Isra Kosimar

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  Irvriya Kosimar  
Irvriya Kosimar (Scenesys ID: 5219)
Name: Irvriya Minerva Kosimar
Superalias: None
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Occupation: Curator
Citizenship: American Citizen
Residence: Manhattan, NY
Education: Doctorate of Archaeology MIT
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: Mystic Arts
Apparent Age: 33 Actual Age: 33
Date of Birth 1 Nov 1990 Played By Katie McGrath
Height: 5'5" Weight: 125
Hair Color: Raven Black Eye Color: Jade Green
Theme Song: Faith - Ghost

Character Info


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Doctor Irvriya Kosimar is from a happy and huge family. She has dedicated her life to restoring artifacts to their rightful homes...all while trying to keep a finger on the pulse of the occult communities where she is. She's arrived back home in New York to take up a new mantle for a few years...or until something has her go back out into the field.


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1990: Born a month premature to Doctor Abraham Kosimar and his wife, Professor Marta Kosimar while they were visiting family in Jerusalem.
1995: Started showing signs of heightened intelligence.
2000: Accompanied her mother on a trip to Israel where there was a shooting incident that ended with her being shot and having to have major surgery.
2001: Didn't tell her parents that she had started having 'black outs' and waking up to pages full of words that were not hers. Parents were also aware that she was sometimes acting strange. They attributed it to the after effects of being injured.
2005: After her parents researching and reaching out to others they figure out that she is 'Automatic Writing', which is a type of mediumship. They can only link it to the trauma that happened. Her parents explain what might be happening and invite her to research with them.
2006: Studies about automatic writing and other forms of medium ship while mainting grades in school.
2008: Graduates towards the top of her class in High School and is accepted into MIT for their Archaeology program.
2015: Obtains her Masters in Archaeology. Goes on her first 'solo' dig in the Balkans. She believes that the object is not from Earth, but doesn't know who to take it to.
2020: Obtains her Doctorate in Archaelogy and her Masters in Jewish & Medieval History.
2022: Accepts a position in Hungary for training Archaeology students for field work. Also has an experience with blacking out again, but this time her friends think that she somehow channeled some spirit.
2024: Has arrived back in New York ahead of starting her new job as Curator at the Jewish Museum.

IC Journal

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Most of the Kosimar family comes from level headed people. While she is the youngest child and only daughter and was definitely doted on throughout her younger years, her family did not spoil her, which means that she did not have temper tantrums that carried over into her adult years. Given her work and her past she takes great care in maintaining her public face of being a very calm and collected person.

Irvriya is someone that believes in giving back and she does that through her charity and volunteer work. She is a very generous person.

Irvriya grew up with a medical doctor and a professor of math for a mother. She has been given problems to figure out throughout her life and she is someone that wants to know the answer to everything she comes across. There's never a mystery too deep. She'll try to crack it just for the challenge.

Almost to a fault, Irvriya grew up with a loving family and a close connection to those around her. Her father taught her not to abandon her friends or her family, no matter how bad life gets.

Irvriya is an eternal student. Her life isn't complete unless she is learning new things and delving into studying a new language or things of that nature.

Character Sheet


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Mediumship is the practice of mediating communication between familiar spirits or spirits of the dead and living human beings. When Irvriya was shot and almost died it awoke latent psychic abilities in her. That she didn't start talking to her parents about for a year post trauma. These powers are different, but fall under the tree of mediumship.

Automatic Writing: Irvriya sometimes falls into a trance like state where she will write words, draw symbols or basic pictures of some incident or message that a spirit is trying to get across. She is not in control of her body during this time.

Channeling: Irvriya has never consciously channeled a spirit or ghost. The two times that this has happened she was unaware of the situation and was left feeling very uncomfortable after it. She has recently been encouraged to get this under control before the wrong spirit or ghost finds out that she's uneducated and takes her body for a spin on the town. Friends are great motivators!

Minor Magic:
Irvriya has studied basic wards for a long time and has become pretty good at creating them. She has the magical potential to branch off into other magics or build onto her wards. She just needs to practice. She generally wards her home and precious artifacts that need it.


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Irvriya holds a Doctorate in Archaeology from MIT. While she's been a Doctor for less than four years, she has made a name for herself in making sure that if there are artifacts found at digs that they are returned to their proper homes after they are tested and catalogued. Which has not gained her a lot of friends when some people wanted to put them in countries that they did not belong in.

Irvriya, much like her mother, has a love of pastry and sweet things. Plus she loves baking since it is like therapy, just without the huge bill. She has been passed down her grandmothers baking and cooking recipes now that she is home.

Irvriya has the qualifications and certifications to curate museums large and small. When she was abroad she was the assistant Curator for several museums. Her main reason for returning home is to take over the main Curator position at the Jewish Museum.

Extremely Educated:
She has been extremely lucky when it comes to her education. Her parents supported her after having three sons that went to college, one being in law school. Being an archaeologist was not their first choice for their daughter, but she proved that it was going to be the best thing for her to do.

Heightened Intelligence:
While not a super power, Irvriya does possess above average intelligence, well above average. In fact she got in trouble in school because most of the lessons bored her with being too easy to process. Thankfully she's gotten a lot to do in her adult years to keep her from getting too curious...for now.

Jewish History:
Irvriya's main love is the history of her own people. She holds a Masters in Jewish History and while not a leading authority world-wide, she might one day be one in her forties and fifties. There is still plenty of room to grow!

Krav Maga:
Irvriya started Krav Maga classes with her brothers in her teens, but when she went abroad she didn't keep up with things, leaving her at a green belt in the martial art and she is picking it back up now that she is home.

Medieval History:
While not the leading expert in the field, Irvriya has had a special love of Medieval History and holds a masters in the subject. She can tell you what era something is from and probably how and why it was forged. She does focus heavily on Medieval Occultism.

Circling back to extremely educated, she has learned a very long list of languages. While English is her first language, Hebrew and Arabic are close seconds given they were taught that from childhood. She also speaks Aramaic, Russian, French, Spanish, German and Yiddish.


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Academic Contacts:
If Irvriya can't find out what you are referring to when it comes to Academics, she has a very broad range of people that she can ask questions or for favors. She's not afraid to ask others for assistance when it comes to finding things.

The Kosimar family is a rather big family and there are many talents that her siblings and parents have. While she isn't afraid to ask for a favor, she knows that she'll need to do one in turn if the price is high.

Ludo is a two year old Chestnut Newfoundland and he is a trained service animal for Irvriya given her blackouts and her anxiety. He is a very well trained dog and he is never far from her.

Occult Library:
The books and things that Irvriya has consists mainly on books about Psychic Phenomena related to Mediumship and then her history of Medieval Occultism and Jewish Occultism. It's not the biggest library out there. But she is one of those you can go to if you've got questions on those subjects.

Strange Artifact:
When Irvriya was in the Balkans working on a very remote dig there was an object that was come across that was just not something that was of Earth. And she tried to find the origin for it, but the closest she can come to what it might be is some Asgardian creation. It is the tip of a sword that was broken doesn't talk or any of those things. She assumes that there is another part of it somewhere out there.

(Note: This is a plot piece to get an Asgardian their broken creation back. This will not be staying with Riya after that plot is finished!)

The Kosimar family is not hurting for money by any means. They are a very large and very well situated family. While Irvriya has not wanted for much in her life, she has seen that her life is blessed compared to others and gives to charities accordingly.


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For Love Or Money?:
Most men that come knocking only see her name and the money that her family has. It's been something that has bitten her before and generally ends relationships. She is rather paranoid of those that are introduced by her parents or business associates.

While it is something that she prides herself on, it is also a double-edged sword. She's stayed in relationships too long due to this and let people walk over her. She is trying to find a balance of being loyal, while also having boundaries that can't be tested.

Let's face it, Irvriya is a busy-body when it comes to things she doesn't know about. Shiny unknown thing? Can I see it?! Dark and broody backstory? Can I know about it?! Yes, she can be a bit into others things. But she is well meaning.

Irvriya has taken a lot of time to go through school, learn different languages and present herself as well as she possibly can. If something goes wrong she tends to doomspiral about it. While not everything in life is meant to be perfect...she absolutely would like it to be.



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Isra Kosimar has 7 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
I'm Not Drowning April 23rd, 2024 Wray and Isra talk about what is going on going forward.
Welcome Home, Isra! April 14th, 2024 Isra's welcome home party takes a medieval turn.
Total Solar Eclipse Birthday! April 8th, 2024 Isra takes Wray to see the total eclipse on his birthday!
A Professional Opinion March 20th, 2024 Isra invites Wray to dinner and to show him some weird metal...that turns out to be his.
Late Night Fires March 16th, 2024 Isra returns to the faire and finds Wray deep in his thoughts.
Unintended Consequences-A cultural display March 16th, 2024 The Exhibit is a success; except for exposing the fact that an alien flower is alive and well and ready to create chaos.
A Faire First Meeting March 15th, 2024 Isra returns to the US after years spent abroad. She surprises her brother and meets Wray as well.


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Isra Kosimar has 7 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Isra Kosimar has been credited in 0 shows.

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Isra Kosimar has been credited in 0 albums.

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Isra Kosimar has authored 0 books.

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