17976/Kwannon in the Club

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Kwannon in the Club
Date of Scene: 17 May 2024
Location: Saints and Sinners Club
Synopsis: Kwannon and MJ talk at a bar.
Cast of Characters: Mary Jane Watson, Kwannon

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Saints and Sinners seems a pretty enough name. It's history lending itself to both virtues and violations. But under the care of Mystique, it had become a calling card for Bushwick to come and relax at. Mary Jane is stopping by to check in on a friend that had been present at some of the earlier protests, and is sitting over at a table after having caughtup with them, checking her phone.

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon Is here right now herself the Asian girl looks exactly like besty so easy to mistake the two .. right now she's sipping a drink at the bar wearing a rather stunning chingam dress . Of course it's purple almost black with a Red sash around her waist as she senses a mind not like the rest and she looks around frowning

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would glance over at Kwannon, "Oh, hello." she would wave cheerfully over. "Don't think I've seen you before, but in a city this big that's hardly unusual." Peppy, cheerful, and generally inviting - a gesture asking permission to join.

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon Blinks a hot readhead wants to talk to her she just motions for the woman to join her.. She's never been great with people so all she can do is tap the bar top and point at mary jane to get the bar tender to give her a drink and kwannon will pay

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Nice to meet you then. Who are you?" She would offer ehr hand over. "Michelle Jones. And you okay? You seem a bit nervous."

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon Blinks she takes the hand her own is soft except for clear calusus that only a sword holder would have.. as she takes mary janes soft hand.. she has that deer in headlights look for a moment before she blinks " Besty " She says the she frowns " Sorry Kwannon .. besty is my english name " She has a slight japanese accent.. " Your very pretty "

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would cock her head and smile, "Oh? Nice to meet you Kwannon. I don't know Japanese, but I'm curious as to how those two translate. They don't quite sound the same. Or it a name you picked when you came here for us silly Americans to be able to actually speak?" she would offer her hand over. And.. On her fingers were the same sorts of calluses. And MJ's eyes would take note of them but quickly hide that she had noticed. Kwannon's ability to read body language likely cueing her that they had been recognized for what they were.

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon dosn't hide from it at all " I see you practice the sword as well or a blade.. those are not the bumps of one who uses firearms " She says softly . She looks down " It's complicated but, you can use either name ". She sips her drink mostly cause the poor girl is ackward and not sure what else to day

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Yeah, worked a bit with some for stage theatre." She wouldn't have callusses like that even from years of doing plays. But it was a smooth lie. "And sounds like that's an interesting story. Or it one you prefer to not tell?"

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon Smiles and looks at mj and thinks why not the girl seems normal her brain is at least.. what can it hurt she isn't anybody connected to something dangerous .. " My mind was merged with another womans.. we both look exactly the same other than the most 3 years we have each ohers memories.. so I'm not sure if I'm betty or Kwannon " She shrugs. She knows mary jane lied but not point in calling her out on it

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would blink, "That sounds.." She cocks her head to the side and gives a half smile. "Chaotic." Trying to read the other woman's expression, reading it as sincere. "I can't fathom what that might be like." The lie is smooth as silk. Part of Mary Jane is quite skilled at it.

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon nods and sighs and stretches a bit before she arches way farther back than a human should do.. before comming back gotta love that ninja flexiblity "What about you?" she asks softly looking at the pretty redhead woman.. She could go digging for the info but she's wonderng if she'll share

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Oh, wannabe model and actress. One of like ten million in the New England area. You know how it is getting roles. You gotta be ready to murder for them. And you prefer I call you Betsy or Kwannon?"

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon thinks " thier both my name.. at least till I can figure out who is who.. for now I like both the same.. Do you prefer mary.. or jane or the two together?" she smiles " i don't see how somebody looking like you would have issues with finding work "

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod, "I.. Understand. Do you see yourselves as.. Different? Or are you both sort of locking in together?" Were they different personas or were theys tarting to merge into one? "Oh, there's plenty of people who look like me. Way better, even. Lot of competition in the field. Not what you can do, what you look like.. Anyone can be a pretty face."

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon Smiles softly " Two people one mind " she says softly " Sorting out who is who and what is what is a mess and honestly not sure if I wanna try .. more just wanna know who of the two I am and move forward " . She looks mary jane up and down again " Lies , I have seen and met many super models.. you are on thier level " She says simply

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would pff, "I'm not that good, but thank you for catering to my ego. If anything you're the one that qualifies for that. You definitely have the poise for it." She would sigh. "That's going to be hard. You can't just pull either of you out of your head and call what's left a day."

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon Nods her head " that's my issue.. but knowing who I was at my core would help me sort " She says and sighs then she thinks " Here let me show you what I see " She liftsup a hand and holds it out as if asking permission .. if given she will place her hand on your forhead .

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would quirk a brow over at Kwannon over in a 'what you doing' expression. Not sure but accepting, cocking her head over at Kwannon curiously.

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon touches she's not great with people , so this is the more direct and better way for her.. when she's playing a part it's easy but herself she's a mess.. Right now though she lets mary jane.. see herself via Kwannon eye's. but not just a few of herself that super strong sense of attraction .. the face she looks at those eye's and how they light hits them and thier color.. her soft warm lips.. that soft smooth skin.. how sexy those hands felt ... the hands of a fellow warrior .

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
There's a hesitance of Mary Jane as she figures out what is going on. Her cheeks would flush and she would smile. "Ah, thanks. And you're really sweet by the way." She would take her palm down to squeeze at Kwannon's wrist. "ANd very, very nice." A kiss given to Kwannon's cheek.

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon turns a little pink but she breaks the conection " i'm not good with words " She says simply , that kiss making her blush rather baddly before she downs half the drink to try and distract herself

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would laugh, "Well, not everything comes into words. They say a picture paints a thousand of them, after all. So you can just be an artist?" She would tease if allowed.

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon turns even more pink before she hunches her shoulders and bite her lip " I can draw .. just not great and I did learn to paint " but that's betsy's background "But do you see what I see now?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "I see what you see and how you interpret it, so yes. I'm also kind of.. Between things at the moment in seeing people." She would speak sadly. "So I just don't want to lead you on or anything."

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon cocks her head " Between means single but still cares for the other person and sorting or rebound " and sighs " All the cute ones are on the rebound , even the male ones "

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would sigh, "Sorry on that, can't help you there. In my case I was that for someone else cute and we both kinda realized it and moved on."

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon Shrugs " it's okay I was lookng for one night stand anyways " She grins "if it's no dosn't mean I stll don't wanna chat.. your still very pretty " She says brightly as she downs her drink

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Thank you. And I'm sure you'll have a lot of luck when it comes to hooking up with someone here. It's a very relaxed place with a lot of nice people. And aliens."

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon Nods "yeah I know who they are " She laughs " I dunno I'm picky... seems my talent is hitting on the unavailable ones " she shrugs

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would shake her head, "Well, you'll get somewhere someday. It's just confidence. Being willing to go out on a limb and keep on looking. If you don't find someone.. Plenty of fish in the sea. Enjoy yourself. Keep at it and you'll meet someone that makes you happy."

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon grins as she looks at pats mary janes hand softly " you too " she says a little bit " I hope you find somebody to make you smile and is worthy of you " she says "you seem like a really sweet person "

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would laugh, "Thank you." She would squeeze the hand back. "If I'm looking for it, it'll happen. Or it might happen randomly. Things will happen when they're meant to. Just realizing I'm not looking for a partner in anything now. And I wish you the best in finding someone who makes you happy and content."

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon thinks for a moment " Do you have issues with bikini's " She asks just out out of the blue but she has an idea that might pan out.. and well she wants to be nice after dumping on the other woman