1932/Neither Heven nor Hel can contain us

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Neither Heven nor Hel can contain us
Date of Scene: 01 June 2020
Location: Avengers Mansion - First Floor
Synopsis: Touched by an Angel - Tigra returns Angela returns to Sera.
Cast of Characters: Sera, Aldrif Odinsdottir, Greer Grant

Sera has posed:
...Sera spies the kitty cat woman coming back in and tilts her head. She ran off so quickly before. But then seeing Angela enter - she drops the phone she was just given to the floor.

With hushed excited tones, "This is the one, this is the one where she comes to Midgard too.." Louder and with a rush to Angela's arms, "Angela!"

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela is walking through the mansion with Tigra after their meeting in Central Park. Yep, just a couple of bikini-clad redheads out for a stroll. Rounding a corner, the clatter of Sera's phone dropping is already enough to distract attention.

Sera calls her name, then Angela is suddenly THERE! The two embrace warmly.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "Yaaay, friends getting back together! This is a triumph in my book!" The Tigra says with the biggest smile as she steps up and wraps her arms around the two women. "This wasn't one of those moments where I was invited huh?" Greer asks briefly before she slowly removes herself from the embrace."

Sera has posed:
Tears of joy spill down her face. "You made it out. You took so long getting here, I was starting to think you went elsewhere." She takes a breath and wipes her eyes. The added hug from Tigra has her chuckling, "Thank you for bringing her here Tigra. I owe you one." It's not just a turn of phrase for an angel, she means it.

Sera rests her head against Angela's shoulder for a while longer in the warm embrace and then quizzically asks, "You didn't happen to bring my armor with you did you? I've been missing that since I died. It's weird wandering around looking like an Avengers fangirl."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela also keeps Greer in the trio embrace, and she's strong enough to do it. Turning towards the feline woman, she declares. "You have brought me to my dearest friend and my love. This places me in your debt." Also heavy words for an angel!

At Sera's words, Angela actually smiles and leans down to kiss the darker of the pair. "Your armor? That is what kept me so long. I will tell you the tale later. Then you will make it into a song and sing it to me." She unslings the pack from her shoulder, letting it settle to the floor with a muffled, metallic *clank*.

Greer Grant has posed:
    There is an audible sqeak from Greer as Angela keeps the embrace intact with all three. Slowly Tigra sighs into the hug and seems to melt against the two angels and after a brief moment, both girls would feel a vague vibration fron the tigress as she is savoring this moment.

Sera has posed:
There's a happy little sigh at the heavy *thunk* on the ground. Sera is stronger than she looks - at least by human standards. She then blinks her eyes a few times at the rumbling from the cat and looks at Angela with ALL SERIOUSNESS, "Can we keep her? Please?" She grins and can't quite bring herself to detangle from Angela. She kisses her again and says, "This is it though. This is my last life to live. The creation of Elysium comes with a barter, that when I die this time, I die for real. But it's okay, I learnt my lesson about being stabbed with a spear, I promise."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela smiles again (take a picture, folks!), fingers running through Greer's long, red locks. "Anything you want." she replies, gazing at Sera. "I have brought you back from death before, Sera. I am very willing to do so again." No matter what the cost, apparently. After a moment, she looks to Greer. "You are furry and have a tail. This is not the normal condition here on Midgard."

Greer Grant has posed:
    Tigra's face flushes with heat and the purr continues as she leans into Angela's hand like a proper cat. "I really can't think of anything I want. This is just a perfect moment." Greer says as she lowers her head and whispers, "You can keep me, but I eat a lot. Like a lot, and yes, no one else is furry like me." Tigra winks at the fellow red head.

Sera has posed:
Sera takes a moment to catch her breath and detangles herself from Angela and Tigra. "Angela this is Tigra. Tigra, my wife in another life Angela. In all likelihood the only two angels in the nine realms at the moment." She presses her lips together and eyes Angela with utter love and delight. "I only hope you didn't grieve too much when I died." She motions around the room, "This is what is called the Avengers Mansion. I still haven't figured out what it is they are avenging. Perhaps lack of tax reforms. I owe them for sheltering me since I arrived."

"Midgard, it turns out, is real and as crazy weird as you'd imagine a fantasy land to be. They have primitive electronics which they make do the most amazing things. They have magic too but it is not commonly known. They have aliens all over the place - one even flies like you called Supergirl. They use a fiat based currency system in this particular region of the planet as an IOU system. They have numerous underclasses that they deny this currency to while pretending they don't. It is a very strange place."

Sera pauses and then says, "And Thor, Odinson is one of these Avengers.. and I saw another Asgardian upon my arrival too. They claim dominion over this world - however another sorceress I met seemed to find this claim ridiculous, so it might just be blowharding."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela tilts her head forward and looks, mostly down along Tigra's furry back. "Wearing so little clothing must be more comfortable for you." she declares, not seeming to mind.

Her attention shifts to Sera as her wife-in-another-life explains Midgard. And this time when Thor's name is mentioned she doesn't go into a rage. "The woman who was with us in the Park, Doctor Jane Foster, was wearing a Valkyrie bracelet. She knows of Hel and Niflheim. I do not think that the bracelet was a gift to her from another."

At least Valkyries aren't Asgardians.

Greer Grant has posed:
    Tigra nods and pulls away, not wanting to not be touching the two angels. "I mean Thor is a pretty good guy and all, I've never heard him claim, what did you say, dominion, no he wants to protect everyone." Tigra says hooking her thumbs in the string of her bikini and snaps it, with the teeth accents rattling briefly. "I wouldn't wear anything if I could. But people like to complain about my lack of modesty, but I'm not human anymore, know? Yeah, know." Tigra says with a wink and a nudge of her elbow into Sera's side playfully.

Sera has posed:
"The Valkyrie have no right to touch angels now that there is Elysium.. and if they have a problem with me escaping Hel. Well.. I've learnt to fight for my freedom, haven't I love." She winks to Angela and looks Tigra up and down as she's nudged. "I see no problem with your attire. It's fetching."

"And as for Thor.. I must agree. He has shown nothing but kindness. Strangely, he was unaware of the realm of Heven... almost like his father never told him. He showed no ill will to me and kept me safe. I think he might be oblivious.. I think the Asgard might have forgotten about us and the debts they owe." She smirks, "Which I suppose considering the Queen is no where near us or them is probably for the best."

She opens up the bag and takes out her breast plate, ornate and beautiful. She smiles to Angela. "I am staying here in this mansion - we can go home shopping soon if you'd like, but I don't think anyone here will complain if you want to share my bed.. again." It is clear Sera is still very much in love with Angela despite the trials of time separating them.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela's expression remains stoic, but when Sera calls her 'love' and mentions sharing a bed again, Angela's ribbons wiggle about playfully. "I would like that very much, Sera." she replies. "Apparently there is much that the All-Father has chosen to omit in the accounting to his offspring."

Regarding Valkyries and Elysium, Angela merely nods. That little technicality was a major reason for her visiting... and conquering... Hel in the first place. That, and freeing Sera of course.

Turning towards Tigra at the bikini-snap, she grasps the hilt of her broadsword. "Should anyone complain to you again about lack of modesty or -anything- regarding your attire, o-furry one, you will send them to me and I will, how do you say, adjust their attitude."

Greer Grant has posed:
    "Can I help you two in any way?" Tigra asks looking to Sera as she holds up the breast plate. She then turns her head to Angie, "No no no," with a shake of Greer's head. "They get upset when I wear zero clothes. Which is the best for a feline like me." Tigers winks playfully to the two girls. What's the "I can handle anyone's attitude if I need to, I'm not some weenie girl that can't fight dor herself."
     "Do you need me to make myself scarce so you two can share some time alone?" Tigra says with a playful smile showing off her sharp teeth.

Sera has posed:
"Oh yeah," she lifts a finger, then picks up the phone. Luckily it didn't break its screen. "See what I mean? look at this adorable thing. Technology by humans. Hah!" She slips it in to the hidden pocket in the skirt she's wearing and then smirks at the thought of Tigra wandering around nude. "Well that purring felt delightful, more of that."

She puts the breast plate back in to the bag and then slings it over her shoulder. "Speaking of things. It turns out they frown upon using magic to duplicate their IOU fiat money here, so.. making money," she motions to Greer, "How do we do it. Who needs people hunted and killed in this world, we're really good at that?"

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela looks from Tigra to Sera, then back. "You are our dearest friend here in Midgard. I would have you join us. But first there is something that I need to do..."

In a smooth motion quick as thought, Angela draws her broadsword and points the bright blade at the hollow of Sera's throat. "You will PROVE to me that you are my Sera." she half-snarls. "What is the first song that you taught me?"

Oh yeah, when Sera sent the Dark Elf Maleketh with a message for Angela, apparently he thought it would be amusing to appear in Sera's likeness...

Greer Grant has posed:
    "You want to hunt for money... Um, you could go bow hunt large game and animals, but that's hard, you could become avengers with me and all the other kick ass people and help protect earth from threats..." Tigra has begun counting on her fingers with her other hand to ounctuzte her thoughts. "You could get jobs at--WHOA! Hey hey, c'mon we shouldn't point swords at each other... thats... not what friends do..." Tigra says before looking at Sera, "You're not a fake are you? Are you...?"

Sera has posed:
Sera is taken aback. It was not she who was tricked by Maleketh after all. She was the one who used Maleketh to get what she wanted, a message to Angela. How was she to know her life was so fascinating the dark elf would pretend to be her? jealous much, sheesh. She goes a little cross eyed looking down that sword and places a finger upon its tip.

Her angelic voices begins to sing..

o/^ O, where are you going?" "To Scarborough fair," -- Remember me to a lass who lives there, For once she was a true love of mine.
And tell her to make me a cambric shirt, Without any seam or needlework.
And tell her to wash it in yonder dry well, Where no water sprung, nor a drop of rain fell.
Yesterday holds memories in time, And then she shall be a true love of mine. o/^

She moves the tip of the sword away patiently from her throat with her finger tip and smiles kindly to Angela. "You know he'd know that too. And that jerk never returned my ring.. in fact, the only things he wouldn't know is what we did in Hel together. What we ... forgot, together. What we learnt together, and the //hand// that guided our way to victory together. Leah."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela listens while the darker woman sings. Ever does her face remain stoic. But while her ribbons were briefly poised like cobras to strike, they waggle playfully before Sera even finishes the verse. The sword point is easily moved aside, and even as the blade glides home into its sheath Angela's ribbons twine around Sera.

To pull her into a warm, full embrace that ends in a kiss. It lingers.

And lingers...

And lingers still. Releasing Sera, Angela states simply. "Leah is safe. I saw to her departure before I left."

Greer Grant has posed:
    Tigra knows when she's being a third wheel and while the concert for one begins, the fate of a love she cannot know hangs on those very terse and beautiful words. Tigra slowly, and incredibly cat like turns on her heels and starts to move down the hall while the lovers embrace and share a tender moment the avenger feels she should not be privy too.

Sera has posed:
Those ribbons sliding over her body and she half closes her eyes as she melts in to the embrace of Angela. Though that kiss begins to tingle, which is perhaps a bonus effect as her eyes begins to glow and she reaches out a hand. Her magic swirling about Tigra like a wind to turn her back the way she came from.

As their kiss ends she grins to Tigra, "We've adopted you, you don't need to run away now. We two," she motions between Angela and herself, "Have known each other for hundreds of years. There is nothing you need to shy away from. Come, get to know us, please." The light in her eyes fades away returning to those dark brown orbs. "Oh, yeah, you and I haven't had that conversation yet. You know I'm an Angel, but I'm also a Sorceress." She winks and then pokes Angela ineffectively in the side, "And Angela is a might conquerer. We are the Hunter Queens." She nods to Angela, "Behold this amazing new salute I have learnt here on Midgard." She dabs.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela's ribbons are already waggling in Tigra's direction when Sera's magic swirls the furred woman around. They retract, but remain wiggling... which is a good sign. "Yes, friend Tigra. You will join us this night and hear the tales of the Hunter Queens! Though Sera will be the one doing the telling, since she is better at it."

When Sera dabs, Angela's head tilts curiously. "This is how they salute here on Midgard?" She gives Tigra a questioning look, but at least she doesn't *say* it looks dumb.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "Whoa WHOA! Hey, hey, words are fine but whoohoo." Tigra giggles as she lands on the ground next to Angela and Sera once more. "I'm super excited to here--" Tigra's green eyes widen drastically and she reaches out to grab Sera's wrists, "Oh my god, no. Never do that again. NO one salutes like that. No one." Tigra reiterates. "It's a kid thing, dumb Kids do that."

    "We usually just, put a few fingers here." Tigra demonstrates with her hand up on her eyebrow and she lowers her hand rapidly, "Like that, but not exactly." She shrugs, "But do regale me with stories about how you two kic, ass!"

Sera has posed:
Sera blinks innocently when Tigra takes her wrist to stop her dab. "But the man in the tavern said this is how one .... obviously he lied." She glowers and then grins. Clearly she already knew and was just having fun. "I will happily tell you all about how Angela saved me from Hel." She wiggles her fingers, "It was epic. I shall do it in song form. Speaking of which.. you wouldn't happen to know where I could get a lute?"

She waves her hand, "No wait, gotta circle back around to the core issue of money. So these Avengers - you get paid for this, avenging people? Seems counter productive, why not strike first before avenging is necessary?" -- with an Angela wrist and a Tigra wrist she draws them both toward that spare room she's been staying in. "Oh! OH! the food here Angela, you're going to love the food here. It's more bizarre than any fantasy story told back on Heven ...and so delicious. They name things adorably too. There's this U-shaped food I ate when I first arrived, they call it a Taco. Taco! what a word."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
One of Angela's waggling ribbons wraps around Tigra's waist, the other slipping around Sera's. Apparently possessiveness is something else that they share. "Yes, let us go to this room so that we may sit and regale each other with stories." Her white-eyed gaze shifts to Tigra, then she adds dryly. "I will make a bargain with you as well, friend Tigra. I will tell you everything you wish to know about Elysium golden armor, if you will tell me where I can find a garment such as yours."

Yes, Angela's bikini is armor. Technically speaking. That's right, lure the cat with shiny objects.

"I think that tomorrow we will go shopping and try a taco, then."

Greer Grant has posed:
    Tigra steps lightly following Sera by her hand and by Angela's ribbon limb thingy. "I..." Tigra shrugs her shoulders and reaches behind her back when her hands are free and undoes the tie on her top and extends the bra to Angela. "This is something I got at a place called Target, it's a basic swimsuit, you can try this if you want. I'm sure you'll look great in it." Tigra sits down on the edge of the bed, mindful of her tail and looks to Sera and Angie, "I can take you out tomorrow to get anything you want, tacos, swimsuits, and a guitar, lute, for sure." Greer says with a kindly smile.

Sera has posed:
"Mm my strawberry tallcakes looks amazing in everything, and in nothing." She grins lecherously for a moment and motions to the small room she's been sleeping in. "Behold, my temporary domain.. is quite a lot better than my living conditions in Hel." She picks up the pillow and pats it, "So soft." Then pats the bed, "Also very soft, not quite as soft. Luxurious." She then continues by stroking Tigra's hair, "Also very soft." She scoops up Angela's hand and places a kiss on the back of it, "My Angel." With a flop she drops on to the bed making sure to miss Tigra in the process. "This planet is going to take some adjusting, but they are at least mostly capitalist."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela's hand arches gracefully as Sera kisses it, lips curling into that touch of a light smile once more. The ribbons withdraw, still wiggling enthusiastically. "Then we will be able to get paid for hunting bounties." the martial redhead declares. Accepting the bikini top, she holds the skimpy fabric delicately by one of the strings. "Yes. I can see how this could be comfortable." She declares.

Reaching back casually, Angela releases the clasp on her own, golden top. Not made of solid cups as it would seem, the metallic strips actually make the garment quite pliable and flexible. She holds it out to Tigra. "You try this as well." After all, the furry woman offered her top first.

Nothing for nothing.

Greer Grant has posed:
    Tigra's bare back hunches deeply as the strangers hand caresses her fur and the avenger suddenly starts to purr once again. "I think I could grow used to spending time with you." Greer coos softly as she rolls over to curl next to the woman next to her with an eye lifted towards Angie and a motion with her clawed finger to come closer, ignoring the extended Golden armor, "I think I'll try it in the morning if you don't mind my waiting?" She winks playfully.

Sera has posed:
Sera is unapologetic with her magic today. She's too happy about Angela suddenly being here! She starts to sing and her glowing bright magic spreads around her. It's warm and tingly. Angela saw a lot of it recently in their battle in Hel - but this has no nefarious nature, the door shuts, the lights dim and she draws Angela on to the bed with all three of them. "May be the story we tell first is the one where we get to know Tigra a little better." She grins and sits up on the bed before the both of them, the magic shining about her, extending from her back like two angelic wings. She pulls off her avengers top as her brightness illuminates the fun about to be had.. fade to light.