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Showing the SHIELD Sites
Date of Scene: 10 May 2024
Location: Food Court: Triskelion
Synopsis: New Agent of SHIELD Camille Russo is given the Triskelion tour.
Cast of Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Richard Stadler, Camille Russo

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
It was a regular thing when new agents came to the Triskelion to give them a tour. To give them a feel for the huge, sprawling base and also to show them around to other agents. To help acclimize them and give them a sense of familiarity. Stopping and talking with those going too and fro was encouraged. It boosted camraderie. Most often veteran agents would be the ones to give the tour, to give stories, and act as a go-between for the fresh faces.
    Unfortunately for this particular gaggle, the assigned guide for this group was Natasha Romanova, the Black Widow. Natasha was hardly what one would call outgoing. Why couldn't someone like Clint have been given this job?
    "The cafeteria is open twenty four hours a day at constant readiness. Given that there are thousands of personnel who cycle back and forth at any given moment, it has to be ready around the clock."

Richard Stadler has posed:
     Oh, a gaggle. Richard does take a moment to look up from a printed out report, pen in hand, to observe the sudden clomp of uneven footsteps that arrives in the food court itself. Not much of a surprise... but who was leading them was. He does meet Natasha's eye, at least, giving a sympathetic nod to her plight of leading the future around their new headquarters. Thankfully he wasn't playing tour guide today. Oh, certainly, if this had been a zoo...

He looks back to the print out he was working for, making a small note before shifting to the next page. The remains of some chopped liver sandwich remained next to him, it's half eaten state a testament to never get deli foods from anything other than a deli.

Camille Russo has posed:
Camille nodded along in the way of wide-eyed, slightly overwhelmed newcomers as she tried to commit Agent Romanova's words to memory. She was grateful for the personnel handbook that detailed some of what was being gone over, because she was certain she was going to forget at least half of it in her current state.

The cafeteria smelled good though, and her stomach rumbled slightly. "Getting used to not being on a strict schedule for mealtimes sure is gonna be a difference," she finally remarked, eyes darting from station to station and flitting over the tables of other agents and affiliates.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
It's not something that she particularly likes doing. But it's her 'time' in line and she has no emergency or field deployment to use as an excuse to get out of it. This is what Natasha gets for annoying Deputy Director Hill for some reason or other. "You can find most things you'd want to eat at a point here. There are some limits, most heavily prepared items will not be brought out often." Translation, they won't get food that would qualify as a four star restaurant.
    They did, however, have about as many pizzas and ice cream as one could ever dream of. "You eat when you have the chance. You learn to sleep standing up and waiting for your turn to go on watch. Your body will adjust in time."

Richard Stadler has posed:
     Rick flips over to a new page in the document, before sighing and looking imploringly at the sandwich next to him. As if that might improve the taste. He lifts it up, takes a bite, and grimaces as he chews and swallows, before deciding to at least impart a little wisdom to the gaggle. "Just don't grab any of the fancy specials. They perhaps do one of them right, and it certainly isn't today. They certainly have a decent... 'midrats', but there's a..." He says, before pausing, and flipping back a few pages in the document he was reading. "Oh, for..." He says, flipping back forward. "That is either wrong, or..." He mutters, starting to scrawl across the page, Information imparted, at least.

Camille Russo has posed:
"Well, I'm no genius in the kitchen, but maybe I can share some of the family recipes, see if they're able to be replicated at scale. It's real hard to mess up some red beans and rice." Camille grinned at the thought. "But I'm used to whatever the mess hall's serving, so as long as I can get some sort of protein and vegetable I'll eat just about anything." Maybe with extra mustard on the sandwich in front of the gentleman who'd made the remark about the specials. She eyed it with some level of trepidation, and decided she'd stick with something safer. A burger, maybe, or the pizza. "Oh, I'm used to the standing sleep and the hurry up and wait, just not hot meals off-schedule. It's a nice change, really."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would glance at Camille, "They cook here for several thousand agents that may or may not come and go at any given day with little preparation time. Most of the processing is automated." In other words, made in huge amounts of bulk no doubt. "And the field manuals can.. Often leave something to be desired. Doctrine changes rather quickly." Doctrine became outdated wtih contact on the battlefield and countless enemies that could nearly instanttaneously adapt to whatever was throwna t them. "You can also have more personalized meals prepared, but the difficulties comes iwth timing for deployments."

Richard Stadler has posed:
     Stadler seems a bit focused on the document for a moment, frowning a bit deeper, before sighing and making a large circle over one of the paragraphs. "Either I'm crazy or they're crazy." He mutters, taking a moment to remove his glasses and giving his eyes a bit of a rest. "Just do yourself a favor if you can, get stationed as close to Manhattan. Culinary capital of the world, as far as I'm concerned, though... I don't know. Can't say I've heard of anyone making good red beans and rice outside of Louisiana. At least if friends are to be believed." He notes.

Natasha get's a bit of a look. "Doctrine changes quickly. You have a positive gift for understatement I appreciate, Agent Romanov." He notes, before blinking a moment and reseating his glasses on his noise. His eyes are back on the paper, but he does seem to address at least one person in there. "You, the..." He says, sighing as he looks up and gives Camille a look. "You. Prior service?"

Camille Russo has posed:
"Camille Russo, former Air Force," she confirms with a small nod. "There's a good Creole place over in Astoria, but it's a hefty commute. You a fan of bayou fare?" Definitely the pizza, she thinks as she sees the sandwich from closer up. "And you, Agent Romanova? Any experience with the culinary joys of my home state?" The comment about doctrine changing got a confirming hum of agreement. Plans rarely survived first contact with an enemy, but knowing the standard protocol had a value.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would consider, "I've not had the opportunity to enjoy it much. Have you much experience wtih Slavic cuisine? Russian.. Traditional meals leave somewhat much to be desired for many that are not accustomed to it." By which she meant mostly heavy lead and protein to help the body withstand against the frozen over hell levels of tundra that made up the country. "I hope to remedy that." If only most of her expeirences in Camille's homestate did not involve being deployed against necromancers.

Richard Stadler has posed:
     Rick nods to the woman identifying herself. "Excellent. Glad my ears are still working properly. I've heard a lot of veterans do well here, but I've heard you need to be prepared for an increase in tempo. Like firefighters, these people." He says, geasturing to those around them. "Richard Stadler, if it's needed. I've had a few decent po'boys, but a friend from New Orleans..." He frowns. "Well, Metairie, but close enough, says I shouldn't swear by anything out here." He says. A quick point at the sandwich. "Chopped liver, quite an acquired taste, but, well. I think I've acquired it."

Romanov get's a nod. "Russian, that's a bit easier to find down here, if anything else. Always looking for suggestions."

Camille Russo has posed:
Camille's smile turns a bit apologetic. "Only the more commonly known dishes, I'm afraid, and not much there either. Kasha, too, because it's so simple and cheap. Blini, Pierogi. Olivier salad." A bit of her drawl creeps in as she acknowledges Richard's comment. "Metarie, oui? Your friend is from the fancy neighborhood, Monsieur Stadler. And enough mustard may help that sandwich, but I think I'm gonna pass on tryin it." Her time in the remote cold had been largely living off MREs and whatever she could scrounge as part of her SERE training. Enjoying local dishes hadn't been part of it.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would nod, "Yes, Russian cuisine is rather simple and sturdy. It's good for when one is going out on field assignments." Basically protein goop. But this was from the woman that was often seen eating MRE's when she was about in the cafeteria or the Avengers Mansion willingly. "I do not have many times available to explore such things." Speaking a phrase in Russian equivalent of 'it is the way things are'.

Richard Stadler has posed:
     Stadler groans a bit. "Oh, please don't tell her that. Very adamant she grew up poor, though... honestly, I'll have to ask her if the status was pre or post Katrina. I hear there's still a few boarded up houses even now down there." He says, before indicating his sandwich. "Mustard's not going to save this. Swiss cheese, maybe, but so few people have something like that. In any case. I won't keep you from the rest of the tour. I'm sure Agent Romanov has some fun things in store for you. If you want to get some outside advice, though, tables always open." He nods. "Good evening, Agent Russo." He says, before nodding to Romanov as well. A look that says 'try not to run them too ragged' before he's looking back down at his document.

Lord, they got younger every year.

Camille Russo has posed:
Camille stifled a laugh at the comments before turning back to Natasha. "That doesn't sound so different from our own cuisine. What's available, cheap, filling, and will stretch a meal, right? Over time those simple things become a more standard recipe, but the beginnings... it's just about making the belly full and warm. Can't march on an empty stomach."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would nod, "Da. Russian food is.. Meant to help harden you against the realm. It does offer little else for the palette. But it is what is avialable and it works best." A pale food for a hardy people. "So, tell me about your flight experience. I have read your file, but I want to hear it from you."

Camille Russo has posed:
"Spent more time jumping out of them than flying them." Camille admitted. "I was on the team that did instruction on survival and escape, and to teach others to do it, you have to lead by example." She laughed, and added, "I think after the desert part it took weeks to get rid of the sand. Eventually I just replaced all the undergarments I'd had in my kit. Did the same thing after the jungle deployment."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would nod, "Deserts are worse than the jungle." That might come otu as a bit surprising. "Visibility is good in every direction, no cover. You're exposed to everything around you." That was a rather.. Blunt way to put it.