19263/Fairy meets Coyote.
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Fairy meets Coyote. | |
Date of Scene: | 10 October 2024 |
Location: | The Park |
Synopsis: | An interlude with a coyote |
Cast of Characters: | Glamour, Mercy Thompson
- Glamour has posed:
It's the End of the World, and what's Glamour doing? Peoplewatching. The thing they don't tell you about the impending possible planetary destruction is that while some are consumed with anxiety, others just continue too go about life and enjoy. The trash still needs to be taken out, the dishes done, and groceries bought and of course they also goo for picnics in the park and whatever else. She leans back on thhe branch she's chosen to light on -- quite literally - and just observes. It's not exactly like she has a whole lot else to do. Or can do for that matter.
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy knows about the possible end of the world, but honestly she's on an emotional high! That is why she went to the park for a bit of a walk. She's debating going on a big run as well, the shifted kind. She is humming to herself, grinning a bit wide and moving along. That is until she notices an itch in her nose. It makes her slow down at the sense of magic or something in the air. Pausing she looks a bit this way and that, seeing if she can locate the source.
- Glamour has posed:
In fact, she probably can. Glamour is alight.
A softly glowing little blue dot of light which, if she pays atttentioon, she might see the wings on either side of it.
Hey, listen, she didn't ask for this, all right?
In any event, Glamour hasn't noticed Mercy. She's just one of many, after all, as she lays on the branch. She rolls over.
"BORED," she says, but it's not like anyone can hear her at any kind of distance.
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
She's got some great senses and Mercy is able to hear the little voice and it helps her train in on the location. Soon as she sees the light, Mercy will carefully walk over and peer up at the branch. "Hello up there," she will offer to the small winged girl.
- Glamour has posed:
Did someone just spot her?
Oh. Right. The glow. It dims out suddenly, leaving oonly a fine mist of sparklles around her as she rises to stand up on her branch.
"Oi. Who the heck are you?" she shrills down to Mercy. Typically, someone actually spotting her is a litttle uncommon in this scenario so she's a little defensive sounding. Hands on her hips.
She very much looks every bit the fairy she is.
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Hey there, not seen you in the park before." She will keep her body language relaxed as she stands there. "And my name is Mercy, what is yours?" Mercy is not about to start a fuss with a fairy just because they are unhappy.
- Glamour has posed:
"Issat rightt. Well, I'm here a lot so I could ask you the same question," huffs the little blond fairy who looks entirely too archetypal.
She huffs and lets out a breath and her mood seems to shift, her body languagee going less tense. Perhaps it's a reaction to the unthreatening mien that Mercy has adopted.
Or maybe she just changed her mood on a dime like some fairies reputedly do.
She pinches the bridge of her nose for a moment. "No. I'm on edge. Sorry. I just don't typically get too noticed and I've gotten comfortable with that. Is there some reason you came over for a word? Or were you just curious?"
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Hey missy," says Mercy to the fairy. "I have done nothing to you but notice you were glowing and said hello. Wanna check the attitude a little," her smile casual and disarming as she can manage. When see sees the fairy do just that it makes the smile come a little easier. "I got sharper senses and tend to be aware of my surroundings more then most. I doubt most anyone else would have found you." She motions to Glamour and says, "Not every day I see a glowing fairy in the park. Figured I at least say 'hello' and make sure all was well. I got plenty of friends who travel those circles."
- Glamour has posed:
"Yeah? I know a few people too. Who you got in your contact list?" she asks, innocently, letting her legs go out from under her so she plops onto the branch on her bottom, sending up a plume of sparkling, glittering dust around her. She sneezes. It's unberably cute. She settles to look onto her curiously, though. "Glamour," she offers after a halting moment.
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy shakes her head and locks her lips with a casual motion, "Sorry. Not going to just name people with someone who I just met. That wouldn't be too smart." The cute sneeze makes her smile and carefully step away from the dust. "Pleasure to meet you Glamour."
- Glamour has posed:
Snapping her fingers in obviously playful disappointment -- she wasn't expecting to get an answer really -- is Glamour. This also makes more dust kick up froom the gesture. She doesn't sneeze this time, at least. Leaningb back on her hands, her wings lazily fan behind her and her legs swing off the edge.
"Gonna guess you're maybe not so keen on 'giving a fairy your name', hm?" She's looking amused, now. "Relax. I'm not THAT kind of fairy."
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Oh I said my name. But only because you said 'who the heck are you' and didn't say 'give me your name' because I know a bit better than that." Mercy taps her knows and smiles. "Though you may call me Mercy, most do." She motions toward the northeast, "I got a shop just at the edge of Harlem. So what kind of fairy are you?"
- Glamour has posed:
... if she did, Glamour didn't notice it in the first place. Probably because she was being grumpy.
"... right! Mercy. Okay. Sorry." She combs her fingers through hher hair. "My attention span is a struggle sometimes," She adds, "It's almost as short as I am." She laughs at her own joke. Then frowns.
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Nice self effacing humor there Glamour," Mercy grins at the joke. She herself can get it as she can get the other way, fixated on everything to the exclusion of all else. "So what are you doing up here anyway?"
- Glamour has posed:
"What else am I doing? Watching people! It's almost as good as sitting in front of a television -- but you can't change the channel and there's no remote control, either." She makes a face at that. "... okay so maybe itt's nothing like television, but it beats staring at the trees." She shakes her hair out now again, sending blond curls everywhere alongside yet more fairy dust.
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
"But you do get more senses to use than a TV. That's just sigh and sound. Here you get the 'joy' of smelling people." Which in New York is not usually a blessing. "Since pot became legal you can't escape that smell, but it's worse in the summer." Mercy takes a slow look around and will say, "I imagine tree watching takes more patience and focus then either of us has. Now animals, that is usually a lot more lively."
- Glamour has posed:
"... have you smelled the average New Yorker? I'm not sure I want to know any more about body odour than I already do. It can get prettty overpowering when you're tiny. Phew!" She rubs her nose, making a face att some unfortunate memories she's gleaned. "... also most people are bad at hygene and do they even wash their legs?!" SHe makes a face again.
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Oh I have and more," Mercy grins and taps her nose. "I got a sharp scene of smell. Why I commented on it. See I would almost think being small may make it easier for you to miss some scents. Smaller nose, bigger scents or whatever can't get up there right?" Trying to quip about the size in general. "Lots of people don't think about all that stuff always."
- Glamour has posed:
"Do you, now. Good to know!" A pause. She blinks her eyes.
"...what do I smell like?" She asks, sniffing at herself curiously. "I bet it's somehow all sugar and light." She makes a face again.
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
"In a word," answers Mercy. "You smell like 'magic' to me. There's some tree scents as well. I'm guessing you had some French fries and sugar for a meal not too long ago." Mercy of course is at the base of the tree and not leaning in to get a great whiff just yet.
- Glamour has posed:
"How did you know about the french fries?!" She starts shaking herself off eagerly, "Oh god. Do I have grease stink on me? Do I smell like the inside of a McDonalds? Eugggh!" % r
She's squirming. quite a bit about this and incredibly worried about this opened possibility.
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy taps her nose, "Like I said. I got a pretty good nose. It isn't grease stink at all. But most fried potatoes are a smell I know well." Mercy can't help but give off a small chuckle however. "There's some fresh water not far over there, plus the lake." Nodding in one direction. "But you don't stink. I promise."
- Glamour has posed:
"... I'll be taking a swim later, maybe drift along on a leaf for a while because I can do that like I'm a poncy elf in joke fiction."
Glamour rubs an eye with her knuckle.
"YEah, well, anyway. Good. Glad I don't stink." She loooks relieved about that and lets out a breath. "So ... what do you do, anyway?"
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Me? I fix things. Specifically German made classic cars." Mercy offers a shrug and then reaches into a pocket to pull out a business card. "Want to look?" Stepping closer and holding it up and out toward GLamour, "Maybe if you fold it can help you steer your leaf."
- Glamour has posed:
"... what am I goonna do, call you?" says Glamour, laughing, as she flutters down towards the card. "I can't exactly use a mobile phone these days, you know? Maybe I should go find one of those shrinking superheroes and see if they can get a tiny little mobile for me but I'd probably just lose it. It's not like I have pockets."
She dooesn't have pockets in her gown, no. She does a little twirl in the air, followed by a trail of sparkles, and leans into inspect the card.
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Well you can know where I live and honestly I would think phones, the new ones, are easier to use than older ones. Touch screens and all that. I mean just get one with a plug, and it's a near full size mirror or digital wall for you. Set it up where there is public wifi and you're set. Long as no vagrant steals it." Mercy lets the card float up as the magic takes it, rubbing her fingers after the tickle of the power there. "You said 'these days' so were you not always this size or something?"
- Glamour has posed:
"Easier is not the same as easy. It's a challenge to even get it to register me," remarks Glamour. "I've tried like walking on the screens even and that works slightly better, but it's still a bit oof a struggle."
"And that's awful kind of youo to offer!" A pause when she catches onto that and then she blushes. Wrinkles her nose.
"...I guess it's not a secret. I wasn't always a fairy, no."
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
"What about a stylus? I know it be big but bet that would help you a lot." Mercy is willing to try and offer a mechanics' minded work around on these things. "Well that sounds like an interesting story. If you ever want to ever share it and tell it. I'll listen happily. I could even buy some food for the price of it."
- Glamour has posed:
"Maybe if we get friendly," offers Glamour, thinking about it. "Though it's not like you can't find out if you've got the same contacts I do." She grins fiercely at that, hands on her hips, as she does a little twirl back intoo the sky away froom the card, hovering a short distance over Mercy.