17934/The First Apartment Is Taken

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The First Apartment Is Taken
Date of Scene: 14 May 2024
Location: X-Corp Building - Downtown Manhattan
Synopsis: Ruth comes looking for an apartment at the new X-Corp Headquarters, and lands herself a luxurious two bedroom home.
Cast of Characters: Raven Darkholme, Ruth Aldine

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The new headquarter for X-Corp was finally complete, the last pieces of marble in place, the security systems online. Raven had personally seen to every detail of the place and reported the progress to Roberto personally.

Although not common knowledge to the world, it was known throughout the mutant community that the building would contained four floors of luxury apartments, so while the staff wasn't fully on duty, the blue mutant was seeing to the final stages.

The massive lobby was a small circus, workmen coming and going, the materials left from construction being taken out, the floors cleaned, and the new lobby furniture set in place. Behind the receptionist's desk, Raven stood wearing a white linen suit with a far too low cut silken shirt beneath. She had in her hand a tablet that she was busy typing on, while her eyes went from it to the computer monitor.

"Roland, make sure to calibrate the security computers with the reception computers, and get those scanners up and running." She called out to a green scaled mutant in a security uniform. He nodded and headed down the hall behind the reception counter.

Ruth Aldine has posed:
Ruth Aldine knew.

How? Doesn't really matter, or rather, it'd never make sense if anyone tried to explain it. But, there it is.

Today, the blind girl is submitting to the 'rules' that others play by, that is, she has a red and white cane, tipped at the end in the white that declares 'blind person'. She is dressed for the season in her stages of brown, her sleek black hair falling down her back. Her one affectation is that blindfold around her eyes, or where those eyes should be. Funny looks are shot her way, even in New York City, for that; blindfold, blind cane.

Perhaps the irony is lost on the young woman, about 22, perhaps it's part of a strange sense of humor.. but still, she navigates the streets of New York City as if she were ably sighted.

*taptaptaps* goes the cane in front of her, and as she approaches the new building, her steps slow and her head cants as if hearing something, considering something.


Decision made, Ruth reaches out a hand to open the door to the expansive and expensive lobby of the Headquarters of what will be, or is currently X-Corp. As she steps in, the unobtrusive woman steps to the side to take everything in, being very careful not to touch a thing. Not right now..

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The ear piece tucked unobtrusively in Raven's right ear chirps, and a message pops up on the monitor in front of her. The arrival of a new person to the building was noted as it was meant to be, making Ruth the first official guest to the building.

Lifting her yellow eyes to look across the balcony to the new arrival, a well practiced smile appears on her face. In that moment she sizes the young lady up, noting her cane and blindfold, while reading her body language. Setting the tablet down on the counter, she walk around the counter and makes her way across the lobby toward the woman.

Leather pumps clicking on the floor announce her presence, before she stops near the young woman. "Welcome to the new headquarters of X-Corp," she expresses in a cheerful tone. "I'm Raven, the XO of the company, how can I assist you today?"

Ruth Aldine has posed:
Such is the danger of talking to people. There are the visions, the flickering pictures of past, present and future all rolled into one. Fires, explosions, scenes of fear, danger and exultation. For some, it would lead to madness. For Ruth, it's a way of life.

Her face lifts slightly to the woman addressing her, and she considers her words. "Please, I have been led here, yes." Ruth falls silent for another moment before she nods slowly. "I am understanding, yes, that there will be apartments, please, and I would like, no, yes, I would like information, thank you." Her words, though they may appear to be hitched, seems like she's holding two completely different conversations in the context of one.

Lifting her cane, Ruthie snaps it closed and holds it lightly in a single hand. "For two people, yes. College."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The strangeness of the way the woman speaks, the way she holds herself, even the tone of her voice, it was all information for Raven to obtain and tuck away for later use if needed.

Normally, she would have extended her hand to shake, but that would have been quite a stupid move with a blind girl. Still, there was something about this woman that intrigued her. As she spoke, her head canted slightly causing her fiery red hair to fall over her shoulder.

"You are well informed," she states calmly, the smile never leaving her face nor the tone in her voice. "There are indeed a large number of apartments available for rent on the sixth through tenth floors."

She gestures to another of the security guards passing through as she requests of him, "Please get my tablet from the counter, thank you."

Her attention goes back to the young lady. "There are a few questions I need to ask, and I hope you won't be offended," she says, then pauses there a moment. "How rude of me. Would you like to sit down? I can lead you to one of the chairs if you'd like, then we can have something from the coffee shop delivered and talk."

Ruth Aldine has posed:
Ruth nods her head, a smile beginning to crease her face. "I know, thank you. Please, are they nice?" She hasn't gotten the feeling of it being a //dangerous// location, or any moreso than the City's warnings throughout the day. Perhaps, again, it is affectation, but neither does she extend her hand; no gloves on, and Myst can glean that there is the presence of at least a touch of telepathy. She's got barriers, but nothing too formidable. She's taught but not //trained//. "I will yes be able to afford them thank you." Will be. Can?

"Oh, sorry, my name is Ruth. Ruth Aldine, Ms Raven."

Her attention moves, though in a different direction, the shift bringing a little bit of a rustle of the fabric covering her eyes. "Money, no. You are losing yes, money. Dangerous men thank you, no. No." She shakes her head, and brings herself back around, present in the 'here and now', at least for the moment.

"Yes, please. Water, please. Thank you. I would like that, yes, talk thank you."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Extending her hand, Raven taps Ruth's arm lightly to indicated where her hand is. Knowing that it is common for the blind to lay their hand one the arm of the person guiding them, and not directly taking hands, she makes certain her arm is there for the Ruth to touch.

"There is no charge for guests," she offers as she starts to lead Ruth to the couches. "The coffee shop isn't fully open for business just yet, but they are making a few blends for the workers."

She gestures toward the coffee shop as she calls out, "Marionette, a bottle of water, and my usual please." The woman inside the coffee shop nods with a smile, and gets to work while Raven makes certain Ruth can find the couch to sit on.

The whole time the blue mutant is attempting to think through the way Ruth communicates, and the random statements that she offers that have nothing to do with the current situation. She is not unaccustomed to strangeness, after all she has worked with Wade Wilson before, but there was something different here that she can't put her finger on.

"My first question is the one that might be offensive," she then says as she settles herself on the other end of the couch, and accepts the tablet from the guard. "Are you a mutant?"

Ruth Aldine has posed:
Light fingers rest upon the outside of the elbow when offered. It's a feathered touch; gaining guidance without pulling //too// many thoughts and visions along with it. So much swirls around the other woman, and while she can hear the quick random thoughts of the building's construction and administration, there is nothing beneath. "Water, yes, please." Austerity measures regardless. "Thank you."

Following Raven to the seats, Ruth seems to be able to navigate passingly well, given the circumstances. Settling down in a seat, the woman seems smaller for it. Meeker. As if she could simply hide in plain sight; no one would notice her as they pass by. There's no magic in it, no psychic skill to it. It's simply her.

"Yes," Ruth nods, "No offense, yes. No, not at all." She exhales in a soft breath, her words barely above. "Since birth, yes. Sorry not like others. Not always like this, but always like this. Thank you."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Raven's voice becomes more soft, almost motherly in tone as she says, "How you are is just fine with me, but then I am known for my love of my mutant brothers and sisters. If there is anything I can do to help you, please do not hesitate to ask."

Marionette brings over the water and coffee. The water is offered to Ruth after the cup of coffee for Raven is set on the small coffee table. Once she's delivered the small order, she disappears back into the coffee shop.

Settling in, she crosses one leg over the other and sets the tablet in her lap. "You are the first to come for an apartment here, so you can have the pick of any of them," she comments as she pulls up the apartment list with her right hand, collecting the coffee with her left. "You said that you are a college student, correct? And that you want an apartment for two?"

Ruth Aldine has posed:
The absolute acceptance isn't something Ruth experiences a great deal. There are always thoughts of 'how odd' and 'strange', even within the community. Some mutants pass, some don't. She's one of those that forces a 'double take', and if there is any question, it is quickly dispelled. Should Raven peek into that mind of her, words echo thoughts. She's a swirl of broken psyche, thoughts born of the past, present and future all rolled into one. How she separates it all is anyone's guess.

Her expression, then, reflects it, and she tilts her head up to 'look' at Raven, brows rising. What sort of help would she need? When? How? "Yes, thank you. No, please, I think all is good. Yes. Yes, sorry. It's good. Things are as they yes, as they are."

The water bottle is taken, a nod of thanks given, and her hand rises to unscrew the cap.

"Can I? Really? My friend would like windows. Light. Yes, please, she likes waking early please." Ruth's nod to answer the questions in a single gesture has her following, "Just received my yes, sorry.. undergraduate. I am to go yes to Columbia to study law." Imagine her with clients? "I am good, please. Yes."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Even as she gets herself comfortable, Raven is observing everything. It is her skill set to always be aware of what is happening around her, and to read the person she is currently communicating with. A great deal can be learned merely by watching, so when Ruth takes the offered water without having to feel around for it, Raven is instantly aware that some how the woman can see. Perhaps she senses the world around her through some sort of vibration of movement through the air, or maybe it is a sixth sense, but whatever means it is, she /knows/ her surroundings quite well.

"At this time you are good, and that is wonderful to hear," she says with a smile then takes a sip of her coffee and sets it back down. "However in the future, should there ever be something you need, you are always welcome to contact me."

Turning her attention back to the apartment, she takes the information Ruth shares and enters it into the tablet. "All of the apartments have large, bullet proof windows with self shading to allow for either bright sunlight or darkness."

"Several have balconies as well," she adds, then looks from the tablet back to Ruth. "Two bedroom, one and a half bath, full kitchen, living and dining rooms, as well as in apartment washer and dryer. Does this sound acceptable?"

Ruth Aldine has posed:
There is that feeling of an 'ah ha' moment, and she is aware that she sits opposite a very intelligent, observant woman. One that //feels// like she can follow up on her offer of aid, should she require it. "Yes, no, thank you. I will be fine, I think."

Lifting the water, Ruth takes a small swallow before lowering it again and cradling it, her cane set to the side for the moment. "My friend will like that yes." Light and dark are concepts that simply have no place in her world. She's heard the descriptions and has felt warmth on her face from the sun. The brightness, however, is simply absent. "Do they open, please? Though, I think sorry yes I think she will like a balcony." Falling silent the blindfolded young woman nods her head slowly, "I would like, please, to show her after I see it?" She chuckles softly, a peek at the fact that she is indeed aware of her little ironies. "May we look at it, thank you?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Tip-tapping away on the tablet, Raven finds the perfect apartment and nods. "Yes, there are windows that open, fully screened to ensure the bugs stay outside." A few more taps and she smiles.

"I can in fact show you the apartment right now if you would like," she says, another sip of her coffee taken. "You are welcome to bring your water along."