2504/The Man Doesn't Want You To Know

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The Man Doesn't Want You To Know
Date of Scene: 18 July 2020
Location: Knockout's Girlfriend's Estate
Synopsis: LIVEWIRE does not understand bitcoin. KNOCKOUT loves Combos.
Cast of Characters: Kay Fury, Leslie Willis

Kay Fury has posed:
The home that Knockout shares with her Domestic Partner is, in truth, more of a manor - it is located on an estate, and it is nothing short of massive. Inside, the décor is surprisingly subdued; given Knockout's sense of aesthetic, one would no doubt be surprised to learn she resides in a home that looks for all the world to be from the 1920s, rather than from a fetish club.

At present, Knockout is in the front parlor, dressed in an entirely (and surprisingly) casual fashion, .and staring at Livewire with furrowed brown and half-squinted eyes.

"... and all of your presidents have been shape-shifters who are, in fact, reptiles?"

Leslie Willis has posed:
Leslie's head bobs, brow furrowed, tongue poking out of the right corner of her mouth, an intense expression of concentration on her face as she arranges small stacks of quarters on... well, a hand-drawn map of an uptown Metropolis bank that wouldn't even get put up on a -very- supportive parent's fridge door. She's got the paper, one of those big poster sheets, laid out on the floor as she peers up and murmurs manically. "Yeahyeahyeah. Well, maybe not all of them. I mean, they -knew- people were onto them so like, sometimes they put a -stooge- in. Or a patsy! They use a lot of patsies.

She stands up proudly, peering down at the map, piles of quarters in the box marked 'vault' and on each of the little squares marked 'tellers'. "So anyway, see, people made these new coins. They're called -bitcoins-. And like, the government doesn't control them. So the lizards don't. So we're gonna -steal- these coins, right? Like, the normal coins. But bits are a computer thing. And computers use electricity. So we're gonna take 'em, and I'm gonna make -em -bitcoins-, and we'll put them in the computer!"

Kay Fury has posed:
Knockout is not from America. She is, indeed, not even from Earth - she is not human at all. She's the physical manifestation of a fifth dimensional idea native to another plane entirely, where things are so vast in scope that were this entire planet to plummet into a lake on New Genesis it would make only the smallest splash. She has lived on Earth, among humans, for only the briefest segment of her life.

And, still, Knockout leans back in her seat and, after a moment of silence, she says,


"I don't think that any of that - any of it at *all* - is how that works."

Leslie Willis has posed:
Leslie shakes her head quickly, "Oh no, it totally is! You can't just cram the coins in the computer. They're not bitcoins, see? They're coin-coins. And that just makes the computer like... go all..." She trails off for a moment, eyes closing, brow furrowing even more, "Well, okay, I can't like -do- the sound, but it was kinda like Vrrrrnrgrrrgh and then the screen got all like... -crazy- colored and it wouldn't work anymore. 'cause no bits, right?" She frowns and chews her lower lip

"And like, we could just steal the bills, but... who even -carries- cash anymore? Trust me, this is the wave of the future! Like, it's gotta be like... a cool futurecrime. I bet when we do it, someone in sunglasses and a vinyl trenchcoat's gonna show up and be all 'Wow, I can't believe I'm meeting the visionaries who made FUTURECRIME!' and stuff. 'cause like, they're from the future right?" She nods solemnly, smacking her fist into her open palm, "Yeah... this'll be the ticket. That'll show Mr. Jorgensen who 'has a tenuous grip on scientific principles and is in desperate need of remedial tutoring.'"

Kay Fury has posed:
Knockout has been in the presence of Darkseid, whose shadow is cast across all of reality. She has beheld the Source Wall that lines the very edge of the universe and beyond which there is nothing but the primordial force of creation itself. One time, she fought a giant, robot crab outside of a strip club.

And nothing at all could possibly have prepared her for this.

She has absolutely no idea how to respond.

"Wh... what?"

Leslie Willis has posed:
Leslie sighs and throws her hands up, "It.s.. futurecrime! Crime from the future! You know, time travel?" She gasps -loud-, her eyes shoot so wide she might actually break the laws of physics, "Oh... I forgot! You're not -from- here! Like, you're not even from -Hoboken-, of course you don't understand! I'm sorry!" She claps her hands together, "You haven't seen the basis of time travel! Okay, we just need to get you up to speed. We should probably watch Terminator. And Time Cop. Oh! And Back to the Future, you know. Gotta lighten the mood?"

Leslie gives an enthusiastic thumbs up! "It's cool though, the library's totally got them all on DVD. You have a library card, right? 'cause we need one to borrow them. They got rid of mine. They said I crammed a bunch of quarters in one of the computers and 'broke' it or whatever. Okay! You wait here! I'll go get some snacks too!"

Kay Fury has posed:
Knockout opens her mouth as if to speak, but no words come out. She stares, transfixed and silent, briefly looking to one side and then back to Leslie, as if uncertain that all of this has in fact transpired.

She considers informing Livewire that she does not have a library card - that, instead, she has a sentient god-computer that contains the collective knowledge of two strains of celestial Gods, and that it could easily accumulate the collective knowledge and media of the human race simply by being held next to a computer with access to the internet and told to do so. That, by so simple an act, it would be able to play literally any piece of media that has ever been digitized, in any format whatsoever.

But this seems like a lot to explain to Leslie, so, instead, she says:

"Get me some Combos. But only if they have the pizza ones. If they don't have the pizza ones, get me cooler ranch Doritos."