16301/Faerie Homework

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Faerie Homework
Date of Scene: 10 November 2023
Location: Candle, Booke and Belle
Synopsis: Megan meets Patience properly and extended introductions are made
Cast of Characters: Megan Gwynn, Patience Alperen

Megan Gwynn has posed:
It's getting pretty late but someone is definitely burning the midnight oil tonight. A certain pink haired faerie is busy pouring over numerous books by candle light, frowning and making notes, crossing stuff out and making more scribbles in a cute glitter pink notebook. "Ahh darnit all, it's gotta be here somewhere!" she sighs, rubbing her eyes. How long has she been here now..?

Patience Alperen has posed:
The thrills and chills of All Hallow's Eve and All Saints Day have successfully faded into the last week. It isn't to say that the real activities (good and bad) surrounding those days has faded. There have been more than enough situations to keep everyone in the Justice League Dark organization busy if they wanted to be.

Patience enters the book shop, moving a little slowly for her usual self. Wrapped up in a thick wool winter over coat that hides most of her form but for the cuffs of black leather pants and matching boots, a green toque hat with a little pomp on top covers her head.

Pausing inside her brown eyes look around the shop to see if anyone is here at this hour. Seeing Megan, Patience smiles. Reaching up gingerly with her right arm to remove her hat, she offers quietly, "Hello Megan.." not wanting to disturb what seem like serious studies.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn continues to mutter aloud to herself..Until she realizes she's no longer alone as the tall woman's entrance casts a shadow over the table in the flickering half light. "Oh...! You're...?" oh, it's not Nettie. She bites her lip, trying to remember the woman's name, having only crossed paths with her briefly. Really, there are so many names to keep track of.

"Uh, you're like that badass super nun or something, right?" she offers a tired smile. "Hi!"

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen can't help but softly laugh at that. "After a manner of speaking, perhaps, yes. Though I'm not actually a nun. I was selected for my current role before I began novitiate training." Tucking her hat into a coat pocket, she carefully shrugs the warm winter coat off and hangs it on the antique coat tree Nettie keeps. Patience is certain it has some other actual function for the witch; backup broom or wand. Vampire stakes. As old as it appears, it has to have more than it's obvious function. Right? Maybe not, but still!

"I'm Patience" she offers. "I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately. There have been a rash of vampire covens feeling more bold in Eastern Europe this fall." She winces softly, her left forearm tucked up against her ribs to seemingly protect them.

"I didn't mean to interrupt your research. I just got back from Budapest and thought I'd see how things were keeping on here with the team..."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn grins and nods, "And technically I'm not a faerie..At least, I'm only half faerie..Nice to meet you again!" she greets cheerfully. Oh look, she has a cup of coffee sitting next to her. She'll probably be up all night. "Ooh, vampires, fun..I guess I keep missing the action lately, you know, school, homework.."

She shrugs and sighs, somewhere between wired and tired if that's even possible. "Oh, we'll....I was just doing research on...Pied piper faeries that feed on children but appear as beautiful women in red and apparently live in basements of shopping malls.." vague and weird but there it is.

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen smiles at the not-a-faerie thing. "We've all got our stereotypes to try and outlive, it seems." Walking over to the table where Nettie keeps all of the flavors of tea, she begins heating water to brew a cup. "Mmmf.. it's cold out tonight. It was more than a brisk walk over here." Rubbing her hands gently she winces again. She doesn't seem to be badly hindered but does seem to have gotten banged up in her travels. Given the subject matter it is probably no surprise.

"Pied piper faeries. That's a species I'm not certain I'm familiar with." She pauses to consider if she has ever seen such a woman in red in any of her shopping trips and can't think of any off hand. Which might be for the best.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn sighs, rubbing her temples, "Should have gone with camomile tea and called it a night. And that's what stumps me..Never heard of such a thing. I've heard of sirens that lure sailors to their deaths with an alluring voice, but this was on land. In a mall....Unless she was some sort of energy draining demon? Ohhh but I'm Soo confused! I can't believe I nearly fell for it.." she pouts, "Barely escaped with my life but she's probably still out there preying on kids.."

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen leans against the side table as they talk and she waits for the water to heat. Considering the thought it could be a demon, she frowns thoughtfully. "It is possible. Demons do take many forms. Danny and I encountered a minor demon that served the sin of gluttony trying to prey on patrons in a bar. Many of them do take other forms to be able to pass among the masses unnoticed." Unless a person can sense them of course.

Pausing to turn and pick a blend of mint tea to begin steeping, she looks back, "If you would like some help, let me know? I'm.. probably going to need another day or two to get fully back on my feet but I can help with research or something in the mean time."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn frowns, "So what, that's like one of the sin demons or something? I mean it could fit I guess..Not sure which one.." she smiles brightly and nods! "I would appreciate any help I can get! Although it's pretty late..Should call it a night soon, maybe I should have some camomile tea, try and offset this crazy coffeee.." she makes a face. "Sooo are you like, a demon expert..?"

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen fixes her tea and sips at it lightly. "I'm.." she makes a bit of a face. "It gets complicated quickly. My familiy lineage traces back to Mary Magdalene and Jesus of Nazareth. The Church has utilized the women of my family line as Holy Warriors since it was first formed in Rome because there is a certain power in my heritage. I suppose that makes me better suited to hunting demons or other evils than many." It isn't presented with any sort of intended arrogance but the claims could certainly be inflamatory to some, depending on beliefs.

Sipping at her tea she smiles and nods. "It is late. I can meet you again here in a day or so? I should be fully rested and recovered and we can see what we can learn?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly at the realization. "Oh, wow.....So you mean stuff in the Da Vinci code was for real....? That's....Nuts.." she stares at her with a mixture of awe and disbelief, shaking her head and laughs, "Y-yeah, you're right of course. It's late, I should get some sleep, but yeah definitely, let's brainstorm in a couple of days then!"