15801/Bacon AND Waffles

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Bacon AND Waffles
Date of Scene: 06 September 2023
Location: Katz's Deli
Synopsis: Wade and Monica share a meal and conversation. Nothing to see here. Move along.
Cast of Characters: Wade Wilson, Monica Chang

Wade Wilson has posed:
    If there's one thing that New Yorkers are good at, it's standing in line. Though if there's another thing that New Yorkers are good at it's never letting anyone else forget that they're from New York. Though this behaviour only kicks off once they leave the city limits. When you're in the confines of New York City proper, then that part of their brain disengages. But that talent for standing in line? It is always there.
    Which is what they're doing now, the man in the red and black and the sometime Widow. It's the early early morning queue for the breakfast sandwiches and bagels at Katz's Deli and the line wraps around the front of the deli and to the first corner. A nice orderly line, since anyone who tries to cut in is taking their lives into their own hands. Especially considering the amount of firepower the two are likely packing.
    Though now those in line pass the time as they are wont to do, which for Wade... means talking. Though for Wade talking is often the answer in most any situation. Just this one it is socially acceptable.
    "So yeah, got back a few days ago. Nice trip. Saw Rosie and the kids up at Shenk's Diner. They wanted to make me the honorary chairman of the Broom Corn Festival but I thought it was only fair if someone else won it this year." The man in the red and black suit gestures with one gloved hand, his white eyelets on the woman at his side. "How about you? You haven't gone to sleep yet have you? You have that frazzled look about you."

Monica Chang has posed:
"I do not look frazzled." Flat delivery. No venom to the words at all. Just a simple answer that brooked no argument. For normal people. Monica is talking to Wade though. Which means he probably will argue. But it's easy enough to distract him. He's like a cat with a the evil red laser dot, able to be led off in whatever direction she might want. Generally speaking.

Monica is dressed in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with the image of a stormtrooper on the front. The words around it are Employee of the Month. A pair of sneakers on her feet in black and white complete the look. If it can really be called a look. Perhaps Chic Geek or something like that.

"Just got a lot on my mind," she continued, which sort of nixed that original answer she gave. "Hoping everything works out for the best. That's what people do, right? Hope?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "Hope," Wade offers as the line shuffles forward a little bit more, his hands resting on his utility belt around his waist. "That or buy more ammunition." That said his head bobs at his internal train of thought, rarely not given voice. He looks back sidelong at her.
    "So what is preying on your thoughts? Something world ending isn't it? Something secret that you're not allowed to discuss but then we can talk about it here in the open since it'd be ironic then and so satisfy the need for artistic fiat." Wade's head bobs a bit.
    "Or something else?"
    He then shuffles forward a little with the line, "Also, is this a date? Are we dating? I lose track sometimes."

Monica Chang has posed:
"Just waiting to see how things play out and hoping my department at work doesn't get called into the mess due to conflict of interest," Monica offers as the only bit she's going to share. Since this is not a movie and therefore does not require any sort of artistic anything.

She pauses to get a dish of cut off fruit to add to her tray then takes a step forward and continues to wait. Though the last question causes her to smile. "No, this is just..." And she has to pause. Cause she was going to say a word that she isn't sure if it is or isn't valid. But it's as close as she can categorize their relationship so she opts to say it after all. "Friends having breakfast. You've never asked me out and I'm the shy type." Somehow lightning does not strike after that lie to kill them both on the spot.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "Yeah, I have only a cursory idea of what the SHIELD files say about me..." Wade says as he steps forward, turning to the side as one of his katana handles lightly /thwaks/ the small display with snack size potato chips hanging form it. He seems not to notice as he walks along.
    "But I'm sure it's not flattering, unless it's that cover and spread I did for GQ, very naughty. Had this tuxedo theme to it, but the photographer was very inappropriate. He slides his plastic tray along the metal runners along the way as he starts to pick up various and sundry articles to eat.
    "But it likely says something about my loose and slippery grasp on reality. I'm used to all sorts of weird things happening. I've had women come up to me and tell me we're married when I don't remember them at all. And some pretend that they're like, an anthropomorphic representation of a cultural concept like life, death, taxes. Things like that."
    He steps forward a little more, "I suppose I should get around to asking you out. I don't get the vibe you're big on romantic gestures though."

Monica Chang has posed:
"Not really, no. Romance seems... Strange? To me. I don't really understand it the way I was raised. I've studied it. Can play the role if needed. But deep down in my brain, I just don't get it. RomComs are just confusing as hell and I don't get how anyone ever gets together in them either," Monica admits as she pauses at the omelette station. She puts in an order for a spinach and mushroom then will have to wait there a few moments since they already have eggs going due to sheer volume and just have to added the extras. She accepts the plate and adds it to her tray.

"Do I want bacon or waffles?" she asks out of the blue. Fully expecting he, of all people, will be able to keep up with a subject change.

Then back to the original point he'd made. "I can't tell you about your file. Not just cause it's classified but also because I didn't read it all. Some but not all. Damn thing was like looking at a volume of encyclopedias back in the day."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "Both," Wade offers in answer to her query, his head tilting to the side.
    Which is the moment when one of the other New Yorkers in line asks, "Hey buddy... what's with the mask?" Even as he's grabbing six pancakes and piling them on his plate, then slathering them with syrum and butter.
    Without missing a beat, Wade answers, "Motorcycle accident, caught on fire, me and my baby we took deadman's curve a little too fast. Now I have to eat breakfast through this straw." He pokes the straw into his mask and wraps his lips around it through the fabric, making a hissing suction noise.
    "Ew gross, poor fella." The large man with the Yankees cap shakes his head and keeps on going down the line.
    "Might want to watch all the calories there fella, all that sugar and those carbs. Probably good idea to get a Diet Coke, that'll save you..."
    After that's said the line continues a little more, though Deadpool grimaces and murmurs a little under his breath, "Fuckface."
    But that has him straightening up a little and looking at Monica. "Man, why am I in such a bad mood? I really shouldn't be in such a bad mood."

Monica Chang has posed:
When he says both, Monica gives a nod. "Both." Then she fell silent as the exchange happened with the stranger. A hint of a smirk at the Diet Coke line but she maintained her composure.

Until that under breath. Her brows were lifted in surprise ass he continued. Monica tilted her head slightly. "I have no idea. You definitely should be in a good mood since you are with me. I'm like a fucking ray of sunshine, you know."

Then they are at the waffle station. Where she grabs a single waffle. A bit of butter and syrup. Then on to the bacon where she gets...at least half a pound (pre-cooked weight!). "I think I'll be spending the rest of today in the gym to work this off but worth it."

Then a look back to him. "Seriously, something on your mind?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "No idea, not really. Just been feeling all grrr grrrar. Usually I take myself off somewhere and be a jerk in solitude. You're lucky, you get to be around me while I'm all jerkish." Deadpool gets up to the end of the line and greets the cashier.
    "Hey Tommy, how's it going?"
    "Great, great Wade. Looks like you got the special, $14.40. Tax and tip, 20 bucks even." He rings up the order with a cha-ching on the register.
    "Hey anyone ever tell you your place is like that Seinfeld one?"
    "No, nobody has ever mentioned that. NEXT!"
    Wade finishes paying after wrangling one of his many many pouches, then winks at Monica, "They love me here." He does that hovering thing, however, waiting for her to get her food before they have to move to try and find a table or somewhere to sit... or outside.

Monica Chang has posed:
The chat with the cashier has the smile back on Monica's face. Because of /course/ he knows the guy by name. She's never even eaten here, though it's famous in the city. Course, it's New York. There are lots of famous places. It would take her a lifetime probably to visit them all and that wasn't really part of her bucket list.

She wasn't even sure she had a bucket nonetheless a list for that bucket.

"You don't seem like a jerk at all, if that's any consolation." She shoves her wallet back into her front pocket them turns to look for a table. A little pause as she considers then a glance to him.

"Where would you like to sit?" Because she knew that he could be sensitive about removing his mask in front of people and didn't want him uncomfortable eating in a crowded restaurant if that was going to be the case.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "Oh you think I'm not because you're cute and I am nice to you." Wade says as he walks along the way, bootheels clicking a little as he heads toward the door, "We'll head on outside."
    "Hey, hey! You can't take the trays outside!" Tommy yells as he's ringing up another customer, trying to get Wade's attention.
    Which only earns him a wave as Wade shouts back, "Sure we can, Tommy. That's the Katz Deli way, super customer service. So good tip is included in the meal!"
    As he steps into the exit door, shouldering it open and carrying his tray, he scowls to himself and murmurs again under his breath. "Fuckers."
    Though he turns to start walking backwards with Monica now as he says, "But see? My mood is all mean. But anyways, here let me help you understand. You, by being cute, the world wants to be nice to you so they can sleep with you. Don't worry, it doesn't last forever."
    A beat as he adds as he strolls up to a bench seat near the road, "Or ok, maybe with your whole crazy WidowJuice it might, but still."

Monica Chang has posed:
"WidowJuice?" And her lips twitch in an effort not to laugh at that. Though, he's not wrong. She does have a serum in her system and likely won't be aging anytime soon. If ever. But it wasn't something she'd ever thought to name outside the Enhancement Serum as it was called back in the Red Room.

From this point forth, it would be WidowJuice.

"Yeah, people are always nice to people if they want to fuck them. It's the nature of the world. And once that happens, a lot of times they are on their way." She gave a shrug. "You're in your feelings right now about your situation? I get that. I probably wouldn't be as well adjusted as you are, admittedly. And I don't mean the looks part before you go getting in that. I mean the medical part of it."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade says a squeaky sort of 'ehhhhnn' sound as he sits down and rests the tray on his lap, "Let's change the subject. What do you do in your off time? Better be something cool and sexy, no nerd stuff."
    A nod is given as Wade says that while pointing at her with his fork whose wrapper he just _tore_ off. Then he starts digging into his foot, his mask pulled up a little to reveal the lower half of his face, the button nose poking out just a little bit on that cancer-ridden face.
    "Like me, I collect lewd stickers imported from Tijuana and factory faulty stuffed animals the more deformed the better. Your turn." As he says that he takes a mouthful of sausage and egg and chew chew chews.

Monica Chang has posed:
That earns a blink. Two. Monica isn't sure if he's being serious or not. It was almost impossible to tell. But the things he listed off seemed like something he might do, strange as they might be.

The problem with answering through is that he said no nerd stuff. "I..." And with that she falls silent. A moment to prep her waffle as she's considering. Then cutting a bit off it but not taking the bite yet. "I don't think I can answer that. Outside exercising, working out, that sort of thing, everything I do is nerd stuff. I think."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "Ok this once I'll allow nerd stuff. Though if you tell me you liked the recent Star Wars trilogy we are going to throw down right here and right now." He says that pointedly, again pointing at her with the fork before he goes back to chewing.
    "And then we'll move on to Kirk vs. Picard, and if you choose the wrong captain. _So_ help me, Monica. So _help_ me." Again that threatening fork, but he then leans back on the bench seat there, looking thoughtful as those white eyelets widen a little as if distancing. He sighs.
    "You ever been into space?" He asks, slightly non-sequitir.

Monica Chang has posed:
The face she makes at his mention of the sequel trilogy lets him know there is no danger of a throwdown happening. Apparently she agreed on his synopsis. Though she did not mention her favorite Star Trek captain in answer to his threat either. Perhaps she was afraid he'd kick her ass and she'd lose all her Widow cred.

At the last question, Monica gave a negative shake of her head. "Can't say that I have. I'd like to someday. Not just because so few people can say they've done it but the technology that is involved. The programming and computers." She sounds a little awed then gives a shrug. "Yeah, I'm a nerd. I'd just geek out over it completely. I'd love to see some of their A.I. systems but NASA has them classified. Very rude if you ask me."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "If they stopped being all secret about their sneaky secrets, we'd be partially out of a job. I get paid good money to learn the stuffs about the things sometimes. And I do like me some moneys." As he says that he takes a bit of bacon and chews on it, then sets his tray to the side slightly.
    "Alright, so while I have you here there was a thing I wanted to talk to you. An important thing. Okay? Okay. So hurry up and eat, I need one hundred and ten percent of your attention. Got it? Good."