2914/The Meeting of Lightning

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The Meeting of Lightning
Date of Scene: 14 August 2020
Location: Central Park Zoo
Synopsis: Two speedsters meet up and Impulse offered to help Kyani after a background cehck.
Cast of Characters: Kyani Kohanna, Bart Allen

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    It's been a pretty busy day for Kyani as deliveries were coming in from all over the place, so all of the messengers have been pretty busy at Mac's. Still today that only meant that Kyani was going to be making money today and that's what he's doing. He's a blur as he races from Manhattan to the Bronx. He makes a few of the deliveries and now as he races back, not going too fast so not to blow out windows or try to break the sound barrier or anything.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen is out at the Zoo. The young man has been working at the Gotham Zoo and has decided to come out today as Bart and see how other Zoos work. He first thinks he saw something and does a double check. He will make his way around a behind a building and then in a flash, he is in uniform, and is off. Soon the kid in the Red and white uniform is running up to Kyani, and seems to be catching up.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani isn't going all out, he's seen what when he does though he isn't the fastest, or has reached his potential yet. Still he smiles as he runs, and to mess around, he runs up the side of a building and flips in mid-air and lands takes off again, still moving at super speed, though as he looks back for a moment he notices someone racing after him, and they are catching up. His eye sight is good, though he knows that Mary would probably be flying and not running. He faces forward and moves up a building, kicking his speed up some what to see if whoever is chasing after him can run up a building as well.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen is running and will kick it into over drive. He does not even seem to slow as he comes up the side of the building. He will get within talking range and asks "Super speed parkour, that's a new one, don;t think I have seen anyone use it like that before." He admits.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    A chuckle escapes him and he blinks as he sees the uniform, "Whoa Flash!" he asks a bit excited, and with that he leaps up and over the roof landing as the Lightning flickers off him. He smiles, "Hello." he says as he looks to The Flash.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will come to a stop, and offers his hand "Not quite, have been called Kid Flash, but going by my old name again. I'm Impulse." He will say offering a smile "But am friends with the Flashes." He says and yes he uses the plural.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    He shakes Impulses hand, "Nice to meet you." he says to him. "My name is Kyani, but I go by Nitro." he chuckles. "So there is multiple Flashes?" he asks. "I didn't know, but then again I wasn't into the Super Hero thing until two years ago." he chuckles a little.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "Are and have been," He will tell the other. "Well Nitro, first lesson of superhero is protect your identity, you don't know me from anyone else, telling me your real name can be dangerous for those you care about." He blinks as he realizes he is quoting Max.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    He nods his head, "Sorry about that. Just got a bit excited is all." he laughs. "I know that, but I understand." he says as he looks over the side of building and he looks back over to Impulse. "So you just happened ot see me running?" he asks.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit and tryies to seem all cool and relaxed "Yea, I was in town checking on some things and saw ya going by, I know most of the speedsters, not all but most. I did not recognize you, so thought what the heck might as well check him out. You said the super hero thing 2 years? that when you gained your powers?

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    He smiles, "I don't know any speedsters so it's been pretty rough having to learn things on my own." he tells him. "I'v fought against some crazy things but seemed to come out alright." he smiles. "I'm glad you chased me down. As for you last questions, I got my powers 2yrs ago during a storm and a scientist shot me up with something a few seconds after I was struck by the lightning."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmmms and nods his head a bit to this and says "Well, I might be able to help you a bit, what all have you figured out so far?" He will ask the other man. "I seen you have the running up walls, down, can you run fast enough to run over water?"

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani thinks on this for a long moment, "Well with some help from Cyborg, I've leaned agility a lot more, and walls were the first thing I did." he says as he looks to Impulse. "Water has been tricky, so that is the next thing I want to learn but I've been utilizing my martial arts and parkour skills which was pretty damn painful at first, but I've adjusted and am doing pretty good with it so far." he chuckles. "Would you mind doing more then just showing me a few things, I'm tired of struggling on my own with all of this speed stuff."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to the other and says "Well, I'm no Max Mercury but I think I might be able to show you some stuff. Ok.. You know where the salt flats are in Utah?" He will ask the other young man.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    He nods his head, "Yeah, I had to travel out of state a few times for packages, it took some time but yea." he says as he looks to Bart. He chuckles, "Max is a pretty good guy, he's helped me out a few times and I saved his door man."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen blinks a moment "You know Max Mercury and he did not teach ya a few tricks?" He seems surprised "Ok meet me at the flats." And he is off like a blur.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    He blinks, "Ok, maybe I'm missing something, I might be thinking of someone else then." he says as he scratches his head a little bit. "Sure I can meet you at the flats and he also takes off. He doesn't get there as fast as Impulse but he does make it there and he has a large duffle bag with drinks and snacks and he pants a bit.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will have stopped also but he only has 2 big gulps, but he does offer one to Kyani "Take it the Max you know is not a speedster? Older thing white hair?"

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    SHaking his head, "No, younger guy." he chuckles. He takes one of the Big Gulps, "Thank You." he says as he drinks his drink, he stretches out a bit and puts the Gulp next to his duffle bag.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods and says "Probably not the same guy then." He admits. He hmms and says "Ok, I am going to draw a big circle, and I want to see what you got stay on the line and fast as you can." He will tell the other man and then draws the circle

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani nods his head and looks to the circle, "So stay on the line of the circle and run as fast as I can?" he asks wanting to be sure he understands what Impulse is telling him to do.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit to this "Wish we had some type of radar gun but hey for now I just want to get an idea of your speed and controll.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani walks to his duffle bag and opens it. He rummages through it for a long moment and after that moment he tosses something at Impulse, it's a radar gun but cooler looking. "Cyborg hooked that up for me." eh says as he looks to Impulse. "Will this do?" he asks.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen checks it out for a moment looking it over and playing around with it for a moment, "Ok I think it will work, think I understand it, so start here, He makes a line in the salt. "Ready, set.. go."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani walks up to the line and leans forward a bit and at the word GO! he takes off. He doesn't hold back or do a slow burn, he just runs, and as he do he kicks up salt all over the place and for a moment he has a hard time staying on the line, he slows down a little and once he is on the circle he kicks it in gear.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit to this and will take a few readings and says "Ok, How are you at avoiding things at speed?" He will slurp most of his drink and then take the lid off and splash drink and ice in Kyani's speed making sure to not have it as super speed itself.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    "I've been working on that." and as the drink and ice fly in his circle, Kyani slides under the drink and he zags to his right slightly to avoid the ice as he makes it to his feet, but his speed does slow a bit.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen watches him and nods his head a bit to this and says not bad not bad. Bart moves to pick up the ice cubes and says "Ok, now catch these." He will toss them at Kyani at bullet speeds, knowing should not hurt the guy much if he misses them

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani tries to catch the ice but he is hit in the face and his chest as he misses and he skids out of the circle and hits the ground. He didn't know what the hell he was doing. "Ouch!" he says as he sits there.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit and says "You ok?" He will ask the other man to make sure he is not injured. He does come over to check on him. "Figured might be like a punch but that is about worst thought it would be.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    He shakes his head a little bit, "I'm good man." he takes the proffered hand and gets up from wher ehe was on the ground. "I got a little rattled is all." he says. "I've not tried to catch things while moving that fast.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "That was going about the speed a bullet would, you tried to catch bullets at all?

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani shakes his head, "Nope, just dodge them for the most part." he chuckles. "THough I see that being a pretty useful skill to learn." he says to Impulse. "So you had to do this all on your own as well?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen shakes his head and says "Not totally, but I am a bit different too, I had my powers since birth, and have been used to using them since I was about 12 or so. I had a teacher, Max Mercury, and also the Flashes as well.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    He nods his head, "HOnestly I've not had any teachers, I've been doing this solo for a while. THen I met a few people and got a few tips." he states. He dusts himself off and finds a large salt rock and sits down. "I know we don't know one another well, I would like to change that and if you're willing outside of this, teach me more?" he says honestly. "I'm tired of feeling like your the only one of your kind. I've met people who can fly fast but not another Speedster."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "Well, I will help when I can, we are all speedsters, and connected to one another via the speedforce, so we should look after one another, plus is our duty to stop those who use it for bad stuff.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani quirks a brow, "Speedforce?" he asks. "What is that?" he asks as he looks to Impulse. "That would be cool, you have a phone? I can give you my number and just let me know when it's time to train."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and pulls out a phone that has been made to fit in with his costume, and says "This is my number I give out to people." He will tell him "You don't know about the speedforce? Well thats gonna be a long talk, but for now, if you feel yourself going faster than you have ever before and start to feel a tug to somewhere, slow down. It is sorta like Speester heaven, but most can't come back if they go there." He will tell him. "I am going to be honest with you gonna have a friend of mine do a background check on you, anything I should know first?

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    He takes the number and he quickly puts it in his memory. Once he puts the number in his phone, he puts the phone back into his pocket. He nods his head, "You may come across my parents who gave me up after I was born, I was in juvie and graduated high school and been working ever since. Nothing too crazy."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods and will take a picture of the other man, and says "Want to tell me your last name? save my guy a moment?" He asks, and seems to be subvocalizing. something

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    He nods his head, "Yeah, Kyani Kohanna." he says to Impulse, he doens't look worried nor does he have anything to hide. THough he wonders if the Titans have any protocols for such things, but then again there is nothing to hide outside of that.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, a bit and says "Well you can call me Bart, when we are alone but I am going to wait till my buddy has ran your information before I take the mask off, that is one thing I was taught early on. If your going to use your speed for deliveries you should only do it in costume. I mean even in costume using it for work puts your identity out there but less so if they have to get one of the packages to know what company you work for.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    He nods his head, "Alrgiht, thanks Bart." he says. "I will figure something out. I don't want people figuring things out, I'm pretty good with my face but I understand what you mean. Though I don't really have a lot of people I'm close with like family and such."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "Well even if you don't now, you may in the future." He will tell him. "So are you able to do other things at speed, like swimming, writing and such?""

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    A grin shows on his lips, "Reading, writing and swimming outside of my parkour." he chuckles. "Though I'm able to heal pretty fast and use my lightning to stun people or shock them." he states.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "Well I will talk to some friends and see what I can do to help teach ya, see if I can find someplace to work with. I need to head though, I need to get some things done before I go to work tonight, and have to do some of it at normal speed. It is good meeting you Kyani. I will call you soon." and he turns and he is off back to who knows where.