2271/I Was Flying Through the Park One Day

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I Was Flying Through the Park One Day
Date of Scene: 29 June 2020
Location: Staten Island
Synopsis: Unfinished
Cast of Characters: Nanami Tanaka, Billy Batson

Nanami Tanaka has posed:
Nanami Tanaka has been let out of school for the day, summer school that is. In a white blouse and dark blue pleated skirt, she's making her way out from class toward the Staten ISland railway station, taking the scenic route through a park. Scenic enough to stop and get herself a taco.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy has been religious in his refusal to make a dime with his Shazam identity. Starting out, he made Booster Gold look selfless. He has to admit that. But, purity, he's come to realize is not about always doing the right thing. Sometimes you don't know any better. It is about trying to be better and correcting your mistakes. However, he spent several weekends working and has spent the money on a sack of cheesesteak sandwiches and darn it... the ones back in Philly are just better than the ones in New York. Flying back to New York take s a few minutes after rising above Gotham's perpetual squall. He's over Staten Island when the lure of the sandwiches are too much for even the Courage of Achilles and Stamina of Atlas and Shazam drops down to a beautiful park on a beautiful day.

He is a blur of red and white as he lands behind a tree. A peal of thunder rips the sky and Billy Batson emerges, juggling a suddenly very hot bag of sandwiches.

"Ow ooh sonuva..." He lloks for an empty picnic table. Shazam doubles as a microwave oven. Go figure. Table?

Nanami Tanaka has posed:
Nanami Tanaka gets tacos. Two of them. She then starts walking over to a bench to sit and adjust things, the backpack on one shoulder, the foot in her hands, when Shazam shows up. And she watches him, quietly.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson hurries over to the picnic table and asks, "Could I please sit down? These sandwiches are very hot? Please" it is sort of comical though pathetic. he's usually smoother than this.

Nanami Tanaka has posed:
Nanami Tanaka squints and looks at Billy. She's moving slowly, methodically, putting her backpack down on the park table, unfolding a paper napkin in her lap, and unwrapping a taco. The clearly distressed Billy get sa weak smile. "It's a public park."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson throws himself onto the bench. "Much obliged," he mutters. He sets his lunch down and wiggles his fingers to cool them off. His method is no less practiced than hers, but far more unrestrained. He rips the bag open much like a predator with his fallen prey. He regards the steam rising for a moment and then grabs a sandwich and tears open the wrapping with one hand, spreading the napkins out with the other. Slightly singed napkins. After setting up he begins eating the sandwich with gusto. In fact he could probably do a commercial for the product, or get a spot on one of those shows of gross clips from the internet.

Nanami Tanaka has posed:
Nanami Tanaka has to be very careful. Tacos can be a messy food, and she doesn't want to get it all over her clothes. So she sits up, and carefully bites into it. "Are they that hot?" she asks very softly.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson's about to make a scathing comment. No, they are cryogenically frozen. No, this is a variation of the floor is lava. However, purity of character kicks in. "Yes they are. Would you like one? I bought too much to eat," he says. Oh. Girl. That realization kicks in. Quiet polite girl it seems. He looks away a little shyly. "My name is Billy by the way. Sorry I barged in on you." He wipes one hand very carefully on his napkins and holds it out to her, suddenly feeling very shabby.

Nanami Tanaka has posed:
Nanami Tanaka looks at the pile of sandwiches, then at her food. "Thank you," she nods. "But I don't think I could eat a sandwich and both of these tacos. Did they put the sandwiches in a microwave? That seems kind of disgusting." But she will wipe her own hand and press hers to his briefly. "I am Nanami. Hi."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson hmmms seeking a secret ID saving story. "I don't know. They don't seem to be microwaved." He eats his a little faster to minimize the effect of the temperature. Ow. Ow. "Yes you do not look like you could eat anymore than those tacos. I mean you're pretty slim. I mean in a nice way. I'm shutting up now." Please let Solomon kick in once in a while when he's Billy?

Nanami Tanaka has posed:
Nanami Tanaka takes a copule of careful bites, looking over. When he starts to babble about her skinny body, she bites her lip and goes pink a good moment. "Um," she says softly, looking to her feet. "Thank you?"