2648/Job Hunting, Task Mastering

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Job Hunting, Task Mastering
Date of Scene: 27 July 2020
Location: Takmaster's Office
Synopsis: Livewire meets Taskmaster. Negotiations begin to train her how to punch people and -not- electrocute them.
Cast of Characters: Tony Masters, Leslie Willis

Tony Masters has posed:
Just another office building. Nothing about it really stands out. And not many people are actually seen going in or out of it, especially during the day. However, it's one of the various locations around this city, and others, that have been set up as a safehouse by the supremely skilled mercenary known as Taskmaster. This one is bigger than most, with training facilities and other things in addition to private quarters and and office.

He's currently on one of the higher floors, in the office in question. It looks pretty normal as far as these things go. There's a desk, some chairs, a couch to one side, some weapons hanging on the walls. He's wearing his trademark outfit, since he's meeting clients today. Currently seated behind the desk, reclining and relaxing while waiting for the next appointment. Somebody he wasn't all that familiar with, but who had been put in contact with him by one of the many people he knows in the underworld. What was that name again? He glances at a sheet of paper. "Livewire." Seemed pretty normal as far as these things go. He expected her there any time.

Leslie Willis has posed:
Leslie's all grumbles and sulks and bad attitude. And leather. There's a fair bit of leather. Well, okay, just a jacket with silver spikes on the shoulders. And a pair of pitch black wraparound shades. Because between that attire over her costume, a snarl on her lips, and, you know, generally radiating 'Don't get near me', and... okay, -maybe- a couple of zaps at the start of her trip, the bus has been uneventful. In fact, she's been so occupied trolling on Twitter and the like she almost missed her stop. And then it was a matter of navigating the office building. And finally she's knocking on the door and swinging it open, strutting in like she owns the place.

She sizes up the costume, the desk, the office in general, arms crossing, hips cocking as she lifts one blue eyebrow, "So... you're Taskmaster, right? 'cause I'm not looking for one of those dumb seasonal Halloween stores... again. I'm not working retail again, and I asked, and like, I'm not -actually- on parole or anything, this is a social worker thing and they can't make me." She puffs out an aggressive little breath. "So like, you gotta keep that in mind."

Tony Masters has posed:
The masked man is silent for a while after Leslie comes striding into his office so brazenly. He works with a lot of supervillains. This was honestly a fairly tame entry. Though her words apparently gave him some pauce. Finally he says. "Yes. I am Taskmaster. And since you're here, you either want me to kill somebody, or you're looking for training. Which is it? And if the latter, for yourself or for your minions?" He gestures at the chairs across from his desk afterwards. "Also, feel free to have a seat." He waits for the metahuman to do as invited, studying her more closely as he does. Not that this si easy to tell, what with his face being covered and all. "I'm not familiar with your work for the most part... so if the training IS for you, there are a number of things I'm going to need to know first."

Leslie Willis has posed:
Leslie snorts in genuine shock, "Minions? You mean my social media followers?! I'm not paying for those nerds to learn to throw a punch!" She frowns thoughtfully and sighs, "I mean, I guess I could learn a thing or two myself." She balls her left hand into a fist and smacks it into her right palm as she sways her hips, strutting up to the indicated chairs and spinning one around to straddle it, arms crossing over the back. "I mean, I guess I could probably learn to like... knock a guy out. Sooner or later one of those security guards is going to have one of those old model pacemakers that -explodes- when it gets hit by high voltage." She narrows her eyes to slits that almost spark and pauses for a long moment. "You're not going to tell me 'The secret is to submit to the will of Darkseid' right? 'cause Knockout says that about like, -everything-. I guess space is weird. So hit me with it, whatcha need to know?"

Tony Masters has posed:
The head of the man tilts to the side. "So nobody working under you. Though if you weren't looking for training when you came here, does that mean you want to hire me for something?" His head shifts slightly as he follows her path over to straddle the chair, hands settling flat on the desk in front of him. "No, I don't want you to submit to anything. Other than possibly a financial check to make sure you can actually pay my fees. If I am going to train you, I'll need to know any differences from the norm in your strength, speed, reflexes, toughenss, endurance, reflexes and agility. And a basic rundown of how your powers work in general, so there are no... unfortunate accidents."

Leslie Willis has posed:
Leslie frowns thoughtfully, teeth worrying the corner of her lower lip, "Well, I mean, I'm not really any stronger or faster than I was before all the... y'know, lightning and all. Uhhh... I'm kinda tougher? I mean, I'm living lightning now, so I dunno, I didn't stick around the hospital for a full checkup, it was boring, and they charged for the TV." She flinches a little at mentioning -that-, because that's -totally- not going to sound like she can pay. "I thought this was like a tempa gency! Y'know, I get job training, you get a new employee and stuff. I mean, I was pretty good in gym class when we had those gymnastics classes and stuff." She huffs and rolls her eyes, "I mean, c'mon, I'm like, walking electricity. I'm -awesome-. You know you wanna train me or hire me or whatever. C'mooooon." Oh yeah, Leslie's -the best- at negotiation.

Tony Masters has posed:
He sits up a little straighter. "Ah. I see. You're looking for employment." He's silent again for a time. "I could help put you into contact with potential employers. And it's possible I could find you work in my organization. Though I do solo work more often than not these days. Hmmm." He leans forward now, getting a closer look at her. "We'll need to do some tests. See how you handle basic combat situations, determine where you need work. Once I have a better grasp of your abilities I can say more. I can't do that today. But we can set up a meeting in the next few days where we can do this. We can also discuss payments. From what you said, I suspect you'd rather work off your debts rather than pay up front. That happens at times. Especially with the newer players."

Leslie Willis has posed:
Leslie perks up a little and grins brightly, "Oh! Sure, I can totally work it off. I mean, yeah, I haven't got a lot of -money- right now, 'cause I'm totally getting into bitcoin. It's the wave of the future." She nods solemnly and sighs out, "Yeah, I guess we probably can't do the whole light show shebang here, I mean, the lights'd pop, and the carpet's probably not fire proof." She hops up onto her feet from her seated position and makes her way over to the windows, palms pressing against them, bending forward as she peers down, "And like, it's -totally- high up here, so then the fire'd be a real pain to get out of the building from..." She looks over her shoulder and nods, "So sure, we'll totally do the test stuff another time. But we're gonna get along great! Plus I can like, probably help you with your social media. I'm huge online." Leslie nods solemnly. Oh yeah, this is going great! Not murdering all those people on the bus was -totally- the right call. She's gonna learn to punch people! The future's looking up.