72/In search of magick

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In search of magick
Date of Scene: 23 February 2020
Location: Sanctum Santorum
Synopsis: Pixie looks for a Mystical mentor.
Cast of Characters: Megan Gwynn, Stephen Strange

Megan Gwynn has posed:
It took a little time for her to rack up the courage to seek him out, the Sorcerer Supreme, perhaps so wine who could help her control her newfound magical abilities..Of course Megan wasn't sure he'd even accept her of if he was in the habit of training students. Heck, she knew next to nothing about this guy, there than he was apparently one of, maybe even THE most powerful sorcerer out there...It was worth a shot anyway. At any rate, she finally gathers up the courage to step up to the front doors of his very cool mansion, rapping rather uncertainly on the front door. "Ummmm helllooo? Anyone home?"

Stephen Strange has posed:
    The door opens up and there's a rather taller thicker Asian man with a stoic look on his face. "Hello." Wong says in greeting to Megan as he stands, preventing her from looking past him and into the sanctum fully. "Is there anything I can do to help you?" He asks, a simple question that belies the magic nature of the house and those within the walls, but it is a neccesary question to prevent those without the proper motives from stumbling into the house accidentally.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks up at Mr. Wong. "Ooooh, you aren't Dr. Strange are you? I kinda thought he looked different.." she tries to peek around him but can't see much beyond his larger frame blocking the doorway. There are obviously magic wards on this place and she narrows her eyes, clearly sensing something but not understanding wards well enough to know what exactly they are or how they work. "Oooh, is he home? I mean, I don't have an appointment but was kinda wondering if he takes students? You know who are super talented and eager to learn?" she does offer the sweetest smile she can muster. Although her faerie wings are hidden beneath her jacket, the bright pink hair sure stands out!

Stephen Strange has posed:
    "Astute observation. I am not Doctor Strange no, I am his, assistant." Wong says with a straight face towards Megan. Then a somber kind of emotion washes over Wong and he shakes his head towards the young woman. "I'm afraid he doesn't take apprentices or things of that nature very often, as he is a very busy man." The wizard remarks with a sadness even to his tone. The Ancient One made time for those of the next generation, generations even, and yet Strange is still new to the Sorcerer Supreme role, he has much to learn still.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn Awwes and pouts, "Really? I mean..Can I at least talk to him? I mean..At the very least can he check me out? I mean after Magick stabbed me with her black magic and tore open a hole in my soul, I'm kinda freaked. I mean...Suure I can use magic now and I can't even control it half the time but what if I turn into a second Darkchylde too? I mean I could become evil, and that's scaring me to death.."

Stephen Strange has posed:
    "He will absolutely give you a check up." Wong says with a kindly smile. "Until then, you're welcome inside the sanctum and to use it's many rooms and halls and tomes and books for study of the mystical arts, and if you possess any questions, feel free to ask me. I will gladly teach you all I can." Wong says, his stoic face shifting into a smile briefly. "You know, I taught Stephen a great many things in regards to magic."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, "Realky? Sooo you're a powerful sorcerer too?" of course he is, although his costume isn't nearly so flashy. "I mean, thank you! Do I need to make an appointment to see him? I'd love a tour, I've heard so much about this place.." her eyes are all sparkly and gosh she has sooo many questions!

Stephen Strange has posed:
    "Of course you're welcome to come in." Wong says, stepping back and holding the door open for Megan with a kindly smile. "I am Wong and welcome to the Sanctum Sanctorum, and as far as appointments, that's not something we normally do, but since he's away helping Genosha at the moment, I'll be sure you get put on top of his itenerairy."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn beams and nods stepping inside. "Thanks! My name is Megan, nice to meet you, Mr. Wong." To be honest she's been sick lately and out if the loop, and pauses a moment, "Genosha? So what's going in over there lately?" she frowns a bit, clearly concerned for some reason.

Stephen Strange has posed:
    "I think you better sit down..." Wong says as he shuts the door and goes to explain the tragedy that happened to the island nation.