17001/Eagles and Lightning

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Eagles and Lightning
Date of Scene: 23 January 2024
Location: Rock of Eternity
Synopsis: Yaretzi comes to Billy for help and he's working on it!
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Yaretzi Acama

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam discovered the Rock had a pool with a waterfall. The waterfall was a fantastic shower, way better than the one in his tiny apartment. Towel over his shoulder, he grabs for the daily newspaper and prepares to get that Sudoku done without turning to Shazam this time. Boy did he get shown up, Feeling good he grabs a pencil and shoos Steven away. The stylus sulks.

"Don't bug me. I'm doing it myself."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Having happened on Shazam at the Statue of Liberty while on patrol, Golden Eagle interrupted his coffee break to ask him for help on the matter of her being able to make use of a T-Com. She then agreed to meet him at the Rock of Eternity... and was even given the mystical, sigil-laden key to use in a secluded area in Floral Park as a means to access the place.

Later, when she has enough free time for the visit, she lands in the designated location and pulls the card out from where she'd tucked it under one of her gloves. Looking it over, she realizes she has to say that particular magical word to activate the teleportation, and happily squeals! She even does the little fan-girl hop up and down... then raises into the air the hand that's holding the key and calls out, "Shazam!"

A bolt of lightning streaks out of the sky and strikes down where she's standing... and when it's gone, there's only a smoking patch of grass left...

...and Golden Eagle finds herself standing in the Rock of Eternity, with her hand raised, still holding the key. "Oh my god! It worked!", she happily says, and does her squealing fan-girl hop-hop once again.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam looks up from his Sudoku. He's wearing a robe over flannels and a t-shirt because he came here straight from his own bathroom and could exit by going straight there. He feels a little under dressed as Billy whenever supers are around. Having the normally reserved Golden Eagle go fan girl on him is a little boggling. He gets up from the slab that is basically his desk andwalks over to greet her... maybe calm her down. "Hey, Tzi. Can I get you a coffee or cocoa? What brings you here?" He braces for a super powered hug, just in case.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle looks over as she's spoke to, and blushes at having been caught fan-girling like that. That's when, without any fanfare, she's suddenly Yaretzi again, thanks to her no longer being 'on Earth' for purposes of maintaining her transformation into the heroine. The key-card still in her hand, she takes a moment to tuck it into one of her back pockets and, her cheeks still flushed, says, "Sure! Please!", and simply steps over to the slab-desk without offering a hug.

"Anyway, like I think I mentioned to you before, I've got a communications issue when it comes to being a member of the Titans. I was hoping you could help", she explains, gesturing about herself as she continues, "... being as you have a magic place and wizard magic and stuff like that at your disposal."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy nods and goes to get the cocoa. Powdered and microwaved. "Well I'm learning the ropes about the Rock, slowly. I'm not exactly a wizard but I have been working my transformation for a while. You should become Golden Eagle. If you turn back to Yaretzi, We should go elsewhere to do this, because the Rock is still interfering with your power source. And we should talk about your using the portal at some point... it never felt that way for me. Silverdane... found it thrilling. She's a werewolf."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"I... I didn't turn back on purpose. I'm not on Earth anymore, I guess, far as my powers are concerned. Golden Eagle's an avatar of the Earthly spirit of Eagle, so she can't exist if I'm not on Earth. ...and I can't change back into Eagle while I'm here. We tried that last time, remember?", she explains. "So, yeah... we'd hafta go somewhere else if you want me to be her."

Then she looks puzzled. "The portal? You mean what I just did with the key wasn't the portal?", she queries.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson says, "That's one portal yes. But it seems to give different people different feelings. For my part and my sibs. We just concentrate and any door becomes a portal for us. Mary figured that out. She's the smart one. Anyway... first we make you Golden eagle again."

Billy reaches into the air and there's a door there, into a perfectly ordinary apartment. "Step in there, go Eagle and come back into the Rock. I think I got it to respect you and let you channel your power. I want to see if I got that right, if you don't mind? Hospitality is very important to Zeus Pater and he does love Eagles." He gestures to the door.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"Uhm... okay", Yaretzi says, stepping over into the apartment on the other side of the door. She then does what Billy probably hoped she wouldn't do: she looks around. "Is this your place?", she wonders aloud. For the moment, at least, she's forgotten that the reason she stepped into the apartment in which she's found herself was to transform back into Golden Eagle.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson looks over her shoulder to see if anything is out of place, like laundry or underwear. Nope everything is fine. "Uh yeah. I don't need much space and my foster family lives across the alley so I can help with the younger kids." He looks at a huge poster of a manga style drawing of Irie on the wall. "Oh uh, a fan did that for me." He blushes a little.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Yaretzi tilts her head a little, hands on her hips, as she eyes the poster of Irie. "The artist drew her a little curvier than I think she really is, but it's a good drawing!", she comments. Then, she turns back to face the door and calls out, "Cuatli!"

After the attendant white, looks-like-lightning misty display that lasts a heartbeat, Golden Eagle stands in front of the doorway. She then glances about the room again. "Oh... you turned your closet door into the portal. That's kinda cool!", she comments, before stepping through and back onto the Rock of Eternity.

She stands there, holding her hands up and out to her sides as if waiting for something to happen. After a few moments, she smiles. "Hey! I think it worked! I didn't transform back and I can kinda feel that Eagle's still *here*!", she says.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson nods. "Hellenism isn't big on forgiveness for example but Zeus is a stickler for kindness, especially to strangers, and hospitality. He especially wants me to respect other deities and spirits. So... not gonna shrink this time? Cool. I did it. Let's see that communicator?" He claps his hands and rubs them together, evidently psyched.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"I don't shrink... when I'm not Eagle, it's Yaretzi's body. When I'm in this form it's Eagle's body. I'm still me in my head, but the body's different", Golden Eagle explains. Then comes the request for the communicator.

"Oh! Just a sec...", she says, then calls out her power word again, transforming back into Yaretzi. Pulling her backpack off her back, she withdraws the T-Com from inside it and offers it over.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson takes the device and says, "Funny, I feel like I shrink and grow. I didn't mean anything by it. Anyway... " he puts the communicator into the pocket of his robe and yells, "Shazam!" Boom! There's no getting used to that.

Shazam shrugs a little as if getting the super body to fit better, then reaches into his belt and removes the communicator. "It seems fine. Stuff like my phone usually ends up in my belt. I can't do my wallet so far. Gotta watch out for cameras on ATMs when I need cash. Try to transform holding this in your hand."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"I think our transformations work differently, then", Yaretzi says, "...even if they kinda do look like they're doing the same thing." She steps over to take back the communicator, then steps away, again, as if making room.

Holding the T-com in her right hand, she calls out, "Cuatli!" and transforms back into Golden Eagle... who has an empty right hand. Pouting a little, her left hand going to her hip, she flexes the fingers of her right hand a few times, then calls out her power word once again to transform back into Yaretzi, who stands there with the T-Com in her right hand.

She purses her lips a bit and says, "...I guess that didn't work."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam hrms. "It feels kind of like my transformation is a Harley you gun and yours is a Prius. Okay transform, give me comm again... have you thought about just having two comms? One for Yaretzi and one for Golden Eagle, at least till you hammer this out??"

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"Watch", Yaretzi says, setting the T-Com down on the slab-desk. She calls out the command word, transforming back into Golden Eagle, then picks the device back up. The command word is spoken again, and... Yaretzi is still holding the device. "When I transform back from Eagle, I'm holding what she was holding. Reaching her free hand to her back pocket, she pulls the key card back out. "Same thing happened with this, remember?", she offers, before putting the card back into her pocket.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam rubs his temples. "Soooo stuff transforms back when you become nonpowered, but it disappears when you become Golden Eagle. Well if it doesn't remain with both hands then I think you could do this eventually. Why don't you throw it in the air, transform and catch it on the way down?" He mimes the procedure.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"...that's got the same issue as putting it down to transform. It takes time to get it out in the first place and then to be not holding it during the transformation", Yaretzi says. "What if even taking a few seconds longer to transform makes a difference? ...or what if I get hit as soon as I've finished transforming and don't have a chance to catch it or pick it back up?", she adds, shrugging as she sits herself down on a convenient rock next to the slab-desk.

"I've goofed around with this for a little while, already. All I can think of is to figure out some way to make it a part of Eagle, or of her suit, somehow, so that it's always a part of her... but also make it something that comes back with this body and will go back to Eagle's body, too. It's... it's wierd, I know; it's just how my powers work, in this case", she explains.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam rubs his chin. "Hmmm. Let's try this. We hold the device between our hands... this is not a flirty thing. You transform back to Yaretzi and I, as Shazam, will attempt to hang onto the communicator? It might give you a feeling for how to do this. I mean I get a feeling for magic and even Speed Force lightning. Maybe it's like having someone hang onto you as you learn to ride a bike?"

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Yaretzi purses her lips to one side as she ponders that. "Can't hurt to try, I guess. You want me to be Eagle to start with, right?", she asks, as she gets back to her feet and offers the T-Com over before calling out her power word to transform.

Once she's in the form of Golden Eagle, once again, she nods and extends her hand to let Shazam enact the plan of action.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam takes Eagle's hand in his, all business. Almost, "I like the way you store things in your gloves. It's neat. All right, you turn back." He merely lays his hand on the device, Not grabbing it. Then, he wills the device to remain with Golden Eagle.

"Then we'll try your turning back to Eagle."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle nods. "The trick with my gloves only works for small things, and only because they're gloves. I don't have many other places to put stuff, in this outfit", she says, gesturing to herself with her free hand before she calls out her power word.

Yaretzi stands there, afterwards, holding the device in her hand, with Shazam's hand over her own. "Nope", she says, once again.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam says, "Well, if it doesn't work this way. I don't think it'll work the other way. I'm sorry Yaretzi. I'm out of ideas. But I'll keep studying the problem. I hope this didn't give you a headache. Too many transformations do that to me. Maybe it's the boom.."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Yaretzi nods, and takes the time to put the T-Com back into her pack before calling out her command word to become Golden Eagle, once again.

"I've been trying out stuff on my own, best I could. Any help, even if it doesn't work out right away, is worth getting", she says. "...and I've never gotten a headache from transforming, myself. Of course, I usually don't transform over adn over, like I just did, but...", she adds, reaching up to gesture towards her head. "... still nothing going on up here that shouldn't already be!"

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam clasps his hands. "It might just be my thing. I'll ask Thunderbolt sometime. Anyway, I use lightning and you use... radiance I guess. It's pretty. I mean lightning is beautiful but you have to watch it. You want another cocoa?"

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"Oh, yes, please!", Golden Eagle says, sitting herself back down as she accepts the offered drink.