1612/After the Accident

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After the Accident
Date of Scene: 11 May 2020
Location: Chinatown
Synopsis: Shen decides he needs a car and a trustworthy mechanic. Mercy decides to think it over.
Cast of Characters: Shen Kuei, Mercy Thompson

Shen Kuei has posed:
After the accident, Shen Kuei laid low in the Chikara Dojo until the ambulances and police had cleared it and what remained of city officials involved a clean-up crew and a few wreckers to tow away the total vehicles. During this period, an individual in a business suit had arrived carrying a duffel bag and stepped into the dojo before leaving a few minutes later. A few more minutes still, Shen Kuei emerges wearing a white button down, a pair of dark blue jeans, and loafers. The most important feature of this clothing is.. it's dry! The soaked coat and suit from before are neatly folded in the same duffel that has transported his change of clothes.

The Chinese man offers an abrupt sigh and gazes at the aftermath of the accident. He toes at a piece of broken glass, nudging it toward the pile someone is forming with a street broom. The man offers a nod and points, "You may want to avoid the debris, lots of sharp glass sir." Shen Kuei purses his lips and nods beginning to walk down the sidewalk.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
To say it's been a hectic sort of day is an understatement. For Mercy she's still here, though she's no longer talking with the ambulances, or the police offiers. All of that's gone. Instead she's watching the tow trucks now as they load up the various damaged cars. Her gaze is critical as she looks at a few of those cars, and the mechanic just shakes her head. She already knows some of them are going to be written off as totaled. There's just too much damage.

The thought of her garage, however, promptly reminds her of her package. A package she set on the sidewalk. Now the woman quickly returns to the spot and immediately frowns. Oh the package is still there, not stolen, but it's clear *someone* stepped on it. It's definitely crunched and when she picks it up there's the sound of broken glass.

"Well, dang." Mutters the woman as she shakes it again. Yup, whatever is in there is definitely boken and while she morosely eyes her package that doesn't stop her ears from catching a vaguely familiar voice. Familiar in the sense she just heard it not too long ago helping in the midst of the various accidents. As such, that brings Mercy around and while it may take her a minute to locate the man, eventually her keen eyes do. Automatically she moves to intercept, calling out a quiet, "Hello!"

Shen Kuei has posed:
Shen Kuei pauses and turns slowly to assess Mercy. When he recognizes her as one of the many unofficial first responders, he offers a faint but still pleasant smile. He nods his head and returns the greeting, "Ah, hello. That was.. very brave what you did. Not many would respond so swiftly."

He eyes her squashed package and offers a tsk of condolence. "Alas, it seems no good deed ever goes unpunished though. I hope the appreciative glances of the people are enough to compensate you for the damage. It wasn't particularly precious or expensive was it?"

He steps just a bit close to eye the package, simply for the sake of curiosity to see if he can make out what it may have been. He hums and then looks back up to the woman. He offers his hand. His voice slips into a proper accent when he announces his name 'Shen Kuei' then slips back into a better approximation of English codas, "May I have the name of the heroine?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Well, when you see trouble you should help. That's my motto." Comes her quick response to those first words of his and when he tsks at her package, the woman can't help but glance down at it. His words about no good deed ever going unpunished causes a corner of her mouth to quirk upward in something of a smile, "I can't say it was terribly expensive in the grande scheme of things, but expensive enough. Not that it matters, things can be replaced, lives can't."

The package itself, while squashed, is pretty bland in appearance, but the return address stamped upon it has 'O'Reilly's Car Parts' upon it, so clearly something auto-related. When he offers his hand and his name, Mercy politely shakes it. Her grip is firm but not too tight and while there's a faint snort at the word heroine, she still offers her name in return, "Mercy Thompson and nice to meet you, Mr. Kuei. The same can be said to you. It takes a lot of courage to do what you did too. How're the two other woman? The one looked in pretty bad shape."

Shen Kuei has posed:
"Colleen was the injured one, she is evidently the proprietor of that dojo." He gestures to the Chikara sign. "I think she will be fine. Her ribs were taped, so I can only assume a prior injury that she aggravated." He offers a slight wince of sympathy as he rubs at one of his won ribs. "It's hard to imagine a more annoying injury. The other woman.. Kitty.. burned her hand but I did not see any other injuries."

He adjusts the duffel bag over his shoulder and considers her words. He offers a brief laugh and a smirk that exudes confidence. "It's only courage when one isn't.. acclimated to that sort of situation. I do agree that.. it's best to lend a hand, especially when that aid costs you nothing. You never know what kind of fortune you may invite into your life... Though." He gestures to her package. "Sometimes it does invite a little misfortune, but at least, it's never boring sticking your nose into the business of others.. benevolently or not."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
While Mercy can't say she knows either Colleen or Kitty in any regard when Shen reports the two are okay there's a visible sort of relief there.

Clearly she was worried about the two women.

"I'm glad they're both mostly okay. Hopefully the ribs and burns heal quickly for them both." At the motion to the dojo, Mercy can't help but glance over to it again. Likely committing it to memory. Perhaps she'll visit it at a later date.

As to those next words of his about sticking ones nose into other people's business, that causes the mechanic to offer a little wry noise of amusement. "While I agree that sticking ones nose into other people's business is never boring, it sure does tend to attract the trouble. You know that saying -" She says, "Curiosity killed the cat and I personally would prefer not to be the cat."

There's a quick flash of teeth as she smiles, before her expression turns serious again, "But you should lend a hand when you can, especially if you know what you're doing." And while she's curious as to what he does that acclimates him to this sort of situation she doens't ask. Instead her gaze swings over to the last truck pulling up, it's a flat bed and it's in the process of pulling the most damaged car - or truck - upon it. "Most of the cars are going to be declared totaled. Just too much structual damage on them."

Shen Kuei has posed:
"Well, considering that 'The Cat' is a moniker of mine. You can only imagine that I am both very curious and very good at not getting killed." He seems greatly amused by her turn of phrase. "Back home, we say 'Cats have many lives'. It's very interesting that many cultures have similar view points of cats. It seems almost universally consistent, like a smile."

He glances toward the vehicles and hums deeply offering a shrug, "Not my expertise, though.. I might guess you are a mechanic. I would claim this from some great genius feat of deduction.. but given the return label on your package and your commentary.. it's painfully obvious."

He offers a shrug, "It seems cars are totalled if someone breathes on them wrong these days.. so I am not surprised. Perhaps there is a good opportunity for some scrap? The insurance company's loss must be the gain of many.""

There is another moment of pause, as he considers something else she says, "In my opinion, if you know what you're doing.. you should be paid for it. However, lending a hand can be good for business. A favour given is a favour earned."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
There's a curious look from Mercy at the mention of Shen's apparent nickname, but all she says is, "We've a similar saying. Cats have nine lives and I have to say I believe they really do. I've seen some cats get out of some crazy things with little more than a bent whisker."

His guess at what her profession is earns a nod from the woman and then a grin, "Got it in one." And since he opened that line of question, she can't help but return the favor, "And you? I'd have to guess some sort of business type with the suit you were wearing earlier?"

As to the mention of cars and their inability to hold up against anything, Mercy makes a thoughtful noise, "Most cars these days are more plastic than actual metal. It makes it easier to buff out smaller dents and dings, but when it comes to actual protection you're usually out of luck." The woes of a mechanic apparently.

"Hopefully they all have good insurance."

However, that least remark of his about a favor given is a favor earned, that causes the woman return her gaze back to him. "You make it sound like favors can't be freely given?"

Shen Kuei has posed:
"Business type. One could say that.. My business is solving problems. I am a former member of the Ministry of State Security for the People's Republic of China." He adds both a sense of formality and, at the same time, a stronger sense of disdain for both the bureau and the country. "Now, I am a guest of the United States of America, and an entrepreneur who addresses concerns which require a unique touch and a tolerance for risk." Did he just admit to being a spy?

"Not only protection for yourself, but all the vital components of your vehicle, I would imagine as well." He frowns, "I think.. I may buy a good American muscle car. Powerful engine. Strong exterior." He nods at the thought and then gazes at Mercy in a new light. "Perhaps that is something you could help me with."

He offers a rich laugh, "Oh will you build me a muscle car for free, oh benevolent, Mercy?" He skips a beat. "I think not. You will maybe give me a good deal, but you would not do so for free. If I already had a car, you might offer a free minor repair, but wouldn't that just ultimately attract more of my business? Favours make the world go round, Miss Thompson. To be 'good' is to be 'cooperative'. Cooperate with others, and they will cooperate with you. It's an excellent away to ensure one's survival.. and an excellent way to make friends." He raises an eyebrow, "I would say what.. makes a generous soul.. is a greater tolerance for risk. The risk you may not be paid back, but I think we all expect it, on at least some level."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
There's a moment where Mercy pauses when Shen Kuei admits to being a spy - because it sure did sound like that to Mercy Thompson.

But beyond that momentary pause, Mercy seems to accept that admission of his. "Well, if I ever have a concern that I need help with I suppose I now know someone who can help." Really, she's totally taking his spy-ness well, but let's face it, Mercy grew up in a wolf pack, there's a good possibility she's heard crazier things.

However, that mention of his about buying an American muscle car actually causes the woman's expression to turn something akin to mock horrified. "'Good'. If you want a 'good' car go with something better - a Volkswagen. Sure, sure, it's not always as pretty as other cars, but it's built like a tank and will never let you down. *Ever*. A muscle car is all about flash and bang and pizzaz. I suppose you could use it to impress someone if needed, but when you really need a car that counts, go with Volkswagen."

Mercy clearly has strong feelings about car brands.

Those last words of his brings her off her soapbox, however. She considers what to say to refute what he's just said, but the reality is he speaks the truth. "Hm, I can't say you're wrong with that assessment, Mr. Kuei, but I'm not sure I'd cateorgize it as risk. Though it is risk, of course, but perhaps I'd say it's the knowledge that sometimes you know the return just won't be there and the generous type is unphased by that."

Shen Kuei has posed:
"Of course, Miss Thompson. If you ever require my services, we should definitely chat. I know I could certainly use the services of a good mechanic.. maybe even a discrete one?" He raises an eyebrow to punctuate his question then continues on. "Ahh.. you have burst my bubble. Now I can't be the sexy man in the equally sexy vehicle.. with an engine that rattles the teeth and leaves rubber on the road." He feigns being wounded. "Though, I see your point. I really do not have much to prove, and nothing ends a career faster than a car that doesn't 'go' when you really need it to 'go'."

"It can be sobering to strip away the romance of good deeds, but.. I acknowledge your point as well. Sometimes, we offer favours we know cannot be returned, because we know the alternative is.. pain we would rather not know exists. I find it very difficult to enjoy a gourmet meal when I have a starving face fresh in my mind." He crosses his arms.

"But.. back to business! I would like a good trade off of reliable, sturdy, and fast. Also, let's get the awkward points out of the way, I would also like something relatively bullet resistant. Money, in this instance, is not a problem. A hairs breadth of discretion is required. Interested in my business?" He offers what some might describe as a pleasant grin. In fact, a little more charm seems to emerge in his demeanor. Mercy had something of utility to offer, and what's more cat-like then playing nice to get what you want?

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"That's my job bubble burster Mercy Thompson." She says with a rueful sort of tone, because yes, she totally does that all day.

No Mrs. Somers, that grinding noise isn't something cheap.

Back to the conversation at hand, Mercy offers a faint nod at the mention of good deeds and how seeing something can affect a person.

And while she does have more to say to that, his mention of business and getting back to it, causes the woman's eyebrows to raise upward. "Oh you were -" She was about to say serious but then manners and her brain catch up and she instead switches gears and says rather awkward, but let's pretend it's not too awkward, "... Bullet proof." While Mercy runs a business to make money, and this type of job would pull in *a lot* of money, the woman stays silent for perhaps longer than she should. Charming demeanor and smile from Shen Kuei or not.

It's because she's really considering the pros and cons of taking this job, and while some would give an answer right away Mercy finally says. "Do you mind if I think on it for a night? I need to consider all the logistics of a build like that."

Shen Kuei has posed:
"Well, I won't say I was testing you.. but if you had said yes without much thought or consideration, I might have reconsidered the offer." He admits, "So, of course, you may have time to think it over. I'm willing to pay a premium because I want discretion, and I know my demands will likely require new tools and abnormal materials."

He raises two fingers, "And you may wonder.. Why is this man trusting a near perfect stranger, and why has he been upfront about.. what some.. might consider a dubious career?"

"First, the circumstances of our first meeting would be.. very challenging to fabricate and so would the serendipity of my sudden inspiration to hire a mechanic." He lowers one of the fingers, "And two, I really don't care if people know what I do.. I care if they know where I sleep and if they know where I get my vehicles serviced. Both of those are blindspots, and while I can take measures to secure an apartment. I am not a mechanic and that makes securing a vehicle a challenge." He lowers the last finger.

"Just pointing out these facts for when you are back home performing your calculus and deciding rather to accept the job. I... really hope you do not disappoint me, Mercy Thompson." He then reassures because that sounded more menacing then it should. "That is not a threat. I just do not know the next time I'll encounter a mechanic who has proven herself to be a good person beyond the doubt, and I really like the idea of owning a car."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
His remarks about being tested brings a flash of something across her features, but it's there and gone again in less than a second. It's only at his mention of trusting a stranger that she says, "The thought did cross my mind. For all you know I could be the worst mechanic out there." And after a beat pause, she adds, "Which I'm not."

But still she had to say it.

She listens to the rest of his points and while there's the stray thought of what she might be getting herself into, for now that's pushed aside. She can consider all of that later, when she has the quiet solitude of her shop around her.

With the mention of disappoitment, Mercy's mouth twists into a wry expression, but the woman says nothing to it. Instead she reaches into the pocket of her jacket and pulls out a card. "Here's my card for my business. Email and phone number are on there." Address too, of course. "If you think of anything else you might want on the car between now and tomorrow morning give a ring or send a message. I want to make sure I have all the facts before I say yes or no."

Shen Kuei has posed:
"Ejector seats, machine guns behind the head lights, and a rich leather interior." He offers in an almost completely believable matter of the fact reply until the smirk and brief chuckle that follow break any possible veneer of deceit. He accepts the card thankfully and quickly takes a picture of it with his phone before tucking it safely into his pocket. "Expect an email from me this evening. I'll expect you to be very transparent with your numbers, and do not worry about me cutting into your margin. Well paid people are more trustworthy. I will offer a premium on labor and material. And if you are a shitty mechanic, time to get good." He winks and then starts to down the street, it's not long before he rounds a corner and is gone from view.