17944/Mary Jane and Mercy

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Mary Jane and Mercy
Date of Scene: 14 May 2024
Location: Themysciran Embassy - First Floor
Synopsis: Mary Jane and Mercy talk at the Themysciran Embassy.
Cast of Characters: Mary Jane Watson, Mercy Thompson

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
It's a fairly quiet evening. Mary Jane has come to the Embassy to talk to one of the Amazons about something. Having finished up whatever conversation she had, she's now wandering about on the area that tourists are permitted in. Slung over on her back are two very, very large swords. One a serrated basterd sword, the other looking like a curved asgardian blade.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    In walks Mercy looking a bit frazzled. She has that long stride, stiff legged walk as she just wants to get OUT of the public area, and away from something. "Don't follow me anymore today," she says as she steps through the door.

    She makes it about three steps when she spies MJ there, she slows down. The hilts of the swords catch her eyes some and she catches herself staring. Realizing that she stops and shakes her head some, "Sorry."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would glance over at Mercy, "Oh, hey there." She would go to fold her arms together. In an 'if I wasn't expecting folks to stare, I wouldn't have worn these' in the casual way that a model was used to. "Was I in your way?" SHe would ask. "And I don't stand out that much?" In the embassy of the magic, immortal armored women from ancient times.

"Everything all right on your end?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Hi," she offers to the woman there. "Didn't mean to glare, if I was. Just got pulled out of my thoughts by your swords." Mercy takes another slow breath and says, "I was just being annoyed by someone that wouldn't take a polite hint to leave." She motions to the red headed woman before her. "I'm sure you have had that come up before," because she's a model and stuff. With a smile and a nod, "yeah. I'll be fine. Just got a bit growly and wished more people read body language better. Nice weapons by the way," making a motion toward the swords on MJ's back. Which hopefully won't be misconstrued as something else. "We only met in passing before I believe. Right?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would shake her head, "Nah, it's fine." She would reply. "I honestly didn't think it'd be that out of place here." She would quip. "And you work here, right? I.. THink I've seen you arounnd here a cuople of times? I don't drop by that often.." Sonja's view on life and the AMazon's view were quite different, and there was little room for middle ground between a soldier and a barbarian. "And that sounds about right." Met in passing.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "In truth it isn't. I carry a spear here more then a few times. Even the size of your two blades isn't unheard of with Amazon strength and the like." Mercy shakes her head again as she answers the question. "I just train here, friend of Diana and some of the others. I was invited to train here and I do because I can be a bit more myself then I can a public dojo." She walks up to the woman and offers a hand, "Mercy Thompson, auto mechanic and Walker pleased to meet you officially finally."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod, "Cool, nice to meet you then Mercy. Michelle Jones." She would offer her hand forward to shake. "I just come here to get some practice on occasion. And these things aren't.. Really usual fare so it helps to get partners that are good in a variety of styles." Normally basterd swords did not come face to face with shields and Greek era weapons

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "I tend to favor weapons that are either fast or give me reach. The bad guys annoyingly seem to be stronger and bigger then me. Isn't that just so rude," Mercy jokes with a grin as she chats up MJ. "So do you prefer Michelle, your full name, or Shelly or anything else as a way to be addressed?" She motions to the bastard sword, "that thing looks nasty, probably too heavy for me, but still wins on intimidation."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "yeah, I'm in a state where I don't quite have to worry about as much on that." She had nowhere near Sonja's power from the days of old but she at least could get in a good slice. The biggest issue was finding that right amount of strength to not mutiliate and risk falling into Sonja's bloodlust. "Michelle's fine. And pleasure to meet'cha Mercy."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Likewise. If you're looking to spar, I can try to offer you something different then most of your 'sisters' here. I am not nearly as strong as them, but I'm quick and told I can be a hard to read opponent." She shrugs even as Mercy is humble bragging a little bit. "That or I can get out of your hair and let you be. Gorgeous color for what it's worth too."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Well, sure, sometime. I alas don't have the time now to really get into a spar and setup. If I'm around here another time then definitely. And no, I don't have to head out right this minute and you're not keeping me from anything." She would tease based upon the normal ways this train of discussion would go

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Well I'm always happy to get to know the women here," says Mercy with a relaxed smile. "I'm ride of that jerk from outside. So what is it you like to do? Besides spar that is. I mean... are you a gamer, into history, like cars, fashion, anything like that?" A casual motion gets the thick black braid of her hair behind a shoulder and Mercy settles into a more relaxed posture.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Oh, into drama. Theatre, sorry. One of about five million people in the city looking to make it big. I think I'm roughly five steps away from being in a high school production of Shakespeare in the Park, but more of the one they do in a playground where it's cement dumped over an old toxic waste dump."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "That sounds like you may be a bit harsh on yourself Michelle. I mean I haven't seen you perform so I can't say honestly, but I'm never one for putting ourselves down." She has to admit, "I saw Lion King on Broadway but I don't go to a theater a lot. I find a lot of times they can hurt my ears," reaching up to rub at one because of a memory. "That and more then a few seem to have ghosts."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would laugh, "It's more that there's a lot of people looking for jobs in the sector and a lot of competition. it comes more into who you know and who you impress. Even these don't help much." She would pat at the hilts of the swords over on her back.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "See I would think your look and trained fighter abilities would help you get some roles. I mean you wouldn't have to work too hard to learn a stage fight or something else. I mean sure nobody could see you as a guy like the main lead of Tempest, but I bet you'd totally could kick ass as Molly Brown or something, right?" Mercy doesn't know a lot of plays and so has a small shallow library to pull from. "I'm lucky that my field of 'classic German car mechanic' is much less competitive."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would sigh "Alas, most staged fights aren't really meant to look real. The ones that are they don't do in front of live audiences. Too much of a chance for someone in the crowd to get hurt." she would deadpan. "And anything on tv is going t obe really, really staged and so no real point to it. And you do what you love. I'm just in a place where I know that getting ahead is going to take awhile. Way all things are in life."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Well that's a good attitude to have," Mercy encourages. "If you do manage to get a role, let me know. I'll see if I can help you out and buy a ticket. Or I can try to get you a cheap fix if you drive a German car and need some work." With a shrug of one shoulder, "other then that my assistance may be limited to well wishes."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Well, I don't think I could afford a car. I can't even afford a parking space for a car. Or an apartment the size of a car. This city is a bit expensive." She would chuckle. "Anyways, nice meeting you properly Mercy!"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Likewise. I should go see if I can catch Diana. I wanna try and arrange a trip we talked about for her and the girls here." Mercy offers a friendly wave as she gets ready to head into the embassy deeper, "hope to see you again soon!"