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Date of Scene: 16 May 2024
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: Summary
Cast of Characters: Frank Noble, Candace Hill
Tinyplot: Devil in the Details

Frank Noble has posed:
"What do you MEAN you ruined it?"

"I mean...it had a security protocol in it that made it turn to slag if it was opened..."



"That's what I'm saying boss."

"Well then we're gonna have to use Pepper to look into the past and reverse engineer at multiple stages of deployment..."

"Well how are we gonna do that?"

Tester smiled....


The skies were blue, it was a lovely summer day, and Frank was having a hot dog after a busy several days...between running his company, random idiots making him put on the mask by robbing or stabbing things and the tasks the mice had him do, he was finally taking a deep breather. He takes a bite of the hot dog and enjoys.

Candace Hill has posed:
It is a lovely day in Central park. Candace is off of work and is currently taking some time to just enjoy the park. She has a sketch pad out and is sketching away, doing some sort of art as she creates a bit of a personal piece. There is a sea of faces all in shadow so only one figure stands out. One that looks remarkably like her. While she is thrilled to have abilities and to be learning to use them, not knowing what she is happens to be weighing on her pretty hard.

As she sketches, some kids throwing a ball around accidentally hit her. She lets out an eep and drops her sketch pad. "Sorry! Can we have our ball back?" One of the boys asks as he runs up to get the ball.

Candace blinks a few times, "Oh umm yeah." She grabs the ball and throws it to the kid before she grabs her sketch pad and pencil.

Frank Noble has posed:
The whir of drone fans flying over the park is odd but no one pays much attention. New Yorkers have grown used to knowing when to run for cover....but a few do, for the whine is familiar...then others point and run...the drones are from the Alien invasion a decade ago but...rather than shoot at people, they begin shooting at the squirels in the trees....so far they have dodged but it is very VERY weird....

One minute Frank is sitting there and then it is GRENADEMAN, who slings two grenades that cover the drones in paint, causing their fans to clog and become overheated and sink to the ground.

Candace Hill has posed:
Candace smiles as the kids go back to playing. She looks at her sketch and frowns. The whole thing just really bothers her. Then there are those drones. Drones aren't exactly uncommon but drones attacking animals? That is not so good. People are starting to run. "Well no time better than now I guess." She takes off flying and is gone.

About a minute later she is back dressed in a tight violet body suit complete with cowl and goggles covering her eyes. "Okay what have we here!" She throws a hand forward and a burst of energy goes flying, immediately frying one of the drones. and a branch that it happened to be in front of. "Okay less force. Control it girl." She focuses and targets another one. She fires another burst of energy. This time it hits the drone and shorts it out. No collateral damage. "Okay thats better. That level of restraint works!"

Frank Noble has posed:
Grenademan grapples up into the trees. A regular grapnel might get caught in the limbs but the monofilament adhesive allows it to find purchase on literally any surface that it can stick to, and he tosses a series of flash bangs at the drones before saying, "FLASHBANGS!" He has learned working with other hereos....slowly.

A curse of frustration as the sensors on several drones are overwhelmed. "What kind of an asshole doesnt blow up evil robots? Its a rite of passage..."

"You wanna get a scan on the backpack?"

"May be Kordtech....we might already have one but flag it for examination...."

Candace Hill has posed:
The girl in the Violet Suit lifts off. She gets a crazy idea but one that would work. Quickly she flies at one of the drones and just grabs ahold of it. The drone fizzles as energy is sucked out of it into the girl's body. "Thought so!" She tosses the drone aside and goes after another one. She quickly drains the next one and then fries another. Its a target rich environment! Then she pauses. She is drawing some attention and a half dozen of the drones are buzzing around her. Trying to zap her. She doesn't really feel it as her suit soaks up the shots. "Excess Energy? You got it!" From behind her goggles, her eyes light up and she unleashes a blast of energy all around her, frying all six of the drones and sending them to the ground below.

Frank Noble has posed:
Grenademan chuckles, "Excellent citizen! er....Flying Violet? Violet Girl? Let us continue this strategy..." he begins tossing flash grenades near Candace so she can absorb the energy and use it to smite the drones which keep trying to attack Frank or small furry animals....and keep getting blown up.

Elsewhere an entire control room swears loudly.

Candace Hill has posed:
Candace continues absorbing the energy that is being supplied from the flash grenades. She smiles. "Well Lemme get their attention then!" She begins firing a small beams of energy, causing a few of the drones to short out but it does get the attention of many more. Once they get in close to her, she flies upward and unleashes the pent up energy in her body and fries a bunch of the drones. They come down to the ground like rain from the sky. "This will Work. I don't have a name yet so Violet Girl Works for now I guess!" She laughs and fires another burst of energy at another drone, hitting it and sending it to the ground. She then flies at another drone and grabs hold of it. The energy is ripped from its battery and the drone just drops to the ground.

Frank Noble has posed:
Grenademan says, "You know now that I look at the Spectral readings your suit is bordering on Indigo...have you considered Indigo....what do you mean thats appropraition Kind? I see. Remind me to listen to her later. My apologies, them. But if its plural then I dont see why....I see. I see." He is throwing grenades while all of this is going on. The number of drones manifestly INCREASES as more of them stop firing at animals and trying to fire at Grenademan, most missing but finally one is about to hit him but her blast stops it, Grenademan using his cape to defectly the excess energy.

Meanwhile elsewhere....ARAARARARA @#$@ #$@#$@#$#$ until Tester stops and says, "Wind that back.....change out the drones, I wanna see something....""

Candace Hill has posed:
Candace laughs, "Yeah its got a lot of blue in it. Blame the Blue Beetle!" She comments as she fries a few more of the drones. Now they are starting to come at her in earnest. She laughs about it and unleashes an energy burst in all directions and sends a bunch of the drones to the ground. "Wow these guys are relentless. You'd think they would get the point and stop coming." She laughs and blasts a few more with tightly controlled energy beams so she doesn't do damage to the surroundings. "Trying not to hurt the trees or any bystanders." She exclaims and does looks around to notice a few people recording the events which are transpiring.

Frank Noble has posed:
The drones are subtly different....more trianglish and they shoot lasers. This might seem counter intuitive, but the people behind this arent actually concerned one way or another about hurting or not hurting anyone....the lasers come thick and fast. Grenademan reflects several off his cape adn tosses another paint grenade taking out several.

Candace Hill has posed:
Candace notes the different drones coming in. She shrugs, "This is either going to work or hurt!" She takes off flying at high speed. Not Mach speed thankfully. She already learned the lesson about the FAA and their desire to keep sonic booms in the city to a minimum. No she is flying a few hundred miles per hour though as she sails into the incoming swarm of drones. She twirls and throws a burst of energy out in all directions, frying a bunch of them, making sure no one else is getting shot by them and making sure no animals are being shot up. "Squirrel girl is going to be mad over these things."

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble says, "I imagine she woul....what? What?" He looks around, "You're sure?" He considers, "I mean you are probably Right but..." He looks at her, "These things are here monitoring us....they seem to be trying to steal tech...." he considers and tosses an explosive grenade on the ground.

Several drones show up and swirl around it.

"Right says he has contacted hte cops and they can take these things on. We can protect the local wild life but they were sent here to monitor me."

Elsewhere there is MORE swearing, "HOW THE HELL did he figure that out?!""

Candace Hill has posed:
"Lets finish these guys off. I don't think I should be out here. Blue Beetle is going to yell at me for taking the suit out without permission as is!" She laughs as she unleashes another blast of energy, sending more of the Drones to the Earth Below." Lets hope the cops aren't too slow tonight. I'm starting to feel the drain from all these robots now." She laughs playfully. "I'm gonna soak up some sun when these guys are gone." She smiles and grabs onto one of the new drones and drains its battery.

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble considers his options and quickly reconginures several grenades and takes something small and plastic out of his utility belt...
5rThe guys in the control center are looking,"what...is he ....doing?"

And at this point, rather than let them steal his tech Frank goes low tech and begins throwing....Water Balloons filled with Paint at the drones en mass as Candace draws her energy at them...

More swearing as the drones begin to back off....

Candace Hill has posed:
As the drones withdraw, Candace catches her breath. Whats more, the sound of sirens is heard and the cops finally arrive on scene. "Well! That was fun for a first outing. Nice working with you Grenademan!" She calls out before flying off into the sky. A sudden burst of acceleration leaves a cloud ring in her wake as she sails off into the horizon. SHe of course would double back to Kord Industries where she quickly changes back into her civvies and flies her way back to Central park. Getting out her sketch pad, she begins drawing again. Its like nothing ever happened.