16717/Dear Old Juilliard

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Dear Old Juilliard
Date of Scene: 30 December 2023
Location: Julliard Institute
Synopsis: Olivia has one of the best days in her whole life when she meets Susan Richards near the Juilliard school. Liv eagerly volunteers for a space kidnapping!
Cast of Characters: Olivia Gaudin, Susan Richards

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia Gaudin has not been back at her school for a few months, and she had forgotten how much she loves it. She is more of an impromptu guest here rather than someone scheduled to perform. The site is a cozy venue, upscale, but not so much that the few students still on campus over break would feel out of place in their nice sweaters and button down shirts. There are a lot of wealthier guests in the audience, suits and lovely dresses with designer labels or custom made.

    That is not what drew Olivia here, though. It is the beautiful piano, the open mic, and the encouragement of Juilliard's current class to let her hair down a bit and show them what she can do.

    What she can do is sing and play that piano as if were part of her body rather than a separate instrument. She has done a small set, but is now just winding up her last song. A far cry from her role as Elphaba in Wicked, this afternoon she is taking her delight in playing to the crowd.

    It comes down to reality
    And it's fine with me 'cause I've let it slide
    Don't care if it's Chinatown or on Riverside

    Yes, she is finishing with New York State of Mind. She's relaxed, confident, and raw. She's tapped into something rougher and her tone carries it out well, all the way down to that last, "'Cause I'm in a.... I'm in a New York... state of... mind."

    With a final, crooned "Yeah" she finishes. There are applaused. The kids love it, cheering as if she were not, in fact, scarcely older than they are. It's a warm reception, and she basks in it. Here, it feels more intimate and personal. She can see the faces in the crowd. One or two she even knows. Faculty are still around, after all, and she was a well-liked student.

Susan Richards has posed:
    Susan Richards, world renowned businesswoman, former media darling (She insists that her ongoing presence in financial publications doesn't /really/ count and that there are /several/ new generations of far more important media figures), and of course, founding member of the Fantastic Four would insist she is dressed entirely inappropriately for her day's activities. But also that it would be gauche for her to go around in some sort of Santa themed attire just because she's been delivering personal acceptance letters to the beneficiaries of the tidal wave of arts and education grants that various charitable foundations have just now announced.

    Really, the autumn-hued turtleneck and leggings aren't exactly stylish enough to earn a nod from Janet Van Dyne, but they're hardly unflattering or decades out of style. The joys of timeless choices, really. And her outfit skirts the lines of class and ceremony skillfully enough that when the mood hits her to take a brief break in her holiday cheer spreading, she can stop off for a drink, a light lunch, and a little relaxation.

    Which is what she's half-focused on doing while the rest of her attention is split towards taking in Olivia's performance, and the performer herself.

    Of course, the split of attention is hardly static, and while Susan's found herself a comfortable nook to settle into and not distract from the atmosphere with her own fame... oh, if only being able to be invisible could be metaphorical /and/ literal... she finds her attention slipping more and more from measured but intent sampling of her charcuterie selection, to far more intent focus on Olivia at the piano, finding the music easing her into a far more relaxed state of mind. Which part of her mind pipes up to remind her is not a very /New York/ state of mind. She really does think too much. Sometimes she think she's becoming more like Reed in that regard.

At a brief moment Sue even offers an encouraging and appreciative smile up to Olivia. She's sure the young woman won't recognize her! ...Well, okay, not that sure.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    One of the more notable and public of Olivia's many eccentricities is that she a bedroom practically wallpapered with newspaper clippings, posters, framed magazines, and pretty much anything else related to super heroes. Her odds of not knowing and recognizing Susan Richards of the Fantastic Four, who would be a legend even were she not well, Fantastic in the super human sense, is really low.

    Olivia, it should have been pointed out, is wearing something quite formal. She is in a green dress. It is a modest thing, covering her legs past the knees. Under this she wears a warm pair of red tights. She has something of a festive look, really, complete with a large, golden bow in her braided hair.

    She is still beaming at the audience when she notices Susan and immediately pauses. It is a doubletake, yes! She brings her hands together in front of her chest and looks positively delighted. Even more so than she had been.

    Excusing herself from the center of attention, and taking her time to be polite and thank every group that lies between her and Susan, her path is rather obvious. Yes, she can see that Susan is perhaps not exactly seeking attention, but perhaps, just maybe, well, it will be okay.

    "Hello," she says at last, when she gets close enough to do so. She is in her mode of ultimate politeness, so forgive her for bobbing into something like a curtsey. It isn't quite proper, and it can make her look more like a child than a woman. "I am so sorry to interrupt! I just noticed you here and wanted to say hello and express how much I admire you! The kindness you show to the school and our students means the world to me."

Susan Richards has posed:
    Susan's certainly no stranger to bedrooms festooned with articles and promotional photos and... well, Valeria has a well-known appreciation for Alison Blaire's musical career. And she's always been able to roll with the punches of her fame as it were, practically forgetting about it once she's not at some gala opening being blinded by camera flashes.

    But it's a lot more difficult to self-depreciate and dismiss her status as icon and inspiration when she sees a genuine reaction like Olivia's and Susan's cheeks heat for a brief moment of genuine blush before those years of practiced self-control get back into order, and her ever-present public smile is broken for a moment to be replaced by a more genuine smile just for Olivia that speaks of 'I know you know you know who I am, and I appreciate you!'

    By the time Olivia's managed to navigate the crowd, that smile's far more of a playful thing, her eyes narrowed slightly, sparkling as she speaks up, "Oh, hello! That was spectacular. The performance... I mean, the curtsey was pretty good too."

    She grins a little wider and drops her voice to a stage whisper, "Honestly, I never know how to greet people I've seen on TV or anything either. And it happens /all the time/..." She laughs softly and shakes her head quickly, "Oh no no, it's... I mean, honestly the least I could do. Sometimes I feel like I should go around poking my peers with a broom until they realize just how important the arts are and loosen their purse strings. I mean... there are so many stunning things in the world nowadays and we /need/ musicians and poets and artists to help us appreciate and philosophize about it!" She chews her lower lip for just a moment, "I mean, one song and saying hello and here /I/ am inspired to consider that I don't think we've had a concert in space, despite now having a spaceport..."

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    It takes every drop of self-control Olivia has to not bounce on her toes in excitement. She will just have a special excited scream in her pillow later for this. She has the best life ever!

    When Susan praises her, though, the tables are turned and she blushes, suddenly feeling so awkward. "I'm so glad you enjoyed it! It is nice to get off the script and just perform for the love of a song or two. And the next round of world changing talent over there just peer pressured me to no end." She nods towards a table of college kids. Considering their school, it's rather likely most of them will end up more famous than Liv is in a few years.

    "I'm sure the school and other programs would appreciate whatever support others care to give. You are right, too. The world is a beautiful place." Which is perhaps a remarkable thing for a woman to say, just a week or so out of being held at gunpoint in her dressing room. There are other complications, but they are pretty well hidden by her hair! Thank goodness, as Glinda would sing.

    Olivia cannot ask to join her. It's just so presumptuous. And pushy. And she wants to soooooo much. It's HER! The performer's mind goes to her bag, which is over at the table with those kids. Drat. That's where her autograph gathering supplies are.

    Realizing she's not saying anything for a few seconds and feeling rather silly about it, she latches on to the last thing Susan said. "A concert in space?" she asks. "That would be amazing! I wonder what it must be like up there, looking down at this tiny blue and white marble."

Susan Richards has posed:
    Susan handles this excitement with good natured playful acceptance, gesturing to the stool next to hers, "Why don't you sit down? I /knew/ I should have kept a picture on me... you know, for autograph purposes?" She sounds so very disappointed she didn't.

    But it's only a moment of consideration before she's grinning wider, mischievously and perking one eyebrow, "Wait! Of course! The wonders of modern technology! /Selfies/ are what you kids nowadays are all about! ...Well, that and TikToks. ...Kids still use TikTok right?"

    She nods her head and sighs out, "Sometimes I think I need a clone, there are so many different ways I want to divide my attention, but there's still only one me, and I can't bring myself to be having a meeting in person AND answering emails at the same time... I think I'm just a little old-fashioned. Well, okay, very old-fashioned."

    Her eyes glint like she's reading that thought about wanting to be part of Susan's suddenly inspired Artists Amongst the Stars initiative... she's going to workshop that name. "Oh, don't think you're... well, I'd say 'Don't think you're going to get away with not joining my space concert' but then it sounds like I'm /kidnapping you/ to space..."

    Susan shrugs with a crooked little smile and heaves out a sigh, "It really is inspiring. Admittedly /my/ trips to space have all been a little... chaotic. I mean, there was that first one with the... you know, /powers/ thing... last time I just took a shuttle out for a test drive and it broke down out past Mars..." She clicks her tongue and mumbles, "I think maybe space has it out for me."

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Liv really, really tries not to sit down too quickly. But it occurs to her.. why not? It's /her/. As if she doesn't already know that Liv is over the moon about meeting her!

    "Thank you so much for the invitation," Olivia says, settling into the stool. She's not quite weird to the point of freaking out about accidentally touching shoulders or anything. But she's close.

    "Oh, and yes! We could do that. I would love to have a picture with you!" It is about his time that she finds her bag is just by her. With a polite wave and nothing more, a young man has saved the day, it seems. Also they are heading out, so it's not like they can just leave her things lying unattended.

    Olivia pulls out her phone with a smile. It's not the newest of fanciest thing. It's just a good phone. It's not even made by whatever the trendy company of the day is.

    "I can appreciate that idea. I love being Elphaba, I do. It has been a dream for my entire life, but leaving my last role and all my friends was hard. They are doing amazingly of course. Moulin Rouge is always fun. I am just being greedy, though. But sometimes I like to imagine that maybe I can have it all." And why not try, right?

    She will hold her phone out and seek that selfie, even as the conversation keeps moving along. She is used to this by now. It's just odd to see her unpainted face on the screen, though.

    "You can totally space kidnap me," she says once it is done. She giggles at herself, delighted. "I have never been to space." This makes her laugh at herself even more! Like that is something that needs to be pointed out!

    "So you have been in space, and that is where you got the powers. And, you know, you don't have to answer this. But how did you get used to it? Being different?"

    It's not an interview type question from her, though. Nor is it some fan gushing this time. The question has weight and it is probably clear she has a stake in whatever Susan might say.

Susan Richards has posed:
    Susan clearly knows Olivia's over the moon, but also she can't exactly judge her for it. It's natural, and she has her own favorite costumed celebrities she has to remind herself to try and act normal around! She just has so so much practice at it by now.

    "Oh, it's no problem, I always feel awkward eating by myself at a restaurant... and it happens /all/ the time."

    Admittedly, a lot of those times are because she's in a brief gap of minutes between a scheduled 36 hours of tasks in a 16 hour day. But still, it can distance her from 'humanity' and it's always nice to be anchored back down to reality and remembering she is in fact a person, not just a blazing comet of business acumen and occasional heroics.

    And Susan's not exactly un-practiced at the art of the selfie, leaning in, smiling brightly, holding the pose as she chimes out, "Oh, never worry about being greedy, especially in your career. If you just earnestly and honestly present yourself and achieve your goals... well, life's got enough regrets without regretting you /did/ try hard to succeed and accomplished your goals."

    She flashes a bright grin and nods sharply, "Exactly! You might not be able to have it all, but if you /try/, you'll probably wind up having a lot. And as long as what you're getting keeps you satisfied, you're doing alright."

    Susan snickers out, "Well... okay, I'm not going to say I don't have the ability to /space kidnap/ you like I'm a Star Trek villain, because... I think Reed does have some sort of teleporter, but I think it actually needs a platform on both sides and the one time he tried to tell me how it worked he started on the basics of quantum entanglement and then my eyes sort of glassed over..." She sighs and shakes her head slowly, "And yeah, cosmic radiation, faulty shielding, it... wasn't so bad for me. Being able to go invisible isn't too traumatic to come to terms with and... I mean, when I first messed up I'd just accidentally reappear or something. The forcefields took a lot more practice, but... that was about it really, lots and lots of practice, learning to walk before running. It's a difficult balance, you need to be confident you can handle what being..." She frowns thoughtfully, "Gifted doesn't sound right... powered? Well, it's important to have the confidence to act, but also to make sure when you /do/ act that if you fail you don't make things worse than if you hadn't tried. I suppose it takes a certain amount of self-assurance that you're making the right choice no matter how uncertain you are, to just... push through and do your best. Like a Rocky montage, but without the inspiring soundtrack."

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia had placed an order earlier, and the food appears now. "It is funny, isn't it? I would never have thought you'd ever be eating alone. But then I suppose people think the same of me. It's hard just to find the time to eat. Sometimes I wish we had those kind of meal pills that the Jetsons loved so much!"

    There is a kind of skill to what she and other 'power lunchers' have to do. Eating while holding a conversation and looking neither rushed nor unpolished is an art in itself.

    The talk of space captures her imagination completely. Or, more accurately, the thought of going there with her new super hero and professional idol. She makes a mental note to hunt for a biography so she can learn more.

    "I can understand that. I am... let's say different, and so far I don't see how I can be much good for anything special. So I just.. hide it." She is making sure others are not nearby to eavesdrop, when she admits, "I have had some problems lately. My doctor just thought it was due to a concussion or two I experienced, but, well... this is not my imagination."

    She doesn't show her little problem directly. No way! Not in public. Instead, she rather calmly has her phone up and flips through her photo gallery until there is a photo of the top of her head. And she has a blowhole.

    "So yeah, not really any amazingly cool thing that can save others. There are other things, but... I'm going to get some help figuring it out." She'd ask if she might know someone who can 'fix' it, but she's not entirely sure she wants someone cutting up her head to address the problem, either!

Susan Richards has posed:
    Susan laughs, "Well, I don't feel like I can drag Reed off from his work just because I want to eat out in the city, he's really the more important of the two of us, so far as... well, all the high importance /science/ things, I just balance the books and do all the press tours. And I'd feel /terribly/ guilty dragging my kids along. They survived long enough to graduate school, so they've earned their freedom from Mom Jail."

    She sighs and bobs her head, "I mean, those would be pretty great, but I don't think they'd ever actually get the details of the /pleasures/ of a well-made lunch down. Or the pleasures of a non-well-made lunch. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich has a charm that a peanut butter and jelly pill surely couldn't."

    Susan arches one eyebrow and murmurs out, "Well, you have an amazing musical talent, and... I think perhaps worrying about any /other/ talent you have needing to be 'useful' is putting too much pressure on yourself! It's not necessarily a puzzle piece with a spot to fit into, it's just... a part of you, and /you/ can choose how to define it."

    Susan leans in to more discreetly take a look at the picture, eyebrows perking up, lips quirking in a thoughtful expression, "Hm... that /does/ seem unlikely to be caused by a concussion..." She glances sidelong and stage whispers, "You should probably go to the Atlantean embassy... I think they have one. Maybe you are part Atlantean! Certainly they seem like they might have some idea of where you might find more information about..." She trails off and gestures vaguely, with a helpless little shrug.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia soaks it all up. It's more than just a conversation for her. This is up there as the most exciting of things she's ever experienced! It's an event that is too good for social media, but perfect for her diary.

    "How many children do you have?" she asks. She is moving past the 'big questions' and getting into the stuff she really loves most. "And I bet they loved it. Getting to hang out with mom and dad is always the most fun for a child. I know I always liked it, and it wasn't so long ago that I'd forget!"

    She works away at her salad. Not to worry, it is rather loaded with protein! Susan won't have to scold her to eat properly, at least. "And you are right, of course. I should just be happy I am okay. It could have been so much worse."

    When Susan whispers, she notably does not have to duck close to hear. It's the other thing she has. She is among the better eavesdroppers in New York now!

    "I will look into that. I heard from a... friend that I might be a." She sighs softly, looking around more carefully. "..a mutant."

    "I've never been much into the whole race issue. My parents never talked about it. But apparently some people are... very angry about these things." Olivia might have to be 'into the issue' a whole lot more now, though.

Susan Richards has posed:
    Susan sighs and rolls her eyes with a brief flash of frustration, "I really don't understand the people who are prejudiced against mutants... I mean, more than I don't understand /other/ prejudices. But deciding that you dislike one young woman who can generate bolts of lightning because a genetic abnormality allowed her to do it, but /not/ disliking another young woman who shoots lightning bolts because /her/ genetics were altered by random chance when she was struck by lightning next to a transformer station? And also not having a problem with Thor and /his/ lightning?"

    She shakes her head and murmurs dryly, "Though I feel most people would not voice their prejudice against Thor as he is /also/ quite tall and has a propensity for /smiting/."

    She leans back in her seat, picking at the remnants of her charcuterie board... hardly a balanced lunch in her own right, so she's /surely/ not going to lecture Olivia on the benefits of a balanced diet.

    She shrugs her shoulders and smiles warmly, "You could in fact also visit the school upstate. Doctor McCoy /is/ a leading authority in many fields including genetics and I am sure can help you out. And they do have quite the recording studio there. Also they're just generally quite the welcoming bunch."

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    "Plus he's really good looking," murmurs Olivia. That makes her blush and nearly choke. That was probably not something she should be blabbing to someone who hangs out with him from time to time! She tries hard to just... turn attention away from /that/.

    "But I have seen it. That hate. It was all over the papers. Some nut jobs found out my understudy is a mutant. They tried to hurt her." They made the mistake of disrupting Flatline's attempt get refilling her drink. Flatline is very serious about concessions. They couldn't even show the full security tapes on the news!

    "It's funny you should mention that. I was there quite by accident for a party at the mansion. There is a person there, her name is Jean. I'm going to go meet with her to talk about this. And related issues." She does not like to brag about it, but there is one neat thing she got. So she says more softly, "I can do... this thing where I see without my eyes now." Technically it's echolocation. But she's not a scientist. "Oh, umm!"

    She raises her right hand and grins. With a flick of her wrist, there is her business card, ready to offer. "For the space kidnapping. Seriously. You name the time and place to be, I will get there. Or just show up. But if it's on New Years my niece will be there. She'd totally love to go to space, too, though, if it is safe. She's going to be four soon!" She could gush on about her niece forever. Susan probably does not have the time for that, though.

Susan Richards has posed:
    Susan laughs softly and nods solemnly at that murmur, "That is... very true. I suppose he does have an unfair advantage, 'Aesthetically unpleasing' is rarely a trait for gods... then again, I suppose that makes sense given how desperate us /mortals/ are to cover up blemishes... absolute power probably provides /really/ effective blemish remover..."

    She sighs and shakes her head slowly, "I'm not one to encourage rampant violence, but there is a certain point where bigotry begets a response... I believe the kids these days call it 'FAFO' and... well, some people simply don't learn until they Find Out enough times. If they're lucky enough not to be finding out at the hands of, say, Wolverine. Or Ghost Rider. Or... my my, there is /quite/ the list of people who react quite... permanently to injustice."

    She laughs softly and smiles, "Oh! Jean is quite wonderful. We never seem to cross paths often enough, I think the last time we did was..." She trails off, frowning slowly, brow furrowing, "It was /some/ sort of big event... the spaceport opening perhaps. And being able to see without seeing is very useful! After all, most uses of invisibility are simply not /visible/, if you don't see via the visual spectrum, you can very easily see through illusions."

    Susan reaches out to snap up that card and grins broadly, "Oh, I will certainly put you at the top of the list for space kidnapping. You can cover the musician angle, I already know an artist... though she's mostly been doing portraits... hm, a poet and..." She shrugs lightly and grins with just a hint of evil glee, "Well, I'm sure I'll come up with a comprehensive list of people to bring along. We'll take one of the ships with plenty of room for leisure and supplies... maybe get a sponsorship from one of those meal kit companies so we can have pre-made recipes to cook and /not/ have to eat foil pouched mashed potatoes..."

    She laughs and shakes her head, "Oh! Nothing /that/ short notice! It will probably be at least a week! But she can definitely come and watch the show! Or even tag along! I really do want to show people that space is no longer as far away as it was just a few years ago."

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    If Olivia was more aware of all the secret identities, she would be able to say she saw Wolverine! Well, Logan, that is. And he was dressed up for a party.

    "The whole situation at the theatre was scary, but the show must go on. It's one of the few times I ever felt brave, actually." She doesn't explain how that works out, though. She's not sure if she wants to, or if she wants to not admit she actually was heroic once.

    With the space kidnapping assured for her, Olivia is excited all over again. She wants to cry out in excitement, but she imagines that is considered poor form. Liv opts for, "Elsa-my niece-is going to be so happy to go. I will make sure that her parents clear it all, of course. Ohhh, I might just reach coolest aunt ever status with this! You are my hero!"

    Which sounds wierd, when it's literally true. Huh. Liv has to let that hang in the air for a moment.

Susan Richards has posed:
    Susan nods her head and smiles, all warmth and reassurance, with just a playful glint in her eyes, "Well, I'll let you in on a secret... when you're being brave? Is almost always when you feel like you're not brave until you think about it after. In the moment you're just... handling things. Doing what you've got to do."

    She laughs and smiles even wider, bobbing her head, and then reaching into her own purse to pull out a business card and hand it over, "Here! If they're skeptical, have them give me a call. We'll reassure them it's safe. I'm pretty sure going to space is now statistically safer than sailing on the ocean. Lots of sea monsters, not so many space monsters."

    She grins and bobs her head, "It was a delight to meet you! And you are a stunning musician. I look forward to seeing more of you!"

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    And after a friendly goodbye, Olivia watches Susan Richards go. She holds it in so well. The door is closed as Susan goes outside. Liv counts to five in her head. Then she turns her eyes to that card. That glorious, amazing card.

    "OH MY GOD I MET SUSAN RICHARDS!!!!" Oh dear, and yes, there's that excited squeal she's been holding in the entire time. She is so happy. This is up ther with her first time taking the stage as Elphaba. "WHAT A YEAR I AM HAVING!"

    Sure, she got a blowhole. But that's nothing compared to how awesome life has been to her in 2023.

    She is already texting her brother. She's begging to take her niece into space with the Fantastic Four. She's not even sure if the other heroes are going, but it sound so cool!

    On the way home, she's picking up a frame, too, and getting the selfie printed out. That card and the selfie desere a spot on the mantle.