1707/One step closer to Justice

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One step closer to Justice
Date of Scene: 16 May 2020
Location: Diana's Office: Themysciran Embassy
Synopsis: Kal calls upon Diana, Bruce, and Hal to meet him on the Embassy roof and discuss the future of the Justice League.
Cast of Characters: Clark Kent, Diana Prince, Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan

Clark Kent has posed:
There's no Super signal to call Superman, but there's modern technology. Enough so that Kal sends a message to both Batman and Diana that he wants to meet with them on the roof of the Themysciran embassy just after sunset, for the sake of their darker clad companion.

Shortly after the sun has broken beneath the horizon, Superman descends from the sky with his cape fluttering around his ankles as each foot touches down upon the smooth surface beneath him. Staring out across the bay as the last rays of the sun highlight his stoic features, arms laid across the S-Shield prominently displayed upon his chest.

The hints of a smile curling the very corners of his mouth upwards.

There was a lot to unpack with his decision to done the cape again, but it had been universally well received. Something that had, if he were honest, concerned him. Would people still care? Had it been too long? Were there heroes enough to fill the void left by the Death of Superman?

The answers to those questions were resoundingly optomistic. Giving the Kryptonian the inclination that perhaps there was still room on Earth for the Justice League.

Diana Prince has posed:
The roof of the Embassy is where the invisible jet is usuall parked, and today is one of those days. Though it's not entirely invisible right now, just somewhere around 85% invisible. The sleak outline of the arrowhead-shaped jet is very visible right now and as Superman comes to land, there comes a figure descending from inside the jet via it's boarding ramp that is lowered down from the back of the strange alien vehicle.

Diana's royal blue cloak whips in the warm winds that are flowing across the building and as she exits the jet she sees the arrival of Superman, who gets a reserved smile from her. She walks across the distance to stop and stand a handful of feet in front of him, her dark hair gently swaying in the winds around her covered shoulders.

"Welcome back." She says to him, having spoken to him as Clark a few months ago, but now seeing him here today he's in his full Superman attire and it makes her very elated to see it.

"It is very good to see you." She adds, honestly and heartfelt.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
"I'm busy, Kal." Batman just... emerges from the shadows. It's not likely his arrival evaded the notice of either the Kryptonian or the Amazon, but all the same, he detaches from a mass of contrasting light and dark and slouches towards the other two. Wrapped in his cowl, all that's visible of the Batman is the grim set of his stubbled chin and the whiteless eyes under that cowl.

"Some of us are still working the job." A statement that would be offensive from anyone else; from Batman, it is nothing but a literal statement of fact. Reaching the third point of the triangle with Superman and Diana, he straightens and lets his cloak fall back from his shoulders by a few inches. "Diana," he greets the Princess. Batman nods very slightly at her, then looks back at Superman and gives his attire and up-and-down. A beat passes.

"The suit's a little tight around the midsection," he informs Clark.

That one was definitely a friendly barb.

Almost definitely.

Hal Jordan has posed:
Green Lantern also flies in, glowing green as ever. He's been fairly active lately, doing quite a number of things, Genosha related and otherwise. But it was very, very good to see his friends again. All of them. And then he sees all 3 of them, and...man, the deja vu, the memories of old times, great battles, and comrades built in fire...and many of them the people he sees gathered here.

"Hey guys. Hope I'm not too late with this."

At Batman's comment, "...aren't we all really working the job?"

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal turns towards Diana descending from the interior of her jet and smiles across the distance, not yet aknowledging Bruce, whether he's aware of the Dark Knight there in the shadows or not. "I wasn't really gone.. But you knew that." Said to The Amazon, reaching out to squeeze her shoulder when the pair of them are conversationally close. An affection gesture, with his attention sweeping sideways towards the contrast of colors where Batman materializes from the shadows like the mythic creature of darkness the rumors claim him to be.

"So I've noticed." Said of Bruce being busy.. and still on the job. He snorts a quiet laughter at the probably, almost definitely, friendly barb regarding the fit of his costume. Squinting towards the cowl, playfully inclining one black brow. "Are those gray hairs I'm seeing?" Whether or not he actually looked through the hood, his tone suggests good-natured.

Absolutely definitely.

"I wont keep you long. I wanted to visit you both individually, but with everything going on... I want to get both of your opinion on reforming the Justice League. Opening the Halls proper..." With Hal's arriving, Kal dips his head in greeting, lifting the hand once laid against Diana's shoulder. "No, not too late. Just in time really.. Though I think I know your opinion already."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's brown eyed stare turns to Batman as he emerges and speaks, which gets a pensive smile from her and a little tilt of her head. She nods once to him though as he shares barbs with Superman, but then the Green Lantern himself shows up and she affords Hal a smile as well.

Between the three of them, she looks before she places her stare upon Superman again. "I will help, however I am needed." The Princess tells him. She's been with the Avengers for the better part of the past 3 years, helping keep Manhattan safe along with everything else that the New York-based team needed from her, but with Kal now speaking of the League's revival, she's eager for that.

Even if she was never on the roster in it's hay day, not arriving on the scene publicly until the Doomsday attack 3 years ago.

"I have heard nothing but endless questions about it over the past several years. There are many eager for its return." She adds.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
"League doesn't need reforming. Was never dissolved," Batman says in his clipped manner. His cowl twitches slightly towards Hal when the aviator descends, but does little else to acknowledge him.

"Not an instutition. Loose coalition. Avengers are a team. Need a team base. Motto. ... Merchandise," he says, and the slight grimace Batman allows himself speaks volumes.

"Hall is a monument to what we were, these days. Bringing the League together needs more than just a 'Go Team' speech and branded hats. What's your plan?"

Hal Jordan has posed:
Hal considers this. "Well...if you're looking for a mission to start with, the Genosha mystery is still not solved, and apparently, there was another massacre involved with that not so long ago. I'd say putting a stop to that's a pretty good place to start."

Hal's already been involved with that on his own, but with all the extra deaths happening just recently...it's clear that problem is not yet solved.

Clark Kent has posed:
"A lot like your thinking." Kal agrees with Bruce on that point, "The exact nature of what the League represents is bigger than a few super powered fellows fighting off threats.. Our whole motif was the defense of the entire world. Which I agree is more than taken care of by the Avengers and groups like the Titans.. What I'm suggesting, is an coalition of all the various groups."

Looking across each of the trio on the roof with him.

"Doomsday was..." His expression hardens for a half count, eyes dipping down towards the roof they're standing on. "It was eye opening. The World had never seen a threat like that.. Something that could stand against the combined might of all of Earths heroes and keep coming.. but what if we'd all been working in conjunction then? How much more effective would efforts have been had The X-Men, And Titans, and Justice League all been cohesive?"

Kal's shoulders roll back, nodding to Hal, but continuing his own thought. "The Justice League is bigger than any single threat... or group of people. It's a symbol of /all/ the heroes and groups that call Earth home. Individually these groups have their own threats, but when something bigger than any one of us surfaces? What then?" His meaning, at least to him, is obvious. If buried. "That's the Justice League."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana firstly looks to Batman and smiles softly to him. "I have a few boxes of Wonder Woman branded clothing downstairs. Would you like a hat? We have them in black." She teases him, for the funs! But her eyes then go to Hal and she lets her expression soften to a more serious once as she nods once to him. "I appreciate all you have been doing for Genosha and the situation there-in. As I am many others do as well."

But Kal's words return her gaze on to him. "Unifying all of them is a lofty aspiration." She counters. "The X-Men are ... reluctant to be interacted with, in my experience, though the Avengers are much much more willing they are a very lively bunch with vastly different personalities amongst their own ranks. I could see Captain Rogers being all for such a thing, however, but I'm not sure about the rest of them."

She nods softly a single time to Superman then. "But that is certainly an aspiration I would wish to shoot for, as well."

Bruce Wayne has posed:
"Too many chefs."

Batman looks from one to the other, unnervingly still under his cloak. "Look at the egos involved. Stark. van Dyne. Titans have been in capes as long as the Avengers. Longer. They're still pulling themselves together. Trying to figure out what works."

"Who else do you want to recruit? Richards? Would be entertaining to see him and Pym in a room together. Talk for hours, get nothing done."

"People need a reason to seek out community. Something to rally to. We're spread thin, all over the world. Big fights--" he gestures at Hal-- "and small ones."

"Gotta give people a reason to rally," he concludes, and his lips thin again.

Hal Jordan has posed:
"...Look, all I want to do is help people. Even if there wasn't a unifying threat, I'd want to hang out just to have friends. But...I still think we need to sort Genosha out. What troubled me was the Green Beams coming down from the sky. Still...can't be the same thing, because our rings aren't allowed to kill."

"...I mean, maybe a BBQ before we start trying to organize people as a megateam? We don't know everyone we'd be working with nearly as well as we should to be a cohesive unit, even if there was a major threat." He kinda wants to start slow, here.

Clark Kent has posed:
"Even Egos understand the end of the world. A fight they can't win.. an enemy that's too big for them.. we've seen it." Kal motions between himself and Bruce, then Diana, she was there three years ago. Hal as well. Nodding to each of them, "We've seen what happens when we're not prepared for what's coming.. What's /always/ coming. And I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I'm not a doomsayer.." He's careful to point out.

There's a reason Batman is standing on this roof.. and it's this specific reason.

If he can convince Batman?

"I'm not suggesting a megateam." Kal shake shis head at that, arms slipping back across his chest, "I'm suggesting an affiliation of those individual teams. A cohesive front against a threat bigger than any one of us or a group of us.. Maybe it's opotimism on my part.."

He's been acused of that before.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana takes a moment to glance out toward the city and it's lights while she listens to the three of them speak on the subject. She does look back then, toward Hal and she nods toward him. "Kinship helps any team work better together." She tells him on the matter of socializing with one another, but her stare does go between Batman and Superman.

"I believe both the Avengers and the Titans will be open to a greater level of communication between teams. I am unsure of the others." She centers her gaze upon Kal. "If anyone can unite them all though, it would be you. I think you should speak to Captain Rogers, he could be a great help in this regard for you as his clout and sway upon the hearts of those around him is very strong."

Bruce Wayne has posed:
"It's your nickel," Batman concludes finally, in his omnipresent gravel-voiced baritone. "Analysis on my end isn't a positive one. Too many competing personalities. Only thing that will turn them out is another catastrophic global event. Doomsday. Or worse," Batman observes.

"We thought we were ready for Doomsday. But there's no way to be ready for that sort of threat. You throw yourself at it until it gets tired or someone gets lucky. Hope that the civilian population stays clear. Once the dust settles, rebuild."

"Teams need to learn to work together. Trust. Cooperate. Titans aren't there yet. Avengers are still figuring it out. Most of 'em are young still. What's the plan when we're under the bit tent and Stark decides he's not following the play?"

Hal Jordan has posed:
"...It's possible I could reach out to the X types. Maybe the work I've done earned me some goodwill. I'll try to explore that and see where it goes. If it's not enough...well, I tried."

That might be one of the hardest groups to reach out to, but he might as well give it a try. "Not that I'm any too sure how to find them reliably. It's mostly by happenstance that I've had a chance to fight the wild sentinels that oppress them."

Clark Kent has posed:
"No plan survives engagement with the enemy." Kal says to Batman, blue eyes going from Diana to Hal, and back again to the darkest clad of them. The least likely to throw his chips in just because Superman wants it.. But that's the nature of their relationship, the basis for their friendship. "Which we'll never know if we don't try. Either we give it a shot, a one in a million hail mary pass with seconds on the clock, or we sit back hoping for the best... and that didn't work out well last time."

The phantom of his grin returns, trailing Diana's glance out over New York City beyond the end of the rooftop spreading out as far as most eyes can see. The sounds of the city as clear at this height as if he were walking amongst them on the sidewalk. "I think people are ready for this. It all comes down to what we suggest and how we suggest it, though. Tony isn't a stupid man, he's brilliant. Smart as anyone... if we field the concerns with the preservation of 'Earth' as the centerpoint?"

"Heck, we could even make it sound like his idea. I don't care about all that.. What I care about is that next time Zod or Doomsday or Loki shows up? There's a line of cohesive heroes standing in the way telling them they're not welcome."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana gives a light nod to Hal's words. "I am in well with the Titans, I am more than happy to speak to their people any time that is needed." At Batman, Diana offers a light smirk. "Stark is a wild one, but he means well, there is a chance he would do as you say but if that were the case then we would also need to listen to what he's doing. Maybe what his plan was would be worth hearing out. But.. it is all fluid, it is all in-motion. What has to be established is open communication lines, a way to speak to one another quickly."

She looks between all three of them. "So in this, I am ready to do what I need to to see it through."

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Batman just stares at Superman for a few beats. Those whiteless eyes are unnerving voids to most; even to Superman, there's less visible of the Bat's intentions than the passers-by on the street. Heart rate steady, respiration settled. Perfectly in harmony with himself, and his environment.

"Make... Stark... think it was... his idea." Batman glances at Hal, then looks at Diana, then back to Superman.

"That's the most cynical and devious thing I've ever heard you say." A beat passes. "I like New Kal. More sensible than you used to be. Might be hope for the League yet."

Batman turns on his heel and walks away, without farewell or parting words. The Bat gets to the edge of the roof and just... drops off the side, vanishing into the night as completely as the many actual flying rodents chittering in search of their evening meal.

Hal Jordan has posed:
"...If we make Stark think it was his idea...there IS still an election going on, and we definitely don't want the other guy winning. If Stark can point to some kind of unification of heroes that was all 'his idea'...not only will he be able to take credit, but he just might keep Mr. Luthor out of the white house." Kill multiple birds with that stone, maybe? It's possible.

And that's also a goal worth pursuing.

Clark Kent has posed:
"Of course that was his take away." Kal says to the form of Batman dropping off the edge of the roof, grunting quietly into a humorlessly laugh. One of his big palms slides down the center of his face, then up with fingers splayed out to push through black hair, "Was it /really/ that devious?" Asking Diana with a hint of a grin and the perk of a brow.

With a blown out breath rumbling from his chest, Kal straightens and nods to Hal, "You've got that right, buddy. I keep waiting for Lex's official condemnation of my return in a press release, but I suppose it'll be muted with his presidential bid." The Last Son says with a quieted hmmm, thoughtfully. "Anyways. Diana, if you'd speak with the Titans, I'll speak with Captain Rogers.. and Hal, if you could speak with the X-Men, that would be endlessly helpful towards our ultimately goal."

Which remains protecting Earth. He's genuine in that his intentions are pure, even if he's willing to try different tactics to get to it.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana watches Batman turn and leave. "At least he did not do the vanishing thing this time." She quietly says of it before she looks to Kal who asks her of the devious nature of what he said. She shows him a soft smile and her right hand raises up and out from behind her cloak. She gives her hand a little side to side wobble as a response before she lowers it again and lets her smile fade once more.

Between both Hal and Kal now, Diana nods before looking to Superman. "I will do so." She says of speaking to the Titans. To Hal she shows a light smirk. "I do very much hope that Luthor is not elected, but, we have to prepare for the possibility that he will be. Crazier things have happened, as they say." Diana starts to turn then back toward the partially visible jet hovering above the Embassy. "I have to off, to a meeting in Paris, I will be back in a day." She tells the two of them, offering them both a smile.

Hal Jordan has posed:
"Right. Still, we can always try to nudge the odds in a more positive direction." There's a chance Luthor could be elected anyway, to be sure, but it's better to at least try to tilt the odds the other way.

"Alright. Next time I happen to run into them, I'll talk to them about opening communication lines. I'm sure they have a secure encryption they feel comfortable sharing."

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal nods agreement with both Hal and Diana, already begins to hover up from the rooftop. Feet bending downward as he defies gravity, floating backwards away from the pair with an easy smile upon his face. "Then we've our missions, should we choose to accept them." Nobody could possibly think a Mission Impossible joke would be funny right? The joke IS the Joke?

With a final farewell, hand raised to both, "It's good to see you both." Superman turns, raises his fist, and is gone in a burst of air that jostles loose clothing in his passage. Rocketing back towards Metropolis where, presumably, Lois is fuming that Clark isn't there with her coffee yet.

Doesn't he know his place?

Off playing super-hero when her caffine needs aren't met yet.
