2598/Stuffy Boring Parties

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Stuffy Boring Parties
Date of Scene: 24 July 2020
Location: 3C - Lara's Greenwich Loft
Synopsis: Lara and Johnny enjoy a bit of conversation after a social outing!
Cast of Characters: Johnny Storm, Lara Croft

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny storm and the famous Lara Croft were both at a horribly boring social function, there was wine of course at least, and little snacks, but not much else to speak of. The two however did start talking, Johnny always willing to chat with a pretty female. One thing led to another, and through the course of their conversation, the subject of adventures and archaelogy came up, and back to Lara's place they ended up for a nightcap and a continuation of whatever conversation. Johnny himself is clad in a fine grey suit, with a blue silk shirt and a tie, with a '4' pin on his tie.

He follows her up to her greenwich loft, "This place has that industrial meets residential chic thing that's gotten real popular." He says with a little grin over to the woman, "So, what culture's caught your attention lately?"

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara was never a fan of the public side of her life, the requirements there-in were an obligation to her Duchess status back in Britain. She had to attend charity functions and make good PR for the royal family. She never liked it. But her mother and father did. So she did it, maintained it, in their memory.

So leaving those events was always something Lara wanted to do. Johnny had been amusing, fun to chat with, she didn't mind continuing that. As they ride the cave elevator up to the floor of her loft she steps off of it and mvoes down the hallway, rattling her keys as she steps up to her door.

"Honestly, this was the first place I was shown. I chose it without really thinking that deeply about it. It -- off hand -- simply had what I needed, so I didn't feel I should fuss much further about where to go next." The Briton says as she opens the door and steps inside, then holds it open for him.

"It's served me well thus far, and... well... I've sort've cleaned it up since I got here." There's still boxes on top of boxes in all the corners, but the many shelves were covered in books and trinkets. "The bulk of my work has been localized lately, but I do have some things coming up that might take me away from the States for a spell..."

She'll shut the door after him, and move toward the kitchen to get them both another drink. She's wearing a black dress, modest, but it does scoop low on her back to mid-level, and drapes in a nice flowing way around her legs.

Johnny Storm has posed:
"They actually have people who will do all the house hunting and even decorating and everything for you here in the city." Johnny says as he walks inside with her, unfastening his jacket and shrugging out of it, finding a convenient spot to hang it as he looks around, "We've got some little cleaning robots that Reed invented years ago to help keep things straight at the Plaza." He says with a grin.

"If the place serves you well though, then there's no reason to even worry about it. If you're happy where you live, and this is a cool part of Manhattan, one of the better parts if you ask me." He says.

"So, these things that might steal you away, anything you can talk about at all?" Johnny asks as he follows her over in the direction of the Kitchen, finding a counter to lean against as she goes about digging up some drinks for the both of them.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara has her back to him as he speaks, preparing the glasses and wine, but when she turns around and steps over to the center island counter where he's leaned now, she offers him a glass of very fine dark red wine. "You'll have to smuggle one of those cleaning robots out of that fancy tower for me." She says with a light smile over the rim of her glass before she takes a sip from it.

When she lowers her glass she glances over toward the living area to her right and his left, then looks back to him. "I really could use someone to make this place more presentable. It's never been one of my strong suits." She grins very lightly then as her glass is lowered down to the polished granite counter top.

She leans forward so her hips are against the edge of the counter and one foot is back behind the ankle of the other, her heeled shoes making her a little taller than she naturally is. At his last question, she shows the hint of a grin. "Japan." She tells him. "My college focus was in Asian archaeology. It's what lead me to eventually being here, and now it's what's leading me back to Japan for an upcoming... expedition, I suppose you could say. Though, being with SHIELD... there's ever so much always to be done locally too."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"I'm a rather big fan of the view right now." Johnny will comment as he lounges there as he reaches to accept the glass, "And, I don't know if I'll be able to smuggle one out, but maybe I can put in a good word with Reed one of these days." He says, taking a little sip from his glass of wine.

"We've always had a real scientific focus on our various trips and expeditions, a lot of that is dealing with people, and to an extent their past, but I can't say Archaeology has ever been one of our strong points. Though it's always interesting when you see these ancient strange places."

"So, what was it about ancient asian culture was it that drew you towards that emphasis on Archaeology?" he asks curiously, looking the dress clad Lara up and down a little as she leans against the counter there.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara shows the older man a soft smile at his words and she moves around the corner of the counter to step around him and walk toward the long line of bookshelves on the wall an the other side of the kitchen table. "Well, Asian culture was my chosen focus, but I enjoy all corners of the globe. I assure you it wasn't an easy choice." She says back over her shoulder with a soft smile, still holding her wine glass in her left hand.

She reaches the shelves and pulls a black satin cloth up off of an object, and reveals it to be a crystal skull... just like in the movies. "This, came to me on a recent mission here in the city." She gathers it up and walks it back over to Johnny to offer it to him. "A magical skull, and I've no honest idea where it came from. None of my studies, travels, or education can tell me where. Other than... magic." She sips her wine again before lowering the glass and smiling once more.

"But, if I were to answer your question, I'd say that the regal nature of the Asian people is fascinating to me. Specifically in Japanese history."

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm's gaze follows her as she walks away to head to the bookshelf, head tilting just a little, "Tell me." Johnny says, "Is there any country or region you've always wanted to go to, but haven't been able to go to yet?" he wonders, watching her unwrap the skull and return to it.

"What about Alien? The movies say that it could be aliens, and that weird guy with the hair on the History Channel said the same thing." He says, leaning in a little to look at it, though he doesn't reach out to touch it, at least this time. Perhaps having learned a lesson in the past?

Lara Croft has posed:
After handing the skull over, Lara leans against the counter again lightly beside him and glances down to it, then up to him to grin a bit. "This isn't one of those skulls." She says. "Those Skulls were found in South America and they're all still accounted for, plus they're much larger. This is... I'm fairly certain it was entirely created with magic and that it -- though it looks like glass -- isn't actually glass at all. Why just a week ago, it lit up as bright as a light house and lead me to a church near Brooklyn that was... well, infested with angry spirits." Lara holds her grin toward him.

"So if it lights up, be prepared for quite an adventure."

She sets her glass down on the counter's edge then, and at his question. She wobbles her head side to side. "Other worlds are certainly and interest now that we know they're real. I can't even begin to imagine what kind of archaeological madness I could get myself into on a completely different world." She shows a quick smile then. "But, I've been to a lot of places in the world, but some are still off limits due to political tensions. Places in Eastern Europe, Russia and so forth. Not all countries are eager for visitors, in today's climate of Brainiac's and Supermen."

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm chuckles softly and nods his head, "The SHIELD Angle probably doesn't help a lot either." He says, he'll set the skull down, still careful not to actually touch it, on the counter nearby and he grins up at her, "If you need me to reach out to any of my wizard friends, let me know." He offers, "You probably have quite the rolodex of them though I bet. And... lights equals adventure, got it."

Johnny gives a little glance down towards the skull, then back up to her with a bit of a grin, "If any of our trips needs a daring archaeologist, I'll drop your name to Reed." He says, "We have pretty good reach globally though, most places will let us visit based on the goodwill we've generated over the years, though you're right, there is a fair bit of tension in the world that's difficult to overcome, saddly."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara watches him set the skull down on the satin cloth slip, then takes the glass of wine up for another sip of it. She looks over at him agian and smiles once more. "It's a growing list of magically-inclined contacts, to be sure. I'm never not surprised by the number of... impressive people, that flock to this city."

She points toward him with her forefinger on the hand holding the glass of wine. "Your family included, in fact. You are the ... epitome of super powered individuals on the planet, if I'm not mistaken. Though do be kind, I've never been much of a 'super hero' fanatic. I apologize for that." She holds a grin for him then. "A few of the people who were under my father's employ used to talk about it quite a lot, and I'd listen now and then, but ultimately that all felt like it was in another world from where I was focused. Of course, I grew up without a television, so that might actually be the culprit."

Lara grins again toward him. "I'd be more than happy to help you and yours, if something comes up that you feel I'd be appropriate for. It has been a... roller coaster ride of a year for me, emotionally, physically and otherwise. But I'm keeping up."

After a short pause, she tilts her head at him. "So what of you, the famous 'Human Torch' isn it?" She's not even positive if that's the right name. She holds her grin at him. "What fuels that fire?"

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Well, in all fairness." Johnny says with a grin flashed back to her, "I was prettymuch already here." He says, thumbing a little towards the east, "Over on the Island." Long Island, of course, "Sue as well. Ben's from the lower east side. Reed, well, he's not a local, but it's our city, in our blood really." Johnny says with a laugh, "But you're not wrong."

He shrugs a little and finishes off his wine before setting the empty glass down, "You've got to wonder if our being here had an effect on drawing people, or if it's just the nature of the Big Apple to bring people in like it does. And you don't have to apologize for not being much of a fanatic really, not to me anyway."

Johnny gives her a little grin at the question she ends with, "Human Torch yeah, after an old comic book character from world war two." He says with a little snicker, "And well, the simple answer is the smiles of pretty women, that's a good fuel to stoke the fire. The long answer Reed would have to get you, but the short of that is Cosmic Rays." He says, flashing a little wink across towards her.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara does give a glance out the windows to the south when he motions toward them, but then she looks back at him with a smile. HIs comment about smiles of pretty women just make her smirk at him, and even shake her head. "You're so American." She says back before she reaches out for his glass then.

"Want another?" She inquires. "I promise to keep it radiation free. Though if radiation is the key to super powers, then maybe I'll tell my dentist that I'm perfectly happy for those additional four hundred dollar x-rays the next time I see them." She smirks to Johnny then.

"The world war reference intrigues me though." She states softly. "I'll have to look that up sometime."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Hey, you're just charging my superpowers up when you do that." Johnny quips back at her as she smirks and gives the American retort, "And, I speak quite a few languages, that's rather un-american of me."

"Another drink would be good, and I wouldn't recommend getting X-ray's without your Doctor's advisement, though just to be on the safe side. And you should. Heck, there might even be a comic on display at the museum at the Four Freedoms Plaza even. I think we still have the Museum there, anyway..."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara steps back over to the counter by the sink where she gathers up the wine bottle and then turns around to step back to the central island. She pours another glass for him, and tops hers off while she smiles at what he's saying. "A museum?" Lara says, lofting her eyebrows up as she looks up at him, only to tip her head gently toward the right. "Now you're talking my language specifically." The British woman says with a growing smile, she's gotten a little tipsy and it's evidenct since she's being a bit more expressive than she was when he'd first approached her to talk, a little more 'loosened up' so to speak.

She sets the bottle down and slides it near-silently across the smooth counter toward a stack of books sitting in the middle.

"This was fun." She says to him after another sip. "Thank you for entertaining me tonight. It helped me not... be apart of 'that world'." She says, of the party.

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Well, I can show you around the place sometime, it's maybe not as historic as the sort you might be used to, but there's a lot to see there." Johnny says, "And well, if it's not here I can still show you some things." He says, lifting his glass up towards her in a silent sort of salute.

"No need to thank me, I'm a part of that world and well, frankly, that was a pretty boring function." He says, "If you see me around again, come find me and I'll try to keep you from losing your mind. Though, you've got me worried, ending the night so soon??"

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara offers a light laugh to him after she'd taken yet another sip of her drink. She glances toward the living area of her rather ... interestingly decorated loft. "We can sit down, order a pizza perhaps? You know, real New York style." She grins at him then as she turns toward the south and starts to walk across the hardwood floors toward the sofa. When she reaches it she starts to pull some items off of it and sort out the pillows and blankets upon it.

"I only have a few people sleep here. You know, drunken friends and such." She glances back at him as she drapes a finely crafted knitted blanket over the back of the sofa. "To be honest, you're one of the few people who've come in here who wasn't a long standing close friend. I'm not terribly used to playing hostess to 'new' people."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Now /that/ is a great idea." Johnny says as he follows her over towards the living area of the indeed interestingly decorated loft, grinning as she arranges the Sofa and he'll wait for her to finish arranging it, while he pulls out his phone.

"You're doing a great job as a hostess though, don't sell yourself short." He starts flicking at a few things oh his phone before a holographic display springs to life, local pizza places that deliver being displayed, and ranked by some algorithm or another, "So what's your favorite place, and favorite pie?" he asks, "And, are you inviting me to spend the night?" he asys, a little twinkle in his eye as he raises his brow.

Lara Croft has posed:
Once Lara has the living area sort've cleaned up, she sets her glass aside and then walks over to her computer to mess with afew things there, and set down a stack of books she'd been carrying from the sofa and coffee table. She laughs softly at his question about staying here. "Well, you're definitely not driving anywhere." She replies to that. She pauses then and straightens up to look at him. "Do you fly?" She asks. "Are you... one the ones that fly?" Her hands are on her hips now, with her thumbs forward and her fingers aimed backward. She walks slowly back toward the sofa where he is. "What I'd give for that ... ability." She adds with a slight smirk.

"I've no preference." She says softly with regard to the pizza place. "There's one just down around the corner. Bleeker Street Pizza. I usually get the vegetarian, though... I won't hold you to that."

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm moves to sit himself down and will sift through, finding Bleeker Street Pizza and ordering the vegetarion for delivery before collapsing the holgraphic display down entirely, "Well." Johnny says with a laugh, "I do fly, and I fly extremely well if I do say so myself." He says as he looks up towards her, offering a hand up and out to her as she gets that hip-cocked stance infront of him, "But, I think it might be nice to stay the night here, even with my incredible talent at flight."