17006/Running the League

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Running the League
Date of Scene: 24 January 2024
Location: The Narrows - Miagani Island
Synopsis: A quick clash of ninjas is fought off by Batwoman, Batgirl, and the sensational Spider-Miles!
Cast of Characters: Talia al Ghul, Barbara Gordon, Kate Kane, Miles Morales

Talia al Ghul has posed:
It is a dark and story winter night. The wind is heavy, the snow is intense, and the ground is frozen. The gargoyles are covered in ice. The Narrows is quiet as the only ones out are those that have nowhere else to go or those participating in things that would be regardless of the weather.
    But along the rooftops of the city, there is a chase going on. A woman wearing a dark green outfit running ahead of three others that were after her. Dark hair sweeping behind her, a plethora of darts in her back, blood streaming behind her.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
As it so happens, it is one of Batgirl's drones that picks up the action unfolding on the rooftops. Barbara has a whole flock of Bat-drones that patrol the city these days, adding a further layer of protection to Gotham's streets, and alleyways. What it grants is a far better reactive alert system, one that often ups the reaction time to situations as they are unfolding, rather than after they have already taken place...

Case in point, the chase.

"Something is happening." Batgirl's voice sounds out over the active team comm tonight. "Sending location out to your various devices." She adds, her own position just a handful of streets over from the chase taking place. Her black and gold cape gently blows in the cold January wind, as she monitors the chase from her holo-computer mounted on her left armored wrist.

Within a moment, she steps off of the building, her cape going rigid in to glide-form, as Batgirl takes to the skies. "Inbound, headed to intercept the person being pursued."

Kate Kane has posed:
It was a relatively slow night in the Narrows, at least until Kate goes Barbara's message. "And here I was hoping you'd be bringing out some spiked coffee..." She moves towards the position fed to her from the drones, and nods, "Got eyes on them. Three targets, chasing someone. She looks hurt. Going to try and loop around behind them to surprise them."

Fighting fair is for suckers, after all, the point of fighting is to /win/. And Batwoman fires her grapple line, letting it hook into a building so she can swing around, coming up behind the trio with an eager grin. Because this definitely beats just freezing on patrol.

Miles Morales has posed:
Once upon a time, Batgirl gave Spider-Man (the cooler, second one!) a communication device. They talk about Fallout 4 occasionally! Why? Because gamers unite, that's why! Though as Spider-Man swings through the dark and stormy winter night, it's a little bit difficult to swing through the snow and suffering from the wind chill, but Spider-Man sends back. "En route to intercept! Don't ahve too much fun without-AH!"

Spider-Man ended up flying into a sign that was morer than a bit camouflaged by the snow. "Ow...." He lifts the communicator to his ear. "...me." He lowers his hand, rubbing his face a little bit over his mask before he's off to swing again! Eventually, he comes across the scene of the crime, leaping down.


and if he's lucky, he can TWHIP! a web and swing-kick one of the people chasing the wounded woman! "HEY! Sup? Normally dine and dash doesn't really have a *Punishment* other than angry restaurants."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
The trio of individuals chasing the woman go immediately to reorient towards Miles. One goes to strike out at him with surprising speed, fist seeming to glow yellow. A sai clutched over in the hand, fingers curled over the blade as blood dripped to it. The slash would casually gut a normal human from stem to stern with speed faster than a camera could keep up with. "How about die and dash, then?" The taunt quick - the accent Egyptian, if one could place it.
    A second attacker goes to lash out at Miles from the side, two small kunai in their hands. They would strike fast - almost seeming to leave streaks of shadow behind them. The blades were blacker than even the misery about the Narrows.
    Even as the third would keep on chasing after the injured woman, whom would turn to face them, one arm hanging limply at her side.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Batgirl is the last of the three to arrive on-scene to check out the situation. She soars over the three figures that seem to be adjusting course to aim toward Miles. "Careful, Spider-man." Batgirl's voice chimes over the team network. "Something seems off about this little group."

But her goal is ahead of the woman in green, and this is where she lands. Her gliding cape takes her ahead of the woman that had been running. She lands on her golden bronze boots, her cape pooling around her, as she rises up in a dramatic fashion that can only be learned by being the protege of Batman for a good long while. Once fully standing, Batgirl stares at the woman, her green eyes peering out from behind her half mask.

She knows Kate is backing her up on this, and likely keeping an eye on the situation that Spider-man is immersed within now, and on the edge of the building, Batgirl speaks up.

"We are here to help." She speaks, her voice modulated for the woman in green, so as to mask it, creating a dramatic 'demonic' tone to Barbara's normally feminine vocals.

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman seems to come out of nowhere, emerging from the shadows of the night like some sort of Spirit of Vengeance. Only with red hair instead of actual flames. Flying through the air on her leap, she doesn't make a sound until she kicks out at the third that kept chasing the injured woman.

Landing in a crouch, she doesn't bother with obvious theatrics, instead just straightening up and into a combat stance as she looks ready for whatever this attacker might have up their sleeve.

Miles Morales has posed:
"Die and dash? Dang, that's really cle-WOAH!" Spider-Man is suddenly moving WAY before that sudden yellow glow to the fist and bladecould even strike him! "You know, normally a girl tries to invite me on a date BEFORE I get stabbed! You know, wait for me to do the whole 'men are secretly evil' thing? Give me a chance to change your mind? No? I make a mean saga-AH!" Spider-Man dodges the strikes from the second attacker, trying to flip in such a way that he moves in-between the blades to avoid harm.

"Whew. You guys arn't really one for the conversation, huh?" He does attempt to TWHIP! at the third attacker, trying to tug them backwards with his webs. A kick is thrown at the first attacker to try and get her to back off. "Also, Egyptian? I feel like I have a good ear for accents. I wanna saaaaaay Cairo? DEFINITELY Cairo." He's guessing the SHIT out of this right now. "I'm tryin' to be! But I think they're a little too full of it to care!" He calls back to Barbara.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
The kick from Miles strikes her, driving her back. But she took the blow which most would have been staggered by fairly handily, even as the glow on her fist would cease as she would go back several meters into a defensive stance. The second attacker that had gone at him with the kunai is going to rapidly slash, meeting nothing but air thanks to Miles' rapid maneuvers.
    The third goes to snap her fingers up together as the webs shoot at her, making a rapid series of maneuvers that would result in a burst of.. Flame? That consumed the webbing.
    The woman that Babs has just rescued is one from her files, even if not met in person. Nyssa Al Ghul, the (other) Daughter of the Demon. Very much on the outs. She's received three blade strikes to her torso, one small embedded bolt, and an immense degree of poisons in her system.
    None of the trio of attackers are going after Kate so far - she's defensive, and they're all preoccupied over with Spider-Man.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
It only takes Barbara a few moments to have the ID of that face ring a bell in her mind. She doesn't like the result of what she knows it means too. More trouble.

Two of Batgirl's drones sweep by overhead, one of them shining a light down on the rooftop where the fighting is taking place, giving a bit more light to the battle here in an otherwise bleak, and dark, night.

A simple touch of one gloved hand to her left arm guard, and Babs sends a signal out across the city.

Several blocks away, in a dark alley, a massive loud engine rumbles to life, followed by two twin headlights. Bursting from the alley, mere moments later, her Batmobile roars toward the situation to the south, darting across a street and down another alleyway, causing a few homeless people to scatter out of the armored vehicle's way.

"Nyssa." Batgirl says, walking toward the woman. "We can help you. I can take you somewhere to treat your wounds." Batgirl offers, as the fight is observed over the woman's shoulder.

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman looks mildly insulted that the one she kicked doesn't bother with her, and quickly shifts to the offensive. She lunges in with her fist, but feints instead, ducking down and sweeping the leg in a way that Cobra Kai would be proud of, intending to knock Flamer down on her back.

Coming up from the leg sweep, she tosses a batarang at contestant number two, looking to help out Spider-Man while she looks to keep Ms. Flames occupied. Which, well, a fire resistant cape should help that, right?

Miles Morales has posed:
"Hey guys! I don't mean to interrupt girl's night out, but could really use a hand here!" Miles cries out towards Batgirl, Batwoman, and Nyssa al Ghul, managing to drive back the first one, and Kate's help with the third one is really helpful! "Thank you! As you were!" He calls out to the trio as Miles tries to focus on Thing 1 and Thing 2.

Well, mostly on Thing 2 at this point.

As Miles had soared through the air, he tries to web both of those strange kunai weapons out of the second attackers hands, a little smile on Miles's face as he then attempts a follow-up attack: a discharge of his bioelectricity into a good shock! Maybe some of his other abilities will help here?

Talia al Ghul has posed:
This is turning up to a proper melee a trois - Batwoman might even make that specific joke if it was too low brow for Spidey. The rapid fist strike of Batowman forces the third attacker to rapidly go defensive even as the strike sends the 'flamer' down hard, rapidly getting bcak up to her feet while the second would slash up, cutting the batarangs from midair.
    As Miles goes to grab the two kunai from midair, the weapons would turn ethereal and vanish, reappearing over in the woman's hands! This however doesn't mean much - namely as she gets hit by enough bioelectric energy to drop her down hard as she would slump down to the rooftop, body twitching.
    The 'flamer' goes to rapidly jump upwards, moving for rapid strikes over at Kate, no glow to her hands but striking quickly with her sai, slashing fast enough to almost leave afterimages!
    The second sees one of tehir trio going down to Spidey, looks over at the target.. Nyssa, protected by Batgirl.
    Nyssa would hold her blade out in front of her, speaking calmly to Barbara without so much as a slur from all the venom in her. "If you must." However she's not throwing Barbara away nor is she taunting, so progress? Then the second attacker goes to leap through the air in a sommersault, throwing a series of small blades at Babs! The drones having a dramatic angle of a snowtop melee along the rooftops, gargoyles frozen and icicles dropping down.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Batgirl proceeds closer to Nyssa, moving with a bit of extra caution. She can hear Miles asking for help, but trusts in Batwoman to be there for him. She nods her masked head once toward Nyssa, before she suddenly catches sight of the incoming attack toward her. Babs raises her left gauntlet up, sparks flying as she deflects the assault on her person. It is her drones that react to it, neither of them enjoying Batgirl being attacked. Both drones open fire on the person who'd flung the weapons at Batgirl, small cannons launching a series of tranq-darts down toward the attacker!

"Come on!" Barbara urges Nyssa, leading her toward the ledge of the building, reaching out tentatively with one gloved hand. "We gotta drop." She says, her voice still rumbling with a demonic undertone.

Down in the alleyway, darkness is a thick veil, save for the dark red lights of a armored vehicle that idles, laying in wait for its riders... Batgirl will glance over her shoulder once, before she angles to drop down off of the rooftop, aiding Nyssa in the fall if needed.

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman blocks, going back on the defensive for a moment, because fast or not, there's always a pattern. Find the pattern, and you find the weakness, even as she parries the quick strikes with the gauntlets of her suit. Looking like she's on her back foot...

And then she sees it.

Ducking to the side where the next strike was coming, she just clocks the Flame Girl with Sai right in the face. Sweeping her other arm out to knock the sai away, she uses the momentum to do a spin kick right into Flame Girl's chest. "This, is where you fall down now!"

Miles Morales has posed:

second attacker down! "Hah! Talk about an electric /slide/!" Miles proceeds to perform the electric slide, his uniformed and masked self starting to dance a little bit. "No clue how those things turned incorporeal like that, that was wild." Spider-Man eventually remarks, before he's looking at the first attacker. "Suuup!" But before he could do anything, he notices Barbara being attacked!

"Hey, look out!"

But those drones are /vindictive/! Rushing to her defense. Though as Barbara jumps off of a building with Nyssa in tow, Spider-Man moves to try and help Kate, trying to do a knee-slide, his hand reaching for the ankle to help trip the flame-wielder up so Kate can land that kick easier!

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Nyssa is cooperating with Batgirl, evne as she would let herself be guided along into the vehicle. She holds her blade out in front of her even as she lands in the seat without a wince. At an angle where she could reach up to engage someone chasing her or if the vehicle was breached. In complete silence. That was a startling contrast with her other relatives. No taunts, no threats, no soliloquies.
    The second attacker that had been going to charge along after Nyssa is intercepted by the drones which treat her over as a pincushion as the tranqs go to pepper her, and she goes to slump down hard over on the roof, landing with a thud on the next level, tumbling down unconscious.
    The 'flamer' as they had been christened is hit hard when she would overreach by Kate's counter-strike, Miles quick move leaving her nowhere to move to evade. The blow goes to strike them, and they would be flung backwards, sufficient force in the blow to render her unconscious.
    Three for three!

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Batgirl's Batmobile is a cockpit-style seating arrangement, with two seats set forward and aft of each other. Nyssa is delivered down in to the rear seat, where Batgirl helps her settle in. "You're going to be taken to a safe place where we'll have medical treat you." She tells the woman. "Sit tight, this vehicle has quite a kick to it." She informs, before stepping back. Nyssa finds that Batgirl does not join her inside of the cockpit. Instead, she pulls her grapple gun from her hip and launches herself back up toward the roof!

The vehicle, meanwhile, seals up with Nyssa inside of it, and comes to life with a rumbling roar of its powerful engine. The large traded tires begin rapidly rolling through the alley, splashing snow and ice off in all directions in its wake as it's AI driver is in the pilot's seat.

Back on the roof now, Batgirl lands on the edge, stepping down on to the roof's surface as she stalks toward those still present upon it, ready to reinforce iff needs-be, or start demanding some answers from some possible captives.

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman smiles over at Batgirl, "They're down, but not particularly talkative at the moment. Unconsciousness will do that, but we'll have plenty to ask them about later." She looks like she's about to say something more, but then adds, "I'm going to backtrack them a bit, see if I can figure out where all this started." With that, she retrieves her grapple gun, firing it at a nearby building as she looks over at Spider-Man.

"Not bad, kid." She grins at him, then launches into the air, swinging off in the direction the chase originated from to try and find some more clues.