Monica Chang
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Monica Chang (Scenesys ID: 4471) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Monica Chang | ||
Superalias: | None | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Metahuman | ||
Occupation: | SHIELD Agent | ||
Citizenship: | United States | ||
Residence: | New York City | ||
Education: | MS Robotics & A.I. | ||
Theme: | Marvel(FC) (FC) | ||
Groups: | Red Room, SHIELD | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 26 | Actual Age: | 26 |
Date of Birth | 18 July 1996 | Played By | Na-Ri Yang |
Height: | 5'4" | Weight: | 120 lbs |
Hair Color: | Black | Eye Color: | Brown |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: |
Character Info
Monica Chang is a former graduate of the Red Room Black Widow program. After being captured, SHIELD was able to eliminate her conditioning and brainwashing. She now works for them as an agent, with specializations in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, for which she holds Master's degrees.
1996: Born on July 18 into the Chang family. This was during the time when China only allowed one child. As she was born a girl and they preferred to have a son to carry on their family line, she was given away to some Russian visitors. Those visitors returned the infant to Russia's Red Room where the child, now called Jianyi Chang, was given the serum that all Widow's undergo. Thus, sealing her fate.
* 1996-2005: Focused training in the Red Room to include mental and physical conditioning. Proved to be a natural with computers and mechanics.
* 2005: Jianyi is moved to the Science Class, due to her computer aptitude. Her focus was main on computers and robotics.
* 2007: Move back to the regular Widow program as she was not quite on level for the Science Class. She was good but she was not a super-genius like many in that area and thus, she was sent back to continue field training.
* 2011: Due to her combination of Field and Science Class focus during her training, she is chosen for a specific assignment in the United States. She was sent to the U.S. to attend a senior year in a high school under the new identity (simply for establishing identity) and was accepted by Stanford University upon graduation. She graduated high school at the age of 17.
* 2012-2018: Attended Stanford, working toward Master's degrees in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. During this time, she was working a variety of Red Room assignments involving theft and assassinations.
* 2018: Gained her master's degrees. Began work on her doctorate. Was captured by SHIELD during an assassination attempt. During the next year while in custody, SHIELD was able to counter her brainwashing and conditioning. She opted to remain with SHIELD though she was being monitored at all times. It was at this time she chose the name Monica legally.
* 2020: Monica earned the trust of SHIELD with her performance and after multiple psychological tests including have a telepath clear her of being any danger to her new employers. She currently splits her work between the Robotics and A.I. Division and field work.
IC Journal
Monica likes to understand things. She is one to have a lot of questions and dig until she gets the answers. This particularly applies to things: How they work, what makes them tick. It helps with her career choice, but it also can be dangerous as she might be curious enough to push limits that shouldn't be pushed against. Like the proverbial cat, this trait can sometimes be a negative.
Monica is extremely focused. This is something that was a part of her nature before her training in the Red Room. When she is trying to achieve a goal, she does not quit. She doesn't stop. She doesn't let things go unless given a very good reason. She will sometimes work on a project for extended periods, to the point someone might need to remind her to eat. Or sleep.
Tact Is Overrated:
Certainly, Monica understands what tact is and how it is a necessary part of life. It is a way to be sensitive to the feelings of others and keep a conversation from escalating into an argument. Yet, she doesn't have to like it. She prefers to be more upfront and honest, rather than mincing words. Which can sometimes lead to annoyance on the part of the person she is speaking to.
One of the more negative aspects is that Monica does have a temper. While it isn't bad enough she'll be endangering any ops, it is bad enough that if someone annoys her, she may very well tell them about it instead of taking the higher road and letting it go. This is because of a lot of anger she holds inside due to how she was raised and the world she was once a part of. She doesn't work through it in a way that is healthy and thus it sometimes comes out when she isn't expecting it.
Character Sheet
Due to the serum from the Red Room that was given to her, Monica's aging is slowed. She aged normally until she reached her twenties and now it has practically stopped. Meaning, she will look like she is in her 20s for a very long time. While it isn't immortality it's about as close as one might get.
Peak Human:
Monica's body works at peak human levels due to the Red Room equivalent of the Super Soldier Serum. This includes her strength, durability, speed, and stamina. She can function for long periods without rest. She has a stronger immune system than a human, meaning she is resistant to diseases. Her body will heal four to five times faster. She won't be growing back any limbs, but a broken bone will take just a couple of weeks to knit back together fully.
Monica is a Black Widow. She has been trained in combat from the time she could walk. She has mastered multiple martial arts such as Krav Maga, Karate, Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Capoeira as well as lesser known ones such as Sambo and Systema. She can take on multiple skilled opponents at the same time and still usually come out on top. She is not as skilled as some of the other Widows as she is younger, without decades of experience under her belt. She has been fully trained with most types of weapons, from swords to knives to nunchaku to firearms. She can also think on her feet to improvise when necessary.
She is an excellent shot, with stationary or moving targets. She is an expert on guns and can take care of them as well as using them. She's trained in most types of firearms up to rocket launchers. While she won't know every model perfectly, she has enough knowledge to easily figure out a new weapon should it be necessary on the fly.
Monica is highly skilled in the use of a computer. She knows several computer languages and can write programs. She can hack high-level computer systems or create programs to do it for other agents. She can even read binary, though that's not really a skill that translates to anything helpful typically outside some trivia when at a party.
Monica was trained in dance, with a focus on ballet. This was part of the covers used often in the Red Room. Once on assignment in the U.S., she expanded to other types of dance. Ballet she would be good enough to be the prima ballerina, though she generally was more a member of the troupe and less in the spotlight. Other types, she would be good but not great unless she devoted more time.
Monica was trained in the Black Widow in the Red Room. She is an expert in all areas of espionage such as information gathering, infiltration, security, disguise, etc. She is good enough to get in and out of places unseen when necessary. She can play any role she needs to, being a consummate actress to play the roles assigned. This cover can be kept for years if needed. She can lie with the best of them, without any telltale signs that might set off a polygraph machine. In turn, she is an expert at reading others through body language, micro expressions, and study of human behavior. This allows her to often detect if someone is being untruthful, though not always. She also has been trained in survival, city or the wilds. She could stay alive on her own with minimal to no supplies.
Although she is in peak physical condition due to the serum given in the Red Room (See Powers Peak Human), Monica actually enjoys staying in shape. She has a good knowledge of nutrition and exercise. She will workout usually at least a couple of hours every day, keeping herself strong and her form quite toned. This can involve running, swimming, free weights, cross fit, martial arts, etc. She has enough expertise she could make a living as a personal trainer.
Monica can speak multiple languages. These include Russian, Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, English, Spanish, Arabic and Hindi. She knows a little French and Italian but not really enough to be conversational. Just the odd words here or there.
Monica likes machines and that has translated to a love of vehicles, particularly motorcycles and old cars. She can build a car from the ground up and troubleshoot when there is a problem with one. This includes both antiques and modern vehicles.
Being trained as a spy, Monica has learned a lot of skills over the years for the roles she had to play. This means she has a little knowledge on a lot of subjects. She could sew her own clothing. At a fancy function, she knows which fork to use. She can act as a field medic or she could play tennis or ride a horse. It's all little random things and she isn't going to be great at them, but she does have just enough to pass in a lot of areas.
Monica has master's degrees in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. She is working toward her doctorate. She is able to help maintain, program, analyze, and write programs needed. With SHIELD, she works with Life Model Decoys on a regular basis in addition to creating new technology that helps the agents.
Monica has few caches hidden around in case of need. These have money, blank identification, and weapons (Nothing too extravagant, just various firearms.) She has these in three places in New York City. She has a couple of stashes in Europe as well. They are just there for a rainy day.
For fun, Monica likes to build things, particularly cars and robots. As such, she has a garage she purchased for just such purposes. It's an old business converted into a home, with an apartment upstairs and the garage downstairs. All the necessary equipment is in place and working condition. This allows her to keep her various vehicles which include a Harley Davidson motorcycle, a 1968 Chevy Malibu SS she rebuilt herself, and a few other antique cars/motorcycles she's working on.
As part of her work with SHIELD, Monica has access to various robotics. These include Life Model Decoys and drones of varying designs (from simple camera designs to 'thinking' models that are designed for infiltration). The use of these is by the book as they are SHIELD owned. She could potentially build her own drones at home if she wished as she has the knowledge to do so.
Monica works for SHIELD. She splits her duties, spending half her time in the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Division and the other half as a field agent. She has access to SHIELD technology and resources. She also receives a good salary, giving her a comfortable lifestyle though not anything excessive.
As an assassin, Monica has killed many people. Some of them were innocents. That is something she has to live with now that her conditioning has been broken. She will still kill as needed in the performance of her duties for SHIELD but that is because it is what she knows and, as odd as it sounds, she's good at it. This sort of thing is not accepted by most people though, particularly if they learned about her early activities as a Widow.
The Red Room:
Monica was a graduate of the Black Widow program. As such, she is an asset that the Red Room would like to recover. She has to keep her eyes open at all times.
Widow Persona:
There is a dark side to Monica. She likes the violence of being a Widow. On some level, she enjoys it. As an abused child can become an abuser, she knows she has those tendencies inside her. Thus, she has to keep it under careful check or only tap into it only in controlled situations. When this side of her comes out, she considers it to be her Widow Persona (though there is no actual other personality at play).
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Monica Chang has
32 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
What Are We Watching | February 3rd, 2024 | Alexander has a squatter in his apartment. Who stole his PS3 |
Pivot | January 17th, 2024 | Moving in Day for Alexander |
How HAL Got His Name | December 30th, 2023 | Monica gives HAL a voice! And the truth of his name comes out. |
Meanwhile... | November 17th, 2023 | Now Bear With Me. I play the character straight. But they're a cokehead! |
Don't Shoot the Messenger | November 8th, 2023 | Matt is looking for Skye but instead meets Monica who drills him for information. |
Unexpected Complications | October 12th, 2023 | HAL is acting oddly. Discussion is had. Including the nature of godhood. |
Knight to Asgardian | September 21st, 2023 | Chess in the park with an Asgardian prince. |
Bacon AND Waffles | September 6th, 2023 | Wade and Monica share a meal and conversation. Nothing to see here. Move along. |
This Is My Axe! | July 7th, 2023 | Thor brings Stormbreaker to the Triskelion and gives out an autograph. |
Resonants: Epilogue | June 16th, 2023 | Finally that bastard Higgins retires! |
Is There Enough Beer In The World | May 31st, 2023 | The rules of Paper Football are explained. Poorly. Thus leading to Wade getting hit. Is anyone surprised? |
Attempt Number 736 | May 12th, 2023 | Wade becomes an official SHIELD agent. Or at least lies and says he is. Drinks and conversation were had. No one died. |
HAL GPT | April 24th, 2023 | HAL gets some more testing and Natasha consults for some better equipment on the Savage Land challenge. |
Open the Pod Bay Doors | April 4th, 2023 | Alex gives some of his eternal wisdom to Monica who is sad. |
Discordants: No Going Back | March 17th, 2023 | The heroes and the Eisenhower battle group put together their heads and come up with a plan on how to deal with the attack on the Starport. |
Discordants: The Reprisal | March 4th, 2023 | The USS Eisenhower battle group comes under attack and several ships are damaged, some heavily. But the heroes save the day. |
The Price of Business: Phone Call Aftermath | March 3rd, 2023 | Alexander gets a phone call from his father and Evil Women (tm) are eavesdropping thus leading to lots of questions. |
Discordants: Triskelion Aftermath | February 17th, 2023 | In the aftermath of the attack on the Triskelion, Carin is recovered and brought back online while the rest of SHIELD deals with the repercussions. |
Discordants: Getting to Know You | February 7th, 2023 | An unlikely source gives a glimmer of hope to solving the attacks committed by the Dark Elves. Future plans need to be made before advancing. |
Discordants: The Operator | February 4th, 2023 | The Good Mr. Tannenberg is brought in to consult with the kind people of SHIELD. |
Do Dark Elves Have Pointed Ears | January 28th, 2023 | No description |
Discordants: The Synergy of Fear | January 7th, 2023 | 107 souls are lost and one dark elf is slain in the horrible aftermath. |
It's Beginning to Look...Tacky. Really Tacky. | December 11th, 2022 | Elves decorate the R&D labs for the Holidays! The level of taste may be questionable to most normal people. |
SHIELD: The Red Bog! | November 23rd, 2022 | Shield discovers the red bog |
Westerly Widdershins | November 16th, 2022 | Some shooting of the breeze at the playground. |
Along Came a Spider | November 4th, 2022 | In a training exercise for new recruits, Alexander may have met his match! Or at least he gets beat up. A little. |
Outlaw Oceans: No Good Deed | November 4th, 2022 | The disco leafy sea-dragon and the Inhuman colony hidden in the Indian Ocean welcome friends! The party gets started, someone gets stabbed, and all heck breaks loose. Watch the Secret Warriors save their friends and complete their mission... with extra salt! |
Dress For the Job You Want | October 31st, 2022 | Time to Play Dressup. Alexander and Monica prepare for an op with the help of Jane. |
The Obligations of the Job | October 30th, 2022 | Monica is inducted into Daisy's cult while Alex gets a job and Kora makes fun of them all. |
One Chance for First Impressions | October 27th, 2022 | Monica and Daisy take on a Hydra base. Things don't go as planned. Do they ever? |
Transmissions from the Dark Side | October 19th, 2022 | Everyone blame Kora for... no, maybe not. A moon rock in Fitz's collection is responsible for making lots of upsetting noise all around New York. What power does a rock have to interrupt radio and more? A tale from the dark side... |
Who Was That Masked Man | October 18th, 2022 | During a mission in Hungary, Monica is helped by a mysterious SHIELD agent. |
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Monica Chang has
32 finished logs.
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Entertainment Credits
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Monica Chang has been credited in
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Monica Chang has been credited in
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Monica Chang has authored
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Group Memberships
Monica Chang has been listed in 0 groups.