18676/Lizard League: Helicarrier Hunt

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Lizard League: Helicarrier Hunt
Date of Scene: 06 August 2024
Location: Flight deck: Helicarrier
Synopsis: The Lizard League attacks the Helicarrier with shocking results!
Cast of Characters: Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Stefani Houston, Carol Ferris, Richard Stadler, Billy Kaplan

Sam Wilson has posed:
The night sky over the Atlantic was pierced by the sinister roar of Lizard League's advanced stealth jets, cutting through the clouds like shadowy predators. The SHIELD Helicarrier, a massive floating fortress, loomed beneath them, its sleek form shimmering with the myriad lights of its operational systems.

Lizard League! Lizard League!
Fierce and sly, they slink and sneak,
Lizard League! Lizard League!
Villainous plans, havoc they wreak!

High above, SUPREME LIZARD stood in the cockpit of the lead jet, his cold, calculating gaze locked onto their target. His presence was a chilling reminder of Lizard League's relentless pursuit of global domination. Clad in his trademark uniform, his voice crackled through the comms, filled with a venomous determination.

"Initiate attack formation. Leave no room for escape. LIZARD LEAGUE!"

No place to run, no place to hide,
From their scales and schemes worldwide,
Lizard League! Lizard League!
Their reign of chaos cannot be denied!

With military precision, the fleet of Lizard League's jets descended upon the Helicarrier. The first wave unleashed a barrage of high-tech missiles, their trails of fire streaking through the darkness. Explosions erupted along the Helicarrier's hull, shuddering the massive vessel and lighting up the night in fiery bursts. Alarms blared across the SHIELD command center as agents scrambled to their battle stations.

In the shadows, they devise,
Crafty plots with reptilian eyes,
Heroes rally, stand and fight,
Against their scaly might, day and night!

The Helicarrier's defense systems roared to life, anti-aircraft cannons swiveling to target the incoming jets. Bright streaks of tracer fire lit up the night as SHIELD's retaliation began. The sky above the Helicarrier turned into a deadly dance of fire and metal, jets twisting and turning to evade the relentless barrage.

Lizard League! Lizard League!
Cunning fiends with a reptile creed,
Lizard League! Lizard League!
Heroes must foil their every need!

Among the chaos, a single transport helicopter landed on the deck of the Helicarrier, disgorging three costumed super-villains. The large and muscular and battle hardened KOMODO DRAGON! The speedy and fast IGUANA! And the venomous and toxic SALAMANDER! They grab a briefcase and head for and entrance to get below decks. For the Supreme Lizard, they planned to bomb the helicarrier. But they had secret orders from Queen Lizard. Find the location of King Lizard so they can free him from his latest failure.

They'll strike when you least expect,
From the darkest depths, they'll resurrect,
But brave defenders never yield,
Protecting all on every battlefield!

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Attacks blasting off, even as Natasha Romanova is dropping off along the ship, fresh from the debriefing of Galactus, and then time spent trying to coordinate with other members of the Avengers for followup. Sheg oes to immediately hit her comm badge, going to call out <<Romanova here, seventh quadrant. Near the port rear repulsor.>>

The biggest threat to the Hellicarrier was if the repulsors were disabled, and it lost control and went to crash. They were the biggest target, the easiest to damage thanks to their nature.. And the worst spots to hit.

She's going to take out a massive sniper rifle and goes to load it up and over onto her shoulder, going to aim over at one of the Lizard League, attempting to line it up over with the head of Komodo Dragon.. She goes to chamber a round, attempting to get in a good position to shoot.

Stefani Houston has posed:
At the apex of the command tower of the hellicarrier, Agent Stefani Houston had resided for the better part of the afternoon, and in to the evening. Being a reclusive member of the SHIELD forces aboard the carrier, she was rarely called upon for particular jobs while the carrier was between deployments. Case in point, today? She'd spent the whole time up high, above where anyone could see her, enjoying the sun. With her stuff. Consider it a Stefani fort, because that is what she considered it. Listening to the comms, watching planes and choppers come and go from the flight deck, or simply watching people run about between duties, she enjoyed the vantage point from her nest, and she enjoyed slipping away to just observe. The quiet woman had a radio beside her, listening to the comm chatter, when things began to go south, rapidly...

Naturally, she pushed aside the book she'd been reading, and rolled across the roof of the tower to grab hold of one of her personal weapons that was perched upon the space with her.

A drab green blanket was tossed aside, and from beneath it, a massive Dragunov rifle was expoed, as Stefani lined herself up beside it, and gracefully attached herself to it. A second later, and her eye was peering through the scope of the mighty 'Sinful Butterfly' rifle, her hand lining up on its firing trigger, as she scanned the situation unfolding down below..

The massive Dragunov rifle was designed for anti-vehicle purposes, and Stefani enjoyed using it to watch the Hellicarrier vehicles coming in for landings, let alone shooting off in to the sky when sent out on missions... but now?

The LIZARD LEAGUE suddenly has one of their incoming vehicles tagged by the 'Sinful Butterfly' firing a gigantic round of hot death down upon it!

Boom! Stefani is quite pissed off at these invaders, and her face being covered by a mysterious swath of black ink now, further details her very soured mood. How dare they ruin her day of soaking up the sun rays, high above the general mucky muck.

Carol Ferris has posed:
Two weeks ago, Carol Ferris and Hal Jordan, while flying F-22s to test an experimental drone prototype, were attacked by two F-15 fighters from the Lizard League.

Since then, when not attending the Hall of Justice to hear Wonder Woman speak on the impending thread of Galactus, Carol has been sitting in investigative hearings conducted by the US Air Force, SHIELD, and Ferris Aircraft's own Board of Directors to determine what happened in the CONDOR ONE MOA. The US Air Force had lost one of their F-22 Raptors -- the one being flown by Hal Jordan -- to the attack. Jordan had bailed out after a barrage of heat seekers had overwhelmed him -- his own F-22 lacking anything resembling live ordinance or countermeasures.

Simultaneously, Carol Ferris as Star Sapphire has been conducting her own investigation into the Lizard League and their intentions, and that investigation has led her here, somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean, where SHIELD's Helicarrier hovers amid the clouds.

Star Sapphire descends from the night sky, her costume glowing with an ethereal brilliance, violet light shimmering against the backdrop of chaos over the Atlantic. The roar of Lizard League's stealth jets and the explosions rocking the SHIELD Helicarrier below conjure images of the recent ambush, the loss of Hal Jordan's F-22 Raptor -- the sudden fear of loss when his plane exploded in a fireball -- and the endless investigative hearings that followed.

Carol brings up her ring as the fight grows nearer, her long black hair billowing behind her. Using the power of her ring, she broadcasts through SHIELD's published cooperation channels.

<< "SHIELD Helicarrier, this is Star Sapphire, leader of the Star Sapphire Corps. I'm here to help against the Lizard League where I can." >>

As she nears the Helicarrier, she conjures a construct around her ? a stunningly detailed F-22, crafted from pure violet energy. The construct envelops her like a second skin, transforming her into a formidable aerial force. With a swift, graceful motion, she swoops into the fray, the violet F-22 shimmering against the darkness.

Her eyes lock onto the Lizard League jets, and she launches a barrage of missiles from her construct, the violet projectiles streaking through the night sky towards their targets. Explosions light up the heavens as her missiles find their marks, engaging the enemy jets with precision.

Richard Stadler has posed:
     This was a bad time to be on a helicarrier; it was the worst of every world when attacked; it could both get shot down /and/ sink like an actual ship, depending on where they were. Stadler was leary about being aboard ships at the best of times; his experience had been limited to keeping his footing on an LHD a couple of times in his long carrer. But he had been assured that this was generally a safe place to be. After all, it's not like there were many with a fleet of high tech jets that would run at them without warning-

"Who the hell is the Lizard League?" He yells through the sound powered telephone outside the field lab. "No- I /read/ the briefings, yes, but how the hell do they have-"

His request from answers from a harried CIC gets cut short by another missle slamming into the hull, sending the deck shuddering, his hand gripping the bulkhead. "Never mind, just where- Wilco. Oscar Mike!" He yells, slamming the handset back on the cradle, and making his way toward the ladders that would lead down from the flight deck. They landed /something/ here, which means that they weren't just going to shoot them antiship missiles until they careened down into the North Atlantic. His hand went to the holster at his back, drawing the Hi Power and checking to make sure a round was loaded.

Hopefully he'd find something a bit heavier before he ended up getting shot at.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
    The comms in the Young Avengers HQ blared with a distress call over an unusual frequency. Billy Kaplan fidgeted with the console for a few moments before getting irritated with the technology and tossing a spell at it to isolate the source. The carrier's not that far from away, and if that thing came down it could do massive damage.
    In an instant he's in his heroing outfit, flying up and out to veer toward the helicarrier's location at high speed.
    A streak of light appears on the horizon, suddenly halting in the air over the carrier as Wiccan comes to a stop. He hovers where he is while he assesses the situation. << Hey, SHIELD folks! Wiccan on-site. Let me know where I can help. >>
    As luck would have it he had arrived directly in the path of a wing of enemy jets. Alarmed into reflexive action he waves at them, unleashing a torrent of lightning to arc from one craft to the next.

Sam Wilson has posed:
With Natasha taking aim at Komodo Dragon, someone else notices the sniper rifle that is being aimed at the muscle. Iguana speeds away from the trio, racing towards the Widow, and will attempt to knock the rifle upwards before she can fire on the large Lizard Leaguer. "Tsk!" she hisses. "You're too slow. I'll make sure that I toss you into the engine after I take you down!" she says with a hint of overconfidence. After all, what can Natasha do agsinst Iguana as she starts to pick up speed.

The round fired from the 'Sinful Butterfly' slams home, piercing the cockpit of one of the landing jets, and through the head of the pilot flying, taking him out. The jet slams against the deck, spinning out of control, and it falls off the edge of the helicarrier, fortnately keeping it from exploding on board. KOMODO DRAGON, who has been running foward, leaps upwards towards the silent sniper, gnashing his teeth as he growls towards STEFANI, "I'll savor eating your brains!"

In the air, the team up of Billy and Carol start a decimation of the planes on the attack. There's only about 20, so as the chain lightning strikes, it bounces between five of the planes, taking them out of the air. Many of them are able to eject, but there's a few that are not as successful.

Carol joins in, her missiles and guns taking down some more - and draws the attention of one of the pilots as he peels off and moves to engage Carol as she is taking down three more of the aging jets. But this one is a newer plane, the pilot in all black. Perhaps a... named character?!? Not really, but he's a boss fight as he attempts to strafe Carol's plane and drive her off.

With the others busy, SALAMANDER has the briefcsse and is heading to the same ladder that Richard is on. "Why hello!" he calls out. "Thank you for showing me I'm on the right path!" he calls out, lashing out with poisoned claws to try to cut into Stadler before he can get away!

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Iguana goes to close up with Natasha before she can draw a bead over on her target. In close quarters, she's still deadly even as she blocks the first few attacks with her rifle, trying to make sure it's not damaged. So she withdraws, backtracking away under the aggressive strikes of her opponent. This gives her room to slide her rifle up and over onto her back before going to a defensive stance.

She takes the attacks quickly, evaluating how her opponent is attacking. He has a slight speed edge on her and definitely a longer reach. So she fights conservatively, going for quick counterattacks and being defensive while occasionally moving quickly. She's trying to draw her opponent to overstep..

Then when they do she goes in for the kill, her Widow's Bites flashing as her wrists charge up, and she moves to try and give two quick, near full power jabs to the center of her attacker's torso if at all possible, trying to brutalize them wtih enough energy to drop an elephant!

Stefani Houston has posed:
Watching that enemy air craft fall from the deck of the SHIELD hellicarrier was easily one of life's little pleasures, for Agent Houston, as it signified another end to a would be enemy toward people she cared about. But her ability to move on to the next target, was suddenly hindered by the immediate-- and incoming threat-- of the Komodo Dragon! When it blurred before her, leaping up toward her, the Komodo Dragon would see the nested sniper woman pull back from her rifle, and suddenly vanish in to a dark colored mist... She simply vanished before his vengeful wrath could be brought down upon her. Where once the sniper was, now only the wind gently ruffled the small camo-clad Troll doll that stood to the side of the rifle, and the other various items arranged on the command tower roof, the little Troll doll's green hair fluttering in the wind, as it smiled upon the Komodo Dragon, with its left eye covered by a black eyepatch. Was the little troll toy taunting the dragon, now that its owner has seemingly vanished?

Maybe, it has quite a cheeky expression on its tiny plastic face.

But there really isn't time to question it for very long, for after the Komodo Dragon lands upon Agent Houston's perch, and is given a second to search for her where-abouts... she reappears.

Right upon his back.

Stefani re-materializes behind the Komodo Dragon, wrapping herself by arms and legs, about his shoulders and waist. In her right hand, she clutches the handle of a dragon-tooth shaped combat knife, and with it, she aims to drive it right down in to the side of the Dragon's neck, where it meets his shoulder! She glares at the back of his scaly head, her eyes surrounded by that slowly shifting black swath of flowing ink, a display of her very angry mood!

Carol Ferris has posed:
Star Sapphire surveys the chaotic battlefield from her vantage point in the sky, her violet F-22 construct shimmering against the darkness. The roar of engines, the crackle of explosions, and the cries of combatants fill the air.

Switching tactics, she slides out of her violet F-22 construct even as it continues the dogfight on autopilot. Surrounded by a brilliant aura of violet energy, she flies directly towards the black-clad pilot who has engaged her. The construct remains in the fray, acting as a decoy to draw the enemy's fire.

"Time to see what you're made of," she challenges, her voice filled with resolve.

Carol maneuvers herself over the other jet's cockpit, using her ring's power to begin prying off the canopy. Violet energy surrounds her hands, creating a powerful force that starts to peel back the metal, but the pilot, realizing the immediate threat, executes a series of sharp rolls and evasive maneuvers to shake her off. The jet twists and turns violently.

She struggles to hold on, the sheer force of the jet's maneuvers making it a herculean task. Her fingers slip for a moment, and she nearly loses her grip entirely, sliding back three feet and barely clinging to the jet's frame. With a determined growl, she clings to the edge of the canopy, her muscles straining and her violet energy flaring brightly. The pilot rolls the jet again, this time with such intensity that she's flung off the canopy, tumbling through the air.

A moment later, that violet F-22 disappears and a new construct forms -- a grappling hook of violet energy that flies out and latches onto the tail fin. She pulls herself towards the jet, her body whipping around in the intense wind.

Hanging onto the tail fin, Star Sapphire steadies herself, her violet energy crackling around her. The pilot continues to juke and roll, trying to dislodge her, but Carol's grip is firm. She channels her energy into creating a more stable foothold, allowing her to regain control.

With a determined look, she starts to pull herself back towards the cockpit, inch by inch, despite the pilot's relentless attempts to shake her off. The struggle is intense, the battle of wills evident in every motion.

Richard Stadler has posed:
     Stadler's movement up the ladder stops as he sees... who the hell was that? Granted, dressed as he was, he... probably wasn't a friendly, which is why Stadler's ready enough to yelp and tumble back at the swipe of those claws, thumping on the ground with a gash through a dress shirt, and undershirt, and just through the underlayer of kevlar he was wearing.

Thank God for healthy senses of paranoia.

Not that he was in a good position, as it were, prone on his back, but it gave him enough time to raise the pistol in his hand, sending a flurry of shots toward the lizard... person in front of him. Maybe enough to get him to scatter, move back, something to allow Rick to get to his feet and press back. "The right way? I barely know my way to the goddamn mess!" He says, weapon pointed brought up, ready to engage.

His eyes travel down to his shirt. Just enough to notice what doesn't exacly look like a clean cut. Poison... This was a knife fight, then. Had to finish it before he was nicked.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
    Wiccan leaves much of the other aerial combat to Carol, who appears far more versed in it. And blasting more planes out of the sky with lightning would only risk scattering debris onto the carrier itself.
    Billy raises a sphere of energy around himself and dives down toward the deck, spiraling forward as he conjures more shields for the SHIELD personnel engaged in direct fights with the attackers.

Sam Wilson has posed:
As Iguana and Natasha square off, Iguana grins thinly. "Always wanted to show up a pretty girl Widow." she snarls as she moves into position with Natasha. It seems to be that the pair are going to sparring for a bit, as Iguana looks for an opening with her speed, while Natasha has experience on her side. And that means that Natasha is able to get in close when Iguana telepaths an attack.

The Widow takes hold, managing to strike several times - but before she can lay in the Widow Bites, the sudden arrival of Billy's shield seperates the both of them. "Heh." she says, using the moment to turn and run off from Natasha and head for the bridge as well.

With Stefani, things are going differently. Komodo Dragon slams down on the deck right down where Stefani was and she.. was not there. There's confusion for only a moment, because he can still smell the girl there - but then she is suddenly on his back and trying to drive her blade into the thick skin of the man's neck. She draws a little blood, but at the same time, he tries to grab the wrist of the sniper and take a big ole bite out of it if she doesn't manage to get out of the way first!

Up on the bridge ladder and as Salamander strikes, he laughs. "I hope you feel terrible soon!" There's several shots down at Salamander and a couple of them hit, causing him to fall off the ladder - and now the shield is up to protect Stadler. But he may not be feeling very well soon as the venom from Salamander may take effect - starting with a hot heat where the cuts were made on Stadler's skin.

In the air, the battle between Ferris and the pilot from the Lizard League carries on. Inside the DRACO was a seinor pilot, a battle-tested warrior known for its raw power and agility. The Eagle's twin engines roared with a ferocity that could be felt even miles away. Its pilot, a seasoned veteran, gripped the controls with a steady hand, eyes locked on the distant speck that was rapidly closing in. As the distance between them shrank, the tension in the air was palpable. The pilot matched and juked with Carol's F-22, and is not able to get an advantage, but Carol cannot get a bead on him either. So the dance continues in the air.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The quick separation of her target from herself has Natasha remind herself for the future to make sure to be able to loop others not necessarily on the immediate teams together. As Iguana goes to disengage from her over through the fight, Natasha gives a quick gesture at Billy over to Stadler if she can to indicate to have Billy go support the injured agent. Natasha can't run fast enough to keep up with the charging Iguana that's going up and rushing towards the bridge of the Hellicarrier. But hopefully the shield only lasts for a few moments and then dissipates. Her normal pistols won't do much to the target..

But the bulky sniper rifle she made sure to not have damaged hopefully will. And with her attacker not in close quarters at the moment, she has time to go to one knee, move to line up a shot with it through the scope of the weapon.. And then go to fire it, trying to aim for the center of Iguana's torso if at all possible, intent on sipmly shooting him right through it with the heavy powered rifle if her aim is true!

Carol Ferris has posed:
Star Sapphire clings to the tail fin of the Lizard League jet, her violet energy crackling around her. The pilot's seasoned maneuvers make the jet twist and turn violently, trying to shake her off, but Carol's grip remains firm. She channels her energy, focusing on maintaining her hold and regaining control of the situation.

The battle-tested pilot inside the jet is relentless, his eyes locked on the sky ahead, anticipating her next move. He matches her every maneuver, making it impossible for her to get a clear shot or gain an advantage. The jet roars with ferocity, its engines screaming against the night sky.

Carol takes a deep breath, steadying herself. She knows she has to outthink her opponent. Her mind races, formulating a plan. Using her ring, she conjures another construct, a smaller, more agile version of her violet jet, designed for close-quarters combat. The construct forms around her, creating a sleek, streamlined vehicle that hugs the jet's frame.

With a burst of speed, she maneuvers the construct around the jet, darting in and out of its blind spots, trying to find an opening. The pilot reacts swiftly, but Carol's construct is nimble, allowing her to stay close without getting caught in the jet's exhaust.

"Let's see how you handle this," she mutters to herself, her eyes narrowing with determination.

She focuses her energy, creating a series of violet tendrils that extend from her construct, each one tipped with a powerful clamp. The tendrils snake forward, aiming for the jet's control surfaces. If she can immobilize the jet, she can force the pilot to eject.

The pilot rolls the jet violently, trying to evade the tendrils, but Carol's precision is unyielding. One by one, the tendrils latch onto the jet's ailerons and elevators, holding them in place. The jet bucks and twists, but Carol's construct holds firm.

"Time's up," she says, her voice cold and resolute.

With a final surge of violet energy, she locks the jet's controls, trying to force it into a slow, controlled descent.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Even with her advanced strength, the armor of the natural hide of this massive Komodo man manages to keep Stefani's extra sharp knife from plunging in to his inerds. This causes the woman to snarl with anger, frustration, and a determination to see him huuuurt!

When he quickly moves, thrashing himself around, causing her to hold on tighter, she feels him reach for her hand squeezing on his opposite shoulder. As soon as he touches her skin, she once more falls in to a dark mist, that hugs close around Komodo's body, before it dances off in a spiral of wafting wind behind the Dragon.

Where did she goe?? She was gone again.

Leaving the Komodo Man atop the tower, surrounded by her now displaced leisurely resting nest, the Dragon is left to search for Stefani again.

When a few noises can be heard, coming from around a steel support pylon holding up one of the hellicarrier's long range sensor packages. Metal snapping sounds?

When the Komodo Dragon comes about the edge of the pylon to spy the source of the sounds, Stefani fully reappears, clutching a large tube of which contains a bundle of live electrical wires, and with that angry look upon her black smeared eyes, Quiet jams the tube of crackling energy right in to the chest of the Komodo Dragon.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
    Wiccan salutes Natasha, indicating he got her signal. At least some of it. He careens through the air toward Richard, leaving his other shields to dissipate so he can reinforce that one. He drops down to hover above the injured guy and expand the barrier around both of them.
    Lest the enemy get any fancy ideas like trying to punch through it, Billy infuses the energy bubble with electricity so he can turn and focus on Richard.
    "Uhh, wow, that does not look good. Let me see if I can..."
    The sound of the spell manifests as a distant hum at first, a word looping over and over onto itself until the echoes collide, then slowly disperse into the air. "...~heal you!~"

Richard Stadler has posed:
     Kevlar was meant to protect aganist gunshots, of course; it wasn't a stab vest, and a slash or blades easily penetrated it. Next time, a plate carrier. Or chain mail. Why not chain mail? Supposedly this was just trying to keep his mind off the growing feeling of heat where he was wounded. Local reaction. It... really would have been better to be farthur away from the heart. Pain, he could manage. At least right now. He'd be less capable if he stopped being able to breath.

But there was at least some protection... though he wish he had been warned before the blue energy popped up around him. Whoever this Salamander was, it didn't seem to be part of his plan. The pendulum was in Rick's favor... for a short time.

"Could have done something better with nerve agents." He notes, his pistol up again, firing off another fullisade of rounds toward him. His eyes twitch toward the briefcase, and he's running forward, attempting to slam himself into the man while he was down, to get his hand off of that item.

Stadler's then looking over to Billy. "There's a couple of flights of fighters aiming toward the engines." He says, wincing at the slowly spreading pain that's hopefully going to be soothed. "I have time. Get the hell out of here!"

Sam Wilson has posed:
As Natasha lines up another shot on Iguana, against, the Lizard Leaguer is looking to dodge again. The bullet barely misses, but this time, Iguana's radio is gioing off. Salamander's calling out for an evacuation because Stadler had put another bullet into him, and of the three, he's the weakest. "Another time!" she promises Widow, before she takes off to grab Salamander to grab Iguana and retreat.

Which means that Salamander leaves the case behind - with whatever is within it.

Stefani brings back those cables and Komodo Dragon was just about to bite down on Stefani - when instead, he gets a mouthful of electricity. He screams, his body frying beneath the supercharger and he falls on his face, knocked out cold by the strike.

Carol and the jet swirl and twirl in the sky in their intimate and deadly dance. Carol suddenly trims down hard - and the tentacles come out.

And in another time and place, Carol might have been in impressed with the display the pilot puts on with his jukes and dodges.

But all it takes is one. And one clips the wing of the jet. The pilot is forced to eject, and now, Carol recognizes him - he's the pilot that shot down Hal and escaped. What will she do now, now that that's revealed? Will he be allowed to escape her again?

Salamander is badly wounded. Which gives Richard time to order Billy off. But not before Billy launches a heal. Which was a GREAT idea, because really, Richard, did you want to be poisoned?

There's only around four planes left and Supreme Lizard is calling for the retreat!

Perfect time for everyone to unleash awesome attacks to finish off this League attack!

Billy Kaplan has posed:
    "Engines?" Wiccan says uncertainly. "When spells were available? Tsk." He grins though, saluting Richard and then careening back through the carrier en route to... the back? Hopefully that's where the engines are.
    Just as he's looking for an exit from the tangled innards of the carrier, he turns a corner and finds a hole blasted in the hull. Out he goes, hovering there long enough to command it to "~Repair!~"
    Then he's sailing off along the underside of the massive craft to park himself in defense of the engines.
    He ensorcels his comm gear to invade the enemy frequency so he can give them some sensible advice: << Turn back immediately. This is your only warning. >>
    Wiccan flexes his fingers and conjures an orb of lightning between his palms. Wider, brighter, as the young wizard spreads his hands apart. Finally he flings the energy forward, where it expands into a gigantic disc spinning toward the enemy planes.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Even after the Komodo falls down upon his fangy face, Stefani stands over him, her ponytail whipping in the wind behind her shoulders. She eyes him with disdain, and with a powerful motion of throwing the bundle of cables out to the side, the quiet one begins to slam the electrical charges down upon the Dragon's back. Explosive bursts of raw energy zap the Dragon, once, twice, three times, before the strange sniper tosses the cables aside. After striding over to the circuit connections, she powers the line down, causing the long range sensor package to be disabled, at least for now. They have bigger issues on their hands for the moment.

Stefani strides back toward her rifle, where she begins to visibly shimmer from head to toe, before vanishing in to thin air. The SVD Dragunov sniper rifle is hoisted in the air, floating independently of itself, as the wielder is gone to the naked eye, but the rifle yet floats.. as she peers through it in a state of invisibility.

The floating rifle sweeps about the view of the hellicarrier, taking in what seems to be the invaders preparing to flee.

She'll wait for them to begin that process right and properly, before her heavy assault rifle will open fire upon the fleeing vehicles, once they clear the deck again.

Carol Ferris has posed:
There's a familiar rush of adrenaline as Star Sapphire watches the pilot eject from the jet, recognition flashing in her eyes. The man who shot down Hal. Her heart pounds with determination, and her violet energy flares brighter.

Dispersing the construct of her jet, she focuses on the ejected pilot, creating a set of violet chains that lash around him, suspending him in mid-air. "Got you. We wouldn't want you getting lost in the Atlantic, now would we?" she growls, her voice filled with fierce resolve.

With the pilot securely chained, she flies toward the deck of the Helicarrier, dragging her captive along. The sound of battle still rages, but Carol's focus is razor-sharp. She slams the pilot into the deck with a satisfying thud, entombing him in a massive violet crystal that gleams with her energy, holding him in stasis, immobilized.

Positioning herself beside the crystal, she stands as both guardian and protector of her prisoner. Her eyes scan the sky, and with a determined flick of her wrist, she conjures a massive violet deck gun right beside her. Taking the controls, she aims at the remaining Lizard League jets, her expression resolute.

The deck gun hums with power as she lines up her shot. As the Supreme Lizard calls for retreat, her eyes burn with determination, knowing that every shot counts, every moment matters. She's not just defending the Helicarrier -- she's avenging Hal, protecting her allies, and making sure the Lizard League pays for their audacity.

With a burst of violet energy, she opens fire, massive bursts of energy streaking through the sky towards the retreating jets. The night air lights up with each shot, the power of her ring unleashing a dazzling display of force.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Now Natasha goes to load up another round over into the sniper rifle. This one is a bit heavier as she goes to press it to railgun mode. She moves to line it up and over to try and aim it over at their transport.. And moves to brace herself, going to swing the weapon up and over to try and line up the gun with the engine of the jet, damaged as it is.. Better to be safe than sorry, after all!

She moves to line up teh shot, the bulky ferrous titanium round and moves to blast away at the jet! The projectile is launched at Mach 10, with the jet already damaged by Carol.. Hopefully it's enough to hit it and damage it enough for Major Ferris to take it out! Or at least disable it to make it a bit harder for the enemy to retreat in good order.

The point is to make the withdraw as hard as they can, make the enemy leave thier casualties behind, and break thier morale.

Richard Stadler has posed:
     Well, at least Rick wasn't going to attempt to gasp out air from a paralyzed diaphram. Now it was just his pride that was hurt. He was a biologist; he had training in how to deal with chemical agents! He should have been able to handle this! Granted... part of that training was the simple fact that there only a few select antivenin around. Well. He would have figured out something.

For the moment, he's taking the time of feeling a mite better to continue to fire off the last of the clip toward a retreating Salamander. Honestly, he was just jazzed to find someone with enough self importance and a costume that reacted well to bullets. The clip is quickly ejected, a fresh one slammed home, the slide sent forward as he brought it up to the ladder... watching Salamander quickly retreat up on the deck.

"Not going to follow a lizard into it's den." He muttered, before looking down at the case. Well. That could be many things, all of them bad. Stadler's paranoia on getting it to a place where it could be blown up warred with not moving it and dealing with the threat directly. The latter won out, in this case, as he carefully moved to open the case up, wincing as he clicked open the locks.

Sam Wilson has posed:
It seems that with the heavy hitters down, the tide's turned. The remaining Lizards are in retreat. There's one Komodo Drsgon, ready for a cell - and there's a skilled pilot. But good luck getting him out of Carol's hands.

Stadler opens the case, and there is a tracker device within. It's older Stark tech, but compatible with SHIELD tech - their way of getting the information they needed to rescue King Lizard.

There's light damage to the carrier, but all and all, it's not as bad as it could have been!

Who's gonna tell Carol she can't keep the pilot?

Stefani Houston has posed:
A series of thuds resonate across the aft of the Hellicarrier's deck, as from the apex of the Command Tower, the form of Agent Houston can be seen, slowly pushing, rolling, and kicking the incapacitated body of the Komodo Dragon over, and over, causing him to fall down to one level's roof, then the next. One thud, followed by another, as she just keeps pushing him with her strong muscled legs, rolling him over, and over, until he tumbles to the next floor down, until the mighty beast's body thuds upon the main hard deck of the SHIELD flying carrier.