2731/Rooftop Meetings

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Rooftop Meetings
Date of Scene: 01 August 2020
Location: Brooklyn Rooftops
Synopsis: Up on the rooftop, sharing cheeseburger pizza and Mega-hurts -- err... megahertz. Kainashi learns about Cellphones, and Donatello learns that dogs don't like Axe.
Cast of Characters: Kainashi, Donatello

Kainashi has posed:
    The Rooftops. The night was dry and pleasantly warm after some rain early in the morning. People were out enjoying the night in the city that never sleeps. The rooftops themselves are secluded, though with the growing interest in rooftop greenery and gentifrication it was beginning to become a little more difficult to find places to hang out that human's weren't!

Donatello has posed:
    Against the moonlit skyline, a dark silhouette moves quickly, jumping from rooftop to rooftop with the grace of a trained ninja. As the figure moves closer to...wherever...it brings with it a series of smells that could only be noticed by a particularly sensitive sense of smell: turtle, pizza, and some kind of horrible middle school dance cologne. Eventually, the figure stops on a rooftop and rests a pizza box against the building's railing. "Okay, Donnie," he whispers to himself. "Be cool."

Kainashi has posed:
    Who's advice was Donatello seeking with his scents?

    Meanwhile, Kainashi was perched on an airconditioner unit, crouched, her backpack at her side. She was wearing a black T-shirt, with a bright white T-rex baring a sky blue unicorn horn and some band's name on it. She also had some water bottles stashed in her bag, along with some snacks. Because why not?

    She had her sketch pad on her lap though and was busy drawing something, humming to herself.

    There's a pair of earbuds in her ears.

Donatello has posed:
    This is all just a cautionary tale to teach us that teenage boys know absolutely nothing about smelling nice. Worse, this is a scent meant for human skin and likely produces an even worse effect on a turtle.

    Nevertheless, Donatello's brief stop was to reapply the cologne, which he splashes onto his head and cheeks from a small bottle tucked into his belt sash. He slaps his cheeks twice and grins. "Super cool," he decides before picking up the pizza box and leaping to the next -- and last -- building on his route.

    "Uh," he begins. "Hi."

    Donatello stands in front of that air conditioner, smiling and holding the pizza box.

Kainashi has posed:
    She smells the cologne before she smells the pizza. She blinks, her nose twitching, then wrinkling at the very strong smell as her head tilts, and her ears rise up. She gives a tug of her ear buds out, registerring what might be a threat before the undercurrent of pizza and turtle reaches her, and she straightens up.

    "Donnie!" Kai greets in a friendly fashion, her tail giving a wag as she attempts to put aside the offensive scent of something inevitably named HEROISM or CHILL ICE or BRUTAL with umlauts over the U and A.

    "Nice to see you!" sniff, sniff "You brought pizza!"

Donatello has posed:
    The nervousness is shortly lived, but will no doubt return. Donatello relaxes and smiles. "Yeah," he replies with a nod. "I wasn't really sure about toppings, so I..." He opens the box to reveal a pizza that has been covered in smashed up cheeseburger. "I got those cheeseburgers you like and, well..." Donnie looks down at what he did.

    "I might have ruined the pizza."

Kainashi has posed:
    "CHeeseburgers? On a pizza? Well I knew you were the smart one!" Kainashi grins, and she scoots over on the AC (which was a warm place to sit on a cool night) in order to give Donatello some room. She also takes out two bottles of water from her pack.

    "I... would have been happy with just a cheese, you didn't hafta go through the trouble of getting burgers, too!" she gives a cheery grin.

Donatello has posed:
    "Sure...You can put anything on a pizza," Donatello replies. "Though, there are limits."

    Donatello closes the box and hops up onto the air conditioner with a thud. "Besides...It was on the way," Donatello adds. Anyone familiar with where the burger place is and where the pair are right now would know that it's not really on the way.

    "Hey..." Donatello points a finger at the book. "Whatcha working on?" He looks up from the book to Kainashi but would quickly look down at the book if she caught him.

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi does know it's not on the way. She does not correct Donatello, but just gives him a smile, reeaaching for the pizza box when --

    "That? Oh! It's my sketchbook." Kai replies quietly, and rubs the back of her head, and she grabs it, flipping it open to a beginning page, and she shows Donatello some various action-sketches of Alopex using swords and kama. "My brain gets loud when I try to meditate like Alopex, so I draw instead. It helps me focus on something." she explains, rubbing the back of her head. "So I tend to draw what I like."

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello raises his brow and nods. "Yeah, I feel the same way," he explains. "Leo can meditate like it's his job, but...it's hard." The turtle shrugs and leans forward to look closely at the sketches of Alopex. "Wow...."

    "Kai, those are amazing! I didn't know you were an artist. You're really good!"

Kainashi has posed:
    "Alopex is the same way. She meditates, and I try not to bother her. The TV makes a high pitched sound, but the pencil doesn't seem to bug her ears as much." Kai explains, and she hads Donatello the sketch book to go through.

    In the beginning, it's a little rougher. Alopex isn't as detailed. There's half-formed faces and foot uniforms. Then Alopex refines. Stances get better. Details emerge. There's one of Alopex flopped over onto a beanbag in liquid fox mode, looking like she's mostly asleep.

    There's a rough picture of Sally. Ballista. Raphael. A couple more of Sally and some thumb-nails of Alopex and Sally in comparrison. And then, as they hung around with the turtles more, they started appearing. Donatello would be able to recognize himself on a few pages, including one where he's looking up, his hand upraised in mid-explaination. Leonardo in his hat. Casey Jones in his mask. Mikey scarfing down pizza.

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello sits the pizza box on a nearby cement block so he can hold the book with two hands. The turtle flips through the pages, smiling and pointing at this and that. His amusement grows as he recognizes his brother Raphael. It turns into quiet laughter as he turns to the page with Leo and his hat. He seems particularly impressed with Casey Jones. Finally, Donatello stares down at a sketch of himself and then quickly closes the book.

    He offers the sketchbook back to Kai. "You're really talented," he declares. "This is so cool."

Kainashi has posed:
    Kai, meanwhile, has ninja'd herself a slice of pizza, and is attempting to balance it in one hand, her tongue sticking out, toothy mouth open before one amber eye tracks back over to Donatello, and she sheepishly accepts the book back. "Thanks!" she replies, the pinks of her ears darkening in color before she takes a bite out of that pizza to hide her embarrassment.

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello takes his cue from Kai and reaches for a slice himself, in a totally obvious and not-very-ninja-like-at-all. "You know," he adds. "I never thought of putting cheeseburger on a pizza, but it..." He takes a bite. "It's not bad!"

    The turtle crosses one ankle over the other and takes another bite of his slice. As he chews it, Donatello looks around at the tops of the buildings that make up the city. He's overcome with a sudden moment of awkward discomfort.

    There's a long moment of silence before Donnie breaks it. "Thanks for helping with lifting the engine out of the van. We couldn't have done it without you."

Kainashi has posed:
    "I'm glad to help!" Kainashi replies, her tail giving a wag. "It's nice to feel useful, and it's also nice to hang out with you and Sally and even Leo... though he's still a bit scary." she admits quietly, rubbing the back of her head a moment as she looks to Donnie, then looks back out to the city. "After a long time of having no friends, and then having one friend.... it's nice to have a lot of friends."

Donatello has posed:
    "Leo...carries a heavy burden," Donatello admits. "Our father chose him to be the leader and that can't be easy." Donatello takes another bite of his slice and manages to briefly meet Kai's brief gaze. He too looks back out into the city. "Yeah, I know what you mean. Meeting you has been..." Donatello coughs quietly on his pizza. "Meeting other mutants...has been really great."

Kainashi has posed:
    "Mm. I can see that in Pex, too. I can't take care of myself all the way yet, so she's always having to watch out for me. Including what I can eat." she frowns, and then points. "Pizza and cheeseburgers are both okay, so I would think that cheeseburger pizza is fine." she points out quickly.

    Her amber eyes turn back to Donatello, and she gives a smile.

    "... it has been nice meeting other mutants. I don't feel so alone."

Donatello has posed:
    "Yeah, I know what you mean. Hanging out with someone who's not one of my brothers....Is much nicer," Donatello replies. He happens to look back to Kai and meets her gaze before looking away quickly. "I mean, Mikey's great but I can't keep up all the time. Leo's....well, Leo. Raph disappears for hours at a time." Donatello finishes his slice and brushes his hands against his knees. "Casey's pretty much the coolest guy I know, but he's a human so...it's different. And April, well..."

    Donatello turns to look at Kai and manages a faint smile in return. "It's just nice to be friends with another mutant who isn't my brother."

Kainashi has posed:
    Drawing herself up a moment, Kainashi gives a nod.

    "Yeah, like Alopex is awesome and she's my leader, but it's nice being out with someone who isn't... y'know. She doesn't judge me, but she does, 'cause she's my teacher and I try to be a good student but sometimes I fumble and I know I'm dumb but you don't treat me like I'm dumb so it's nice to hang out with you. And you're really nice." Sniff.

    "... even if you smell a little weird right now."

Donatello has posed:
    "Well..." Donatello stops, then looks down at his dangling feet. "...Sometimes our teachers only see our failings. But, no one should make you feel dumb."

    Donatello opens his mouth to say something else but then he's told he smells weird. His eyes widen and he suddenly becomes aware of the smell of the middle school cologne. The turtle jumps off of the air conditioner and takes a few steps away from Kai and her nose. "Oh man..." he mutters to himself. "I was trying to smell /nice/..."

Kainashi has posed:
    "... but you smelled nice before?" Kainashi states, looking confused as Donatello moves away, and she gets all embarrassed, her ears pinning down as she realizes she said something wrong. She shrinks back a little bit, her ears drawing up a moment before she turns away. "I'm... I'm sorry Donatello, I shouldn't have said anything!"

Donatello has posed:
    "No...No, I'm sorry..."

    The turtle moves to reach for one of the bottles of water and begins to pour it on his face. "I thought...I...I saw a television commercial for this stuff..." He plucks the small bottle from his belt sash to show Kai before tossing it off the side of the building. It was undoubtedly one of those commercials where the actor sprays himself with that foul smelling cologne and is suddenly more attractive. Donatello fell victim to teenage marketing. The smart turtle can be dumb sometimes.

    He splashes more of the water on his face, his cheeks brown with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, really," he stammers. "I just wanted to..." His voice trails off.

Kainashi has posed:
    "... you... wanted to smell good? For me?" Kai asks, embarrassedly, sniffing the air slightly as her tail curls under, crouching to the side, and then she blinks, and her ears get red, bright red, and she stammers "BUt you already smelled good! You smell like... like ozone and electricity and motor oil! And wood. I eman, and a sewer but you can't help that, I smell like where I live too, and a bit like Alopex, but she says my nose is finer..." she rubs the back of her head a moment, now totally embarrassed about poor Donatello, who is now all wet.

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello finishes emptying the bottle of water on his face. "I mean, I didn't think it smelled good, either, but...The commercial made it seem like girls like that smell," he explains, his filter removed in the midst of his embarrassment. The turtle turns to look at Kai again, his brown-flushed face dripping. "I don't really feel this way often, but I feel really dumb right now." There's a long silence from Donnie before his mouth curls and he begins to laugh.

Kainashi has posed:
    Kai gives a puse as he begins to laugh, and then her tail wags slightly. Her ears lift up at the sound of his laughter, and she scoots a bit closer. "Soooo, you wore someting because human girls like the smell?" she questions, and then gives a big grin. "Were you gonna go see someone after you met up with me?"

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello's laughter continues as Kai describes the situation, nodding along to her words. But then...she asks him if he's going to meet up with someone after. Donnie's laughter putters out and he shakes his head. "No...I...I thought you'd like it. I...splashed it on because..."

    "...I was meeting you here."

Kainashi has posed:
    Kai goes quiet. Her tail lowers, and she feels her ears droop as Donnie putters out... and she hears his last phrase. She doesn't day anything for a moment. She looks around a little. She digs her feet into the rooftop in embarrassment, her shoulders drawing up as she rubs the back of her neck. The joke earlier was now serious.

    "You didn't hafta." she replies quietly, her ear pinks bright red. "Like I said, I like the way you smell just fine." she adds quietly, and gives a wistful look over the AC unit at Donatello.

Donatello has posed:
    Somewhere, far off in the magical world of Virginia, there's an NSA analyst listening to this and cringing.

    Donatello gulps, holding his breath. The turtle has become suddenly aware of the discomfort he has caused. Things got weird. "Yeah, well, uh, I... I'm sorry. I'm sorry," he desperately calls over. He takes a couple of steps backwards, putting some distance between him and Kai. "I...uh...I'm sorry." They're the only words that come easy.

Kainashi has posed:
    "... don't be sorry." Kai replies, and she gives him a smile. Her eyes may just have a couple of tears clinging to them. "That's about the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me. I'm sorry I poked a little fun at it." she replies. "If it's any constallation, if I know we're going to meet up I make sure I'm showered an' all dry so that I don't smell like wet dog." she states, takes a couple steps forward and then 'THUNK!' -- against the AC unit. She makes a face. Smooth, Kai.

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello relaxes a touch. "Well, I don't think we turtles have the best sense of smell to begin with," he admits, finally managing a smile. "But...this stuff does not smell good. I can't understand why anyone would want to smell like this." The brief moment of calm is interrupted by Kai thunking into the air conditioner.

    "Are you alright?" Donnie asks, moving towards Kai and her air conditioner. His overwhelming embarrassment has been replaced with a little bit of concern. It didn't seem like a big hit, but still.

Kainashi has posed:
    Kai looks down, and winces. "Hurt it more than I hurt me." she states, and her tail gives a wag, along with a rhythmic 'thudthudthud' against the control box for the A/C.

    "An' maybe it smells good to humans. I dunno!" she shrugs, and then she rubs the back of her head, and then looks back to Donatello with a little smile.

    "So... even though I'm dumb and can't read, you put on stuff that's supposed to smell good?" she inquires, in a hushed voice, "For me?"

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello nods, not surprised that it was the air conditioner that took the worst of it. He manages to return the smile and nods. "Yeah, well, for the record, I don't think it smells good, but I think it's meant for girls. According to the television, anyway," Donatello adds. He awkwardly reaches up and tightens the knot on his purple bandana, or at least pretends to. Something to do with his hands.

    "Well, I don't think you're dumb," he answers, still dripping. It should be noted that Donatello is a turtle and doesn't look nearly as stupid as someone else might if they were dripping. "And...I...yeah, it was for you...I mean... I know that dogs have a really acute sense of smell, so I thought..."

    Whatever Donnie thought...it wasn't going as badly as this.

Kainashi has posed:
    "... you thought it would make me like you more than I do?" Kai inquires. She watches TV. She gets the basis of it. She gives a smile, and rubs the back of her head. "'Cause that's silly. I like you just the way you are. You're smart, and kind, and you come up with really great ideas, and you're thoughtful! And I already thought you smell good. Smelled good. Have a nice scent." she stammers a moment, and gives a little laugh.

    "Keep in mind regular dogs will roll around in something smelly and like the smell of raw liver! I happen to like how you smell -- please don't roll yourself in liver!"

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello shrugs his shoulders slowly. "I don't know," he admits, his mouth curling into a smile. "It sounds pretty silly, now. Can we just go back to how it was ten minutes ago when we were eating the pizza?" Donatello takes a deep breath and sits back down on the air conditioner. He flicks open the pizza box and forces his way past the discomfort.

    "I'm glad you told me about the liver. I was just about to order a bunch of it online."

    The turtle sideways glances at Kai, smiling to indicate the joke.

Kainashi has posed:
    Kai hops back up on the AC, though she's sitting a bit closer to Donatello, now that he smells like wet turtle and less like a scent that could be mistaken for an IKEA item, and helps herself to another slice of pizza.

    She gives a sidelong look to the turtle, and gives a little flick of her ear, and whispers "Your brothers won't like me if I make you roll in liver. Maybe peanut-butter?" she inquires, tilting her head back in thought.

Donatello has posed:
    Now that the bottle of Middle School Dance No. 5 has been shattered after a long fall onto the New York streets, the evening can continue normally!

    "I don't think they would appreciate the smell, no," Donatello whispers back. "...Michelangelo might, but it's hard to know."

    "Why are we whispering?"

Kainashi has posed:
    "... good question." Kai whispers in return, eyeballing Donatello, and then sitting up straight and nomfing on another piece of pizza, giving a soft hum as they sit together, eating pizza and looking over the city. Kainashi's tail is wagging a little bit.

Donatello has posed:
    Donnie laughs a little as Kai whispers her response. "Yeah," he whispers in agreement. The turtle's laugh transitions into a smile as he grabs his own slice of pizza.

    After a long pause, Donatello cuts into the silence. Perhaps it's the awkwardness they narrowly avoided, or it's just his way of dealing with the discomfort. "See that antenna over there?" he asks, pointing to a nearby cellular antenna attached to a building. "That antenna broadcasts an ultra high frequency signal. We can't see it, but it's happening. Maybe around 2000 megahertz. The infrared light we talked about when we met is even higher. Maybe 400 terrahertz. But they're basically the same thing, just...a higher frequency." Donatello takes a bit of his pizza chews it thoughtfully.

    "I gotta admit, I have a hard time understanding how light, sound, and electricity are all kind of the same thing, but...I'm still learning."

    He's just nervously switching into science mode.

Kainashi has posed:
    "Mega-hurts?" Kai inquires quietly, "Isn't that if something really, really hurts you?" she asks, her ears rising up as she looks to the antena accross the way. HEr head tilts, one ear rising up as if trying to hear the signal.

    "I can hear someone cooking accross the way, really loudly. I can smell spaghetti and meatballs, and butter chicken. I can smell the pizza and the cheeseburgers, and hear music being played on a radio below us. I cen hear my heart beat with the sounds of the city..." she trails off, and gives a little grin, her tail wagging.

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello smiles, glancing briefly at Kai before his attention shifts back to the city. "I guess it could mean that, but it's not what I meant," he admits, his smile continues. As Kai describes the scene she's experiencing, Donatello leans forward slightly, as if doing so would get him closer to these sounds. "Wow," Donnie replies. "That's a lot to hear and smell all at once." The turtle finishes his slice and wedges his hands between his knees.

    "What kind of music is it?"

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi blinks, and she tilts her head again, one ear flicking up.

    "... hip-hop. I think. It's thuddy." she decides after a moment, and then looks to Donatello with a little smile.

    "So, while that stuff didn't smell good to me, trust me when I say that you smell just fine." she gives a bright smile to him, grinning all the way to her eyes, that scarred face drawing up.

Donatello has posed:
    "Thuddy?" Donatello asks with a grin. There's a moment where it looks like the turtle is considering the word for a moment until he decides that it's perfect.
    But then, the smell thing. Donatello looks away. "I didn't really think I smelled bad...I just made a mistake." He turns to look at Kai again, his face flush with the color brown.

Kainashi has posed:
    "And you're smart, so you learn from your mistake, and just... I'm... trying to fix the problem." she frowns a moment. "'Cause I like spending time with you. An' I don't know sometimes why you get all nervous around me, but you're most yourself when you're talkin' science. I don't really get it all, but it's nice to hear you be excited about stuff."

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello considers that and nods his head. "Yeah," he agrees. There's an uncomfortable silence that could end in one of a few ways. But then...Donnie casts a smile and points his finger at the cellular antenna again. "So, the infrared light we were talking about when we met... really isn't all that different from the cellphone signals from the antenna," he explains with a smile expanding from one side of his face to the other. "And they're not all that different from light that you and I can see. And noises we hear." Donatello closes the pizza box and falls silent for a moment once more.

    "Thanks, Kai," he adds, quietly.

Kainashi has posed:
    As Donnie talks, Kai's tail just keeps wagging, just happy that he's smiling, and excited. She sees him light up, and she looks back to the tower (and looks EXTRA HARD at it!) before deciding that no, she can't see the signals, and she pauses, and turns back.

    ".... for what, Donnie?" she questions.

Donatello has posed:
    "I don't know. For being a good friend," Donatello replies, smiling. He turns to look back at the city, watching the cellular antenna he's been going on about.

Kainashi has posed:
    "Oh." the canine replies quietly, mulling it over in her mind a little bit before she looks up at Donnie, then looks back to the antenna he was watching -- and then, just ever so slightly, she leans against him, the short fur on her arm soft to the touch as she leans into him.

    "... are the blinky lights on it important? For the mega-hurts?" she asks quietly.

Donatello has posed:
    And there, in the moment that should have turned Donatello into a writhing mess, the turtle slides just a bit closer to Kai as she leans against him. No awkwardnes. No panicking. Just exactly what should happen.

    "No, not really," Donatello replies. "I'm not sure why they put those on there. It could be so planes can see them in the dark."

    "It's the megahertz that make the Shell Phones work."

Kainashi has posed:
    "Oh. So, the shell phones work on megahertz... and batteries?" she questions, her tail continuing to give little wags as she leans against Donatello. Kainashi's ears prick up, listening for planes, to the sounds of the city around them. "And the megahertz carry the voices and the messages?"

Donatello has posed:
    "Yeah," Donatello quietly affirms. "That's exactly right." He smiles, knowing that it cannot be seen.

    Donatello can't really tune into the city the way Kai can so he just stares at the cellular antenna. "You could imagine the megahertz like the ripples on a lake when a rock is tossed in there. The ripples carry the messages. The number of ripples that go by in one second...That number is called a hertz."

    Donnie leans his head to look down at Kai, checking her understanding of that.

Kainashi has posed:
Kai's amber eyes go wide as she envisions tossing a rock with the ripples that get carried.

    "Can the ripples get messed up by other megahertz things? Like when it rains on a puddle and then you get all the ripples going everywhere?" she questions quietly, still leaning against Donatello as they watch the sky.

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello nods. "Yeah, they could...so... The Shell Phones are designed to only notice messages being carried by ripples of a certain frequency. So, if another rock were to get tossed in and that rock makes ripples that aren't as fast, the Shell Phones just ignore them."

    Donatello reaches out and points at the antenna again. "So, that antenna is like the rock," he adds. "Does that make sense?"

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi pauses and gives a bit of a nod. "Well, it does. For ripples. An' I know it's a lot more complicated than that, but I get that part." Kai replies with a little grin, and gives a brif harder lean into Donatello's side. "Maybe your smarts are rubbin' off on me." she jokes.

Donatello has posed:
    "Well, yeah, there's more to it, but that's the basics," Donatello agrees. Free from the discomfort from earlier, an emboldened Donatello shifts one of his arms to move backward. "Or maybe you're smarter than you think..." he suggests before moving his arm around Kai's shoulder.

Kainashi has posed:
    Kai's tail wags. "Oh no. I'm sharp as a sack of rocks." she confirms, and with Donatello's arm around her shoulder, she leans a little bit more into him, tail wagging faster.

    "But I'm happy if you're happy. I like seeing happy people. Everyone in The Foot was so sad, when I could see them."

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello grins, shaking his head. The turtle keeps staring at the cellular antenna as Kai mentions The Foot. His features sour slightly. "Well, The Foot are a bunch of losers," he declares, suddenly sounding like his brother Raphael. Donatello's mouth opens again to add to that, but a sound comes from his belt sash. His muscles tense, slightly, as he reaches for the source of the sound: his Shell Phone. "I have to go," Donatello declares miserably.

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi straightens up, and she gives a slight smile.

    "I should go too. She worries. And I tarried a bit learning about megahertz and shell phones." she smiles, hopping up to her feet and offering the turtle a hand up.

    "Be careful out there, yeah Donnie? I'd... like to have another night like this sometime." she smiles.

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello takes the hand, perhaps unnecessarily, and stands. "Yeah..." he begins. "I would too..." Donatello smiles and moves to one of the building edges, leaving behind the remains of the cheeseburger pizza. "Maybe next time, it'll be liver pizza." Considering that, Donnie shakes his head. "Nah!" The turtle smiles and then leaps off the building and onto the next one and then into the night.

Kainashi has posed:
    Kai gives a smile, and picking up her sketchbook, and the rest of the pizza, she tucks appropriate items into her bag, listens to make sure Donatello is safely off, shakes her head, and with the pinks of her ears still glowing, she makes her way back home herself.