2083/International Collaboration

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International Collaboration
Date of Scene: 12 June 2020
Location: Stark Tower: Lambda Lab
Synopsis: Riri and Shuri continue their collaboration, Shuri offers a field trip.
Cast of Characters: Riri Williams, Shuri

Riri Williams has posed:
     Riri bit her lip, looking from partially disassembled Mark II in its test stand, to the gauntlet and forearm in front of her. Above the workbench, a schematic of the idea that'd been running around in circles in her head for months slowly rotates on a monitor. "So if we're trying to minimize the actual amount of vibranium needed, we have to use vibranium doped carbon nanotubes to transmit the kinetic energy? That'll take ages to manufacture for /one/ limb, let alone the whole suit. ...Unless I'm totally off base here."

Shuri has posed:
    Casually sitting on a stool, Shuri simply listens to Riri talk and then finally she leans over to the side and then she hmms, "Yeah, could take ages..." She looks to the side, "Possibly." She then shrugs, "Unless you were me and then you would have the ability to possibly do that much more quickly." She nods her head and then smirks and then shrugs, "If you'd like the help that is." She smiles and tilts her head, "I could show you how to work with vibranium at a much faster rate, especially when bonding it to other metals and polymers." She shrugs, "Of course, I'd have to swear you to secrecy on pain of death." She looks to the side and then smirks at Riri.

Riri Williams has posed:
     "I'd appreciate it. This new armor's going to be so much more convenient and easier. It still takes me a bit to adjust to the proportions in the Mark I. And I already owe someone my soul with the SDAs for SI alone." Riri grins back. tapping a fingernail against one of the plates on the glove. "Plus I got sworn to secrecy in the first place about that time I helped you."

Shuri has posed:
    A laugh and she nods her head before she stands up, "Well, I can do it then." She walks over to one of the computers and idly she taps her beads against it before she simply pulls her hand back and creates a projection above her wrist. She starts typing immediately and then looks over at Riri, "It'll take at least a day for you to make what you need in order ot work with the vibranium in this way." She nods her head, "However, be aware that you will want to memorize this information and then delete it." She shakes her haed, "People do not need to know these methods outside of you and I. It's...very dangerous."

Riri Williams has posed:
     "Still better than months. Uh... AISHA, designate this Level Seven." There's an answering chime, and Riri leans oer to get a closer look at the data. "It's compartmentalized. I can't access the data there, and neither can AISHA unless it meets a very specific set of conditions. I've... put a few things in there before." Needless to say, not /all/ ideas are good ones. "...I'm not going to need to scrap the tools too, am I?"

Shuri has posed:
    "No, it's about frequencies and the like." She states and looks over at Riri, "See, when you run a particular electric charge through vibranium and then hit it with sonics at the right frequency..." She shrugs, "It's as maleable as water." She looks over at Riri, "And the best part? Within just a few minutes after you stop, it becomes its old, impossible to break self again." She then looks to the side, "Nearly impossible." She then shrugs and smiles at Riri, "It's about getting them right at the right moment and then working quickly with the metal to put it into where you need it."

Riri Williams has posed:
     "So you're saying that I could engrave hex channels into the back of the plates, and flow the vibranium in, making the KERS an integral part of the armor itself. That's... I'd never hae thought of that. AISHA, update the model. ...I'm gonna have to dismantle the whole thing again." Riri sighs, but the grin's still on her face. "Still better than months of growing nanotubes."

Shuri has posed:
    A small chuckle and she nods her head, "How do you think I can make so many things with vibranium so easily?" She looks over at her with a grin and then looks back at teh computer as she types in formulas, "I'm the one who discovered this." She then looks briefly to Riri and then looks forward, "Can you believe that before me they were working with it like it were a normal metal? Took them sometimes a full year to create one piece of armor."

Riri Williams has posed:
     "...Nanotech? I mean, you made your wings out of hard light nano emitters that chained power through themselves. Like... You're to me what I am to normal people. ...But with better social skills." Meanwhile behind the pair, a set of robot arms are rapidly dismantling the Mark II and shifting the pieces over to the machining area of the lab. "So then we just divert it to similar microchannels in the frame, then we just handle the energy conversion. ...Vibranium's piezoelectric, right?"

Shuri has posed:
    A smile and she reaches out to give Riri a light poke on the shoulder, "Riri, you're very smart." She nods her head, "You just need more access and time with things." She pushes in the last few lines of code and then pushes the hologram monitor over so Riri can see it and she points at it, "And I know you are because you understand this." She gestures to the code and then looks over at her, "Use it and you will be able to do what you need to." She then nods, "And yes." She then grins, "See, like I said. Very smart."

Riri Williams has posed:
     Riri counterpokes, studying the code for a moment before pulling her keyboard out and starting to enter it as well. "This... Oh yeah, I should send you the specs for the holdout watch I came up with. With this kind of composite you could make the design about half the size, although at that point it wouldn't be as much good as a smartwatch. Don't want the screen getting too small." Small screens are the worst.

Shuri has posed:
    A smile and she nods her head, "I'd love to see." She nods her head and then shifts in her spot and looks at the work that Riri is doing before she turns her gaze back to the work that the computer is doing in hte background with the armor pieces. She shifts slightly in her spot, "I really want to see it completed. You and Tony have very unique minds when it comes to armor like this." She nods her head, "I have created a sort of exo-armor but never on this scale or to this ability."

Riri Williams has posed:
     "I'll have AISHA forward you the files." Riri presses her lips together in concentration, tongue poking out one side of her mouth as she codes the new routines. "Thanks. it's... not as practical as yours, though. I mean, you get bulletproof with something as easy to pack as a wetsuit, but the Mark I weighed almost half a ton. The two should be a lot lighter, but... Still not very discrete."

Shuri has posed:
    A smile and she nods her head, "Yes, but just bulletproof...well, that and capable of storing energy and a few other things." She nods her head as she looks down and chuckles, "However, I don't have room for weapons on it." She looks up at her, "Or rockets or the like." She laughs a little and nods her head before she looks back down at her hand for a moment and then up to Riri again, "Don't feel bad about a first try. Nothing I do ever works quite right on the first try."

Riri Williams has posed:
     "Repulsor thrusters aren't that big. In theory, I could fly with just the boots, gloves, and a harness to hold the reactor. issue's in maneuverability and actually full forward flight though where you're not at least partially hovering. That's where the actuation on the armor plates comes in, turns the whole armor into a lifting body. ...Which is honestly where a good chunk of the computing power goes when I'm flying." Code entered, Riri spins and watches as parts are loaded into the mills. "Wouldn't be too hard to cram a few smaller weapons into a bracer or something too. It's just easier when you'e got space for reloads. And a dedicated sensor suite to help with targeting. You should talk to Pete, he's managed to cram a computer into spandex." The engineer grins again.

Shuri has posed:
    A smile and she nods, "Well, most of our computers are very tiny and can fit into small things. The problem is getting weapons into things without wasting vibranium." She nods her head, "I'd have to work with other materials and fix something as vibranium is too rare to just fire off at people." She nods her head, "And any left over would be collected." She nods her head, "It's not as simple as other options." She nods her head and smiles."

Riri Williams has posed:
     "Plus micromissiles are expensive. Considering each one's two tiny repulsor nodes and a compact power source. I mean... None of my stuff's commercially viable, but..." Riri gestures to Shuri's bracelet. "Does everyone in Wakanda have those? I wish I could visit sometime if it's all as cool as what you have."

Shuri has posed:
    A laugh, "Everyone does." She smirks and nods her head, "You are given a set of beads when you start school." She nods again, "And they stay with you for your life, only being slightly adjusted as you grow." She taps the one on her wrist, "I would love to take you at some point." She nods her head.

Riri Williams has posed:
     Riri blinks. "I mean... It's that easy? I guess I'd need to apply for a passport though. I hate paperwork." She lets her forehead thunk to the workbench. "Why does bureaucracy ruin all the good things in life?"

Shuri has posed:
    A laugh and she reaches over to pat Riri on the shoulder, "It is what it is, Riri. You can't get away from it." She then hops up and shrugs, "That is why I'm a princess. I have people to do paperwork for me." She grins and winks before nodding her head, "You should try it sometime." She laughs a little and then looks over at the armor and walks over toward it, "It is still very interesting to me." She nods her head, "I like what you have done with it. I think it'll be very impressive when it is done."