2285/Mojo's Arcade Legend: Howling Abyss
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Mojo's Arcade Legend: Howling Abyss | |
Date of Scene: | 30 June 2020 |
Location: | The Howling Abyss |
Synopsis: | Mojo and Arcade throw Mockingbird, IMP, Jemma Simmons, Victorious, and the Batman into an arena with some of Batman's 'friends'. They cheat. So does Batman. |
Cast of Characters: | Maria Hill, Zora Vukovic, Bruce Wayne, Bobbi Morse, Jemma Simmons, Alton Schmidt
- Maria Hill has posed:
"HELLO SUMMONERS!" The cheery announcers voice echoes across The Howling Abyss.
"You may find yourself a little confused, but I assure you, this will be fun for all! Especially ME!"
The 'summoners' awaken around a large, glowing mound of crystals in the middle of a flat, cobblestone area. Nearby is a stone turret, facing one (currently closed with gates) openings in a tall stone wall; between the turret and the gate is a single smaller glowing crystal. Behind the summoners is a mountainous cliff, blocking them into the cobblestoned area.
"The rules are simple! Knock down your opponents turrents. Destroy their inhibitors. Capture their base. Oh, and DON'T DIE, because I haven't quite worked out this whole RESPAWN thing quite yet." There's some grumbling from the announcer. "Also, Arcade wouldn't let me." That's a bit whiny.
A seperate, annoyed voice takes over. "For those of you UNAWARE of the GAME, the GAME is the LEAGUE. Of. LEGENDS. I want to see if you are worthy champions, of course. But in more detail: every so often, your enemies base will release a spawn of minions who will make their way down the lanes to damage your towers and eventually your base. At the same time, your base will do the same for against the enemy. Sadly, these minions are merely constructs. My 'dear friend' wouldn't allow me to bring in additional fools to serve in that role. Please kill them, and your enemies, with great relish."
Arcade hmms. "Ah yes. The enemy. Another team just like you... CHANGED. It's really what Mojo is best at. They'll be trying to destroy your towers and claim your base as well, so pip pip. Murder them first. You know the drill."
Mojo's voice cuts back in. "...I didn't agree to this murdering thing, Arcade. It's really no fun if all our new friends die."
"That is PRECISELY what makes it fun." Arcade chuckles.
There is silence, but the announcers line stays open.
Then. "If you say so," Mojo sulks. "I feel the ratings on this will not be so great with so much murder." Oh. Did we mention that Mojo is televising this? On all channel 9s, across all cities? Because Mojo. "Anyways! The challenge will begin in five minutes! GOOD LUCK, SUMMONERS!"
Then the line goes silent.
Dead silent.
- Zora Vukovic has posed:
Victorious...is not sure how she ended up here, blinking as she looks around. The tall Latverian woman is clad in dark armor with a red skirt around her armored legs, with a tiara of gold made up like the son and brown hair that carries with it a soft glow of sunlight that grows more pronounced at the tips. In her right hand is a bastard sword she carries easily one handed, the blade shimmering with gold; in the left is a heavily stylzed tower shield with a sun emblazoned on it and shimmering golden runes running over it.
"...this...is not a dream?" she says slowly, looking around the area the group appears to be contained in at the moment, including the great gates that have not opened to let them into the rest of the map. She hefts her blade, then twirls it slowly, getting a feel for the weight. "What is this place?" she says, her eastern European accent tinging her voice as she frowns.
Image: https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/nxIei3S5kLiRJ5eWtmB9X6rkX1c=/1400x1400/filters:format(jpeg)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/13411317/Leona_Splash_7.jpg
- Bruce Wayne has posed:
Batman has been awake for...a while. Not so early as to bear witness to everyone's arrival, but early enough that he's starting to feel a tiny bit of impatience when Mojo's announcer voice breaks the silence and explains the situation. Still, he's taken stock of his surroundings and what now passes for his equipment. He's interrogated a "shopkeeper" that he's certain is some kind of automaton. The announcer confirms his conclusion that this is some sort of high-tech simulation. He's decidedly not happy about being absconded with, and the fact that his face is covered with a mask is cold comfort. He was unconscious when he arrived...anyone could have peeked under the mask, and if Arcade knows his identity now it's guaranteed that information will be on the auction block in the next 24 hours. He doesn't have time for games, he needs to escape and get this situation under control.
The Batman is clad as Talon, the Blade's Shadow, in his "Crimson Elite" skin. A golden mask with a glowing blue visor covers his upper face and most of his head, crimson and gray armor sheathes his form, and a long, squared blade extends from his right forearm. Unwieldy that, but for the time being he hasn't discarded it. May be useful later.
"Some kind of simulation. Or arena. Based on a video game. Arcade I'm familiar with by reputation, but this "Mojo" character is largely an unknown to me. We need to find a way out of here." His tone is calm, in control, and perhaps carrying just a tiny hint of seething anger that doesn't seem directed at Zora.
- Bobbi Morse has posed:
If this were //just// cosplay.. why does she feel the presence of the moon within her?
It was not their moon of course, not the moon of Earth, it was an alien moon - one from a fictional land, one honoured with the symbol of the moon in silver upon her forehead. What's the difference between fiction and alien? Well, magic appears to be involved. Bobbi is really glad she has been keeping up with those WAND talks about mystical threats.
The long white hair is gather in her hands and she wonders if she has aged. A reflective surface tells her otherwise, clad in the armour of a warrioress of the moon. She turns this way and that and then lifts up the curved moon blade in her hands.
"Mojo!.. Arcade!.." Bobbi Diana Morse turns and eyes the others who have appeared here. "Stay calm, I'm an Agent of SHIELD. As surely as the moon rises, we will find a way through this." There's always a way through, right? otherwise, she will be stuck in a computer game with the power of the moon flowing through her for all eternity and that is not how Bobbi's story ends, oh no.. she will not settle for this.
- Jemma Simmons has posed:
Slightly off to the left is a figure, seemingly seated at the base of a pillar. The arms are dangling from the sides, the head tilted forward, the legs just splayed out all helter skelter. A giant key is visible, nestled in the back as the whole seemingly automaton just seems...out.
Until it is not.
The head stirs as unblinking eyes flicker up, the luminous orbs scanning over the female form as she (definitely a she) slowly rises to her feet. Arms reach around, feeling the key and, in a reflex action, turns it...winding herself up. And that is enough to have the clockwork figure make it to her feet. "So strange. What is this?" The voice, despite having that musical intonation that only robotics could provide also has one distinct trait.
A very British accent.
As Bobbi speaks, the head turns. This automaton *knows* that voice. "Agent Morse? Is that really you?" Jemma-bot takes a tentative step towards the senior agent, marveling at how she moves. "Well, that is fascinating. Fitz is never going to believe this one."
- Zora Vukovic has posed:
"SHIELD?" Zora says, resting the flat of her blade on her shoudler idly as she studies Bobbi. She's not sure why, but she feels...antipathy for this woman, and she has no idea why. Like she should be hunting her? "Stolen for a game we must win then." she says, rolling her neck absently as she plants her shield for a moment. "Rally to me, then. I will protect you." A shimmer of light runs over her shield as she hefts it again, glancing at the gate. "It appears we must split our forces, however..."
- Bruce Wayne has posed:
"Talon" continues to scan the area with his eyes as the others rouse and speak. No visible recording devices...maybe hidden in the flora and fauna? Or simply cloaked from sight? No obvious ingress or egress beyond those gates. So what's left sticking out is the Nexus, which he moves to study more closely, looking for any possible way to access it. Any of these stones on the ground pry up to reveal power cables or the like? Hm. No such luck.
"They want us to fight for entertainment. The quickest way to start spoiling their plan may be to refuse to oblige them."
- Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi looks around the gigantic chasm that this bridge crosses. "So huge. I cannot tell if it is day or night here." She looks over to Talon and ... has no idea who he could possibly be. The same is true for the one dressed as Leona. There is a sadness inside her when she looks at this sunlit clad woman, something inside Bobbi herself stirring. The endless misdirection of us vs them. "We shouldn't split up, we're all in this together."
The sound of a distinctly British accent owned by only one she could possible believe.. "Agent Simmons," she says and looks to the mechanical murderess. "We seem to be without our gear. No hacking kits, no tools, ... just what we carry." She places the tip of her moon blade upon the ground, somehow the light glint catching a moonlit reflection across the ground, the soothing blues of a well lit night. Her hand extends out to Jemma's metal hand, "I'm glad I'm not in this alone. We seem to have been abducted."
"Certainly," she relies to 'Talon' and replies, "Though I know this game. There is only one way through - to the other side. There are several heavily armored towers that emit energy beams between us and there -- and also an enemy team. Perhaps they are just NPCs.. we can test that theory, attempt to engage them in conversation. Any sensible person will likely call for help the moment they see us."
- Alton Schmidt has posed:
LAAAAAAAAAAAG. How did he get Lag of all things? Do you have any idea how much this young man pays for top of the line wifi connections? Bah. The internet company's going to hear about this later. At any rate, Alton finally got here. Just a kid, playing a game, right? Of course, that intro that he finally saw in backscroll made it seem a little more serious than that, but the key thing to remember here is that this is a no respawn map, so if you die, you, well, die, and you can't help your team anymore. Got it.
"Wait a nminute. We got...this isn't VR is it? This is...alright, how bad off are we?"
Alton was playing Viktor, the Machine Herald. Right, "So, I'm supposed to be the dude that purges himself of emotions for the betterment of mankind. If this is a heavy RP sort of game, I guess I'd better do the whole emotionless thing. Maybe they'll let us go if we get into character as we play?"
- Jemma Simmons has posed:
There is more of a self check as Jemma slides a hand down one of her arms. There isn't any facial expression....the face resembling a porcelain mask that does indeed at least bear a passing resemblance to the SHIELD biochemist. "Odd. I cannot feel." The statement may bear a slight disappointment...but only slight. There is more fascination than not. That hand slides down, tracing the curves of the form, the fingertips tapping the end of the clockwork skirt/tutu she wears...and finally the fingertips sliding in between the gap between the upper and lower portions of her form. "Amazing. I truly am an artificial lifeform. This is most unexpected."
Then...there a glance towards the floating orb that just hovers next to Jemma. "It appears as if I do have a tool, though, Agent Morse." A finger reaches out to tap the Ball, her personal drone, only for the Ball to drift slightly away and remain in place. Until Jemma reaches out to pull it back in. "Well...it isn't the DWARFs, but...I feel strangely attached to this." The eyes turn, blue and bright, as Jemma places her metallic hand into Bobbi's own. "Our objective is to get through to the other side? Simple enough."
Then...a comment that surely is not Jemma. "It will be fun."
- Maria Hill has posed:
Above the Nexus, a magically glowing set of numbers pops up.
On the 1, the gates crank open, revealing a tan cobblestone corridor between mountains, as well as outside of the gateway another tall tower with turrets on top.
GLHF noobs! blinks for a second before disappearing.
"A Treat, a treat!" Mojo's voice chirps as the gates open. "We brought you some friends!"
Arcade's voice is demandingly petulant. "It's unfair you wouldn't let us show his face, Mojo. Not even to meeee."
"THE -MYSTERY- IS WHAT THE -DRAW- IS, ARCADE. HOW MANY TIMES MUST I TELL YOU?" A huff. "Who he is doesn't matter. He IS, and that's what matters, that's what brings the ratings! And that's why we had to set this round up--" he pauses. "Oh drat. Channel 4s arena is having problems."
Then silence. The announcers seem to be distracted by something else for a bit.
- Zora Vukovic has posed:
Zora considers, automatically stepping towards the gate as she raises her shield. "Spoiling their game would be good, but it seems we must be playing defense in the meantime. I will break their lines of our opposition....though from the sound of it, they are equally stolen and forced into this." She glances over to Batman/Talon. "Perhaps you could find a way out of this prison....there must be a door or something hidden, to construct something like this. You seem to have a character that focuses more on stealth than I."
Shehe shrugs slightly. "I will distract our opponents if you wish to search. If you are with me, come, stay at the vanguard and we will hold them back." With that,s he proceeds forwards onto the bridge, her sword and shield at the ready, apparently ready to tank as needed.
- Bruce Wayne has posed:
"I intend to, but in the meantime it's not a bad idea to see what the potential opposition presents us with. No telling how long we might be trapped here with them." "Talon" moves purposefully towards the open gate, but once past it, he scowls at the near-complete lack of cover. Maybe a bit around the bases of those turrets, but either way a fully stealthy approach is nigh-impossible.
Still, he trying to get more of a sense of this arena they're trapped in. His primary concern at this point becomes that if they prove too entertaining, this "Mojo" may be inclined to try to keep them here longer. Escape is paramount, but the more he looks, the more no easy or obvious ways out present themselves. Maybe playing the game /is/ the safest bet, but it can be certain he won't be doing any killing, regardless of the oppositions identities.
- Bobbi Morse has posed:
Killing is never the first or best option. But as an spy, sometimes death is the only way. Usually, though, those who die deserved it and refused to submit to be judged for their crimes. If these are just other people like them, they certainly do not deserve it. They may earn that status is they try to hinder an escape though.
Bobbi glances at the rear of Zora heading off down the bridge pathway, old giant cobble stones set askew in places. "Follow no false light," she says in a slightly hushed tone.. there's something off about that person, or may be it's just something built in to the 'character' she's portraying. She can't quite tell.
Either way, she is SHIELD, Simmons is SHIELD, they know their duty in this place. "Agent Fitz will lose his mind when he finds out you were an LMD," she smiles slightly, violet eyes twinkle silver as she lefts up the crescent blade and starts to walk toward their destiny.
Bobbi asks to the group, "I am Agent Morse and this is Agent Simmons. What do we call the rest of you?"
- Alton Schmidt has posed:
Alton...not wanting to give any of his names in a scenario like this, decides to stay 'in character.' "Well...call me Viktor, I guess!" Because he's not intending on using any of his real identity here...unless he has to. Might as well play the game the way it's intended to be played, insofar as he is able. He kinda wonders if his normal abilities still work in here. As he explores around the area, he notices a random bit of steel...probably somebody's broken sword...and tries to 'nudge' it a little to see if it nudges. He does this while aiming a 'kick' at it to make it seem like he just kicked it because he's frustrated or something.
- Jemma Simmons has posed:
"Not quite an LMD." The British accent chimes musically as Orijemma speaks. "It is very apparent that I am a construct." The Ball floats diligently besides her, slowly orbiting as she falls in line with Bobbi, standing behind her. As if by habit, every so often Jemma's hands will reach behind herself, cranking the giant key on her back to keep her moving. The scientist-turned-experience slowly takes in her surroundings...noticing the rather straightforward approach, the lack of much cover, the overall simplicity of it all. She pirouettes on a foot, in a surprisingly graceful maneuver, as she intones softly.
"This is very exciting."
Despite the excited statement, there is little in the way of emotion. It does prompt a headtilt from Jemma. Apparently, she didn't mean to say what she said. Or do her impression of a ballerina.
"Has....anyone else played this game before? Am I supposed to dance sporadically?" Valid questions, indeed.
- Maria Hill has posed:
On the far side of the bridge over the howling abyss, a quintet of foes await.
A large, angry looking Frankenstein's monster construct punches one fist into the other, looking eager for the battle.
A giant humanoid crocodilian snaps his jaws and smiles toothily.
A freakishly lanky and stick-like scarecrow dances around, waving its arms in glee.
A man with cat ears and an open-front vest crosses his arms, smirking across the field.
And a jester stands amongst them, looking bored.
As the Champions appear through their gate, the jester cocks his head unnaturally, and laughs. It echoes across the chasm. The scarecrow, the alligator-dile, and the monster join him, though the monster doesn't quite look like he knows why.
"Why so SERIOUS?" the jester taunts. Its purposeful, but has the echoing effect of a prerecorded video game taunt.
The cat-eared man frowns, taking a step forward. The jester leans over and whispers something in his ear. Then the cat-eared man laughs as well. He points to Talon, and then draws a thumb across his throat. All of the five laugh heartily at that.
Then, the cat-eared man stiffens, twitching. And then he falls forward, exploding into a puff of pixels.
The jester pulls a long dagger out of the pixel puff and regards it consideringly. He shoots a worrisome smile over at the other team. "Rules," he says, his words actually understandable by the other team (and not just prerecorded character catchphrases overlaying!) and the audience... "are for suckers, aren't they, Batsy?"
- Zora Vukovic has posed:
Zora studies the opposing force, including the not-so-random stabbing, then glances back at the others. "...I feel I will not feel a need to hold back with these opponents." She clangs her sword against her shield. "Come on then!" she shouts. "Feel the Sun's GLORY!" She plants herself, raising her shield, before a field of golden light bursts out of her, surrounding her in a sphere as she advances. She seems to be planting herself where they have to come to her to get past her so she's the point of the spear, so to speak.
- Bruce Wayne has posed:
"Batman." No sense withholding information unnecessarily, which is just as well because the Clown Prince of Crime gives it away a few moments later anyhow. Regardless, in that span of a few moments, his jaw sets. He's not sure if he should be flattered or annoyed that Mojo and Arcade seem to have tailored this scenario precisely to make things difficult for him. A reasonably smart play on their part.
"You're never one to just be a player in someone else's game." He speaks back across the gulf between the opposing parties, towards the Harlequin of Hate. Their posture doesn't speak of peaceful intent. There's no time for a full briefing, so Batman settles for, "Stay away from the Clown. He's mine." Oddly, there isn't any emotion underlying that declaration, just a calm determination, but the real bottom line is that he can't in good conscience let anyone else here try to tangle with the Joker. Too much of a chance they end up hurt or worse.
- Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi watches with interest as Zora activates her shield and hmmms. "Batman.. of course." Not really of course, who would have guessed Batman of all people to be in this weird trap. She narrows her eyes over at the sundry of criminals from Gotham city. Well this won't be easy, Gotham is notorious for creating some of the most psychopathic and dangerous criminals in the history of America.
"That may not necessarily be the best strategy. See her," she motions to Zora, "She is channeling the abilities of that character in the game. That means we already know every trick the Joker can pull. Your abilities may not be best suited to dealing with him in this place. The big ones, they're very tanky, they can regenerate their health as they fight unless you wound them and make them bleed. Good god, why is this lazy weekend knowledge suddenly useful."
A grimace and she paces back and forth across the bridge, "And be careful of that tower. It'll hit you hard if you get too close. Don't let them lure you in..." One of the benefits of being a Level 7 agent is having the weirdest after action reports cross her desk. It makes for some terrifying reading and the Jokers portfolio is right up there.
- Jemma Simmons has posed:
The clockwork female just....freezes....as if she is run down. The head tilted at a slight angle, as the expressionless mein is presented. But...those eyes, backlit with the brilliant blue, are upon the figure identifying himself as Batman. "The. Batman." The words are given their own punctuation, as Jemma tilt her head up, regaining her posture as those blue eyes look beyond, to the jester. The Joker, in the flesh, as it were. "This is most interesting."
Those blue eyes shift, taking in the other compatriots of the Clown Prince of Crime. It is not apparent from outward appearances, but that mind is racing...thinking. Compiling information of what Jemma knows of herself, with what strange sensations and flickers of knowledge...half forgotten strategies. She may have not played League...but she has played similar games. Which prompts a statement. "I know what makes them tick. I know how to make the ticking stop."
A little dark for Jemma, to be sure. The quick double-take that the clockwork dancer gives is proof of that. But, also true. Jemma does seem to have an idea on what needs to happen. An almost intuition, as a fingertip slides along the Ball's surface gently.
- Alton Schmidt has posed:
Alton wants to test out 'Viktor's' powers...but there's such a thing as cooldowns and mana useage, and he can't just...burn through those things without a strategy. Then Batman is called out, and..."...Batman? You gotta be kidding me." Beause who the hell could possibly kidnap someone that famous and put him in a video game like this? Alton seems confused now.
- Maria Hill has posed:
Shaco-Joker laughs, gesturing Mundo-Grundy forward. The monstrosity lumbers towards the middle of the lane, the Fiddlecrow tumbling behind him with amusement. Mundo hurls a giant cleaver at the gathered heroes. Behind him, the Fiddlecrow lets out a scream intended to cause fear and panic among them.
His burlap face looks all too pleased with himself after he's done screaming.
Meanwhile, Killer Renekton strolls forward, readying his weapon.
There's four of them, vs five of the heroes, and yet none of them seem like they feel outnumbered at all.
The Clown Prince, the Demon Jester (oh, he likes that name, he might just have to keep it) cackles. He steps forward behind the others two steps, three steps...
...and vanishes.
- Zora Vukovic has posed:
Zora narrows her eyes as the four villains turned...heroes?...step forward. "Batman, hmm? The clown is yours then." She raises her shield as the cleaver goes flying at her, knocking her skidding backwards as it strikes her shield, before she lets out a cry and lunges forward, aiming a slash at Mundo-Grundy, stabbing out at him....and then suddenly her sword shoots out of her hand, lancing forward to punch through her target's chest as an etherial blade in a burst of light and heat and right out the other side to stab further into the much more fragile looking Fiddlercrow.
BEfore Zora/Leona finds herself hurtling forward and suddenly on the far side of the group, next to the much more fragile looking scarecrow as she's holding hers word again.
She blinks.
Then grins wolfishly at Fiddlecrow. "Hello."
Her shield snaps forward as she bodily rushes him, trying to smash into him as the golden field around her transfers to her opponent, solar energy shimmering around him.
- Bruce Wayne has posed:
"The things that make the Joker most dangerous are nothing that's going to be altered by this scenario, Agent Morse. You just watched him break the rules of this game once already." And then Shaco-Joker seems to take the matter out of their hands by disappearing. Batman doesn't seem perturbed, at least outwardly, but that steel trap mind races with possibility even as he watches Zora lead the charge by taking the charge. Would the Joker focus on him right away? Or would he start trying to pick off the opposing team one-by-one to prolong his suffering? And if it's one of the others...who? The most obvious threat? The seemingly-most-vulnerable? No...the answer is "whichever one he thinks would affect him the most."
Unfortunately, there's the Fiddlecrow's scream to deal with, and while Bruce doesn't actually feel the fear that it supposedly inspires, he does feel...something. An alteration of self that puts him at a temporary disadvantage. He hasn't played a video game since he was eight years old, however, so the various mechanics are...among the few fields Batman has NOT had reason or opportunity to study up on.
But yes...Shaco-Joker. Batman sidesteps, and lashes out with a powerful kick, seemingly at the empty air behind MockingDiana. With no pre-established relationships and little time for the Joker to have observed interactions, he goes with the simple deduction: She's the one that, however briefly, held the Batman's attention instead of the JOker himself. He may end up looking silly if he's wrong, but better a little humiliation than a backstabbed ally.
- Bobbi Morse has posed:
"I've read his dossier," she says mentally tracking the opportunities he probably has. There's a few good targets but she doesn't know his psychology the way that Batman does. Cheating is precisely what she'd expect of him, but he is possibly ignorant to the rules of the game too.
When Batman goes for the kick she cries out, "In this place, I am chosen of the moon! -- Twilight fades." A glowing shield of silvery moon light spreads around her, as well as three floating balls of condensed moonlight. She turns to where the kick landed, Shaco.. er.. the Joker. She lifts her sword and gives it a strike, crescent shaped, to reveal him - he may be able to hide, but the moon will show his way.
The pale cascade's spheres of power try to strike against the Joker to deal magical damage but also replenish her shield further. "Well predicted Batman." Perhaps joker does know the game - take out the one person who can reveal his stealth.
- Alton Schmidt has posed:
Alton, meanwhile, now tries to experiment with the stuff 'Viktor' can do. "Alright, let's see here..."
'Viktor' could fight at range, so he first tries this whole 'gravity field' thing he could do. Maybe if he weighs the enemy down, literally, the people who know what they're doing can beat up the other guys. "Alright, here goes..." And, one gravity field, to go. He tries to hit as many targets as he can with it.
- Jemma Simmons has posed:
First, Batman seemingly kicks into thin air, only for Bobbi to reveal that it wasn't exactly empty space, but more the Joker with some sort of stealth ability. It only takes a moment for Jemma to take an assessment of the situation. She is behind Bobbi, with somehow the formerly stealthy demonic jester in between. Mundo-Grundy closing in. And the team's shield-maiden on the other side of the opposing forces, soon to be surrounded. A beat, as Jemma seems to listen....to the Ball. And then, she knows what to do.
"The Ball is angry. Ravage."
Jemma's hand flies out, fingers splayed, as she commands the ball forward. Unfortunately, for Shaco-Joker, he is standing in the way of the funtime angry Ball. The drone flys at him, the metallic clang as it hits his head clearly audible as it flies past both Shaco-Joker and Diana-Bobbi, missing Bobbi easily. The angle isn't quite right to hit Mundo-Grundy...but it wasn't so much Grundy that Jemma was aiming for.
Instead, the Ball plows into Fiddle as Jemma intones calmly. "Pulse."
An electro field drops, with the Ball in the dead center of it. It is enough to give Fiddlecrow an extra jolt, slowing him down. But...the true intention is shown, as Zora finds herself moving that much quicker. A little extra remote support to help her out of a tight fix.
- Maria Hill has posed:
Mundo angry. MUNDO SMASH. The monstrosity hurls his cleaver again, and swings a punch at Zora-- butttttttt hiiisssss puuunnncchhhhh isssss sllllooooowwwwwww....
Comically slow.
Fiddlesticks takes the jolt from Jemma and swings his giant scythe, uncaring of whom he hits. It passes through Mundo without damaging him, and keeps moving on towards Jemma, Bobbi, and Bruce... even as he tries and avoids the beatdown from Zora.
Killer Renekton dashes into the center of the heroes, swinging his cleaver blade with gusto. Or at least he would if he weren't also caught in the slowing effect.
Magnets, how do they work?
Shaco... no, it's the Joker, and entirely him if not in a ridiculous get-up, winks at Bobbi and then vanishes again, reappearing a couple of seconds later behind Talon-Batman.
- Zora Vukovic has posed:
As the slowed punch comes at her. Zora brings up her shield at an angle, trying to avoid a direct hit so the blow glances off, though she still staggers from the hard hit. ON the other hand, her sudden speed means her blade begins coming down on Fiddlecrow again and again as she tries not to let up her attack. For a bit the solar field around the scarecrow will be burning some extra damage on him in fact!
As her shield comes up to take the blow, however, its flickers, glowing brightly to life as another sphere of sunlight appears around her., seeming to absorb some of the energy of the massive hits as she staggers back and forth from first Mundo-Grundy slamming his cleaver down and then Reketon slashing, the blade screeching as it slides across her shield to cut at her side as she grunts out, forced back by the hit.
A moment leter, the solar energy explodes outwards in a ring of light around her to further damage any enemy near her.
- Bruce Wayne has posed:
Batman growls as the Joker lands a powerful strike against his back, the last vestiges of Fiddlecrow's debuff not permitting him to react in time, but he survives the hit, and flings out a circle of bata-er...spinning blades in a circle around him. With the enemies having closed in, it will likely strike most if not all of them.
Oh, and now it's Batman who's invisible. Unseen, he charges forward, past the enemy line. He doesn't realize that those blades are going to return and do damage to any enemy they hit on the way, but the path he's taken means nearly all of them will pass through Solomon Mundy on the way back to him.
He doesn't imagine the stealth will last long, so he pours on speed that would match Olympic sprinters to try to rush towards the enemy base.
- Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi watches that wink with curiosity. Her understanding of his profile.. of the Batman's warning. He really is here to play games and have fun. This environment is perfect for him. She could follow him.. but she know the game, there'll be a box trap waiting for her for sure. She smirks back at him and slices her sword through the air, a crescent cut slashes across Mundo and Renek and Fiddle. She dashes to fiddle sticks and her hastened cuts slash through him as she re-absorbs the moonlight she just put in to him and the other two.
"I won't be falling for those tricks Joker, your reputation preceeds you." Her shield alights again bathing her in moonlight as the three spheres orbit her. With a step backwards they strike in to the back of Renekton. 'magic damage' - whatever the hell that stuff is.
- Jemma Simmons has posed:
That giant scythe catches OriJemma as the last of the fear effect makes her just a little too slow to avoid. Not that the clockwork automaton would necessarily move too fast, one would wager. The slice causes Jemma to stagger backwards, away from the fight. The three or four steps back pulls her out of range for her hexheart drone....which prompts the drone to immediately sail back to Jemma, attaching itself back upon her person. That...was surprising to Jemma....but something she takes to heart.
Regaining her composure, Jemma keeps the Ball close to her, while she flings out clock gears like throwing stars. It is merely a delaying tactic, as she works her way back into range.
- Alton Schmidt has posed:
Alton...now tries to line up as many of the bad guys as possible. He can for sure get 2, but he wants at least 3. Manuevering around the battlefield, he waits till he has at least 3 of the bad guys lined up in a row...and then launches Victor's death ray. With the explosion that comes of that, there's even hope he might get the last one in the blast if they're clumped enough.
- Maria Hill has posed:
As ARAMs tend to be, the middle of the bridge has become a massive cluster of a melee, with both sides hacking and slashing, throwing abilities left and right, and rekting each other's days.
There's someone missing. Two someones, really. Talon-Batman and Shaco-Joker are nowhere to be found even as their respective allies duke it out.
Talon's invisibility wears off about the time he skids into the enemy base, their Nexus a glowing pile of crystals before him. His blades snap back to him, doing further damage to Solomundy and Fiddlecrow on their path back to Battalon. There's only so much damage he can do to the crystal alone. Still, he begins working away at the Nexus, ready to end this game before it goes too far.
"You thought you could get away from me," a familiar voice comes from behind him, as a long dagger is slammed into Talon's back...
- Zora Vukovic has posed:
Zora glances over her shoulder as she hears the chunk of Batman stabbing into the main crystal, then Shaco-Joker appearing to stab him in the back as she growls, glancing back at the villains as they continue pounding. She could fall back and try to join the attack...but the towers are still in the way and she can't just stealth everyone past it....and the villains will certainly be at an advantage with the turrets backing them up. Not to mention she would need to desert the rest of her team to do that.
If she can just help drop ONE of them for someone else to rush the turret and bring it down..."
"They will be SUNDERED!" she shouts, throwing her blade again as it comes off cooldown, sending it shooting through Reketon then Mundy, before she disappears and reappears on the other side of Grundy, trying to drive the point of her sword into the back of his knee before he can turn to face her again.
- Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi notices a box suddenly appear and break where she would have been lured by the Joker. His little box trap 'timed out' and she is glad she avoided it, but she's in the thick of it now. It takes her a moment to realise Batman has gone for the win, jumped all the way past the enemy turrets and to the base.
One joker he can probably take care of.. but not if the rest of the Jokers goons join him. She notices them trying to disengage and she says, "Nuh uh! The Night Approaches!" In her most championesque pose she thrusts her sword in to the sky and a blast of moonlight shoots down around her, pulling the remaining three champions close to her.
She remembers this game in the early days, how stupidly overpowered these combos were. With her shield up, the orbs alight once more, each hitting a different champion as her attacks dance through the moonlight, cutting in a wide arc around her. "No one is going ~anywhere~"
- Alton Schmidt has posed:
Alton's trying more of Viktor's tricks mostly to see how they perform. This time, he tries the Chaos Storm, and sends it at Grundy in particular. He's stronger than the rest, usually, and he deserves the attention of a chaos storm following him around. That's about when he notices how fast it moves, and notices it's apparently the improved version that's harder to get rid of. "...Well, at least I have the power...sorry, the GLORIOUS EVOLUTION!" ...or something like that.
- Jemma Simmons has posed:
Jemma and Bobbi have the same idea. If they can keep the other three off of Battalon, then maybe he can take care of his murderous mime and then take out the Nexus. Maybe.
But first, it is a matter of keeping the other three Bat-villains distracted. "Sending in assistance, Agent Morse." Jemma's assistance comes in the form of her floating friend. With another flick of the wrist, the Ball flies straight and true, knocking all three tightly grouped champions. As Bobbi fights the evil by moonlight, Jemma works around the edge of the bridge, keeping the Ball nestled in the midst of the trio of terror. Alton's addition to the mix gets a favorable nod, as Jemma manages to get to the other side of the line, close to where Zora was. It is then that the unholy trinity tries to separate...and Jemma enacts her plan.
A powerful burst of magic erupts from the Ball, catching the three opposing Champions unaware. The damage is easily seen, as the three cry out in pain. Then, a strong gravitational pull emanates from the hexheart artifact, dragging the three back together into close quarters. Finally, with all three pressing against one another, Jemma snaps her fingers as another Dissonance field is dropped, hitting all three again with additional magic damage which saps them of their speed...and gives that speed to her Champion compatriots.
It is only then...after her trifecta attack completes, does Jemma turn to look beyond. Now...it is up to the Bat to take care of his demons while the clockwork golem contemplates how she is going to get back the towers to the base and beyond.
- Bruce Wayne has posed:
With the others doing an admirable job of holding back the enemy from coming to their base's defense, Batman has an unfair amount of time to hack away at the pile of crystal, but he feels there's a more efficient way to finish this off. And sure enough, right on cue the Joker reappears.
"No, I didn't"
The Batman replies to his deadliest of foes, and shifts, ever-so-slightly, twisting his torso just enough that the Demon Joker's blade slips through the strange cloak he wears, and narrowly avoids slicing his side rather than stabbing into his back. Instead, the Joker's overexuberant stab leaves his arm overextended and himself off-balance, all of which adds up to Batman stripping away that blade with a sudden grip and a violent twist that might well break a couple bones. A low back kick to the Joker's knee stumbles him and prevents that second blade from finding purchase where the first couldn't.
"You were right though, you're not the only one that plays by their own rules."
And with that, Batman plunges his newly-acquired ShacoJoker's dagger into the heart of the Nexus....
- Maria Hill has posed:
"No no no! That's not right, how can they do that?" Arcade's voice snaps over the announcers speakers.
"I was cleaning up YOUR mess on the other channel! How was I supposed to be paying attention here too?" Mojo howls.
K-tink. THUD. Talon has stolen Shaco's dagger, which shouldn't be possible, and jammed it into the weakest point of the Nexus... which also shouldn't be...possible?
As the Nexus explodes, the awareness of the Champions becomes fuzzy...
GG wp
no re
k thx
The Champions will wake up in their own beds the next morning with memories of the match but no proof, besides the fact that it was televised nationwide, the night prior.
Damn Mojo. At least he put his toys away after he was done playing.
Arcade is probably ticked.