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Date of Scene: 07 May 2024
Location: Penthouse - Kord Co
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Candace Hill, Ted Kord

Candace Hill has posed:
"Crap crap crap crap crap!"

Its after lunch on a very pretty day. A good 5 minutes after lunch. The new girl to Kord Industries is running late. It of course wasn't by choice. She raced back as fast as she safely could without actually flying. She wanted to fly. She could have flied but she would have drawn even more attention than if she just walked in and thats what she did. Walked in and kept a low profile til she got to her desk.

Once at her desk she sat down and kept her head down. Yup! Not letting off a single clue that she was late. God was it hard having an actual job now! She is still in the mind of a person who just gets in her car and waits for a gig to come to her. This? This is a whole new ball game.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord glares and says, "I never expected a robot rebellion in my lifetime. By my own bots! I give up. The invasion of Greenland has succeeded. The North American forces are strained to hold back South American advances. I surrender. But You're a bunch of dirty cheaters. Bailey, Bongo, Bodhi, you're all ganging up on me. bailey is going to wipe you all out. You let her take Asia and Australia! Screw this!" He turns the board over spilling pieces. He boggles a moment later as the three bots recreate the set up perfectly in seconds.

He turns the board over a few more times. The results are the same. "Okay, fine. Bobo take over for me. I happen to have work to do."

He hits a button to summon Candace. A clatter draws his attention back to the table, where Bobo continues to turn the board over and watch the other three reset it. "Oh for fuck's sake. Stop it! Go to your room and play Legos in there!"

Candace Hill has posed:
Candace winces. She hasn't been working there long but she knows the flashing light that means the boss wants to see her. Quickly she makes her way up to the boss' office.

A minute or two later, she knocks on the wall and steps in. "You wanted to see me, Ted?" She looks a bit nervous to say the least. "I'm Sorry I was late. I ran into a mutual friend while practicing flying in the park. Don't worry I kept my goggles on and kept away from most everyone out there. The friend in question, Martian Manhunter?" She smiles a little bit trying to show she was doing something good. "I got a little carried away talking with him a bit."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord nods enthusiastically. "Oh MM is the best. I'm glad you like the goggles. they're a very undervalued piece of wardrobe. Anyway I go... oof." Bobo (a rather large bot in fact) floats over to rear end Ted with the risk games (now neatly boxed). "Oh... you want to play a game with me? Risk sucks with two people. When Bingo is done with his maintenance cycle we'll sit down for a proper game. Anyway get that package for Candace, please. That's Bobo. Beetle Overt Bot 01. Boobo. He's the oldest." Bobo sets down the box and gets a large and sealed parcel which he floats over to Candace. He extends a small blade from his manipulator and waits for permission to cut the package.

Candace Hill has posed:
Candace smiles a little. "Oh he is really nice. He was setting up some rings to help me practice some agility. It was better than flying around trees. Less painful too. I kinda flew into a branch and got smacked in the face." She in fact does have a red mark across her cheek. "That was not fun but it was a quick crash course in not flying into a branch that can swing back and smack you in the face." She snickers. "Thank you Bobo." She comments as she looks at the bot. She smiles to the bot and nods, "By all means go ahead."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord also assents. Bobo slits the bag open. Inside is a violet bodysuit and cowl. "I'm working on new colors. The stuff is naturally blue. We can work on the color. Go use one of the bathrooms and try it on. It's going to be really large but we're going to refit it for you right now. Just don't trip or anything." Bobo points to the bathroom.

Candace Hill has posed:
Candace smiles as she sees the bodysuit! "This is going to be fun!" She takes the bodysuit to the bathroom. The first time she's ever worn anything like this She quickly gets dressed in the bodysuit. She makes sure she is still wearing her underwear of course but she gets fully dressed up and even puts the cowl up.

With a smile on her face, she walks out out of the bathroom. It is a bit big on her, that is for sure. "I don't know about the cowl but I do like it. Its a really sweet suit. Even if its a little big right now." She smiles as she stands in front of Ted. The bodysuit looks almost like a big onesie on her right now.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord picks up a tablet and says, "Relax, breathe out and hold it." He waits for her to comply then taps the screen. The costume contracts to fit Candace like a glove. Sproing! 'I made the fibers helical so they can stretch or contract better. It also increases the protection. This costume is rated up to .357 Magnum loads. It's fire resistant as well. I insulated the gloves but left that out of the body suit. There's a wrist control to expand or contract it to suit you. Heh. So, you want to see how fast you are?"

Candace Hill has posed:
Candace smiles and follows instructions. She blinks as the Suddenly the bodysuit clings to her every curve. She looks down over herself and moves a bit. "This is going to be amazing!" She listens to what all Ted is telling her and tries to understand it all. "Okay so getting shot won't be as bad as it could be. I mean I know I absorb solar energy... And I think other energies too. I dunno what all ones though.

And then the question is asked. 'want to see how fast you are?' She's been waiting for that question. She smirks and nods. "Hell yes! I definitely wanna see how fast I can go."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord pulls off his lab coat revealing his own uniform. "Okay. The Bug is on its way up, but I want to try some stuff first. Okay? Turn around." He waits for her to comply and if she does, shoots her in the back with his BB gun. It's a blast of compressed air, not set anywhere near full power, Enough to give her a shove. "I want to see if this absorption trick ins a conscious thing or automatic. If you need to be aware of an attack to neutralize it... that suit is a lot more useful to you." He peers.

Candace Hill has posed:
Candace smiles and nods. "Alright. First things first I guess." She turns around and... She gets shot. She feels the impact but just lets it go. "I don't think that type energy gets absorbed. So guns are definitely on my avoid list I guess. I mean its definitely something I should always avoid but I think now I should be a bit safer than if I wasn't wearing this suit." She smiles and nods. "got anything that shoots solar energy? Maybe Heat? I dunno if heat is one of the things the energies I can absorb but There are a lot of unknowns with my powers right now."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord hrms. "Can't do kinetic effects. What about if someone grabs you. Give me your wrist and let's see what you can do? then I'll let it alone for now and book some time in the lab tomorrow. Which is pretty easy as this is my lab. He holds his hand out. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just increasing pressure and you tell me when to stop. Try to stop my hand from closing."

Candace Hill has posed:
Candace blinks and can feel something else when her wrist is grabbed. She breathes deep and smiles. "Ooh. Do you feel anything?" She asks as lets her body absorb the heat. She draws on it and smirks. "Got anything I can target?" She asks as her eyes light up... like actually light up. Not like she is beaming with joy but her eyes are glowing. "I think I need to go outside to release some of this energy. This is really intense." She focuses hard. Restraining herself from unleashing anything.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord takes her wrist and suddenly frowns. He intended to start increasing the pressure but, a chill paralyzes his hand.", sends needles through his fingers. He feels it traveling up his arm in the split second it takes him to release Candace. Wincing he swings his arm around,trying to restore circulation. "Ow... oh fudge. That was intense! Yeah, someone grabs you, do that but be careful... do you need to step outside? Your eyes are doing a glowing thing. Hang on... I have three zone heating in this suit. I am so glad I didn't try a sleeper hold on you. Yeah definitely a day in the lab. I may not be able to tell you HOW and WHY you do this but I can definitely test limits... just not by hand."

Candace Hill has posed:
"Yeah my eyes glow before I discharge energy. I don't try it." Candace quickly moves to the outside. Energy explodes outward from her. Thankfully it doesn't do any damage to anything. She quickly walks back in. "Sorry about that. I am still learning to control the discharge of energy." She looks around and then nods. "I need to learn not to draw energy like that because I really would like to be able to hug my mom without syphoning off her body heat." She laughs a little bit. "Ummm Sorry about your arm. I didn't know that I would do that."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord says "Makes two of us. Oh hears the Bug!" The sky darkens as the enormous vehicle floats outside, its thrusters making ripples on the pool. "Bobo, you're with us in case Candace needs a quick rescue. He's very good at this. Uniform looks good. I figure the XL setting is good to get into it. Then you can dial down the size. There's another setting makes its sleeves and cowl retract. It also has built in ear buds for your phone. I mae good stuff. All right, we're going out over the ocean. You can fly without being thwapped in the face." Ted does a backflip. The two aero discs deploy from his backpack and latch onto his soles.

Candace Hill has posed:
Candace pulls the the cowl over her face. Lifting off she smiles and flies outside. She smiles to Bobo. "I am going to fly up over the buildings so I don't run into anything. You said wanna know how fast I can go?" She takes off flying as fast as she can.