16681/First Christmas with New Leaf

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First Christmas with New Leaf
Date of Scene: 26 December 2023
Location: Olivia Gaudin's Condo
Synopsis: Kaine and Olivia are enjoying a nice Christmas inside. Something simple, but sometimes that's all someone needs.
Cast of Characters: Kaine Parker, Olivia Gaudin

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine enters Olivia's apartment building. Taking the stairs upward. He wears a black hoodie, simple baggy blue jeans that are a darker shade of blue and some dark blue gloves. The shoes are simple, black and not from any designer. It's all about efficiency on a tight budget. He'll go up floor after floor. Then he will knock upon Olivia's door. He waits with a simple rectangular package in hand. Reflective red wrapping paper clings tightly to the box it protects. Bits of gold ribbon are tied across it going diagonally. A matching bow rests on the center.

And so, Kaine will wait for the door to open. "Figured I'd try the front door," and he offers the present. "And there's a holiday." He admits softly unsure how she would react to a gift. Still, Kaine did work a lot of under the table jobs for this. All legal. It's the reasn for a few swearing rants, but it's all set.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Music can just barely be heard from inside. There's generally music playing at Liv's place. It's some kind of Christmas music, it seems. The old stuff, at that.

    It takes perhaps 10 seconds for her to get to the front door, look at the little security screen, and then open it.

    She throws herself happily at Kaine in a hug as soon a she can slip out. She's grinning and obviously in a great mood.

    "Hello, Kaine! It's so great to see you tonight!"

    With the door open, the overwhelming scent of baking pours out. Gingerbread? Chocolate. Lots of cinnamon. She's been busy.

    She directs her attention to the gift and smiles. "Oh wow. Did you bring that just for me?" Olivia is somehow even more excited. It's not that she wants something. It's that he thought of her.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine picks up Olivia with ne hand for a moment. "Olivia," he may sound grumpy, or unsure, but the grip n her. A small twinkle in the brown yes. Subtle things she would note tells hr that he s happy to ssee her. Happy to be here.

"I did. It's the holidays, right?" Kaine says and offers her the present. "Should we go inside?" he asks and he notes all the smells. "What are you doing?" he asks and nods toward the inside. "Smells like something that can rival a Rockwell painting." Rockwell paintings, to Kaine, are warm, idealistic and borderline unrealistic because it's so picture perfect. Yet, he imagines some rockwells would smell like the warmth eminating from the apartment.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia grins. Of course she has something for him, though part of her wasn't sure if she'd get to give it to him anytime soon. Hero life takes precedence over dating. She thinks, anyway.

    "It is the holidays. And so.." She pauses. "Oh right, we should go inside!"

    A laugh at herself follows and she reaches out a hand to guide him inside her place. It's all bright and clean and there are just... too many cookies and pastries and even a cake.

    "I've been baking. But I wasn't sure what my niece would want most. Her birthday is a week after mine, on New Years Day, and I get to have her with me on New Years Eve!" One can gather from her exhuberant tone that she's happy. "So I just... made a whole bunch of things. I hope you see something you like, too! Oh. I can make us something to eat, too." She doesn't ask if he can stay. She just hopes it very, very loudly in her mind.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"How did you find the time to do this?" Kaine assks knowing how busy the job gets. And this is a -lot- of cokies. Brown yes lk over everythng. He just yes it all.

"You don't need t cook for us. We can find somethng t eat. Maybe uber?" Kaine poss and he's using terms like "we" and "us." It's not him directly sasying h expects to say, but it could be a hint.

"I won't interrupt neew years then," he says sftly as he looks back to her.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    "You could... swing by on New Years. Kisses are okay with her around. Plus she goes to be early. She's going to be four this year. I'm just not sure if that's your idea of a great time."

    Olivia can't seem to get enough time with kids. As for the baking, she laughs. "Well, I do have a double oven and I sneak it all in. On one night, I get all the dough ready, then on the next morning I bake. Or vice versa. It's all about planning out my moments. I can get a lot done in 30 minutes."

    She will guide him to the couch and look him over. There's a curiousity in her review. Is he hurt? She wonders just what kind of things he gets himself into in his line of work. "You know, it's... I'm really happy. I mean. That you came here. I miss you when you are busy. And when I'm busy. And yeah, you're right. We can just order foor."

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I just don't want yu burning yourself out. Doing so much," Kane says about dinner. And he will nod about New Yars. "IF I'm not busy I will," he's not sure what he'll be like arund children. it's a new adventure. Part of him is curious and other parts of him see images of people awkwardly holding children. He can relate to that imagery. Kaine feels equally awkward.

Seeng how Olivia looks at him, "What?" he asks making sure his outfit is okay, that hs face is clean, everythng like that. "I miss you, too," he says softly and gives th first smile of the night. The rest of him easing up.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    "Oh, I won't burn out. Not yet, anyway. I'm careful of that kind of thing. And baking is kind of a hobby. It's something I do just to give away." She grins and explains quickly, "If I ate it myself I'd never fit in my clothes. But the scent is wonderful and low calorie! That I enjoy greatly."

    To his question, she laughs softly and blushes at first. "Well, I was just checking if you were okay. I imagine you get hurt quite often in your line of work. Just... making sure you are taking good care of yourself. You know you mean quite a lot to me, Kaine."

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Still, a candle that burns at both ends can burn out. Even if it's doing something fun," he will smirk at her commnts and shake his had.

"I am fine. Mostly. I'll always have some kind of bruise or ding. It's going to happen. Just worry if a hospital trip was involved. So far, no hospitals," he tries to assauage Olivia. "Are you okay?" he asks and looks at her. "You mean a lot to me, even if I don't have to worry about you as much."

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    "I'm doing pretty well, really. Now that I know you are okay! I went to the Xavier School and met some nice people. They think they can help me with a variety of my current issues." Olivia winces and realizes she really has to address this with Kaine. And hope for the best.

    "Like... I kinda have.." She sighs and reaches up to part her hair, revealing... a blow hole. "That. And other things. The hearing it seems was just the beginning. It's gotten so much more crazy lately. And I've hid this as best I can. Obviously my company has no clue."

Kaine Parker has posed:
"So? How does this change anything about us and making sure you're okay?" Kaine asks kind of matter of factly. Like she just told hm somthing easily fixable, like one restaurant choice was closed and he offered an alternative.

"I'm a science expiriment and you're going aquatic. So?" Kain shruugs a littl bit looking at her for a moment. His gaze on her for a moment. "The powers. They were pushed into me, basically. And..." he sighs for a moment. "It's messed with my lifespan a little bit. I'm trying to stabalize it, but so far, not so good," he admits. This is the night of reveaing secrets. Kaine lets some of the bigger bits slip.

"Lots of organizations out there want the next this or that. They tried making me into the next Spider-guy," he sighs and shakes his head.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    It's a lot to share, and take in. First, she is obviously relieved. "Thank goodness. I have to admit, I wasn't sure about this whole.. physical situation with myself. It's quite odd and I'd rather do without it, but... yes, I've gone something like that. Aquatic."

    She laughs at herself. If only her self doubts were dispelled forever with that laughter! But what Kaine said is a lot more concerning.
    "It messed with your lifespan? What does that mean? Are you going to...?" She won't finish that thought. Cause she doesn't want that to be. Kaine is going to be fine and they will have a long, lovely life together that goes on for at least another 70 years!

    "So someone wanted you to be another Spider-man type of hero? What were they going to make you do for them?"

Kaine Parker has posed:
Olivia laughing makes him smile. "They spliced my genes with Spider-Man's with the hope of the powers manifesting. And it worked. Just made my genes unstable. I'v slwed it," he gestures to himself for a moment.

"My suit slows it down while I try to work n it. I look older than my cousins now," he admits sadly. "I can't undo the damage done, but stopping it from further damage. That's the goal. That's why I turned a new leaf in a lot of ways. Just in case I can't," and that's when he worries a bit.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia nods slowly, understanding the words, but obviously struggling to accept them. "If there's anything I can do..." She sighs at herself. It's a silly thing to say. She's not likely to sing his genetic problems away.

    "I am happy your suit has slowed it down, of course. No matter what, though, I plan on making every minute we have count."

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I'm not going anywhere, okay? I still have to enjoy the fancy life when you become a movie star and I become a movie star's weird boyfriend," Kaine says trying to cut down the mood. "Think of it this way. Time is a very precious thing to me and I -choose- to spend it with you," he tries to look at the silver lining of this. Trying to make hr feel appreciatd even in this dark-ish moment.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia will accept that. All of it. Well, except for the one silly thing she can resist. "Ugh! I certainly hope I don't get in a movie. Well, I suppose I could do voice acting. That looks fun. And I can do it when I'm too old for Broadway!" She will move nice and close on the couch.

    "And you are not weird. You are just keeping your work secret. Because you have to. If people knew, they'd think I'm the one who is lucky. And they'd be right!"

    She looks at the present, curious, so curious. She has to be so careful not to cheat and use her new powers to spy on it. Olivia does not let herself ruin the fun. "I'd be lying if I said I'm not curious about the gift.."

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine looks at her for a moment. "Well, the next Tara Strong or E.G. Daily then," and then he will look at her moving closer to him. "You could always ask for it," and then he holds it out. If she just reaches for it, no words, he will move it out of the way. If she asks, he'll give it to her.

Either way when she asks for it, he'll give it. Inside the package is a simple white box. Inside the box something pink and floral looks up at her.

Pulling it out it's a pale pink dress with deep green leaves and very light flowers upon it. She can feel the fabrics. It's not the fanciest thing Olivia has felt, but it's far from cheap.

"You didn't give me a list," he looks dwn and tries not to blush. He hopes she likes it.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia nods. "I'll find something to do when these looks diminish," she says playfully. She can't be a star forever! She, too, has to soak up every moment, just in a different way.

    Olivia does not just grab it. She's a good girl. "Kaine, may I please open my present now?" It's hard for her to wait when she's this excited.

    Once she is presented her gift, she opens it carefully. She's the kind of person who doesn't want to damage the wrapping paper. She even sets it gently aside! As for the contents of the box, she's immediately excited. "It's so beautiful! I love it!"

    She holds it up, then hugs him tightly. "Thank you! And yes, I.. never really make a list. I just try to get others what I think would be good for them. And you got me something I appreciate very much!"

Kaine Parker has posed:
Holding her close. "Glad you liked it." Kaine smiles and hlds hr close. He did a lot of under the table jobs for the dress. All of it went to the dress, except maybe a few meals.

His gaze goes at her as he is happy to see she is a fan of the gift. "Good. I'm happy you like it. You can go try it on if you like," he did have to eye that dress a little bit.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia pops up and grins at Kaine. "I definitely will! You should be the first to see me put it on." She considers, for just a moment, changing here. It's strange how shy that makes her feel. So off to the bedroom she goes to get herself changed!

    She does not rush. She wants it to look just right. First to make sure the fit is right, and it's a lovely fit. He must have an incredible eye for sizes. Then she makes sure any tags are neatly removed. And her hair fixed up a bit. And everything just perfect for him to se her in his present.

    At last she returns, smiling, but with a bit of a blush. "It's so pretty! I love it!" Yes, it does show her off in a beautiful way. And yes, she still has unexpected struggles with herself at times like this.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine raises a brow and he waits for her to scamper off. He knows she's embarassed. So, he will wat n bated breathe to see how much she may lke this. So, he just waits to see how she woould react to it all.

Dark brown eyes watch Olivia pop in. Wearing the pink dress he smiles at her. "You do look good. I saw othr ones, but fgured you'd hate the size of th othrs. Like they'd be to short," he admits softly. Then he rises up and hugs her tightly.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia laughs nervously. "Yes, well, I do like things to be a bit on the modest side, I suppose. I do have a defense, though!"

    Before she explains that, however, she is going to hug Kaine tightly, too. It feels so good that she kind of forgets what she had meant to say. It's just happiness, really. His warmth, his strength, and his scent, too. Those arms are home, now, and she rather doesn't want to leave.

    "The whole modest thing. It's my father. He hated short skirts. He refused to even see me perform in Moulin Rouge. He's my biggest fan otherwise, though. Hm. Well he was. I rather think he's fallen to second place now."

Kaine Parker has posed:
A nod comes from Kaine as he realizes she likes the modest stuff. It's something he remembers. Then she is pressing against hm. He holds her close to him. A hand rubbing at her back as he holds Olivia clos to him. His brown eyes look at her. "I'm the opposite kind of fan," he admits with a smirk and shakes his head a little bit. "Comes with the boyfriend territory," and he gives a sheepish smile. "I'm happy you don't want to take this back. Very happy."

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Liv tilts her head and smiles at Kaine. "Well, maybe I'll have to do a stint in a more risque show after they're done with me at Wicked. Or... I'll just give a private performance for my boyfriend."

    She laughs softly and nods. "Definitely not taking this back. And honestly, I wouldn't do that. The love of the gift comes first. The only time I'd change a thing would be if I mess up and can't fit in what you buy me. Gotta be sure I can fit so I can show off my present."

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Promises, promises," Kaine teases and hold her closer. "As lng as you lke the gift, I'm happy," he says softly. His gaze moves to her and softens. "I'm happy you enjoy it. I was worried," he says honstly. The brown eyes looking toward her. "I hope to keep doing this well wth other gifts.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    "All I want for Christmas is you, Kaine," she sings playfully. She means it, though. "I did get you something, as well, though I doubt it can hold a candle to this! I felt uncertain, you know. I like to plan things out so carefully for gifts. I don't want to put people in awkward places." She laughs nervously at herself.

    "Cause I'm so awkward myself! I am talking too much again, aren't I? I can't help it. I'm excited!"

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine chuckles a little bit. His gaze focuses on Olivia as she sings. His gaze settles on her for a moment. "You can get awkward with me. Use your heart," Kaine says trying to nudge her foread lik he had done bfore.

"You're not talking too much. Far from," he says softly loking at her intently looking down at Olivia.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia nods. "Right. I need to embrace my own awkwardness! And just.. be. That is, after all, how we got here. Which reminds me... I should order some food for us. I'm honestly starving tonight. I'm happy I waited to make something. It's far more fun to order out. So... do you like Chinese food?"

    She has her phone out, which she unlocks with a flick of her finger. "There are so many options, of course. A new pizza place opened nearby. I noticed it on the way home. I do enjoy those from time to time, as well." It occurs to her that this will all be new experiences. So many first times.

    "Oh, and sushi, too. I don't want to throw every option in the world out at once. Maybe we can just pick between those three?"

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Chinese or Pizza sounds good," Kaine offers. He likes Sushi, but the old life had some perks. High quality food is one of them. It's hader t mess up Chinese and Pizza. So, that's why he ops for them. This is him just lowerng expectations andd going with th fods that are very hard to mess up. "What do you like on your pizza anyway?" he asks with a curious glance.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    "Mmm, pizza it is then!" Olivia was willing to go with any, but she seems very happy with this choice. She is already working away at a website, pulling up a menu, and looking things over.

    "Let's see... I really like things very simple, usually. I'm not a huge fan of pineapple on pizza, though. Nor fish. Cheese and fish confuse my feeble palatte! This place has detroit style. I'll admit, I have no idea what that means, but it looks yummy enough." She shows him the website.

    "And it's pizza, right? Cheese, bread, meat, yum! Oh, are peppers okay on the pizza? But not black olives, if that's okay. Any meat is welcome. My diet can take it!"

    She burns a LOT of calories. Kaine is probably aware of her training regiment by now. It's intense.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Detroit style is just a type of square pizza. Basically," there's a little more to it. Like Chicago deep dish compared t a standard pizza. Then he looks at her. "Peppers, bacon, pepperoni, and ham?" h asks her cuious for a bit. Then h notes how much she trains. How she burns ff thos calories. Pizza isn't going to hurt her. Nor is it going to hurt him.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    She assembles the order with ease. Well, mostly ease. Ordering on a phone isn't always terribly easy, after all. In short order, though, the food is ordered. She added a few appetizers. Certainly onion rings are not the standard thing to add, but it seems rather odd to order garlic bread or mozarella sticks. Cheese and bread and garlic are all rather well covered by the pizza!

    Olivia turns her focus back. "Now, the present for you!" She's excited to give him something. Excited enough to pop up and go fetch it. It is in a box that is best described as medium. Not so different in size than that he gave to her. The wrapping is neat, but imprefect. It's obviously that Liv tried very hard to wrap it with professional precision, but she is no match for the pros in fancy stores.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine is alright with onion rings. He does not think it's odd. A good change of pace, but he'll give the order a simple thumbs up.

"You didn't have to..." his voice trails.

A hand reaches out. It's a little hesitant. The first gift after a turn of face. Somehow this gift feels a little more genuiune than most others before it. He starts to undo the package slowly, carefully. it's not to save the paper, but he's afraid the moment will end. That somehow this recognition will fall apart. Eventually he gets to the contents.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    "Of course I don't have to, but that's not how gifts work. They are given when someone wants you to have somethin and when they want to make their feelings more real. I guess when it comes to it, we are physical beings. And it can help to have a reminder. Or confirmation."

    Inside the gift is a cashmere scarf. It's black and very well made. Olivia ensured there are no tags of any kind. She won't have him wondering-nor finding out-how much she thinks to spend on a gift.

    Olivia bites her lip and says, in an attempt to be casual, "I know, it's very much the normal kind of gift from a girl to her boyfriend, but... when I'm not there to take care of you, I want to make sure you are warm."

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine looks at the scarf. Cashmere. Kaine won't say it, but he does blelieve in -some- finer things. He just does without because those aren't meant for him. Sometimes you want what you cannot have, but you make do with what you can get. It's very much in that vein.

"Careful or you will make m think you want to see me around for ages," he jokes a little bit. The nods and speaks seriously, "Thank you." It is from the bottom of his heart.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    "I was hoping you would stay around well, all the time, but a girl has to give some room for a man to do his job. And yes, I don't want to give up being Elphaba yet, either. Just... a few steps at a time."

    Olivia grins at him, imagining the idea. "It's interesting, but I can't imagine what I'll do with myself in 20 or 30 years. I aimed for where I am and now I just want to stay and enjoy it. And you are here with me."

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I'd like that, too," Kaine admits and moves the scarf about. His brown eyes just look at the scarf he holds between his hands. Then he'll set it down. "I'll be sure to wear this when I leave," he gives her a soft smile.

"One day at a time," he says softly. "So what do we do while we wait fr the pizza?" he asks. A brow raised as he uunderstands Pizza is nefarious for being slow. "Christmas Movie?"

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    "Ohhhh, a Christmas movie! That would do the trick. But which one? Are you more traditional or more playful tonight. I imagine whatever I am subscribed to will have the classics as well as the National Lampoon varity."

    Olivia smiles as she considers carefully what she is in the mood for. "Honestly I'm open. Equal parts irreverant and classically sappy tonight. Normally I'm all for the more childish things, but I can't quite handle the original Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer anymore."

Kaine Parker has posed:
"National Lampoon's is always a good one. Same with Scrooged," Kaine offers for a moment. Then he will move closer to her. He's ready to just enjoy a movie with his other half ths holiday. "How 'bout it?"

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    "Scrooged! Yes! That is fun."

    She is already giggling and she murmurs, "Staples!" under her breath. "The poor little mouse."

    Olivia is many things, but a master of technology is not one of them. She's rather clutzy in navigating. Finally, she relies on whatever the Alexa is in this world. "Please play Scrooged for me!" Upon hearing the AI voice confirm and start to do just hat, she lets out a grateful, "Thank you!"

    She does indeed thank machines.