1569/Fangs Meets Faerie

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Fangs Meets Faerie
Date of Scene: 08 May 2020
Location: A New York Alley
Synopsis: Glamour sees Blake Riviere in the act of feeding. Vampires are bad, right? Unfortunately, deciding to play hero doesn't really go in her favor. In fact, it's quite humiliating.
Cast of Characters: Blake Riviere, Glamour

Blake Riviere has posed:
A night out in the city, beneath the moonlight, streetlight and whatever other electric source might add its share lay shadows. Poetic as some might find it? It was in those shadows that Blake Riviere lurked. This moment however, she wasn't along in that inky blackness the alleyway offered, hidden as it was...

A nearby nightclub, all it had taken was the well-practiced flirtations of the vampiress, smiles and promises, charms and...perhaps her attire had helped. Of course, it did never cease to amuse her that what once had kept people hidden behind fires and clutching a cross now, books, artwork and movies later, could practically have some people eagerly throwing themselves at the fantasy of the 'monster'. Such a tactic just felt a little too easy. There was no fun in it!

It looked almost tender really, an embrace in the dark, a young woman swooned in Blake's arms and her painted lips on the girl's throat. Only the scent of blood and the faintest streak of red from her mouth might suggest the truth of the encounter...

Glamour has posed:
You know, they've called New York the 'city that never sleeps' at least since Sinatra infamously crooned the words, and Glamour is finding it's definitively true. She, herself, does not really 'need' to sleep unless her magic supplies are exhausted, and even then, it's more a certain kind of lethargy and dormancy that gradually lifts itself from her.

A streaking blue light, leaving a trail of glitter behind it, has been navigating its way through the city streets, just fast enough that most people barely have a chance to notice it, let alone parse what it means, before she's gone.

She's on patrol, Glamour is. It's better than sitting around Clea's apartment in the middle of the night feeling sorry for herself. A constructive thing to do from all that awesome power she got unwittingly gifted with.

When you're as tiny as she is, the river of blood that Blake is drinking is so much larger. The fangs piercing the skin all that more visible, and that's why that little blue blue orb of light passing through a particular alley slows to a halt for just the briefest of moments before itr begins streaking down the alley towards the vampiress. A poof of glittering dust erupts from her as she wills herself to grow larger, wills the magical, illusory costume that belongs to her finely crafted superhero identity into existence.

And then there she is, a domino-masked, blue-spandex wearing heroine with giant dragonfly wings buzzing behind her. A fairy-themed superhero is throwing a shoulder into Blake to knock her free of her *obvious* unwitting victim. Vampires are bad, right? And she's *definitely* a vampire. Holy shit, vampires are real! She's definitely thinking about it, but she'll parse it later. Right now, SHOULDER TACKLE.

Blake Riviere has posed:
The wings were certainly something. Impressive...but unlikely to be silent given their insectoid nature. That rapid beat comes through the wind and echoes through the walls of the narrow streets. At first? It was disregarded...but then it was suddenly loud, -really- loud...and coming right at her. There's barely enough time for her fangs to draw back, a flick of her tongue and those enzymes sealing the wounds that might otherwise leave her 'donor' to bleed out in their blissful haze. There's just enough time to drop the other woman before the impact come and Blake is thrown back...but she's not quite thrown from her feet.

A smooth motion, a little twisting pivot on her feet that's practically a dancer's twirl and she regains her balance with a little exhale of breath. Fangs still visible, eyes glowing red, the gothicly dressed woman with the hair ribbons didn't really -look- like the 'good guy' here.

"I swear, if you are with the Spider-man, we are going to have words about this..."

The tone sounded almost more...bothered than worried.

Glamour has posed:
"You stay *away* from her," says Glamour, firmly, striking what she thinks amounts to a heroic pose. It's not really terribly inspiring, given her uncertainy, but she's trying to be intimidating.

It isn't working.

"Spider-man is cool, now *surrender immediately*... vampire!" She points a finger at her. "Your days of feeding on people in... alleys are... over." A pause. This sounded better in her head.

"You're not going to hurt anyone else." She needs to deal with this quickly before her magic runs out.

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Spider-man is well-meaning, polite...and I think a little scared of me. 'Cool'..." she trails off, absently bringing a finger to her lips and drawing it across them to wipe an absent trace of blood away. "I'll leave that to you, but I doubt it." she trails off, closing her eyes for a moment and then opening them once more. Still red, practically glowing.

"And an alleyway was not my first choice but...she was impatient. And hardly complaining."

A smirk, she steps forwards, tilting her head to the side. "Surrender you say?" the vampiress purrs, amusement yet to wane. "Are you planning on sending me to jail Dragon-fly girl? Driving a stake through my heart perhaps? What exactly is your next move?"

Glamour has posed:
"Yeah, sure. You were busy sucking the life from her. I'm sure she 'didn't mind'." She didn't, but Glamour seems not to know that. "You're stalling. I don't know what for, but I'm gonna take you down and then deliver you to the proper authorities." In this case, the proper authorities might be Clea. She doesn't have a wooden stake, but she's sure a sorcerer will know how to deal with a vampire!

(They'd probably have tea and let her go but that's not the point.)

Rather than spend time further answering the questions, she simply throws herself towards Blake, wings fluttering madly as she streaks towards her at a very hight rate of speed. Her next move is FLYING FACE PUNCH, it would appear.

This will not go well.

Blake Riviere has posed:
There was no arguing from the vampiress, just a soft sigh and a roll of her eyes. "If you wanted to find out for yourself, you only had to ask." Flirtation and mocking all in one, truely it was an artform! Of course, there wasn't really time for more words, not after Glamour rushes forwards, instead the raven-haired vampiress just seems to 'evaporate'.

A rush of cold air, a flurry of mist and fog fills the space and then...she's behind Glamour, a little giggle given. "You're mistaken," she speaks in those 'Queen's English' accented tones. "But you've got spirit. If we must then..."

The next movement was a rush, so hard to follow one could swear there was a literal after-image in her wake as she surges forwards and drives her fist out towards the center of the enlarged fae's chest.

Glamour has posed:
"I... mist?" It's true, both things are true. She buzzes her wings, spinning around in a quick twirl of glitter and fairy dust that trails after her. The pulsing blue light intensifies for a moment as she tries to locate where the vampiress coukld go, but then there's the sudden speed, the blow to her chest that sends hurtling into the wall. She's punched square in the chest. Her ribs creak, but don't give. She's a durable thing, given that she's fae, but she crashes into the wall in a dazed heap, leaving a little her-sized impact crater in the bricks before falling to the ground with a thud, wings abruptly ceasing their infernal racket.

She's wheezing. That hurt.

Blake Riviere has posed:
A step forward, the vampiress was already smoothing her hands on her skirt, every step of those stocking clad legs or deep red boots drawing her closer with a little smirl still lingering on her lips. Good, the woman was more than human, that much was obvious...and sturdier too. If Blake had intended to kill the would-be interuption, it was unlikely she'd be 'playing' as much as she was.

A lean down, she reaches out a hand, idly attempting to cup Glamour's chin. "Perhaps you'd like to rethink the situation?" she teases. "My 'date' is fine, but I've fed well enough from her to make me far too dangerous for someone so reckless..."

Glamour has posed:
Wheeze. Glamour sucks in a breath. This is not going like she planned. She pushes herself up onto her knees, wings twitching spasmodically behind her. She shakes her blonde hair out, raising her eyes to Blake just as she reaches for her, domino-mask concealed face still mostly visible. She grimaces when her chin is seized and narrows her eyes. "Hands *off* me," she swats at her, trying to ward her off as she starts to make a stance towards rising. She can do this all day!

...not really.

Blake Riviere has posed:
Of course, the girl was looking a vampire -in the eyes- at close range. A little flare of her glowing red eyes and there was a slight push of her will. Not enough to 'glamour' Glamour, but enough perhaps to make her feel...sluggish, subdued even, if she didn't have the means to push back. The hand comes away, withdrawn with a little laugh and small back-step.

"People make so many assumptions, some warranted, some not. But I am not some monster feeding and draining poor virgins indiscriminately." A finger lifted, beckoning the fae onwards. "But if you do not believe me...try again?"

Glamour has posed:
Glamour is crushed.

It doesn't even take much. Her eyes well up with tears. It probably wasn't Blake's intent, but then, she's prone to capricious and fickle swings of whims and mood. Tears streaking down her face, frustration in her eyes. She's *definitely* no longer full of the piss and vinegar she was mere moments ago. "Fine, you win," she snaps. "This is..." She glances towards the dazed, blood-drank girl, quickly, then back at Blake. Her eyes are narrowed, but she's still leaking tears.

Blake Riviere has posed:
A little blink, the Vampiress backs up and crosses her arms under her bust. Curiousity, not mocking nor violence crossing her features. Eyes follow that sidelong gaze, but they move back towards Glamour and there's an almost...pitying look. "Dry your tears girl," the vampiress speaks, her fangs slowly retracting till they looked perfectly normal. Even those red eyes fade to a more natural blue as she speaks again.

"She is fine. A 'pickup' in a nightclub whom had hoped for a 'One night stand'. It's entirely likely that is what she'll remember, and she'll be fine by the time the sun is in the sky tomorrow."

Glamour has posed:
"Yeah, sure, well I don't know that's true. Either way, I'm going and I'm taking her with me and that, at least, you can't stop me from doing." She's clearly in over her head and she knows it. That singular blow is still aching in her ribs furiously, and even her accelrated healing isn't so much as making a dent in it right now. "Besides, you're about to have bigger problems."

She points down the alley with a jerk of her head where there appears to be... is that a...

It's a minotaur. A snorting, angry looking minotaur, bristling fur, red eyes. The works.

And it has a club.

... and it's coming right for her.

Of course, it doesn't *smell* alive. Blake'll be able to deduce it isn't real within seconds, but the fairy is hoping it'll buy her enough time to get the 'victim' somewhere safe.

Blake Riviere has posed:
She smelt it...or rather, the lack of it. A creature of fur had a certain smell to it that one cannot avoid...and this lacked it. Glamour's words? They're met as much with concern as the rest of the encounter. A little amusement, a little disappointment. A shift, a sigh, she simply glances over her shoulder at the fleeing Fae. "And I didn't even give her my number," she murmers, a little click of her tongue offered before she turns towards the creature and calmly sidesteps the swing.

It was probably an illusion, or a construct...but she couldn't be certain it wasn't solid.

Glamour has posed:
It vanishes before it even gets to her. Yes, it was certainly Not Real in some way, but the fae is *gone*. She's getting that girl somewhere safe, away from the Possibly Evil Vampire.

It's an upgrade, believe her.