18013/Is it a Cat or Is it not a Cat

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Is it a Cat or Is it not a Cat
Date of Scene: 21 May 2024
Location: Location
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Sharon Smith, Scott Lang

Sharon Smith has posed:
A box sat on Scott's desk with a sticky note that boldly read "Do not open." Below that sticky note was another note reading "Do not open by any means!" If the two sticky notes weren't clear enough, there was a third that read "That means you Scott!!!" the last one was underlined several times, and the exclamation points were big, bold, and exaggerated in size.

The whole thing was a conundrum. Whoever put the box there should have known writing 'do not open' would have a very opposite effect on Scott's brain. If they truely knew him, they ought to have written something along the lines of "Get to this when you have time," and the box would have collected dust for years before being touched. Instead, the box sat there waiting, tempting, and shaking a bit apparently.

Scott Lang has posed:
Scott stares at the box on his desk for a moment. He's doing some odds and ends work for Hank Pym. He goes back to what he's doing. The second note sticks out. Scott reads it for a moment. And he looks forward. Just resuming what he's doing, but that third note causes a genuine whip of the head.

Scott pauses as he's not tempted to open it yet. However, he taps on the box. Then leans back a little expecting a tasmanian devil like creature to snap at him. When nothing happens, or if something minor happens, he taps on the box again. "Hello?"

Sharon Smith has posed:
The box tapped back with a 'thump.' This was followed by a period of ominous scratching, and then a cat-like meow. It was a very tempting box to open. Aside from the sticky notes, the person that put it there might as well have put a bow on it and a card that read "Happy Birthday"

Things that went 'meow' in boxes couldn't be all that dangerous could they?

Scott Lang has posed:
There's a pause from him. He taps the box again in one spot. A second later he taps on it in another spot. Just on a different spot of the box. Scott's tryiing to test out the contents of the box. He's a llittle confused by this. Those pale green eyes lookingf at that box waiting for the response.

Sharon Smith has posed:
The box gave a few more taps in retort. The light cardboard flexed under the weight of the tapping. It wasn't a very sturdy box. The creature ought to have been able to claw its way out if it had claws. It was unlikely, but perhaps there was some bold scientific method of reinforcing cardboard boxes so they could house dangerous creatures.

Scott Lang has posed:
"Mrow?" Scott calls out very tentatively. His pale green eyes on the box and he'll tap on the top to see what happens next. Then there's another pause. "Neow?" he calls out again seeing if this thing will respond. Also, try to figur eout the tone of the animal. Is it angry? Scared? Hurt? He's trying to figure that one out.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Finally he was speaking the boxed up creature's language! "Merow" it answered back. Unfortunately, Scott didn't speak 'cat,' so it was difficult to discern the meaning of the sound. She didn't sound terribly menacing. It sounded about as cute and fluffy as any regular house cat would sound. Although most cats were generally untrustworthy. Even in the happiest of states their tiny claws were a terrible nusance when they tried climbing up your back.

Scott Lang has posed:
"Damn it," Scott doesn't want to open the box. However, he looks to the photo on his desk. It's a photo of Cassie and him. Cassie would tell him to open the box. And possibly beg for him to do so.

Sighing he starts to open the box. "Sorry Hank," he says opening up the box. He waits for something menacing to leap out of the box at him. He waits patiently.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Inside the box was the sort of creature one would expect after all the meowing. It was a small, black cat with bright yellow eyes that stared cutely at him. It looked mostly harmless. The cat stereotypically licked a paw and then started to stretch now that it had the headroom to finally arch it's back in full.

So many sticky notes over such a small, harmless creature.

Scott Lang has posed:
Scott is now deeply scared. He'll give the cat scritches. Usually cute things with tons of labels are dangerous things (e.g. Tigra, She Hulk, and the biggest of them all Sofia). He just thinks to himself. "I'm dead. Cassie will never know she helped me free a cat. Hank will kill me," but he is giving the cat scritches along the way.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith 's ears flattened from the scritching. She seemed to happily accept the light rub of his fingers until suddenly exploding into something ten times her original size. In the blink of an eye, the cat poofed into the shape of a fully grown human woman with bright purple hair. His hand sat on a purple head of hair while the box flattened out like a pancake beneath her pale bottom.

She gave a huff, "Uhg... I was in that box for like... forever!" she complained.

Scott Lang has posed:
Scott just stares once the cat "explodes" into something huamn. The hand does not leave those purple locks and he just stares at her. "How?" It could be about the box, it could be about the human state, or both! He's genuinely surprised by this.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith dipped a pinky finger into one ear as if to clear it out. Perhaps cardboard had gotten in there somehow during the 'explosion.' "I don't know... I was tasting something. It was very foul, but I managed to keep it down. It sort of glowed," she explained ridiculously. "If I knew what it was called I would very much recommend not eating it or anything like it, but you would have to try it for yourself."

She certainly had some cat-like tendancies if she was willing to just eat random glowing things, but other than that she seemed relatively human.

Scott Lang has posed:
"Are you a cat? A person? A mutant? A meta? A bad figment of my imagination?" Scott inquires the line of questioning. As he's still having problem digesting this. And yes, Scott talks with someone that is a God on a somewhat regular basis. Yet, somehow this moment is the one that's a lot to take in. "How did you get in the box?" he asks curiously.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith looked up and gave a look of consideration at the ceiling. "Yes," she decided to answer. Most of his descriptions were right, so she didn't feel like bothering to pick apart the specifics. She leaned off the desk to steal his coat from the back of his chair, slipping it on. The blatant theivery could have warranted a complaint, but at least putting on a jacket meant she had something on.

"I don't know. I ate the thing and then I was stuffed in a box. You really oughn't put people in boxes," she critiqued, as though any of this were his fault. None of this made any sense, but in fairness, Scott's life didn't generally make a whole lot of sense since Pym and all of the other subsiquent characters spilled into his life.

Scott Lang has posed:
"What were you when you ate something?" Scott asks for a moment. His gaze looking at her for a moment. Those pale green eyes looking at Sharon for a moment. He waits for the woman. Both arms cross as he waits to see more about the woman. Oh, this is a curveball.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith pulled her feet in to sit cross-legged on the desk. She could have taken a seat in a chair like a normal person, but felt happy on her high perch on the desk. "Me," she stated in a vague answer to his question. She eventually looked down at herself and carified "Well... not like this. It's easier to talk as I am now, but there isn't much sense of smell, hearing... none of the important things," she said in a mild critique of the human condition.

Scott Lang has posed:
Scott just stares at the girl for a moemnt. He puts enough puzzle pieces together. She -was- a cat. He's not sure if this meant she was actually a cat,a mutant or meta that thinks they were a cat, but when the substance was eaten she was a cat. The stuff may have happened to alter the brain. His gaze stays steady on her. That talka bout humans further confirms his suspicions. "Alright. You can turn back into a cat. I can find you an owner or something?"

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith stared back with a wild look in her eyes. She leaned side to side only for the enjoyment of watching his gaze follow her. "Hah," she scoffed back. "You're not the first that thinks they can own me, but you never can," she stated proudly, lifting her nose. "It's sort of fun letting people think they do, but it will never happen."

Catseye finally slid from the desk to stand on her own two feet. She turned to the door, starting to make her way out before pausing to ask "Can I borrow this?" she asked, giving a light tug at the collar of her stolen jacket. "I am Sharon by the way," she stated, finally feeling the obligation to at least introduce herself.