1663/When a Seer Seeks Wisdom

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When a Seer Seeks Wisdom
Date of Scene: 14 May 2020
Location: Charles' Office / Classroom
Synopsis: Marie comes to Charles hoping for a way to stay in America after school, and leaves with a promise of aid and a clear path set before her.
Cast of Characters: Marie-Ange Colbert, Charles Xavier

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
She's rehearsed this moment a number of times over the past couple of weeks. At first, it was out of fear, the coming end of the semester and her own daily tarot readings promising a terrible future for her. The other day, Jenny flipped the script on her. Her blonde BFF gave her hope that this might end up working out alright. Little does she /know/ that it's nothing but a ruse.... but it certainly has a smile firmly on her face for this particular encounter.

So, she stands outside the door to the Professor's office, dressed in a pretty white dress with grey accents that goes down to about her ankles. Her hair's tied back into a ponytail as well, with the aid of a pale blue ribbon. There's a deep breath, a moment of staring at the door... and a pale hand lifts to knock. Even if Charles has an open door policy. Because Marie is nothing if she's not polite.

Charles Xavier has posed:
"Come in Marie," Charles calls out from his office, he hasn't looked up but that's of little note considering the nature of the man. He is sitting in his wheelchair behind his desk, looking over a few pieces of paper with a furrowed brow, something upon it that seems to bring a worry to him. Setting them down, his eyes lift up towards the door. "Please, have a seat."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Opening up the door, Marie steps inside, and closes said door behind herself at all. Her footsteps are steady -- even with added confidence, she's still not the most confident of creatures, but she's quick enough to move to a chair and settle inside it, hands folding in her lap as she speaks. "Merci, Professor." she starts, "I appreciate you taking the time to speak to me, even with... so many things having gone on lately."

She means both academic and not, given that several students -- herself included -- had lost their human forms in favor of dinosaur or gorilla recently, and of course graduation's coming up in the very near future.

Charles Xavier has posed:
"Taking time to spend time with the students it the purpose of this school and why I'm here, Marie. Your well being is much more important than a lot of the distractions that can present themselves." Motioning to the seat he also looks at the tea kettle, reaching over to it in order to pour two fresh cups. "How have the past few months been for you Marie? I fear I haven't had a chance to catch up with everyone since I got back."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie's easy to fluster, and her head dips a bit as cheeks gain a touch of color. Coming from a place where people couldn't care less about her into a place as welcoming as this? It's a culture shock of sorts. "I... I... oui, I have seen." she nods once, settling down in the offered seat. Resisting the urge to offer assistance. She's the guest, not the host. It's her place to be served in this situation and she knows it.

"The past few months have been most wonderful, Professor. I... to be honest, I did not realize that life could be like this, ou understand?" she asks, lifting her head to watch the man, green eyes shimmering with a certain hope to them. "The difference between how my peers" and teachers even "treat me here and from where I came is as... how you say.... nights and days?" she asks, a bit unsure. Casual phrases have been a definite learning process for her as well. "It... it is that which I wished to speak to you about, actually..."

It doesn't take an empath to notice the trepidation that's creeping into her tone, here.

Charles Xavier has posed:
"Are you having issues with some of your fellow students Marie?" Charles asks softly, there's curiousity in his tone. "If there's anything I can do to help, with anything, of course that's why I'm here so please, feel free to speak your heart and mind." He pours a cup for them both and sets it over for her. "I only wish we had been able to get you here sooner, in order to reduce the stress you felt and encountered prior."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Non! Non." Marie's quick to correct, nodding her thanks as she reaches with both hands to take the offered tea cup, lifting it to her lips to take a sip. "Merci, Professor." A pause, and another sip. Eyes widen slightly. "This is most excellent tea!" she exclaims, before realizing that she strayed off-course. "...and, I am glad that you were kind enough to bring me here at all." she admits, biting her lip for a moment, taking a deep breath, and laying it all out.

"It... is about graduation, Professor." she admits, trying to remember things just as she'd rehearsed them. "I... was brought here so that I could study in an environment far better than that which I came from." She pauses, the tip of her shoe digging into the carpet. "With my time in lycee-- high school, that is coming to an end... I wish to remain in this country, rather than return to France. Mademoiselle Stavros suggested that I seek out college admission, and Docteur McCoy had even recommended I speak to you to see about serving as a teacher, here." She pauses to take another sip from the cup, its presence in her hands keeping her from wringing them together. "...I came to seek your advice on this matter, and to humbly request any aid you would be able to provide in keeping me here -- if that would not be too great a request to make of you?" There's hope in her tone here, thanks to Jen's stacking of the deck.

Charles Xavier has posed:
"I believe, Marie, that this is an excellent idea," Xavier says with a smile. "Had I known this was something you were interested in, I would have reached out to you about such an idea. Having individuals with different cultural backgrounds is a wonderful commodity in a school such as this. Further, I do believe you would be well suited in assisting with some other areas beyond merely teaching. However, if your only concern is about being deported, that will not happen."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"I apologize I did not come to you sooner!" Marie replies quickly. "There are still so many things that I do not realize are within my grasp here, even with the aid of my cards to guide my path. So many doors that can be opened, non?" she starts, smiling a bit more now. "I must admit, I have... had? Concerns that I would be forced to leave the country, and that was at the top of my list."

"... but you and this school have done so much for me, Professor. I have /friends/ here. I feel valued in ways that I never did back home. I wish to give back in any way that you will allow me to -- it is the very least I can do."

Charles Xavier has posed:
"It is good to want to give back, we always appreciate that. And I think it is rewarding for both sides. We gain your experience and everything you bring to the table, and I think instructing helps to build confidence, strength in yourself and knowledge in how to interact with others. Something that everyone benefits from." Charles lifts his cup of tea in a toast towards Marie.

"Was tehre anything particularly you were feeling passionate about in terms of instruction? Or any tasks you would like to take on?"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
To be certain, the benefits that Marie would gain from giving back as Charles describe it? Speak to her weaker points. It's a role that might be difficult for her at first, but which promises great reward if she succeeds at it. As for what, exactly, she can do...

"I am not sure, to be honest." she admits, lifting her own cup to toast Charles, before taking another sip. Most excellent tea indeed. "As I said, there are many doors which I do not even know /can/ be opened? I speak French, of course, and could teach that..." she pauses the a moment, brows briefly knitting together. "...I could give lessons in reading the Tarot, though most schools I have known would find such things... inappropriate?" she admits, before crinkling her nose a little. "If you have suggestions, I am most willing to hear!"

Charles Xavier has posed:
"Well, let us do this then Marie. I think French is a given. But I would like you to take some time to consider two other courses you would do. One a strength which you have and could help others with, but the second to be something you struggle with yourself. You see, there is nothing that says an instructor has to be an expert at something. Not if they're willing to do the work to become an expert."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie briefly considers the response in the moment... but unable to come up with ideas immediately, she offers a polite smile and nods in response, cup to her lips, drinking down the remaining tea inside. "I will give these courses thought then, Professor, and I will let you know once I have figured out." A wider smile. "It is most refreshing to know that I do not need to /begin/ an expert in order to serve... and I would most certainly be willing to work towards such a goal." Moving to her feet, she dips into a brief curtsey and a little wave that follows. "Merci -- thank you again for your time, and your support. You have helped me so much already, and I appreciate your continued willingness to aid me in my journey." she offers, before making her way towards the door.

That's one little French girl who's feeling a /lot/ better about herself, now!