18524/I Should Tell You..

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I Should Tell You..
Date of Scene: 07 July 2024
Location: NYC / Astral Plane
Synopsis: A surprise confession from Rien turns into a surprise confession from both!
Cast of Characters: Rien D'Arqueness, Dracula

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
The last time they spoke, Vlad had sought out Rien in the Italian countryside, and they were able to talk quietly and enjoy the evening while making plans.

Tonight, Rien is seeking out the Prince of Darkness at his New York penthouse, something weighing on her that she hasn't really spoken of to anyone in... months, years? Time is difficult when one can measure in centuries, it seems to move simultaneously as fast as lightning and as slow as a snai. In some respects it seems like last week, in others it seems another lifetime.

Regardless, she does the polite thing this time, knocking on his door rather than intrusively appearing on his balcony for a wardrobe change. When Gustav answers, she has an easy smile for the man, "Hello again. I'm here to see Vlad, if he's at home?"

Dracula has posed:
Gustavo, ever dutiful, meets Rien at the door. It's unclear whether he was aware she was coming, but it's fair to assume that he probably did. Trying to protect someone who has literal Cults dedicated to killing the individual requires a whole other level of dedication to the craft. With a nod, he motions for Rien to accompany him, but the sounds of piano music can already be heard long before they make it to the adjourning living area where she'd noticed the grand piano when she first landed upon his patio doorstep.

There, amidst the art pieces hanging on the wall, or behind display glass, is Vlad Tepes, seated on the piano bench with his long fingers curling across the keys. It's likely not the dower piece most would assume of him, but a rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody. Hand over hand, his fingers move smoothly across the ivory keys.

With a glance up at Rien.

His dark hair is pulled back in a long ponytail and he's wearing something somethings imple and comfortable. White button down shirt beneath an open front black vest with matching slacks. "Good evening, cherie."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Moving along behind Gustavo, Rien smiles at the sound of the piano being played, recognizing the song immediately and even humming softly to it. The sight of Vlad at the piano, simply dressed and playing beautifully, has her smiling as she takes in the scene. Then he's addressing her and she's moving forward.

Approaching him from behind, her hands rest lightly on his shoulders as she leans in to brush a kiss to his cheek, "Bon soir, cher." Straightening, Rien moves around to the side of the piano and smiles, "You play wonderfully. And I love the song choice. I trust your evening progresses well?"

Watching him for a long moment with that smile on her lips, she wets her lips and adds, "You've entrusted me with your friendship, with a measure of your trust. I think I should do the same. There's something about myself that I haven't shared yet. Not without anyone, not since.. not since learning of it. A sort of.. birthright." She meets those green eyes and offers, "I would like to show you."

Dracula has posed:
Once Rien is in the room with Vlad, Gustavo takes up a position just outside against the wall. Hands in down behind his back in a military parade rest. As per usual.

Vlad, however, is a bit more lively than his head of security and personal assistant. With Rien slipping up behind him to kiss him on the cheek, he leans against it and smiles his cold smile up at her. He continues to play as she speaks and gives her a brief nod, "I loved their music." Said of Queen, hands crossing to play some of the lower notes as the melody suddenly shifts down.

Likewise, he listens when she explains she's more to show him. Something she's not shown another in quite a while. "This sounds important." He bemuses, fingers jabbing at the keys to end the song prematurely. BOM BOM BOM.. With his leg passing over the bench to turn and face her with his eyes rolling up to peer at her. Elbows back upon the key shelf placed down over them once he'd finished playing.

"I am, as always, your most attentive companion, dear."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Chuckling, Rien gives a nod, "As do I. But I'm also a bit of a closet disco fan. And Queen has some of the best peak disco songs." Enjoying listening to him play even as they talk.

When he draws the song to a sudden close, she gives a small nod, "Definitely important, at least to me. It may or may not be as important to you, but I figure you have the right to know who you're getting involved with, one way or another." One corner of her mouth turns up a bit higher, "Even if just as very close friends."

Reaching out, she takes his hands to urge him up to his feet before turning towards the empty space near the piano.

Concentrating, Rien calls up a portal in front of them, one that doesn't quite match to the usual magical signature she gives off. This is a darker, OLDER magic. Much darker and older, yet still originating from her. Where her signature is normally wreathed in that light blue glow, this is all shadows and inky darkness bubbling and roiling around the edges.

Looking up at Dracula, she offers a hand to him and smiles faintly, "Shall we?"

Provided he acquiesces, Rien will guide him through the portal and onto the Astral Plane, as it butts up onto the Void. At the edge of the Astral there resides an Ivory Tower. A watchtower of sorts. "Welcome to my tower." She moves towards it, the base smooth and seemingly featureless. "I believe I told you that when I was being raised in my timeline, I was never given a name. And that is true.. mostly. I was called Reine du Rien. Queen of Nothing. I took Rien for my own here, but the title... that is still mine."

Drawing on that darker magic once more, she waves a hand now shrouded in dimmed grey light and shadows towards the tower, opening a doorway for them, looking up at him, "Would you care to see my home?"

Dracula has posed:
Vlad's grin remains, as if he's in something of a very rare good mood. Even with their short friendship, his moods are so difficult to predict. In one moment he'll be jovial, almost friendly, to everyone around him. And then in others he's volcanic. While this has never been direct at her, it's easy to see why few favor his company for very long. As if the very nature of emotional stability is foreign to him or subject to criteria that only he seems capable of tracking.

Regardless, he inclines his head to her speaking of Disco, "It had it's ups and downs." But that's all. Obviously he is a fan of some of the works that came from the era of music.

"I believe we both know we're more than 'just' friends, dear."

He does stand at her guidance and follows along beside her until she summons the portal dripping of darker magic. This is more his style of magic, point of fact. He raises a brow and circles around the portal, ending up beside her once more with his hand extended out so she can walk them through.

"It is a good name."

Peering around at the astral reality in which her home resides. His oddly colored eyes turn instead to her, "I would love to. I fear you'll have to invite me inside, however."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Glancing up at him, Rien curves a warm smile and tucks her hand into the crook of his elbow, "Agreed, but I thought you might want to be the one to put it to words first. I didn't want to steal your moment, as it were." She gives a small squeeze to his forearm, "But I'm glad that we're both of the same mind on it."

Through the portal and onto the Astral Plane!

Drawing him towards the open doorway, she smiles, "You have an open invitation to any place that I call home. Please.. come in, Vlad." Then she's ushering him through the doorway and into the tower. Like other magical buildings, it's larger on the inside. More of a astle than just a tower.

The interior has certainly seem some updates since she first claimed the tower. Sparsely but tastefully appointed, with a decided lack of 'delicate' items that aren't meant to be so. Nothing that seems as if it would break under his weight, certainly. And each window shows a view, either of the Astral Plane, or of the Void beyond. "You are aware of the Old Ones, I'm sure. My birthright comes from Mynoghra, drawing from her power, from the power of Nullspace. She's the reason I was so different from the other sides of my family, why I retained the full suite of powers from both sides. And why I ended up in this time on exiting Hell. She is.. well, my patron. My godmother."

Turning to look up at him, Rien smiles, "I help to hold the line against the other Old Ones that would tear the worlds apart and cast them into choas. Mynoghra is.. well, still an Old One, but an Old One with an investment in humanity and its continuation."

Dracula has posed:
"I have many moments, Rien, you are welcome to steal one of them."

Vlad lays his hand atop hers where it sits in the curve of his elbow, walking closer to the portal she created as an entryway to her home amidst the darkness and light of the astral plane. "And you to mine, love." Said in kind. Whether he actually 'needed' an invitation or not, it seemed the polite thing to say rather than simply walking into her home.

Once they're inside, however, he turns to regard the interior with a slow shift on his feet. "I am familiar." Of the Old Ones. Some of whom he's dealt with in the past. If not directly, than certainly through their mortal court of psychos. Which is a strong thing to say from a man whom has his OWN cult.

"Mynoghra." Of all the Great Ones, she is the one most likely favored by Vampire, "The lady of the dark... I suppose that speaks volumes to why I am so comfortable with you." His grin, as always, is shadowed, but genuine. "Ahhh the political games of the court of Dark Gods, how tangled a web. Yes, I suppose she would have investments in humanity. She, of all the Dark Ones, understands the power of faith as a form of eternity.. Darkness has so many conotations, however. A wise one would find the cracks in lights rays.."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"With an invitation like that, I may steal more than one. I enjoy sharing moments with you, Vlad."

Rien smiles up at him, the warmth of it enough to convery a measure of affection for the man and monster both. "Thank you, dearest, I will not abuse the privilege granted." While she certainly didn't *need* the invitation, it's clear that the gesture has pleased her greatly.

Chuckling softly, she nods, "I had thought you would be. I can't believe that someone of your stature and standing would never have come across an Old One.. or at least their mortal minions. Pesky bastards that they are." Rien shows him around the space, room after room. And always moving seamlessly from whatever room they were in, to the one she wishes to be in next. There's no clear floor plan to the place, it seems to suit her whim. There are servants seen here and there, living shadows, and blank-faced mannequin constructs that move in spiderlike fashion in the background.

"I suppose it does, at that. She *is* the one that would seem to be most aligned towards vampires, humanity." Smiling up at him, she nods, "Precisely. And I believe that's why I was chosen. I am an embodiment of light, life, vitality... but also a harbinger of darkness, death, and destruction. I can walk both worlds with ease, carrying her to places other Old Ones wouldn't dare."

Dracula has posed:
The affection is met with Vlad leaning closer to kiss her cheek, hand laid up against the oposite, but then he allows himself to be led. From room to room. It only takes two before he's decyphered the particulars of how the castle works, though he could hardly make it do the same for him simply by the knowledge. "It holds the same qualities as my own Castle. Rooms are ... fluid. Charting a map of the place would be as useless as trying to chew your way out of a steel room." He inclines his head, watching the faceless mannequins and shadowy servants alike.

"I believe you wll feel quite at home in Castl Drakul."

If her own castle is any indication.

He nods to what she says of her Goddess. "Light is both a giver and taker of life. The sun gives nourishment, yes, but too much can destroy crops. Same with anything that strays to vastly in one direction or the other. Extremes are the cultivators of chaos, no matter their purpose. Have you ever 'met' an Angel?"

He asks this, stopping to turn her direction. Then speaks before she's actually answered. "They are not, at all, as good as biblical verses would have you believe. The Reaper, The Angel of Death, is a prime example, but... Let us not even begin to touch on the hypocracy of Azrael. That is a creature of pure scorn, no matter the direction."

He digress, but he often does.

And clear his throat with a darkened grin on his pale face. "My apologies, love. Please." Motioning for her to continue.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Smiling as he quickly grasps the curious nature of the tower, Rien gives a small nod, "It's last owner had so littler imagination, creating simply a neverending tower that spiralled up into forever. Boring. Predictable. The tower is SO much more fluid and malleable than they ever utilized. I like to think I brought out its full potential when I took over." She glances around at the current room, a library, richly appointed with comfortable seating, and shelves of books, tomes, and scrolls that lead much farther out than the walls of the tower would suggest. As big as it needs to be.

Looking back to Vlad, her smile widens and warms, "I will look forward to it."

His question of angles has her laughing lightly, delightedly. Highly amused, Rien faces him, looking up at him with that smile full of mirth as she listens to his diatribe on angels. "I've met Michael, the Demiurge. He is... was.. very narrow of mind and perception, unable to see anything but his charged duty." She rolls her eyes, then chuckles, "And I dated a humanborn angel for awhile. We parted ways when duties began to get in the way of a relationship. Nature of the beast." Her shoulders lift into a shrug.

Chuckling, Rien reaches up to cup his cheek in one hand, drawing him down towards her for a brief but enjoyable kiss. "Nothing to forgive, dearest. We are of one mind on the matter. And I enjoy when you share your thoughts with me."

Dracula has posed:
"There was a time where I may have been accused of unimaginative thinking. Endless corridors with glamours to keep the weak willed from finding curves to newer locations within the castle.. full of monsters. But those were less imaginative times full of very straight forward adversaries. I didn't need to be creative." Vlad teases with a half grin, moving to rest his arms across her shoulders with his hands together at the base of her neck.

"Ah, Michael. Yes, he is as predictably stalwart as his brothers and sisters, in their given sphere." He tsks off the roof of his mouth, popping his tongue against his teeth.

The kiss, however, is returned. Gentle, short, but enjoyed.

"I shall do so when it is best suited, then. Or when it's not. I have been told I leave much to be desired with my sense of humor." He winks at her, teasingly. "Suffice that you've a lovely home and I greatly appreciate you sharing it with me in this way."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"And that is very fair. Earlier times you needed less to confuse the masses, they were more easily frightened and cowed. But this was roughly two years ago. There is no excuse for such a lack of imagination in modern times," Rien winks at him and steps in a little closer, her hands reaching up and running her fingers along the open edges of his shirt. Smiling up at him as his hands move across her shoulders and neck.

After the kiss ends, she laughs softly and shakes her head, "I think your sense of humor is just fine. Perhaps you've simply had companions with poor senses of humor themselves. I've found that the least funny people are the ones that most ardently insist on how hilarious they are. And often the ones that don't 'get' any sense of humor than their own." Her hands glide up to his shoulders as Rien glances around, then back to him, "Shall we return to your penthouse? Or would you prefer to remain here a little longer?"

Dracula has posed:
"Oh it was a very claustrophobic time. What I wouldn't give to a return to a simpler age where all it took to turn away would be solicitors was a room with no windows or doors... Alas." Vlad grins absently, darkened sure, but lighter than some he's worn in the past. As if her company is, in a way, lightening him to some degree. If only by margins few would even notice. His brow perks as her fingers trace his open shirt.

"Is that so? It has never been a personality trait into which I leant very heavily. The individuals with whom I've had the misfortune to deal lack any semblance of humorous qualities. Though I have found great use for it in more modern times, if only because a bit of levity is key to greater acts of horror.." He teases, but then rolls his eyes.

"I am your humble servant, love. If you wish to remain here, then we shall." His own fingers, the index of both hands, lifts to run along her jaw towards her ear. "You confound me in the best way, Rien. I would say you remind me of someone, but you are so unlike my departed Maria. I believe ... yes.. I believe you remind me of her if only because of the emotions you stir in me. Which, in a morbid way, is me admitting that I find myself growing increasingly fond of you. While it is without question you would remain a wonderful friend regardless, I dare say that I find myself thinking of you in ways that betray those simplistic boundries."

"No... I believe you were right to let me keep the moment."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"Ahhhhh, when simple chicanery would send the masses screaming for their beds and crosses. Praying to an uncaring God for deliverance from a very real and present threat, not from faith, but from fear," she sighs softly and smiles up at him. Her fingers tease along the skin exposed by the open shirts, her eyes dipping to watch stroking fingers before lifting to meet his gaze again. "I blame the media for the death of naivete, and the loss of imagination."

Her hands glide upward, finding collarbones, the hollow of his throat, then curving behind to curl around the back of his neck. Smiling as she leans into him, "I wish to see your smile, hear your laughter, and feel your touch. The where of it is of little consequence. The *who* is what matters." Rien quiets as he compares her to another woman, her mind flashing back to the portrait on his phone, the corners of her lips tugging upward. "And I of you, dearest. I find that I enjoy your company more and more each day, that I look forward to seeing you, talking to you. I grow quite fond of you as well." Leaning up, she brushes her lips across his.

"I am glad that I did. It's been all the sweeter for being yours."

Dracula has posed:
Part of him wants to tell some grand story of using Frankenstein's monster as a buttler to ward off would be visitors, but the moment becomes all too serious, as their moments oft do. Vlad has a hand on each of her cheeks, brushing the nails of his thumbs along her cheek bones beneath her eyes. "I know it is not very flattering to be compared to another woman." There's no real indication that it has bothered her, but perhaps this is a matter he's butt up against in the past. "Maria was the last living person I truly cared for. I know that she does not exist in the tapestry of lovers I have taken since, but it is not her that I seek in each of them either. Only a small glade of light in the darkness that was taken from me. None of have truly given me that."

He breaks his sullen expression with the briefest of smiles.

"Until recently. I am a creature largely of habit, but it has given me a keen understanding of what it is I want. Which often seem at odds with my aims in the mortal world, but I assure you everything is with it's proper place. Your's, I hope, is to be at my side. And mine, at yours."

The brief touch of a kiss, leaning down and craning her chin up with his palms. "My sweet Rien. I wish you to be my hearts companion. A pair, the two of us, sweet and dangerous. Full of love for one another and darkness for everyone besides."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Reveling in his touch as his thumbs brush across her skin, feeling the cool grasp of his hands, Rien remains quiet to let him speak. This isn't the sort of topic that lends to interruption. Her hand shifts, however, sliding along from the back of his neck, along the sharp line of his jaw, until the tips of her fingers stroke across his lower lip, "I am flattered to be compared to someone that clearly means so much to you. To be deemed equal to such an august company." Her eyes lift from his lips to his gaze, her fingers tracing the shape of his mouth as she murmurs, "You honor me with your regard, and I am deeply touched by your sentiment."

Leaning up, she replaces fingers with lips, kissing him. Nothing so sweet or short as the last one, this kiss comes bearing the weight and heft of feeling shared, regard returned, and sentiment echoed. When it comes to its natural conclusion, She smiles at him.

"Nothing would please me more, my dearest Vlad. Never have I felt so completely comfortable with someone, so in sync. I half expect that we could communicate easily without ever speaking a word."

She gives a small nod, that warm and caring smile shining on him, "We will belong together, to each other, and Gods pity the being that attempts to come between us, for we shall have none. We are two as one, and I could not think of anything I would want more."

Dracula has posed:
It could have gone a lot of ways, but if Vlad thought it would be ill recieved, he likely wouldn't have told her. So in a manner of speaking, she's absolutely correct that they communicate effectively without words. Even now, he's certain he needn't have told her any of this. That she knew, but to hear it spoken aloud gives it extra weight.

With a kiss. A heavy exchange with his head tilting to one side to draw out the length of this intimate embrace for far longer than they've done so in the past. With his arm around the back of her shoulders, the other around her waist, holding her against his hard chest until it is concluded.

"A truly lumenous day.. a truly dark day."

WIth his green and crimson red eyes cutting upwards to look in a small arc, "Fitting for a tower dedicated to the Lady of Darkness." His mouth pulls back into a dark grin, with his hand falling down to take her's and lace their fingers together. "So it is, then. Your blood is mine, mine is yours. All and one." He nods to this, then brings her hand up to kiss the back of her knuckles.

"What odd fortunes are the tides of fate. That they would wisp upon my balcony the one whom would be my truest companion. When asked why I favor such impractical notions as 'fate', I need only point to this as indication of validity."