2782/Black Sun: Westchester Burning

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Black Sun: Westchester Burning
Date of Scene: 04 August 2020
Location: Operations: Triskelion
Synopsis: Faces are found and a disturbing plan proposed.
Cast of Characters: Jane Foster, Daisy Johnson, Jemma Simmons

Jane Foster has posed:
Triskelion. Westchester County. 08.03.20. 7:44 PM.

The Triskelion buzzes in the morning and it buzzes late at night. Or not so late, given it's about dinner time but a brewing series of pings hitting a tech analyst's desk starts to raise concerns deep in the bowels of the building.

Meanwhile, Agent Johnson slogs through databases searching for image matches. The prodigious effort to match results against millions of images trawled through the Internet, FBI and CIA archives, libraries maintained by police departments, news agencies, and even stock photo companies just takes *time*.

Soon enough W.A.N.D. will receive an alert dropped onto its director's desk and see the active agents in that tiny department flow out at top speed on motorcycles, pegasus, unmarked cars, and possibly buses and trains.

But in the coming hour, the computer networks pinging with traffic start delivering results and slow process of matching finally starts to bear fruit for the grinding efforts of round three: match this sketch artist's image.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
If there is one thing that police officers are correct about is that donuts just .., make it all better. Specially where it comes to long waits for facial recognition matches. So Daisy was currently by one of the many computer stations, leaned back on her chair, nomming on one of a case of donuts she had brought by to spend the time. Mmmmm.

Her cubicle had her own kind of personalization, a few Avenger miniatures spread about (the Hawkeye in specific was knocked down! Take that for calling her Tremors all the time!), a photo of a small russian blue cat on a side and another of a certain group selfie out in Little Italy when she and Jemms had come across some infamous figures.

The sketch photo had been a great help, and along with the recognition of what the symbol on the man's ring meant she was hopeful they'd get a match soon. Not that it wasn't worrying enough what it -could- mean. A ghost? Old one? It made the search be rather broad so she was in for the long haul of waiting.

A message is sent to a certain Furiae group. "Are you two out here at the Trisk for a long night too? Any news?"

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    The message is received. It is not long before a response is given, sounding out with an audible 'bing!'

    "In the lab, reviewing a observation record file submitted by Agent Landau. There are some peculiarities that denote investigation."

    There is no need to register who exactly was responding. Jemma's hand is quite prevalent with that text.

    Jemma is indeed in the lab, with her tablet open, reading the case file talking about a Marshall Gruber. Why him? Well, with Jemma's association of victims all in the Staten Island area, plus the poor deceased medical examiner's association with the hospital, it was very likely that there was more within the hospital that meets the eye.

    In particular, the supposed 'zombie' that was recovered and brought in. That...was Gruber. And the degradation from resident to nearly-mindless brute was much too quick for Jemma's liking. Yes, residents certainly become rather frantic at times...but never to this particular levels. Maybe...just maybe....there is a connection between this unfortunate soul and the events surrounding SHIELD.

Jane Foster has posed:
The handsome display of cats and mini-figs by itself would be rather charming, all in all. No one expects the Furiae Inquisition, and sneaking up on the hard-working, bouncy hacker supreme seems an unwise decision. Jane looks rather perky, considering this really marks the start of her time in the sun. Millions upon millions of suns, in fact, the sky darkening and light peeping through the hazy nimbus over the city. Out to Westchester County, she might even see a few!

So that being said, her dark hair is pulled up with a pair of cheap SHIELD branded pens and a tablet on her arm. Did someone say /doughnut/? Gonna need to test that poison! "Remind me to evacuate you from here sometime in the next day or two for proper sushi, maybe a trip to the beach. It's summer, we should be out a little," she announces dryly. "Hi, Jems. You are doing the heavy lifting, sounds like."

The slowly assembled patchwork of images scrawl across the app. Ping, pong, there are several squashed in. One looks vaguely like a B-list actor. Another marks a Finnish singer, a variation very unlikely to be accurate. Some old black and white pictures join the table, a yearbook photo from an Ivy League university. Sketches fall in together with bright colour, murky hues, and stare out with those blank stares.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Another message is shot back to the group. "I am looking for matches on the sketch we have of that ..., ghost. Maybe a longshot, but we'll see. And I still have my ace card to play." this being certain men out of time that have so conveniently joined SHIELD a while back. But all in due time...

Daisy flips the Hawkeye figure back to it's feet. "Fine, back to the land of the living you go.." and then looks at the screen again, the matches surging up.

"This is going to take a while, considering the broad search. I have donuts though, shall I travel up there to the labs and you can tell me about that investigation? Or you can come down to Ops." She inquires through the group, finishing to taptap on her phone and putting it away. Eyes focus back on the tablet, flipping through the sketches while she waits for an answer. It was perhaps a display of patience that many who didn't know Daisy wouldn't expect, yet where it came to hacking or otherwise doing these kind of searches there was no rushing it and Daisy was well aware of it.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    It isn't long until the third member of the Furiae appears, tablet in hand as Jemma round the corner to Daisy's cubicle. Apparently, she was already enroute when the question to meet was proposed. Instead of a text, the distinct British tones of Dr. Simmons is heard verbally. "I thought it would be best to come to Operations."

    The scientist remains standing, as is her usual default mode, while she pulls up the report on SHIELD's pet zombie. "I am finding it rather too much of a coincidence that Mik and Lara would find a resident in a near catatonic state at the same hospital that Ms. Harami volunteered at...and was found dead in the very morgue she volunteered for." The file of Mr. Gruber is up for the two to see. "From what I am seeing, our pet zombie was working the night Harami died...but he seemed perfectly lucid and aware up to that point. Do you suppose he saw something he should not have?"

Jane Foster has posed:
The tick, tick, ding(!) of software and the corresponding interface grinding through the next batch fo images doesn't otherwise announce itself loudly. The gentlemen awaiting Daisy's attention are solid, frozen figures with pale eyes and relatively pale hair. Aaminah's own description said "ash blonde" or "light brown," though one can question how accurate that statement is when being assaulted by an invisible, possibly spectral being.

Those cold stares lack the warmth and vitality of actual people in a non-stiff environment. Maybe there's a smile to be had in normal circumstances. Daisy can pluck and choose the details as she likes, as they slew across the screen. Many of the images aren't sourced well; they hit from Pinterest, metadata shows composite portraits. They can be discarded as inappropriate, as it's pretty unlikely the second adult son in a minor sitcom from 1986 or a magazine editor from 1975 who was already in his "stoic" gentlemanly years is able to float around in the same form. None of the photos date earlier than 1878, though it's possible one of the mediocre hits fought in the Civil War and has a hate on for Vicksburg.

And then comes along SS Invicta, Daisy's favourite love-to-hate hate site, plunking down a result about 104 spots down. Superbowl uses it in a gallery of like 4700 other 'inspiring images.' It's untagged except for 1943-1944(?).

Mind you, finding the double lightning bolt symbology on Herr Hategeist's ring takes her literally one google hit before finding the ACLU and a plethora of other sites.

Jane brightens as Jemma appears, resisting bounding over there with a greeting. Instead, she gestures to the box of pastries. "Daisy is giving herself terrible posture. Both of you deserve to have some deep and meaningful breakthroughs by using a variety of soothing and highly effective methods, notably batting ideas around." Looking over her shoulder to her fellow Fury, she flashes a smile, though it's strained. "Especially when discussing murder or suffering. Forensics shouldn't be limited to a single person. That's just not healthy."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
There is a wrinkle of Daisy's nose at some of the hits, they being promptly discarded with a swipe left. It's just like refusing dates in a certain famous app. But in this case she is into something a lot more serious. To find a killer. There was a reckoning be had, and hopefully soon..

Daisy finally looks up from her work to face Jane and the new arriving Jemms. "There you guys are. Mi casa es su casa.." she gestures to the cubicle. There are chairs around (well, mostly having to be stolen from other empty cubicles) and Daisy cracks an easy smile. "And really, attack those donuts. They are meant to be eaten with company."

But then the hits for SS Invicta come and her smile fades some. Now they were getting somewhere. "Mmmm, I feel like going down this rabbit hole is going to pay off but will certainly make my sanity weaker.." because how else does one explain a ghost from World War II?

"And I am totally up for some leisure time.., once we get this case closed." A curious peek then given to Jemma's report. She considers the words, what happened. "Could it be something like .., possession? I mean, if we are willing to accept this may be a ghost behind the kills."

Jane Foster has posed:
"Truthfully, I feel like this day just gets stranger and stranger," Jane admits without too much concern. "First grumpy satellites, a paper saying a dead star wakes up somehow, and now ghosts." Yes, she will be the one to say it. Shaking her head, she polishes off the half of her doughnut yet to be adequately savoured.

She hauls up a chair from three cubes down, wheeling it over and then settling onto it. "Lay out your facts then and let's see whether you might be headed down the right path? Occam's Razor and all, maybe we can discard something. What makes you think it's just one person, for example?"

She lowers the doughnut and holds it in her palm, tablet still pinned to her thigh. Lips quirk and she nods to Jemma. "Having two victims of apparently unrelated crimes in the same location at the same time? I'm not a cop or anything, but that sounds more than a bit uspicious. Did you rule out contact or community transmission of anything?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Eh? I thought stars returning to life wasn't.., possible." Not that Daisy knows much on astrophysics, but she has access to the internet! But then she smirks, shaking her head to herself some. "I feel like more and more we are getting to a point in which what is impossible is less and less. It -can- be a good thing on some cases though." no polishing on Daisy's side though, just devouring. She picks up a new donut and lets it know why she has often be called 'The Devourer'. Well, at least not the devourer of worlds.

"I am really hoping there's not really many of these around.." invisible, soul-sucking creatures?! Nope! "But we have only had one person attacked at a time right? We had Aaminah at the park.., and the attack at the gala which again, was only one person being attacked. Or at least that's what it seemed."

She peeks briefly towards her tablet as a 'ring' comes in. A brow arches.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    "Well, if you had asked me about supernatural possession a month ago, I would have told you that it was all rubbish. But now?" There is a waver of a hand as Jemma teeters it back and forth. Meaning maybe? The tablet with the picture of the resident zombie is placed down in front of Daisy's facial recognition search, to give the two a clear view of the report. The zombie is most definitely not a match to the sketch given...and really, it seemed to be a long shot in the first place.

    The tablet remains there until it dings again, this time in complete view of all three. Jemma reaches over, frowning. "What's this now?" The tablet is picked up, as Jemma flicks the screen to open the message. "A message from Agent Morse?" A slight frown forms as Jemma opens up the email received....and looks at the attachment within. "Intriguing."

    Jemma turns the tablet around so the two can see what she is seeing. An email from Senior Agent Bobbi Morse, asking 'Does this remind you of anything?' The image looks like a computer network, which Daisy would be able to identify. But the structure....looks organic. "Do you see it? The network layout? It looks an awful lot like..." The tablet is turned around, as Jemma does a quick search. Google to the rescue! With a nod, Jemma pulls up another image from a website, then turns it around to show the other two. "Look at the similarities. This network is modeled after Armillaria Ostoyae, the largest fungal organism on the planet. See here?" A finger points to a section of the network. "Right here, it is using near-field connections between the chips here that emulate the fungal patterns. But...why would she send this?"

    With a shake of the head, Jemma rights herself back on course...but not before a quick email is sent with the observations. "Well, that isn't going to help us find our missing spectral hatemonger..."

Jane Foster has posed:
"My guess is material coming off a big star hitting a brown dwarf or something so dim, we barely saw it. Maybe it lit up like a new candle in a jack-o-lantern, but I'm not sure their science plays out right." Ooh, zombie stars, lurking and waiting! No one ever expects the stellar inqui--

The elements of a good story pushed to the wayside, the brunette crosses her leg and rests her tablet there, still comfortable. Watching Jemma parse through data is, if nothing else, inherently soothing to some degree. She looks between the images displayed on screen only by leaning forward, and then utters an 'ah.'

"What is Bobbi suggesting? That a mushroom colony has gone rogue and we're still possibly looking at a plant-based method of information transition? I'm aware there are fungal colonies and insect colonies -- one in China, one in Argentina -- nearly as vast as a province, all of which follow integrated behaviours suggestive of a super-community. And while that's mildly horrifying and possible, does it have anything to do with your... well, that person?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The explanation about what may have caused the re-emergence of that star makes Daisy quirk a brow. "It's such a big universe that I suppose there's always a possibility of that.." another bite off her donut. She takes a moment to stretch her neck and look at the pic sent to Jemma.

"She sent me something similar. And mmm... Apparently this was on some drones that attacked me, Bobbi and Sam during a test drive a while back. Curious." a frown appears on her expression and she points at the chip. "And not talking about that .., fungus..., the tech itself I have seen it somewhere. I think even in SHIELD." she tags that for a later examination. "I will have to check it out soon."

But now she had another assignment to get through. As the hits continue popping up she looks at the screen. "If we were talking about these being old nazis, what would they be wanting to do around those artifacts?" she asks.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    The research scientist gives a shrug to Jane's questioning. "I am not sure. I recently went to Bobbi asking if she would help me become a better agent, given the circumstances of my few times at default leader." No other explanation is given there...instead, Jemma continues. "I think this is her way of getting me more involved...to a Senior level perhaps? As for the network, maybe she is trying to identify the core of the network...or attempting to parse how large it can be. I will have to find out later.."

    As Daisy asks, Jemma is already pulling up more info on the trusty Google. "Well, it is said that the Third Reich was looking for the Spear of Destiny. As in...it was supposed to have mystical powers to bring glory to their reign, if you can believe such utter nonsense." Oh, there is Jemma's personal viewpoint on the whole thing. "Hilter himself was supposedly into the occult. I am guessing that there are some truth to the legends...and our right-wing friends want the Spear to resurrect the glory of the Reich or some such tripe..."

Jane Foster has posed:
"Or start the Fourth. I've never entirely understood why they want to resurrect something dead and gone. Some do, I suppose, but hate groups and following that ideology was never high on the bucket list of things to do, either as a scientist or as an agent." With a good shake of her head, Jane sends a tumble of dark hair over her shoulder. "I haven't received any communication from Bobbi, that's probably part and parcel with your elevation to the next rank of agent. I'm not in a rush to get in front of the evaluation." Slender fingers rock against her knees, curling in, giving her some measure of protection to sitting there in the long run. "We' ll have to dig through it, though. The fungus, that much I can give a little help with. But given all these guys running around. New guys, old guys? Wouldn't they be close to a hundred and ten, most of them?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy shakes her head slowly at this talk on bringing glory to the Reich. "They are certainly committed if they even come in ghost form so many years after..." she casts another peek at the roll of images going past and then back to the other two Furiae, "Or even more than a hundred ten... They could always be fake, wanting to ride along the mysticism of the past with some elaborate masks.."

But her face turns into a bit of a frown. Not even she buys that kinda explanation. "But if we believe them to be after the Spear then we also know what we will have to defend. It's being kept with us, right?"

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    Jemma shakes her head sadly. "No. It is not. In order to not cause a diplomatic incident, it was given back to the Austrian consulate." A pause is given, then an explanation. "What? So I read incident logs for fun, so what?" It was probably only visible to her based on extracurricular (in this case Fitz) activities. And the fact that Jemma was mentioned by name, so it helped.

    "However, that would not be a bad idea. Perhaps have someone with a little more diplomatic savvy to speak to the consulate, or even establish a false positive? I do have the energy readings from the artifacts on file. It....it might be possible to fabricate a sort of homing beacon. A false reading to lure our undead National Socialist friend or friends to a location of our choosing."

It would seem that Jemma..might have just thought up the bait-and-switch plan on the spot. It certainly sounds like it wasn't something she was working on before.

Jane Foster has posed:
"I run examinations of the sky in the event there /might/ be some phenomenon going on in a tiny little sliver of emptiness, that somehow we might not be alone. You never know, a planet could show up or a star wander through, to say nothing of microblack holes or gamma ray bursts that might decimate all life on the planet." Jane, surveyor of worlds, smiles at Jemma. "No judgment here. I imagine Daisy reads code by the packet and we would be resolved to melt to boredom having to piece together the IP addresses and various bits of detritus into a trail that someone could follow." Fitz doesn't count on his weirdness; he is off doing other things that probably involve turning a toaster in a death ray.

At its heart, every toaster wants to be a death ray.

"Only you think of cobbling together something that would lure out a monster after the light you cast. It's a good idea, though how can you precisely emulate something like that? You'd need a very fine beacon." A beat. "I hate to be the one to say Latveria has something like that, but Latveria /has/ something like that."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Well yes. But it gets real fun when you start reading binary and see all those 0s and 1s forming something coherent." Daisy adds with a brief wink given at the other two, amusement crossing her expression for a moment before she sobers up. "I like that plan of trying to lure these things to a place of our choosing." a pause so she considers but then...

"Latveria?" That makes her peek at Jane curiously. "Tell us more. Even if I am sure the .., 'good' Doctor wouldn't just help us by the kindness of his heart." she lets out a soft sigh.

"We'd need to make sure the actual Spear was protected still though."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    As the mention of Latveria is dropped, Jemma's nose scrunches up as she shows her displeasure upon that option. "Ewww....no. We definitely do not want to go that route. I could just imagine that the great and glorious Doom is going to ask exactly why we need to emulate such an energy....and then he will mention that, to do so, he will need to examine the exact item. And...that would be exactly what we don't want to do." There is a sigh as an amused chuckle escapes from Jemma. "So...maybe we should proceed in a different direction."

    Yes, there is a smile from Jemma as she sighs. Maybe a little too much work for the scientist. But, at least she is not zombified yet. "I do agree on protecting the actual artifact. So...perhaps we would be better off working with the consulate. I am sure if we try to explain the situation..."

    Explain that an undead Nazi ghost is draining the life of non-white females while trying to reclaim the Spear for the glory of the Reich? Yeah...good luck with that.

Jane Foster has posed:
"I'm not actually suggesting that. I mean, think about it. Victor von Doom is many things, and certainly a brilliant scientist. But opening that door puts a lot of variables outside SHIELD's control. One, the Director would never go for it. Two, Hill would never go for it. Three, while I doubt /highly/ that any Balkan nation supports neo-Nazis or Nazi anything, you'd have to expect something like this would come at a steep cost and possibly more when someone had to explain why. I'm speculating, though again, formulating energy signatures isn't too hard but doing a specific /size/? Daisy, imagine what kind of impulse that's going to send out to anyone who detects that sort of wavelength. Maybe they don't care. Maybe a chorus of the archangels show up asking why we're misusing an artifact that's been on public display in Vienna. I don't want to think about the Habsburgs signing a celestial deal. They /were/ the Holy Roman Emperors, maybe that means something."

There isn't enough doubt in there for a scientist, but then, they have gods among them.

Doom with the Spear of Destiny gets a firm nod to Jemma. "What she said."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Well...., maybe we don't have to explain the situation exactly as is." Daisy replies in that typical roguish fashion. Her shoulders rise in a shrug. "I mean, the less they know the less panic there will be. But if we let them know there's an actual threat to the Spear, from a neo-nazi group they may let us help out." she murmurs.

The question about attracting more than what they bargained for makes Daisy hrm. She nods slowly. "We could always bring out these questions to Wand. This isn't exactly the kind of thing I am too versed in.. Magic and what not.."

She picks up her tablet again to take a look at it.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    "Yeah...Director Palamas did state the case was WAND jurisdiction. I am sure whatever we offer would need to go through her as it is." Jemma steps back, glancing down towards the hit that Daisy found. "Hmm. Looks like you found a match after all, Daisy." She doesn't note the name...but the picture looks pretty darn similar to the drawing. "So...maybe we can all go to the Director with what bits and pieces we have. See if we can piece together what is going on finally and put this all nasty affair behind us."