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Date of Scene: 31 July 2020
Location: Charles' Office / Classroom
Synopsis: Xavier evaluates the Kinney sisters as potential students, and approves Laura to join one of the X-teams if the team leader agrees. Gabby is officially accepted as a student.
Cast of Characters: Charles Xavier, Laura Kinney, Gabby Kinney

Charles Xavier has posed:
    As much as he prefers to leave his office, Charles Xavier finds that the more things he has to keep track of, the more he ends up stuck behind his desk of late. So many things to keep track of, so many things to prepare after Genosha and Bushwick and the repercusions thereof. Still he does find some time to deal with less weighty matters...or at least, he hopes they're less weighty, as he hasn't been able to meet these particular two "matters" previously, so what he knows is more from secondhand reports from other faculty.

    Still, he's asked the Kinney sisters to come to his office when they have the time.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura, certainly, had figured it would come to this. Though, at least, most people in the mansion, teachers, residents, and students alike seemed to at least tolerate her more now if not showed some sort of liking for her. Gabby, of course in her eyes at least, was different and well liked by everyone. That made Laura - well, happy. As happy as a person who isn't entirely sure just yet what happiness is could be happy.

Still, she didn't fear or dread the visit to Charles' office. So, as she and Gabby approach, she knocks a few times (someone had told her that was polite) and waits to be let in, telling Gabby, simply, "I've not met the Professor before. But I have heard about him. It will be interesting to meet him." No words of encouragement, or advice. It's not like she has any to give even if she thought it would be appropriate.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Me either. Well, I mean I *sort* of met him once before when Carol came to meet Marie--That's Anna-Marie not Marie Ange--about stuff and he was there to keep things from getting out of hand but I was just watching from the bushes. Until I got caught. The bushes here are too well trimmed to hide in properly," Gabby explains in her usual ramble of giving potentially too much information away all at once. At least she didn't seem scared about this meeting herself, even if she was bouncing on the balls of her feet with slightly supressed energy.

"I think it'll be good though. I mean, I don't LIKE school but this place at least isn't like.. 'Oh don't show anyone what you are, ever, because we suck.'"

Charles Xavier has posed:
    At the knock, Charles reaches out mentally, just a brush to see who's there, then raises his voice slightly. "Come in!" He sets aside what he's working on in a neat pile, sliding the computer keyboard to the side as he smiles at the pair. "Laura, Gabby, welcome. Please have a seat. Would you like anything to drink? I have some water, or tea?" he offers, motioning to the two chairs in front of her. "I've been looking forward to chatting with the pair of you, I'm sorry I've been absent too much to really set aside the time until now."

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura walks in smoothly, and not showing, or even mentally hiding, any fear or trepidation in meeting Charles as, perhaps, is normal for a young person who might get called into the Headmaster's or Principal's office without knowing why. She shakes her head in the negative at an offer of drink, and sits down as Gabby does.

"You have many responsibilities," Laura returns, matter-of-factly, and rather precisely. There is a pause. "Few people want to 'chat' with me. I suspect you have brought us here to evaluate us, and assure yourself we are not threats to you and what you have established here." It's a practical, and prudent step to take, all things considered. And it's all that makese sense to her way of thinking and understanding the world around her.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney enters just as Laura does, only a smaller, smiling shadow of her. The gesture, though genuine, causes the scars on her face to scrunch along with her cheer. "Hi, Prof!" She greets in a less than polite manner. A complete opposite to the near formality coming off of the elder clone.

"It's okay, we've been plenty busy otherwise. Also I am not hiding any guns in the lake. Anymore. Promise." Her hand lifts to make a cross her heart swipe with her finger before she plops down into a chair in the way only young children and those with a healing factor can.

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Xavier gets a faintly bemused look at Gabby's promise, leaning back as he rests his hands in his lap, interlocking his fingers idly. "I see, well...thank you for that." he says to her simply, then nods to Laura. "That's correct, in part. The other is I simply haven't been able to meet either of you in person before, and that is something I like to make time to do for anyone who's a guest or student here."R
    He tilts his head. "So, perhaps the easiest question is...how have you been, living here? Have you found anything in particular you've enjoyed?"

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura completely misses the point - which, perhaps, isn't entirely uncommon. "I've been well. I have gotten enough sleep and food. I have enjoyed not having to continually watch to see if The Facility is attempting to retrieve me, as I did when I was on my own. I have also enjoyed having a stationary place to live rather than being continually on the move." All good things, in her book. And, properly listed, too.

She remembers, after a brief pause, "Thank you." Manners, Laura. Manners.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
For this Gabby falls silent in favor of looking toward Laura. The things listed off earn a smile in turn though she's clearly just proud of Laura for trying. Even if she's apparently missing the point in some aspect or another. Rather than point it out, she just nods in agreement with her assessment of things.

"It's been a lot of fun. And a lot of... Other things," she mumbles with her cheery expression slipping just a bit. She HAD been one of those kidnapped by Sinister not too long ago. "But it's been nice not being alone. Nice to have Logan nearby, too, even if I'm still getting to know him. And I'd like to keep Laura nearby too. I mean, they're family. I don't want to lose that."

Charles Xavier has posed:
    "Yes, of course." Xavier says as he nods, smiling faintly. "I'm honestly pleased to see you able to connect with Logan. Though you were a suprise to him, I think you'll find he treasures those he considers family, even if he can be gruff about showing it." He leans forwards, resting his clasped hands on the desk. "That is what this place is meant to be, a shelter where you can learn and grow in safety to find what you want to do next. And you're both welcome to stay here to determine that. I know you haven't had a lot of choice in your lives before this; you will have them here.' he says firmly. "Whether you enroll or not...though of course, I would recommend learning while you're here, obviously. It's something of a waste of an opportunity otherwise." he says dryly.

    He turns more serious. "But I also understand that you are, legally, an adult Laura. You have the right to choose the path you want. I know what you were trained to do, what you were made to to, you and your sisters. And I wanted to be sure you understood: you do not have to do anything like that again, if you choose. Neither I or other here would ask it of you. Just because it was what you were trained to be, an assassin, for want of a better word, does not mean either of you ever have to pursue that path now."

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura nods, once. "I have been told, and have agreed to the rules of the school. I will abide by them," she assures Xavier, which clearly includes the 'X-Men Don't Kill' clause. She knows that one well enough.

Here, she pauses, as if gathering her thoughts, and making each word carry the import, the meaning of her own point of view. "I accept what I am, Professor. I am a fighter. And I intend to protect this place, my sister, and myself with my full abilities. I have no intention to take contracts to kill. I will not kill if I work with the X-Men, or on these grounds, or as a representative of this school. I will, however, likely kill again. To protect people. Not simply because they are a target, or someone asked me to. But I will not decieve you and say I will not kill again. It is a part of me. And it is a thing I can use against those who created me - us - so that others are not made as we were."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney reaches out to grasp Laura's forearm giving it a squeeze while grinning proudly at her. A quick nod is given as she turns her attention back toward Charles as well. "I... Well, I've never killed personally," she states with her expression turning just a little less cheery. "But my sisters did. They kept me from having to. They sacrificed a lot to keep me from that." A deep breath is taken, and she looks rather stubbornly determined. "I've got the same DNA as Laura, and Logan. I know that there's an anger that runs deep. I feel it a lot, sometimes, but I don't let it take over. I won't kill anyone. But I will fight, too, to protect people."

Here she smiles again, expression softening. "I'm not ever gonna be 'normal' but I've got a lot more of a chance than Laura was given at my age. I want to enjoy it. I mean, just being free and getting to make my own choices, and school kind of sucks but I do want to learn more stuff that can help me help others. So I'm okay with it."

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Xavier nods slightly. "I won't pretend that there aren't times where that level of violence is the only possible response to defend yourself or others. It might not look it now, but I was in the military when I was younger. I'm familiar with being out of choices. All I ask is that you not make it your first choice, and based on what you've said and what others have said about you, I believe you have the self control that I can respect your ability to know when to use lethal force and when there is still the option to take another path.

    He chuckles slightly at Gabby. "I hear that a lot, that school isn't the most fun...but believe me, it's worth it to be educated, and to learn to think critically. Even if you don't use a lot of it in whatever path you take, having that breadth of knowledge is a resource you will always have. And knowing how to effectively evaluate the world around you is /always/ worthwhile.

    He leans back again in his chair. "Well then. Gabby, I would be happy to have you enrolled; Laura, we do offer remedial courses if you wish to learn subjects that you weren't given the option to previously. You are also both aware of the special teams that operate covertly from this school; I know I don't have to tell you to keep that from outsiders, and even the students here if they're not already aware. That, also, is an option - to join the X-Men, or Jean's new X-Force." His brow furrows slightly at the latter. "Each has its own purpose, its own role to fill in trying to bring greater equity for mutants around the world, steadily and peacefully whenever possible. But sometimes, mere conversation won't work, and that is what they are for...to take action when it is needed, to protect ourselves and oppressed mutants and humans wherever it is needed."

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura watches, listens to Charles intently after she listens to Gabby, accepting the hand on her forearm as she accepts most things from Gabby; appreciation, however subtle or hidden. Such actions are not things she's recieved before, and she's found she rather likes them against all odds of her lack of understanding of such showing of affection in society.

To Charles, she nods showing a measure of respect to him for understanding her point of view. "I was not aware of your past," she admits. "But I am glad that you understand my way of approaching the situation. And I will consider your offer of classes. I will, also, likely approach Jean about joining her team. I believe that, with your consent, I would have a great deal of skill to offer. It would be a form of compensation for my gratitude of the room and board you provide."

She looks at Gabby, then looks back to Charles. "Additionally, it would give me something positive to do with my abilities. And, there are not many who are as skilled as me in overall combat and tactical approach."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney nods solemnly. "XForce is good. Or will be good," she glaces to Laura considering. "And I know I'm too young but after what I went through, Jean did offer... but you'd be better for it," she points out with another nod. She could forego joining up with one of those groups and enjoy being a kid awhile longer.

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Xavier nods, seriously. "Very well, if you want to approach Jean over it, I won't stop you. Though Gabby, we do not usually allow students to join unless they are adults. So you may need to wait a couple more years, despite your ability." He turns his gaze to Laura. "Likewise Laura, I would highly suggest that you begin training as a team as soon as you can with the others in whichever group you choose. Most members have been training together for years and have a solid idea of how to complement each others abilities in the field...you will be behind in that to start, though I have confidence you have the discipline to catch up. I would recommend perhaps asking Logan for pointers, he certainly knows his teammates and your abilities are similar enough that it should be helpful."

    He smiles at the pair warmly. "Either way...welcome officially to the Mansion, and I hope you find what you're looking for here. My door is always open if you need to talk, about anything. But thank you for coming by today to talk with me, I appreciate having the time to get to know you a bit more."