16984/Can you help me out

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Can you help me out
Date of Scene: 22 January 2024
Location: Mercy's Garage
Synopsis: Mercy tries to fix Miles's old car.
Cast of Characters: Mercy Thompson, Miles Morales

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Sundays either go really busy or really slow. Today for Mercy it's been that annoying mix of busy but with no 'fun' work. It is well into winter and that means she does a LOT of fixing that is radiators, or wiper fluid and washer blades and all that little stuff. Though she did have a tow company bring a car by that was in a wreck she thought she could save. But turns out the insurance says it's cheaper to junk then to fix. So... no real work for her.
    This leaves Mercy doing the worst part of her job. Paperwork! In her office, wrapping up the day's stuff as she gets everything set up so she can close.

Miles Morales has posed:
Alas, for one Mercy Thompson?

Her evening might just be getting started. There's the sound of a busted up engine seemingly spurting as though it were readying it's death cries as it was driven up the street to her little shop in Harlem. One more annoying fix, by the looks of things, for Mercy. Though, once the car is brought up to the garage door, the driver seems to exit. Seems a young man with a simple coat and jeans, red t-shirt underneath with some nice sneakers, his legs carrying him to the back of the car...

And giving it a nice push, trying to get it into the shop. Course, he's strong enough to pick that car up over his head, but he's trying to sell it a bit so he can at least /look/ normal. Once he's pushed the car to a good spot? He looks around, panting a bit.

"Ah...hello? Anybody home? Need to have my ride looked at I think....uh...I have cash?" He asks with a little bit of a shrug, knowing it's probably a massive longshot to get /any/ help tonight, but maybe he'll get lucky?

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy is not all that far from one of the main college campuses in NYC so she gets more then a few 'college getabout' beat up cars that haven't had their oil changed since the 00s. She keeps the bay doors closed unless a car is going in or out, both for insurance for heat. She looks over once the young man gets into the office.
    Since she didn't lock up the shop yet or turn off the open sign she steps outside. "Hey. So what's the problem?" Her eyes going to the car to check the make and model to see if she can maybe even DO anything for it.
    Her eyes narrow just a bit as the man comes panting in and acting like he's out of breath. Thing is her senses can literally smell lies, but while none was spoken, it is possible she may notice that Miles isn't s winded as pretends.

Miles Morales has posed:
At least Miles didn't have to drag this thing too far!

But, Miles seems to brighten when he notices Mercy. For a moment though, anything that comes out of his mouth seems to be limited to "uhm...duh...uh..." Why you might ask? Because Mercy Thompson is a gorgeous woman. Miles is not good at talking to ladies in general. It's a thing he hasn't learned how to do yet, what can ya do? Though Miles seems to gulp for a moment. "Sorry."

And he continues.

"Think there's something wrong with the engine. Want to have it looked at, making a lot of weird noises, you know?"

The car in question? It looks like it's some kind of Audi Sedan. "Any chance you can take a quick look at it? I know you're trying to get out of dodge here."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy motions to Miles, "Get inside to the office where it is warmer. I got a pot of hot water for tea and insta cocoa or the stuff I mix up. No real coffee." She hates the smell of it. She gets around the counter and will give the guy time to gather his thoughts and composure some. She will start up a work slip and already is knew the maker of the car and can guess a fair bit more. "Well I can take a look but not sure how quick it will be. What sort of weird noises? Do you know where they come or if they happen at certain times or actions? Like left turns, or when you idle. That kind of thing. I'm Mercy by the way," tapping at the business cards on the counter with her name and the garages' on it.

Miles Morales has posed:
Motioned to get inside, Miles seems to smile, rubbing at his arms a bit to try and build up that friction to get some heat running through his body again. "Hey, thank you, I a-appreciate it." Miles stammers ever so slightly. "I-if it helps, I'm not really a coffee guy." He chuckles, though he moves inside, trying to warm up, his hands reaching to try and get his bulky coat off so he can get easier access to the heat, a hand lifting to wipe some sweat off of his brow.

"Whew. So much better. Thank you." He smiles ever so lightly "Thank you so much, I know it's a hassle." Miles thanks her eagerly. "Yeah. Usually when I take left turns, just feels like the car is screaming for mercy or something, you know?" He asks her, though she introduces herself as Mercy. "Cool name. I'm Miles. Miles Morales." He extends a hand to her, as if to ask for a handshake.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "It lets me know you got good taste," quips Mercy back with a lazy grin over at the young man. She nods her head over to the little instant kettle that has water and disposable cups with a 'Cation Hot' sign on things. A small thing with prepackaged packets, and a glass jar labeled 'Cocoa' on it.
    "Can't take credit for the name, that's my mothers doing. And is a nick name anyway. Less jokes that way," because really a mechanic named Mercedes is sort of on the nose. "Well I can give you as quick a look as I can. But it will take some time. You got the keys and have hands warm enough to fill out some stuff." Tapping a pen on the paperwork she prepped some.

Miles Morales has posed:
"Heh, I don't know about good taste, but I like to think I have some kind of eye for things. I dunno." Miles lifts his shoulders and lets them fall in an easy shrug. He claps his hands together, rubbing them quickly like Mr. Miyagi to get some heat in his palms. Though directed towards some instant kettle? Miles gives Mercy a kind smile and a little nod. "Thanks Mercy, appreciate it. Uh...you want anything, or?" Miles questions her, though her answer about her name earns a little laugh.

"Hey, fair enough. Your mom was creative. My name is just...uh, a distance measurement." and part of every song ever written ever. "Hey, take as long as you need. I think my hands are warmed up enough to do some motor skills, yeah." He gives her a thumbs up.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "No thanks. I got more upstairs when I'm done of the day and get to some left over pasta from yesterday." She does her best not to make the customer feel rushed out or unwelcomed. She needs all the business she can usually get.
    She holds out her hand, "Hand me the keys? I'll get it into the bay and you can fill out this stuff. I'll see what I can find out. Sometimes we get lucky and the problem is real obvious and easy to see."

Miles Morales has posed:
"You got it." Though Mercy asks for the keys and Miles seems to dig into his pocket a little. "Oh!" and he pulls out the keys, the keyring simple and easy, very noticeable which one is the key and which one seems to be the key to an apartment, in addition to the normal car fob. "Here you go." He sets the keys in Mercy's hands as he seems to walk towards the dispenser, getting himself an easy water before he's walking back towards her, as though he might be of use or something.

"Thank you so much, I know it's a whole thing. What do I owe ya?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    With the boring part of work and things signed so she can't get sued for breaking the car Mercy will head into the garage. Zipping up her coveralls and getting those little mats to put inside the driver seat she'll get the car into the bay and then lift it a bit to make it easier to look into.
    "Nothing until I look at it. I generally don't charge too much for a first time quick check up. It's my new customer welcome policy. Though just by what it sounds like I would be shocked if you don't have at least a bad CV joint." She starts to get a light and look from under the car starting near the left front wheel. "I won't lie that's not the cheapest of fixes. That said it can sometimes be ignored. But if it is that loud and tough, something else may be going on."
    Mercy leans out from under the car and is laughing. "I had a guy come in who couldn't figure out while his car made this spooky sound as he drove faster. Said his wife put a ghost on him to get him to drive slower. Turns out this ghost was a harmonic zip tied to the bottom of his car."

Miles Morales has posed:
There shall be no suing today, madam!

Though Miles is watching Mercy as she's trying to fix up the car. He's...probably staring a bit too much at times, but at least he's trying to wait and see where he can be helpful. He seems to smile. "Wow, that's pretty cool of you. I was terrified that this was going to be like a twenty-thousand dollar fix or something and I'm not exactly Warren Buffet or something." Miles seems amused in that moment, but at the same time? He seems happy that the damage doesn't seem too bad.


"Wow, you know your stuff." He looked impressed, that's for damn sure! "Well, let's hope it's still drivable..." He chuckles a little bit, though he tilts his head at her story, eventually laughing. "Seriously? Wow, what a guy. Guess that's one way to get the guy to drive slower, and one helluva prank to boot. Do you have any other fun stories?" He sat down in a nearby chair, ready to just.../listen/.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    It doesn't happen often, but Mercy does get watched by guys at times. She doesn't see herself as particularly beautiful. Not with some of the other women she's met in her life. She's learned it is best to not comment on it in general. "Well the FIX isn't free. Just the part of me telling you what is wrong is free. If I gave out free first fixes in my shop I'd be homeless in no time."
    "Really easy fix too. Just cut the harmonic off. The guy got a cheep repair bill and a free harmonica out of it. Though he said he sort of missed it on his next visit." She keeps looking over the car, doing some of the obvious stuff but mostly it's on that tire. "Yeah you got a cracked CV Joint at the last. Breaks smell like you are a bit worn down too." She will head back to the office and wipe at her hands on the way to the office. "No way I can fix this today. I can get to it first thing tomorrow. Give it a full look over and call you before I do any serious repairs. I do things as cost effective as I can. But if it's a CV replacement that gets you well on your way to a four figure cost after I add in labor and parts. If I get lucky and find a good part and you don't mind used ones it can save some cost."

Miles Morales has posed:
And she's being watched by Miles right now.

Though the eyes wander, he at least has enough self control to not do anything about it. Instead, he just sits there like a shy mess about to turn into a puddle if she looks at him wrong. "F-fair enough..." He says a little dreamily, but he snaps out of it, shaking his head aggressively. "Easy fix." He nods in confirmation, though she continues to tell the story that he got a free harmonica out of it, earning a laugh from the Second Spider-Man.

"Nice." He chuckles...then the chuckle dies, seemingly replaced by stress. "Holy..." He takes a deep breath. "Okay.." Miles doesn't know if he's necessarily /good/ for a four figure payment. If it's like a thousand? Cool, he can make that happen. If it's like seven thousand? Might be easier to junk the old girl and get a new car from the scrap money. "Right...." He stays in his seat for a moment, a litlte nervous by the looks of things. Could use a stress relief or a good talk. "Oh boy..." He rubs his face a little bit. "Anything you can do to help would be really appreciated."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy looks at the car and asks, "Do you -need- it real soon?" She nods to the bay and will give her best sales pitch. "I'll give you the bumper to bumper look over. That's free for the first timer. Regardless of what I find that includes the basics like air in your tires. I'll let you know everything you have to fix, everything you should fix, and what can wait or be ignored. If you give me a little time I can try to hunt the junkyards for parts."
    Mercy doesn't mind doing that but some people really don't like using used parts. "That can bring the cost way down, BUT." She has to stress this. "It is impossible for someone who wasn't my teacher to know how long a part may last. So it may not be a permanent fix. Often that can give you time to get ready for a bigger price tag." Mercy will offer a sympathetic shrug. "That's about the best I can do. Oil change, stuff like that is usually pretty cheap and quick. It's the other stuff that can run up fast if you don't take care of the car. I am guessing you have had to do one or two hard stops and hit your breaks hard if they're that worn down already." Maybe the unknown price of spider-sense is break pads?

Miles Morales has posed:
The unknown price of having a Spider-Sense at all...

Often times, if there's danger approaching or the risk of a car accident? Miles will be forced to slam on his breaks to try and avoid the incident or speed up for the same effect. But this car? It's a simple beater, no skin off of his back if he can't get it back up and running, but it DEFINITELY helps with the whole secret identity thing, helps him keep his cover. And you know, helps him look a /little/ cool to have his own car....

But, by the sounds of it...he's eitehr screwed senseless OR Mercy can try to haunt the junkyard for some parts, which would help bring the cost WAY down but it'd be a temporary fix. Temporary is all Miles needs right now, his eyes widening when she so much as makes the suggestion. "I...you'd do that for me?" He blinks at her, meeting her eyes.

"I...thank you."

He looks absolutely shocked as he stands up to look at her. "Uhm...how much would that...you sure that's free? That's..that's alot." He questions her softly, even if he's being a little shy around her still. "I'll start taking better care of the car! honest!" He pleads.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "I do that for pretty much all my customers," she checks the paperwork to be sure of the name, "Miles. I get it, cars are expensive and these repairs can get you." Stumming her fingers on the counter she looks at the car and thinks for a long moment.
    Reaching under the counter she pulls up some Tupperware and offers some home made gingerbread. "I guess there is a third option I didn't consider." She waves off his question on free, "I don't lie. First time gets you the inspection for free for giving me the chance at your business. But the last option would be to turn this situation around the other way." She nods to the car. "I can see about stripping it down. Pull the parts for it and take the rest to the junkyards and sell it for you. I'll get a better price then you just going on your own. That will get you the money to see about getting a different slash new ride." She smiles at Miles and Mercy adds, "I recommend a German model of course. Even can probably get a few up and going without too much trouble. I mostly work on classics but I have done newer models at times."

Miles Morales has posed:
"W-well, thank you."

Miles seems to smile for a moment. Though she seems to be sympathizing with him, that cars are expensive and inconvenient, that trying to fix one can seriously put one in a position for bankruptcy. Though suddenly, he's being offered gingerbread! "Oh, thank you." Miles reaches for some of the gingerbread, fingers briefly touching her own as he accepts it, before he's looking at the gingerbread and giving it a tentative sniff.

These arn't poisoned, right? Eh, who cares, gingerbread is gingerbread! He takes a little bite and he seems to indulge in the taste for just a moment, nodding. "Holy crap, these are good." He admits, before he's looking at her. "Third option?" Miles question Mercy in that moment, before he's listening attentively. Stripping it down...sell the parts. "That...might be the best option, if nothing else can work." Miles agrees to that, a little grim chuckle on his face. "Geez, my luck is terrible. But, I guess I'll take your advice and get a german model."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy's eyes instinctively drop to the hand as it makes contact. "You'll get grease on you." Occupational hazard. That and she grew up with a unique crowd and touches like that can be dangerous at times. No the cookies aren't poisoned, just cookies. "Glad you like them. I fix cars better then I bake though."
    "Which way do you want to go? If you give me the price range you are willing to spend. IF you go for the third option. I can start looking for what I can find and see about getting you the best deal. Of course you can also use the trade in value to help get yourself something too. I won't lie though. Not sure what you'll get for parts. Tires looked good, seats are in great condition, and your belts looked nice too. So there are some parts worth something."

Miles Morales has posed:
They make that contact and Miles's cheeks flush pink. "Oh, uhm...I don't mind.." Miles seems to look up ever so slightly at her eyes. Dangerous indeed. "Uhm..." He considers something. It's stupid. He refrains, at least for right now, though she seems happy that he likes the cookies. "They're really good. And if you f-fix cars better, I think you'll be alright." He chuckles a little bit nervously.

"Honestly? I have no idea." He sighs softly. "Maybe it'd be best to go for the third option. We can sell it and wear it down for parts and see if I can get a profit or...something." He rubs the back of his neck. "And if you think there's good stuff to it, maybe it'll turn out okay?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Well not sure about profit." Mercy likes to keep expectations realistic if possible. The cookies are put under the counter again and she runs some math in her head. "Probably can get you into a Golf. Maybe even an Opel if we get a good deal. If you got about a thousand in cash to play with, and I do some trade in on parts. I might be able to help you get the title to a new car. ESPECIALLY if you'll take a salvage title. Obviously I wouldn't have you get a junk rust bucket or lemon if we go that way. I'll check it out for you first so you know at least when you GET the car it should run fine for a while."
    Mercy gives herself a nod and says, "that may be your best bet. If you get a good salvage title you could see about something that looks nicer. Just had a rougher past you know?"

Miles Morales has posed:
Miles seems to nod ever so softly, at least she's being realistic as his arms cross over a surprisingly athletic chest for a moment. He hums. "Huh....well, uhm...I do have exactly a thousand.." Miles rubs the back of his neck a little bit, wincing a tad. Yeah, that's gonna financially hurt, but...at least it's something. He'd rather pay a thousand and call it good than end up having to pay 12,000 for a brand new car. Sometimes? Shit works.

"Right....I think you're exactly right." He sighs. "But, gotta do what you gotta do right? I think that would work just fine by me."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy taps the paperwork they did earlier. "So leave your car with me. I'll go over it first thing in the morning. Then I will call you and we can see where we are. I'll assume more like an $750 budget if I can for either repairs or that plus part sales for a new car. I'll get some options for you when I call. Sound good?" She doesn't offer a hand to shake on it and offers, "Don't worry about security here. I got cameras and a hidden safe for the keys."

Miles Morales has posed:
Miles looks at the paperwork and dnods. "....alright, I'll leave it with you." He reaches into his pocket, pulling out a sliver of paper and writing on it. 'This is my phone number." and he offers the slip of paper to her, a little smile on hi face. "Thank you so much for your help. That sounds great to me." Though she doesn't offer a hand to shake on it? He absolutely does. His hand extending towards her, a kindness in his eyes.

"Thank you, Mercy."

He looks around then. "So uh...I don't really have a ride home..."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy seems amused, "I got it on the paperwork Miles. Kind of need that before I can work on a car." But she'll take the number and slip it into the papers on the counter already. She looks at the hand and holds up her own. "I got grease and not washed up fully yet." She'll instead offer a fist tap as that's a little safer on the dirty level.
    "You're welcome." Then Mercy gives a small laugh and says, "I was about to ask that. You need me to get you to a subway, or call an uber or something for you?"

Miles Morales has posed:
Fist tap instead of a handshake? Well...it'll do. Miles chuckles and gives the woman a fist bump before he's chuckling about the whole phone number thing. "Well, now you have it twice?"

Insert awkward laugh here.

"Uhm...either would work, honestly. But if you took me to the subway, I could buy you dinner or something?" did he just ask her out?

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Let me lock up and I can walk you to the nearest stop. It's only a few blocks." With that Mercy will get things set up. Goes into the garage to put stuff away, wash her hands and soon will be ready to take Miles the couple of blocks to the closest line. "I appreciate the offer but I will have to pass right now. But flattered, and thank you."

Miles Morales has posed:

...But at least she's nice about it. Miles smiles a moment at Mercy and he stands FAR back so he's not in her way. "Sure, sure, sure." Miles remarks semi awkwardly, but he chuckles. "Thanks for being willing to walk me."