16541/Sunday Kickoff

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Sunday Kickoff
Date of Scene: 10 December 2023
Location: VIP Lounge - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Shaw drops by the VIP lounge and finds Norman and other members enjoying Sunday football and other entertainment.
Cast of Characters: Norman Osborn, Sebastian Shaw

Norman Osborn has posed:
The slate of early games are well underway in the NFL. Not surprising, a number of high profile members of the Hellfire Club have gathered there to watch games, to get away from wives (and sometimes girlfriends, sometimes not), to talk business, drink, and engage in acts that the scandalous club is known for.

A few men, mostly holder, are sitting around watching the plethora of big screens tuned to the various games. Some small stack of money represent bets that have been made. Cigar smoke scents the air, and rock glasses contain beverages that a day's worth of drinking could buy a comfortable economy car for a family.

One of the men, Roxxon's CFO, is over just visible in a more private sofa, the female attendant that went with him not visible though one can deduce where she is well enough.

Norman Osborn glances over, giving a wry smile and shake of his head. He takes a sip of his whiskey and then motions towards the Gotham-Boston game. "$10,000 the Patriots punt or turn it over," he says. Another of the men nearby counts off some dollars to match those of Norman, taking the bet.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The Black King is not a regular at these football watching gatherings, but he has been known to show up from time to time. Today is one such day.

While he is garbed in the typical uniform of the Hellfire Club, his allegiances to those in the know are comparable to his moniker - the black and the gold.

He makes his wav over towards where Norman is watching with sone amusment as the wager plays out.

"I have thought about buying one of these teams. it seems they are magnets for frustration for most though."

Norman Osborn has posed:
"Certainly for people in Cleveland and Detroit," Norman says, giving a nod of greeting towards Shaw as he comes over to where Norman is seated on one of the leather couches.

There's a groan from the man who took Norman's bet as the Patriots throw an interception on the very next play. Norman sits up, reaching over to claim the small stack of money and add it back to his bankroll. "You'll never learn. Patriots don't have Tam Brody at quarterback anymore. The glory days are over. Embrace inevitably, Baxter," he says to the Boston fan in a voice dripping with satisfaction.

The bet's lower calls a girl over, one clad in lingerie who quickly settles into his lap and takes his mind off the game. Norman turns his attention back to Shaw. "Fans are fickle," Norman says after a moment of looking thoughtful about owning a team. "Though I can see some appeal to the competition of it." He motions towards an empty section of the couch as if to invite Shaw to sit. Norman has a young blond beneath an arm as well, the young woman just quietly watching the game while Norman is focused elsewhere.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Is not the term 'fan' a short form for the term 'fanatic'?"

Sebastian follows along with Norman's suggestion and takes a seat on the couch, paying little regard for the others who are drifting around and about.

"If I were to purchase one, it would need to be a constant winner. Like me." Sebastian grins. "So who is your team, Mr. Osborn?"

Norman Osborn has posed:
Norman tilts his glass back, draining it of the last of the whiskey. He hands it over to the blond who doesn't need more direction to know to refill it for him. Norman gives her ass a spank as she rises, the well-trained attendant flashing a pretty smile back at the wealthy man for the misogynistic contact.

Turning back to Shaw, Norman says, "Oh, the Giants mostly. I believe it does stand for fanatic, though I enjoy the energy of the games more than I do pledge my heart to a specific team. Especially football. The battle, you understand? Basketball and baseball just don't have that same element," he says.

"Well, except for the Detroit Pistons, a few years back," Norman adds after a moment's reflection. "Talk about a dirty team. Though Jordan still stomped them in the end," he says giving a grin. "What about yourself, Sebastian?"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Why does it not surprise me that your favorite team's star was named 'Worm', Norman?" Shaw laughs a bit as he settled into the couch.

Certainly he does not mind watching Norman engage in any practice his money can buy. especially when that is being bought from him.

"I am partial to teams with consistency. The Steelers have had three coaches in my lifetime." Shaw taps the side of the couch. "Consistency."

He glances over towards the girls and then back to Norman. "Business looking up?" he nods to the screen. "Better than the Patriots chances, I would say?"

Norman Osborn has posed:
There's a groan as Gotham takes a half dozen plays but finally punches the ball into the end zone after the turnover. Towards the Boston fan, Norman says in a tone of light-hearted mocking, "I really hope you didn't actually bet on them to win."

The shapely young woman returns, Norman guiding her down to sit in his lap this time, a hand moving to rest on her thigh after he takes his drink and sips the fine aged whiskey. "It's holding strong," Norman confirms. "Things are more volatile than ever. I had to spend awhile down in Honduras. One of our plants was affected by the tsunami down there," he says, shaking his head. "It was hit as bad as Mexico, but entire sections of the coastline were lost," he says. Another shake of Norman Osborn's head is given. "Terribly disruptive to the work schedule," he says. "But I was able to get it back on track."

He looks back to the girl in his lap. "Nice to see you keep things fresh around here," Norman comments. The girl one of the newer hires at the Hellfire Club, apparently the CEO not familiar with her before this.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
There is a slow nod of understand as Osborn outlines his business woes. "That is the problem with South America. It is cheaper, but what does it lack, that we were _just_ talking out?" Shaw taps the couch again. "Consistency."

He turns his gaze over towards the girl that seems to be keeping Osborn entertained, and allows a smile to cross his lips. "Always the best for my most valued guests, Osborn. And yes, I have far too many that, no matter how much they may enjoy them, variety needs to remain the name of the game." He leans back into the couch. "Although if you have any favorites, let me know. I can always forestall their cycling down the line."

It was something of a known thing among som e the newest attendants always started at the higher levels of wealth, and made their way down. Few were really at the upper echelon, but Osborn's billions put him there.

Norman Osborn has posed:
Norman Osborn slides a hand over the woman's shoulder and down her back. "Well you've done an outstanding job this time. Fine eye for talent, I've always said," Norman replies with his eyes on the pretty blue-eyed blond. She smiles back at him enticingly, causing Norman's smile to grow a bit before he refocuses his gaze on Sebastian Shaw.

"I need to get Harry over here more often. Maybe mingling with a better quality of person would do him some good," he says with an expression that says all one needs to know about Norman's thoughts on his son's shortcomings.

There's the sound of fan noise from the TV screen as the Patriots return the following kickoff, running it back to midfield where they fumble it back to Gotham. Norman gives a quiet chuckle. "They were consistent back when they had a quarterback. Interesting how a leader even makes the rest of the team better," Norman comments before looking back to Sebastian. He raises his glass towards him. "Nice talking with you, Sebastian. But if you don't mind I think I'll take Clarice here out to the grotto for a dip," he says. He gooses the blond and then they stand up together, Norman's arm going about her waist possessively. "Speak to you later then."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
A nod of agreement from Sebastian. "Of course. Do enjoy her." He pauses for a moment. "If you ever do decide to send Harry here, let me know. I will make sure he has a life changing experience."

Can The Black King grant that?
