16113/Out of the Dark

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Out of the Dark
Date of Scene: 19 October 2023
Location: The Inner Sanctum - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Blake returns to the Hellfire club after some time abroad.
Cast of Characters: Blake Riviere, Sebastian Shaw

Blake Riviere has posed:
A little message, passed by the usual channels, Shaw had a visitor in the inner sanctum. Strange enough that they hadn't been awaiting approval...which could generally only mean one of two things: They had authority to be there...or they were already there and weren't easily removed. Either way, the message was sent and the 'summon' to the meeting offered.

Perhaps it was presumptuous, were it not for the handwriting of the message and the little 'swak' of lipstick punctuating the piece of paper handed to him.

When he entered? Well, the room was dark...but not suspiciously so, the Hellfire club had a theme after all, yet there was no mistaking the familiar dark-haired figure who emergered, gently tracing a finger along the surface of the throne at the center.

Blake Riviere was back in the US it seems.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
It is rare, indeed, for Sebastian Shaw to receive a summons in his own domain. But rare also means intriguing, and so he wasted little time in making his way to the inner sanctum.

Once there, faced with darkness, there was no concern, simply curiosity. Clearly, someone intending to make a show of it. And to go to that effort, to perform for him, is flattering to his ego. Of course, what isn't flattering to Shaw's ego?

As he starts to make out the figure in the shadows, a smile curls upon his lips. "Today would seem to be my lucky day," he remarks as he steps inside, allowing the doors to close sealed behind him.

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Luck comes from preparation and resources among everything else, no?" those accented tones come before Blake steps into the muted light of the chamber, her attire once more the usual black dress and red ribbons others had seen her in when she wasn't in the 'uniform' of the inner sample. Shapeshifting abilities aside, this was the vampiress herself.

"And I have been busy insuring such luck, or otherwise the poor luck of another abroad, lest they interfere with some of my...well, our interests..."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"I had no doubt that you were performing admirably in your travels, my dear." Sebastian begins to cross the room towards the vampiress, a smile resting upon his face as he does so. "Although I am pleased to see that you have returned."

"Can I hope that this is not more than a mere visit to check in, but that you will remain amongst us now?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
"You know what the sad thing about some of my 'cousins' can be Mr Shaw? We can be creatures of cliche," Blake offers as she draws closer, her arms crossing under her bust. "I have been in Argentina of all places," she offers, lifting one hand. "People smuggling tied into weapon smuggling, drug smuggling..." she explains.

"An individual by the imaginative name of 'El Colmillo' decided to branch out and got some of our branches tangled..."

A little dismissive wave of her hand, she uncrosses her arms with a smile. "It is a problem resolved and...I am here in the city once more."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"It pains me to think that any of your kind would fall victim to cliche, but certainly, I can conceive of it." Shaw nods along as Blake details the problems she was solving. "Hardly civilized, to be sure."

He lets loose a quiet laugh. "Well, I am glad that you were able to prune the diseased branch quickly enough to make your return to us." He draws closer to her, now finally able to regard her a bit more clearly in the darkened room. "You know how much we enjoy your presence and your company."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Oh I am aware of my fashion choices..." Blake muses, tilting her head as she moved, her form making to settle herself down...right in the chair of the Black King himself. Perhaps it was good that the pair of them were the only to present for that little violation of protocol. She makes to smirk, a tilt of her head given. "Well...I'm glad to see I was missed. I'd hate to find out I was no longer appreciated."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
There is a certain acceptance of this that is rare from the Black King, a sign of just how much personal affection he has for his Black Squire. Because even alone, just about anyone else who dared such a breach of protocol would suffer dire consequences.

Instead, Sebastian follows and approaches up to the pedestal, moving slowly over to stand in front of Blake, looking down at her. "Oh, rest assured, you were in my thoughts often. At some point, I will have to brief you on what you missed, and bring you up to speed."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Well then," Blake offers with a grin, lifting a hand with a little brush of her fingers over her own lips and then bringing them to support her chin with a chuckle. "It seems we have stories to share and much to catch up on. Seems that this is the part where I suggest getting something to drink and beginning the swapping of stories..."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Conveniently enough, the Black King has had the presence of mind to store some potent potables just behind his throne, if usually out of view of the public. He leans forward, across Blake to reach behind her and the throne, to retrieve a bottle of wine.

"You start with the tales, and I will pour the drinks..." he murmurs as he looks down at her. She may have the benefit of the throne, but he has the benefit of the view.