seconds of the crowbar-wielding guy starting in with the crowbar, there is another that joins the ray by the time the pup is ducking away and deflecting an attack. As Raphael lands, a sai comes out to tie up the path of the crowbar, a twist of the weapon threatening to wrench it out of the punk's hold.

"You guys look like the kind 'a losers who think it's cool to tear the wings off flies, or sucker a cat in with a treat only to kick it." Eyes narrow behind the red mask. An angry smile forms as he motions for them to come for him. "Any 'a you wanna see if you can flip this turtle onto his shell for laughs?"

Kainashi has posed:
    "What the heck is that supposed to be?" the lead guy cries out as the crowbar goes flying, clattering around the ground, sparking against the pavement. The five fan out -- five on two seemed pretty good chances to them, and one draws a knife.

    "I dunno. Some sort of freak in an ugly mask. Or maybe that's his face!" one older teen laughs, but they look hesitant to go up against the sai user.

    And that's when the wood over the breaks in the alleyway pavement give away, splintering beneath the additional weight of Raphael and Kainashi, dumping them both into darkness.

    After a short fall, the two land in waist-deep water to the turtle. It's skunky, old water, stale smelling.

    Up above , the teens are arguing about who's going to follow them, since the crowbar fell with them!

Raphael has posed:
"Haha. Real funny. In fact, that's so funny I forgot to laugh. Know what else'll be funny? Your face after I--whoa!"

Raphael is not a cat. There is no guarantee he'll land on his feet, even as a trained ninja. While falling, he blurts, "Hey! Who left the hole in the--"


Dirty, musty water? Raphael lives underground, with sewer smells not uncommon. While bathing in the stuff isn't going to happen, being around it enough starts to lead to a bit of smell immunity developing. That doesn't mean an all wet turtle mutant is a happy turtle mutant, especially when that turtle mutant's name is Raphael.

Getting back to his feet, he turns a quick circle to assess the situation, spotting dog mutant, familiar dog mutant at that, and the dorks up top. "Come on, then! We're waitin' for ya!" he taunts, more occupied with that than asking after the dog's condition.

Kainashi has posed:
    The situation is dire! The two have landed in the deep end of an abandoned swimming pool. There is an aged mural of balloons and happy animals along one wall, tiles are coming off the sides and there are two ladders on the other side, and steps in the shallow end of the pool.

    Kainashi draws up out of the water, holding the crowbar in her teeth -- and then, as dogs do, shakes off as much of the water as she can, ears flapping -- and undoubtly catching Raphael in a fresh shower of scummy water.

Raphael has posed:
As the pool becomes more evident - what is it, part of a gym underground or some kind of apartment complex? - Raphael just stares at Kainashi with the crowbar having already been 'fetched.' Of course it was. All that would be missing is the wagging tail..or is it? "What? No, I'm not playing--gah!"

Though already wet, he shields himself with an arm up to protect the face as the drops of water spray all over the place, giving him a good excuse to eye the punks above. "Still waitin'! Any 'a you shellbrains want yer nerd faces rearranged, we're right here!"

Kainashi has posed:
    "Heck no freak! Rot down there! Ah ha ha!" the gang of teens -- content that the threat was no longer there -- was a bit braver and threw a trash can lid down at Raphael before running off, leaving Raph with Kainashi.

    Who looks slightly mortified.

    "Wrrr...shorreee." she states, her teeth occupied by the crowbar a moment before she looks around, sniffing a moment.

    "... what place?" she asks Raphael, turning to him a moment

Raphael has posed:
They'll get to see the trash can lid pierced by the tip of the sai, and since they're more blunt ends than sharpened points, that ought to say something. "That's right! Run home ta yer moms an' ask them if they remember me from last night!" Raphael is nothing if not rude and, occasionally, crude.

With them gone, it leaves him alone with the pup. He looks around in search of a door out of the room they've ended up in, just in case the top is too far up to get back out through. He flicks the lid away, squinting at Kainashi. "What?"

Kainashi has posed:
    "What place?" Kainashi asks again, motioning around. She sniffs the air a moment, then gives a sneeze, wandering towards the shallow end of the pool, towards the murals of balloons and animals.

    "Old. Kainashi..." useless. And then she speaks a coupe of Japanese phrases, descriping empty, derelic places, and then her ears come up, and the scarred face turns back to Raphael.


Raphael has posed:
Raphael waves a hand once, climbing out of the pool. He looks Kainashi over and the name rings a bell, as if the appearance didn't already. "You're that mu.." No, use a better word. "..dog, the one from the dumpster." Yeah, that encounter. After a moment, he offers a hand to help her out, but only after clarifying, chiding, "You shake that water off on me again and I'll drop you back in there." Hmph. "Anyway, this is a pool. I dunno why it's underground. I guess that was part of the design or something. So what was going on up there?"

Kainashi has posed:
    "Yes, yes, mutant dog, from dumpster. Alopex." she states in broken terms, and though she doesn't seem to speak well, she understands well enough, her ears drawing back. "No shake," she agrees, and she looks at the walls around them, and pulls her wet sweatshirt around her a little bit more, dripping on the floor.

    "Bad kids. Good Dog. No bite." she states. "Smelled funny."

Raphael has posed:
"Right..you talk worse than Mikey when he's excited about something," Raphael remarks, then he actually has the self-awareness to hold up a hand after letting go of hers now that they're both out of the pool. "I didn't mean it that way. Please don't slam another dumpster into me." Thankfully there are none in this room.

Still, he's trying to make sense of what the pup is saying. "All right, Alopex," he answers, mixing the names up, "yeah, they were bad, and they were stupid losers, but are you saying something smelled weird up there and that's why you were sniffing around?"

Kainashi has posed:
    "No. Kainashi. Alopex fox. Alopex friend. Alopex stop Foot, take Kainashi."

    And the dog taps her chest. "Kainashi." and then points to Raphae, her ears pricking up.

    "Smell weird. Not good smell. Smell bad Like Place. Smell like cage."

Raphael has posed:
"..I knew that," Raphael lies, but Splinter isn't there to say anything about it, so what he doesn't know won't hurt Raph. "Yeah, you guys had that dumb Foot jacket." Which, of course, set off the initial conflict that got worse when the dinosaur showed up.

A different dinosaur from the ones starting to wander the city, along with apes that don't have the last name of O'Neil.

"Right. I'm Raphael. Something up there smelled like a cage?" He's trying, really. He's giving it a shot, but his brows are just scrunching closer together as he struggles with making sense of her explanations.

Kainashi has posed:
    It's clear that she's getting frustraited, her ears are down and low, and she shifts her weight "Kainashi live in cage. In Foot. Not free. Maybe other mutant down here. Hurt. Need help."

    and she motions. "Just pool."

Raphael has posed:
Leo always was the better communicator. Donnie, too. Maybe even Mikey had more success with this sort of thing than Raph. "Look..I ain't understanding you that good. Let's just get outta this room an' you can show me what you were checking out. I'm sorry you had to live in a cage, but that's in the past now, right?" he responds, eyeing the pool again as it's brought up.

Kainashi has posed:
    "... Raphael friend?" Kainashi asks hesitantly, shuffling her feet a moment. Her ears come forward, and she looks up at the turtle with curiosity, rubbing the back of her neck. The mess of scars about her muzzle and shoulders can be seen as she peels back her wet hood.

Raphael has posed:
"Yeah, sure. As long as you're not throwing trash cans at me," Raphael answers, waving the question off before a hairless brow lifts up higher at her expression. The amount of scarring causes even him to frown. "They really did a number on you, didn't they?" he asks, waiting to see if she understands what he's asking while he scans the room for any obvious ways out, checking one of the doors connected to it to see if it'll open, if it's stuck, or something else.

Kainashi has posed:
    "... I thought I smelled the cage down here, and maybe there was another mutant trapped." comes a very together sentence from Kainash, and she rubs the back of her head, scratching at the kanji-tattooed ear a moment, and she gives a soft 'chuff' sound at the idea of someone doing a number on her. "Yeah, they did." she reflects, rubbing her nose a moment.

    The doors do still open, to an empty hallway, strewn with flotsam and jetsam. Someone left a 1990's era boombox down here.

    Too bad it's in eight pieces.

Raphael has posed:
Raphael stops and looks back at Kainashi. "I..actually understood all of that," he responds before looking at her more closely. "You were just playing dumb before, is that it?" The full sentence is so much better than what he was hearing and trying to sift through before to get at the main point. "So..what, the pool smelled familiar, or was it something else around here?"

They may finally be getting somewhere with this, though the turtle mutant continues to wear a frown. "Sorry you had to deal with all that, but let's make sure it stays in the past now, huh?" Into the hallway he goes, the sai still held in both hands. The boombox that saw better days quite a while back is stepped past. "Guess the music died there."

Kainashi has posed:
    "A ninja's best weapon is misdirection." Kainashi states, and she rubs the back of her head again, and gives a nervous laugh. "I'm pretty dumb. 'S why I'm called Kainashi." she adds, and she walks a bit behind Raphael. "It smelled familiar, I... just wanted to make sure there was no one like me own here." she adds, holding the crowbar as her ears prick up, and she looks at hte boombox. She looks around.

    "... was there supposed to be pie, too?" she questions.

Raphael has posed:
"What? No, it's just a song. I heard it on one of S..ensai's radio stations," Raphael answers, quickly recovering from being about to say something else. By now he's giving Kainashi a close look as she recites one of the main tenets any good ninja learns. All he does to that is grunt once. Maybe he didn't follow that one the closest. "Well, I don't see anyone else, but that doesn't mean there isn't someone around. Maybe we better check the rooms. Together. And keep that ready just in case."

He points to the crowbar, then he stops before the next door ahead, listening for a moment before trying the handle. Only one way to find out if the place is clean or not. Relatively speaking, of course, because it doesn't look or smell that good.

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi looks up at Raphael, her brow rising. "Alopex taught me." she explains of the former Foot assassin, and she gives a soft breath out as she follows behind Raphael, her tail giving a momentary wag.

    The handle works, and it leads to a staircase, with an arrow pointing up and saying, IT.

Raphael has posed:
Raphael glances back at the canine mutant. "About what? Ninja stuff? I guess she's /all right,/" he remarks, for while he hasn't seen a whole lot from her yet, what he did see left her looking capable enough. He steps carefully along. Although he's barefoot and built up a resistance to the average negatives from walking that way on rough surfaces, it doesn't mean something jagged wouldn't hurt if he stepped on it. "Goes back up," he says, pointing at the stairs. Way to state the obvious, Raph. "Let's go."

Kainashi has posed:
    The canine follows behind him, moving on quiet feet.

    "Alopex took me with her when she left. She is better than all right." she states sternly, with a bit of an offended huff. She does pause to sniff the air a moment before hopping back up after Raphael.

Raphael has posed:
"Yeah, well, I don't know her, and I don't really know you yet either," the shellback says, the tail end of his mask touching the top of that carapace in back. "All I know is you both got some Jurassic Park reject after you and that lion you hang out with." Assuming the three of them pal around together, that is. Raphael leads the way up to the floor above, nudging at the door with a sai before poking his head through the doorway, moving the rest of the way through once he's sure the coast is clear. "So where was that smell the strongest?"

Kainashi has posed:
    "Over the wood near the trashcans. Then we fell in.' The canine replies, and her ears draw back down "... oh... well then... ah... please don't tell anyone I talk for real. If you're not my friend, I mean." she stammers a moment, her ears limp, her tail curling. "It doesn't seem like there are others here.. but thank you for helping me look?"

Raphael has posed:
Raphael frowns, an admission coming. "Look, I dunno what we are except for a couple 'a freaks who both seem to hate the Foot, so if that means we're on the same side, that's fine with me," he explains, waving a hand. There's still some frustration, some embarrassment from that past encounter. "But if it's that important, I won't tell anybody. Everyone's got secrets to keep."

As they get back to the point where they fell in, the kids are long gone and it doesn't look as though there's anything that will be found, leaving him to rub the back of his head. "Yeah, sure. And it looks like you got a prize outta it," he says, indicating the crowbar. He opens his mouth as if he's going to say something else, then he clamps it shut. Maybe he doesn't know what to add.

Kainashi has posed:
    "Oh. Well. Doomo arigatou, gracias, thank you!" Kainashi bows her head to Raphael a moment, holding the crowbar close, and then scampers off, raising her (still soaking wet) hood to help hide her canine features, slipping back out into the night.

Raphael has posed:
Raphael is back to rubbing his head after the farewell, after a lame, "See you around." Did he really just say that? Though, chances are they will cross paths again sooner or later. That's how these things seem to happen, especially if they both go back to the same places multiple times. This one, he might just be on the lookout for that gang of brats again. They could all use a good spanking down the line. Right now, it's pizza time, washing up, getting back to the Lair, not necessarily in that order either. Pizza first /would/ lessen chances of Mikey scarfing too much of it down.