2570/Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dim Sum

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Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dim Sum
Date of Scene: 22 July 2020
Location: Chinatown
Synopsis: Catching up with new jobs and a nice dinner!
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter steps out of the alley, taking a deep breath as he looks down the street.
This had been a bit of a spontaneous dinner date invitation. He had ended his patrol back here in Chinatown, and the Golden Dragon was going to be open for another few hours. So...

The memo came through Spider-Comm, secured for Red Sonja. <MJ? Pete. I'm over at the Golden Dragon in Chinatown. Want to go out for dinner tonight?>

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane was, actually, just finishing up training with her new job, and grins at the message on the Spider-Comm, <Sure thing! I definitely can use some Chinese.> And thus, she wound up traveling over to Chinatown via the grand tradition of New Yorkers... the Subway.

So, before too long, Mary Jane Watson walks into view, wearing a decidedly different outfit than her normal attire. She's actually looking pretty sharp in a white button shirt and black suit jacket and matching slacks, casual heels on her feet as she has her hair pulled back in a ponytail. Then she grins cheerfully, as she sees, "Hey, Peter!" With that, she hustles over towards him and snatches him up in a hug, and a kiss for good measure. "Everything okay?"

Peter Parker has posed:
For a moment, Peter didn't recognize her. The sword was missing...and then the suit. Did she own a suit? Of course she owned a suit, she's wearing it, you doof.

Peter hugs MJ, kissing her warmly but not holding it for too long. "Wow...you look...great! Very professional. Did you get an role as a business exec?"

Because that is his go-to assumption.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane chuckles, "Well... I might have gotten a new job. It's going to be interesting, but I've just started training with it." She smiles and puts her hand over his, giving his fingers a squeeze, "They get... a bit twitchy around the sword, so I just leave that at home for the moment. Not like I /need/ it, but it feels nice to have it nearby." She mmms, "But yeah, there's a dress code and everything, so..." She chuckles, "Had something going on down here?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looks around. "Oh! Well, I finished my...route in the area. So, I figured instead of takeout, we could actually go out." He blushes slightly. "So, let's go in and order...and we can catch up." He points to the entrance, then ohs and hurries over to open it for MJ.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane smiles, "Yeah, definitely, sounds like a bit has been going on, but between this and Shakespeare in the Park, I've been pretty busy the past few weeks." She leans in and kisses Peter on the cheek again, then makes her way into the restaurant, content to lead the way since...

Well, that's definitely the Sonja way, take the lead!

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter follows her lead. Not all that strange. MJ had always been the bold one. Not too difficult to see the Red Sonja bloodline asserting itself.

The restaurant table is round, made for four, but the business was able to free up a table from a cancellation. Soon, Peter and MJ are seated, and the smiling waitress hands out menus before bowing and heading back to the kitchen.

"I've been meaning to ask if Sonja's ever been to the Orient - the Hyborian-Era Orient, as it were."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
MJ hmms, "Khitai? A few times. Lots of sorcerers there." She makes a bit of a face at that, "Good food, though. And good people, just the ruling wizards were... well, wizards. So." Translation: She didn't like them too much.

But then she smiles, "So, um, yeah, got a new job. Wasn't exactly something I was expecting... but it's definitely something good."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter's eyesbrows rise halfway to his hairline. "Really? Like a job job, not an acting role?" He realized how that sounded and blushed. "Sorry...I didn't mean to suggest you couldn't do anything other than acting, but...uhm..."

Go up against Vulture? No problem. Talking with MJ? Just open the mouth and see if we can't fit BOTH feet in there...

"What's the job?" he asked. Quickly.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane grins, "Well... Sonja's skills got the attention of some high ranking agents of SHIELD... so they made an offer." She gives Peter a wry look, eyes dancing a bit, "Just a trainee so far, but they like what I can do, and it just seems... /fun/. Plus I think I can keep doing the acting thing, at least once I settle in."

She then pauses, and adds, "And well, they know about Sonja. But that's all they know." Translation: Peter's secret is totally safe.

Peter Parker has posed:
Wow. Mary Jane Watson...working for SHIELD?

"Wow...that's awesome, MJ!" His excitement is restrained, but barely. "I hope you do well. What am I saying, of COURSE you'll do WELL..."
He looked around, then took a deep breath. "I...got a new job, too."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
MJ blinks, then grins, "Wait, really? That's awesome news Tiger!" She beams, "Where are you working now?" She rests her head in her hand, looking curiously at Peter with a warm expression, "I'm guessing it's more than delivering pizza, since you gave me the deep breath." With that, she gives him a playful wink.

Peter Parker has posed:
Jeez, she can read him like a BOOK. And not even a complicated book, like his ADVANCED 3-D TRIG book, either. He was...more like a pamphlet, really.

"Yeah...I'm working as a lab tech for Kord Co. They were doing some headhunting, and I showed up on their radar."
He pauses, then leans forward slightly. "I...had to tell Mr. Kord. About why I was fired from Stark...and why I've been late three times in the last two weeks. I was afraid I'd lose the job. Again." He smiled crookedly. "It turns out he's a Spider-Man fan..."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane nods, "Well, he's been doing it for a while, so he probably gets it." She smiles, "Sounds like a pretty good fit for you, Tiger. And now we both have something to celebrate." A soft laugh at that, as she clinks her glass against Peter's, "Here's to us, Tiger."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter smiles and touches his glass to hers. "Here's to us, MJ." He looked around, ten says, "We should order. I have a few favorites here, but I confess I'm a little curious if there are any dishes here Red might recognize. See if anything cultural and culinary survived since then."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
MJ hmms, "She hasn't really seen anything specific... languages were different too, but she might recognize a few things." She pauses and looks over at Peter, "The Pineapple Duck seems good to me tonight, it's been busy between training, Shakespeare, and punching Nazis in the face." She grimaces, "Those jerks have been /really/ busy lately." As the news has undoubtedly showed, but MJ seems confident that things can be taken care of. Hopefully.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter tilted his head. "You got to do a 'Captain America?' The closest I ever got to that was busting up a white-supremacy group that was running guns." He checks the menu, then nods. "The Mongolian Beef looks good. And the chicken egg rolls look nice, too." He pauses for a moment. "What would say is the most difficult thing Red's had to deal with since this started? With all the stuff of the 21st century, I've been worried about culture shock."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane snickers, "She's upset mostly by the fact that I've got a steady boyfriend." She grins, "Apparently she was a big believer in 'getting around' as standards were a little different then. Don't worry Tiger, I'm in the driver's seat for /that/." A sly wink at that, as she might be teasing him a bit, "But as far as culture shock goes, she's just translating most of it as a type of magic, though she's been catching on pretty fast."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter give MJ a thoughtful smile, then looks up as the waitress returns. "Uhm, I'll have the Mongolian Beef and four chicken egg rolls. A bottle of soy sauce too, please." He looked to MJ. "You said the Pineapple Duck looked good?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
MJ smiles cheerfully at the waitress, "Yes, the Pineapple Duck, and a pork bun too, please. Also, fried rice with the duck." She chuckles, "Been a long day, I need a few more calories." She slides the menu back, then looks over at Peter, "So, what did you have planned for after dinner?" From her tone, she sounds like she has a few ideas...

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter sighs regretfully. "Something FAR too mundane for your warrior heart, I'm afraid. I had a couple of movie VIP tickets, so I was thinking about movies. I wasn't sure if you'd be interested in movie versions of classic plays. There's the MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING movie. I wasn't sure if you'd like to see PRIDE AND PREJUDICE AND ZOMBIES, though. I wasn't sure if that would offend or interest you."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane perks up, "Well, that sounds /perfect/ to me, Peter!" She grins, "Sonja takes up space in my head, but I'm still me, Tiger." She sticks her tongue out at Peter, then chuckles, "And I have a few ideas for afterwards, too."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter blinks, and whoomp, there it is. The Peter Parker Blush. Starts in the cheeks, two red roses like Michael Bay explosions, filling the face. Any second now, steam will issue from the ears.

"Uhm, let's not scandalizes the ten people within earshot, COULD we? Jeez..." he says in a low voice.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
MJ grins, "Well, I do have to say /something/, Tiger... and let's be honest, subtle sometimes doesn't work as well for you as I'd like." She smiles, and leans forward, lowering her voice as she says, "I love you Tiger, so let's have some fun at the movies, and then spend a night together, mmm?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods, but there might STILL be a little 'fweeeeee' sound as he leans closer. "I love you too, MJ. And the last thing I'd ever tell you to do is to stop being who you are. But I think the 12-year-old boy two tables over is going to be jump-started into puberty if he hears too much, so we should probably keep the noise down. Both of us." He reaches to grasp MJ's hand gently.

"...because I'm tempted to say a few things, myself."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane laughs, blushing a bit, "I'm not going to go into /details/ Tiger..." She smiles and squeezes his hand back, "So let's enjoy dinner, and the movies, and see how things go." With that, she gives Peter a wink, looking pretty content with how life is going now.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nodded thoughtfully. "I'm looking forward to the whole night. Soup to nuts."

Then a little of the old roguish humor, the Spidey Humor, comes out...but it's not as innocent as Spidey normally is.

"...Does Red have any traumatic experiences involving being tied up...?"