1863/Chased by an Angel

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Chased by an Angel
Date of Scene: 27 May 2020
Location: East Side
Synopsis: Feather meets an angel. Strangely, he's the only one with wings.
Cast of Characters: Keagan Nichols, Sera

Keagan Nichols has posed:
Honestly, this was becoming something of a good first week for Keagan. He had been in and around the tri-cities for a while but he had only just started trying the whole hero gig and it was working out. He has on his jacket with the holes set in the back with his wings out. He has on the mask and the glasses. He grins as he stands on the edge of a ten story building looking down at the East Side, smiling as he looks things over. Quiet. That's good in a way. Sure, he kinda wants to show off but no one is ccausing trouble. So that is awesome. He leaps off the roof rather easily and his large red wings spread out as he starts flying off toward another area of the East Side, his wings giving him info the whole way even as his eyes scan around.

Sera has posed:
It is a lovely day to be out. There was someone drawing with chalk on the side walk so she stopped and watched for a while. Then there was someone playing music with PVC pipes so she stopped and listened to that for a while. Then there was a performing art group dressed in gothic clothing, so she stopped and watched that for a while. The city is filled with artisans and Sera loves it.

But then, a familiar shadow flew across her and she felt a shiver run down her spine. A humanoid with wings.. an angel? the shudder runs deep and she immediately wants to find somewhere to hide, but she fights the urge and covers her as she looks in to the sky to track where the person went.. if somehow the gates to Heven have opened she needs to know.

She takes off at a run skipping through the crowd with practiced ease trying to keep up with the fast moving creature. She doesn't feel like it would be an angel, but who else but her kind would have wings..

Keagan Nichols has posed:
It was not a big deal for him to fly about. In a lot of ways, Keagan pushes himself along in a way though he uses the wings to shift himself more easily. It's all very strange though to him it is as natural as anything. He lands with a smile at a hotdog stand and gets a few looks though not as many as one might expect given how common heroes and such are around here. He walks up to the stand and offers over a couple of fives to get himself a pair of dogs with the works. He idly turns to wait on the work being done on his food only to give a passing boy a nod as he looks at those huge wings.

For now, he doesn't exactly notice Sera out of the crowd mainly cause she doesn't come across as a threat. His focus is instead on those hot dogs that are about to be his.

Sera has posed:
Sera pauses not far away, placing hands on knees and catching her breath. This running thing will take some time to get used to again. Living is going to take some getting used to again. She rises back up and looks over at the winged man and plants her hands on her hips, "Wait, you're not an angel." Her steps bring her closer to the man and she circles around him, then nods with a smile. "Okay that's much better. This I can accept."

Her eyes shift to the hot dog stand and the intense salty smells. "Hm, I'm not sure that's real food." The stand owner replies indignantly, "Well you don't gotta buy none then."

Sera eyes the hotdog stand owner suspiciously before looking back to Keagan and his heroic getup. There are a few people taking pictures of him with their phones. "You had me all worried there, I thought you were an angel."

Keagan Nichols has posed:
A grin at Sera and then he shrugs, "I mean, I can see the mistake but no." He grins though it isn't visible except in his eyes, "I'm just a guy with wings." He nods his head, "Feather." He states and shrugs, "Obvious name for an obvious hero." He winks before he takes his hot dogs and then offers one over to Sera, "Want to try it." He nods his head, "It's standard food of New York." He chuckles, "You don't seem like you are from around here."

Sera has posed:
With great trepidation she accepts the hot dog. A few sniffs and a bite. "Oh, right. Meat in a bun with oodles of salt. I see, I see." She nods her head, "Noo no I'm not. I'm an Angel. Recently arrived here from Hel. Long story," she says with a dismissive wave of her hand, which she then offers to the man, "Feather, nice name. Suits the motif. You're a hero? Hm, I have been hearing about how there are lots of heroes on Midgard now. "So nice to meet one finally. I'm Sera.. just Sera."

Keagan Nichols has posed:
"Good to meet you, Sera." He then hmms before he looks over Sera's shoulder and then back at her, "An angel from Hell?" He asks and no, he doesn't know she means one l. He isn't up to date on all the versions of hell and heaven available. He just tilts his head a little and smiles a bit, "I don't know much about real angels but...aren't you supposed to have wings, too?" He hmms and carefully lifts his mask a little to take a bite before putting it back down.

Sera has posed:
"Well," she says glancing side long at him, "I'm from Heven, but recently escaped Hel. Like I said, it's a long story." She works on that hot dog and tilts her head. "What's the point of wearing a mask to hide your identity if you're going to take it off to eat a hot dog?" She chuckles and then resumes the discussion about wings, "Not all angels have wings, one in a hundred are.. special. I am one of those, the wingless ones. Believe me it's not all it's cracked up to be." She finishes off the hot dog and licks her finger tips of mustard and ketchup. "That salt meat bread combination was more delicious than I expected."

Keagan Nichols has posed:
A smirk and he states, "I lift it to take a bite and nothing more. I doubt anyone is able to make out much when I do so." He nods his head and then he shrugs, "Was gonna eat it up there." He gestures up to a rooftop nearby, "But you came by and seemed like you could use a hot dog." He nods his head, "And obviously I was right." He chuckles and nods his head, "And wingless angels, huh?" He hmms, "Never heard of such a thing."

Sera has posed:
"...But you've heard of angels. Interesting." She rolls her eyes, "Wingless angels are kept locked away in a temple in Heven. It's not pleasant. It's the very opposite of pleasant. I'd rather not talk about it." She folds her arms and then looks up at the top of the building. "I can see why you might choose to be up there instead of down here. I was warned not to do anything to draw attention to myself so I guess I'd have to take the stairs.."

Keagan Nichols has posed:
"I mean, I could get you up there rather easily if you wish to join me." He states simply enough and then without a word he lifts off the ground and gestures with a finger. A single feather whips out from his left wing and idly lands on her shoulder before she'll feel weightless and, unless she swats it away, up she'll go with him as he floats up to the rooftop rather easily and rather faster than a run up the stairs.

Sera has posed:
Swatting that feather away is her first instinct, but she holds back with finger poised - but only because they start to fly. "Whoohoo.. now that's a neat trick. Are you a sorcerer?" She looks with hopeful eyes as her feet find the ground again on top of the roof. She looks down over the edge and then back to Keagan, "I get it, it's not just wings, it's feathers in general. Hence the name.. Feather."

Keagan Nichols has posed:
A small chuckle and he shakes his head, "No, I just control all my feathers." He states and gestures to them lightly, reaching out to touch a wing before drawing that feather back into the left wing and it sticks back into place, "I just have full control over all my feathers." He grins, "Not all at once." He chuckles, "At least not yet and no it isn't magic." He shrugs and then smiles at her, "Though I suppose you are looking for someone who knows it. Sadly, I can't help you there." And with that he slides his mask up a little and starts eating his hotdog with a little bit more abandon.

Sera has posed:
"You're not concerned that I know what your face looks like now? I'm just some random person you gave a hot dog to on the street..," she comments with a wry grin. She looks across at the sky scrapers that form the city and lets out a soft sigh of delight. "Both ugly and pretty at the same time, what an aesthetic. Only humans could come up with something like this." She wiggles her fingers toward the skyline and says. "Ooh. oh no, I am a sorceress, I just thought perhaps you were one too. It'd be useful to know what is and isn't allowed on a day to day basis in midgard."

Keagan Nichols has posed:
A chuckle and he shakes his head, "You know what my chin and mouth look like." He states simply enough, "It's not exactly my face." He nods his head, "And on top of that, I'm fairly certain I'm nobody to most people." He states and nods his head. He then looks out at the city and smiles, "As for the city...it's beautiful in its own way. It's not just the sights but the stories."

Sera has posed:
"Hm you're right. It's.. I'm learning that already. Short complex beautiful lives. So much more interesting than the lives of my fellow angels. So much more worthy of hearing and singing about." She looks down at the roofing a moment and back up to the sun. "I didn't realise it could feel this good until I got here. The sun that is.. I saw my possible futures - but seeing is so different to experiencing. The songs of the fallen were but reflections of their lives, not who they really were.. it was all a lie."

Keagan Nichols has posed:
A blink as he hears that and then he slowly nods a little before saying, "Sure." He finishes the hot dog and then closes his mask and clears his throat, "Umm, I'll take your word for it about all of that." He nods again, "I'm not really up to snuff on all my angel...life worthiness."

Sera has posed:
Sera looks back over to him past her shoulder and smirks, "Let me save you the trouble, we're the worst. There, theological crisis averted." She asks, "I think you are a nice human. I take it you're one of what they call a mutant then? Because you are the first human I've seen with feathers.. possibly the last?" She hmms thoughtfully about how she will get back down from here. Perhaps a little magic can't hurt, it is worth practicing after all. "If you need to get back to your heroing please don't let me hold you up."

Keagan Nichols has posed:
A smirk and then he shakes his head, "Funny ennough, I've met another with wings." He then shrugs, "Though, technically he wasn't a human." He laughs a little before considering, "Umm, do you need a ride to the ground?" He gestures down and then looks over at her, "I'd hate to bring you up here and then leave you up here." He then chuckles and shrugs, "Up to you."

Sera has posed:
She tilts her head thoughtfully, "Actually I was thinking of walking down. Perhaps in to the alley way so that I don't draw too much attention. I was thinking the song of descent makes a lot of sense here." She smiles and begins to sing wordlessly as her eyes glow white, only a tiny bit of her power. The song develops words and she walks to the edge of the building, then steps off the edge and stands on its side as if that were down. She stops singing though the white in her eyes continues to burn, "Going down?"

Keagan Nichols has posed:
A chuckle and he shakes his head, "No, I think I'll fly. Be well." He states simply enough and then shakes his head. Takes every type to keep the world going around he supposes and with that, he flaps one and flies up into teh sky before another flap and he takes off at near mach 1, bursting off with amazing speed.