2976/Falling Sky

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Falling Sky
Date of Scene: 18 August 2020
Location: Ruins -- Roosevelt Island
Synopsis: The sky is falling but Matthew is able to pick up the pieces. For now.
Cast of Characters: Elektra Natchios, Matthew Murdock

Elektra Natchios has posed:
It has been a while since Elektra has contacted the devil of Hell's Kitchen. In fact, not since the battle at the warehouse where Bakuto showed up and the place almost burned down on them and some of their allies. Was she even in New York anymore? Well, her 'small' penthouse still showed signs of life and there had been the few showings of Elektra in her role as Ambassador's daughter during a few social gatherings, namely in the last one done at the Wayne Estate.

So if there was one thing which was true was she was still alive.

Or was she? Recent events had brought her to question a great deal, consider her own life, looking for a way... And it had eventually lead her on the path it always did, to come across Matthew. A message had been sent. To meet on the old ruins of roosevelt island, at night. Come alone. All those signs that would scream trap.

At the appointed hour there she was, sitting atop one of those ruined rooftops, legs dangling down from the edge and her eyes on the river water nearby as the wind brushed past her hair, making it lift and twirl about her.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Well if this was a trap then Elektra was the perfect bait. Daredevil makes his long leaping path out to Roosevelt Island, crouching on top of the ruins, the moon silhouetting his form as he sweeps the broken stonework and vacant buildings below for signs of Elektra.

Finding her, he swings over to that rooftop landing softly as he makes his way over to that ledge. "Elektra," he greets softly as he moves to sit beside her.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
While Elektra does have those razor-honed instincts and senses that have made her one of the top assassins in the world there's still a few that can surprise her, Matthew being one of them. Her neck cranes up upon noting the landing nearby, just the briefest of tensions before the words make her relax ... Or is it tense even further? It's an interesting mix that Matthew can sense from her when he approaches to sit.

"Hello, Matthew." She murmurs in what has become that costumary greeting from her. Just perhaps without the full snark of other times. She is dressed in her armored costume, black and red, even if the mask is down, weapons on the ground nearby.

"Thought you would had scoured the grounds for longer in expectation that I could be laying out a trap." Some amusement on her tone.

"It has been a while."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
He is one of the few who can sneak up on her and she's one of the few who can sneak up on him. It was a balance of skill that kept things interesting between them. As Matt settles on the crumbling stonework of the building, he notes that lack of snark in Elektra's greeting, lips quirking into a concerned expression but only for a moment as he offers one of his thin wry smiles, "Your traps tend not to need other people," he remarks to Elektra with good humour. "And it has, I'm sorry to make you be the one to reach out, I should be a better friend." Leave it to Matt to feel guilty. "Is everything okay?" he says, circling back to his concern from earlier.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I thought the purpose of traps was to keep things unexpected. I will keep it in mind for the *real* one." Is there an hint of humor on Elektra's voice? None! Or at least if Matthew was a normal human being. As it stands yes there is some, carefully hidden under that facade.

"And we have been many things, but friends though?" It makes Elektra turn her nose at that, thoughtful. Indeed they had been many things. "Maybe I just don't see us being something so ..., mundane." or the fact that having friends was never something she fully had, or understood.

"I found another piece of the puzzle, not too far from here." She reaches over, picking up a saya for a katana that is near her blades. "It has the Black Sky symbol on it, but it doesn't bring us closer. And now all info about shipments or Hand movements has been trickling down."

Of course she also could had simply called with all this info. Indeed something appears to e troubling her.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Noted," Matt answers dryly about future traps.

"Well if friends is too mundane, we could simply be 'us', it's not like we've really been the sort to let ourselves be defined by labels.

He turns his head as she produces the blade letting his senses run over it. "True, The leads in the other cities didn't pan out either, so, wondering if the Hand pulled the plug on things and moved it elsewhere," he muses before his attention returns to the blade, "Or maybe not. There's got to be a thread we can pull on to find them. Anything strike you about the place you found the sword?" He pauses after a moment. "Or is this not what you wanted to talk about?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"No, we have not." She replies about being define by labels, her hands supporting her back and gaze straying back to the river, she feeling that wind picking up again, rebelliously tugging at her hair. Elektra presses her lips to a line, silent, perhaps considering what the Hand's movements would be. But indeed it does not seem that's why she called him here tonight.

"If they moved out from New York so would I move as well." with all the implications therein. "This is not my home." if she even has one.

"Do you still believe what you told me all those years ago?" She then asks, casting a look up at Matthew. "That I had some light inside me?"

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Just here for the Hand?" Matt asks, unable to hide some of the disappointment in his tone. Still her life was the mission and her life was her own, but that didn't stop him from trying. "You could stay if you wanted to, the Defenders could use someone with your skills."

As to the other question? There's no hesitation. "Absolutely. You've been through a lot and you've done a lot, but you don't have to let that define you, there is a good person inside of you, I know it and I think when you let yourself, you know it too."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The suggestion that Elektra actually stays and joins the Defenders besides a convenient alliance against the Hand makes the assassin quirk one finely-trimmed brow. "Are you sure the others would be so welcoming?" a smirk cropping up to her expression. Maybe she is imagining JJ's reaction. Well, she -would- like to see the reaction. "Because you know Danny will eventually figure out who I am." immortal enemy of the Hand and all that! Yet there is *some* hesitation there, she hadn't expected the actual invitation to stay.

As for the other answer. Well, "I sometimes ask myself if there still is anything left. I have been ..., doing this for a long time." Since she could walk! "A part of me knows it is a weakness, these connections. But I am drawn to them."

A pause and then she finally adds. "But I have seen what will happen if that darkness comes. You will be dead Matthew." for some reason it does seem like it's more than a feeling what she is saying. Almost as if she had actually -seen- it.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"They'll deal with it, as long as you're not leaving bodies all over the place, as for Danny, aren't you basically the sworn enemy of the Hand at this point too? Given what we've been doing for these past few months. If Danny can accept Colleen then he can accept you too. You don't have to be alone any more."

"They're an avenue of attack, connections, friends, but they're also a source of strength, people to lift you up when you fall, to give you courage when yours begins to fail. I used to think I needed to cut myself off from the world too, but now that I've taken the risk to make connections, real connections, I don't want to go back."

That last bit leaves concern writ all over his face. "What happened, Elektra?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"There is always strife within the Hand, Matthew. Those that push towards a goal, those that prefer another path. The Black Sky is not something that everyone in the Hand wants to happen, or believe -will- happen." Which most likely is telling on why Elektra hasn't had teams of assassins gunning for her life. Regardless, it was certainly a dangerous game what she was playing. As always. As For Colleen and Danny.. "Colleen has karate bear. It can be persuasive when it wants to." Whatever that means!

"Because people flock about you, Matthew. You are a beacon of hope to many, and that inspires others to join your cause making it their own as well." a beat. "And you are also so.damn.stubborn." emphasis on that.

Recalling those events does make her sigh though. "A vision. A fear? A possibility of what would happen if I gave in. I have faced a ..." how would she put it without sounding insane? ".... an entity who was quite good with rooting out one's fears. It showed you dead by my hand, Matthew."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"So you're still with them, just not the ones that want the Black Sky?" Matt asks, surprised. "Don't tell me we're actually doing the bidding of one part of the Hand against the other?" Not that it really mattered though, if this Black Sky was as bad as Danny said it was, he wasn't going to let any part of the Hand have it. Though he takes a moment to ask, "A karate bear?"

"Guilty on the last part, but you don't have to be a beacon to have friends Elektra, people who care about you, you just have to be willing to let them in."

As to the rest, Matt frowns, "Possibilities don't have to come true, but that must have been hard to see, but maybe it was a blessing, a chance to avoid what you saw, a chance not to go down the path that ends with you losing control."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"A necessary evil." Well, evil is relative. "Sometimes you need to work along with the devil to see your goals come true. I can guarantee you one thing, we are working for ourselves in this, not at the Hand's bidding. No matter how amused I'd be to have Danny believe this." twisted sense of humor of course. The karate bear question simply makes her gesticulate vaguely with one hand. "A stuffed bear." but no more on that.

Her focus turns to the other topics at hand, the serious ones, she shifting slightly on her seat again her eyes straying away from the Devil. "It's a lot easier said than done. Letting people in. Specially when you have no idea what I have done to be where I am today." and lets not even go about she actually knowing and working with Stick for the Chaste. The war Matthew had refused to participate in.

"And a blessing though?" She shakes her head. "It was anything but that, I have always known what my path was, blazing through without hesitation or considering consequences. And now I find myself doubting. That can be deadly in the line of work I do."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"I'm willing to live with my goals and part of the Hand's being aligned for the moment, if it stops other parts from getting this Black Sky," he says before asking. "Any more clues on what exactly this Black Sky is? I tried reaching out to my teacher, but he only gets found when he wants to be."

"I never said it was easy, I'm just telling you it's worth it. Maybe start small, maybe with a former Hand operative who apparently has a stuffed bear. "Regardless of what you've done, there will be people who see that light in you like I do. I promise you that."

"Doubt can be dangerous, yes, but it can also guide us, make us look harder at what we're doing and set us on a better path, whatever that may end up looking like," he says, "So, yes, a blessing, if not a very pleasant one."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I ..., am not sure." And that certainly leaves Elektra unhappy. "But with them being so quiet now means they may be thinking on a different strategy or ..., they found a clue." because one way or another she knew some of the artifacts would had found their way to them. "I did get a nice little pair of wakizachis that I have in display back at my place though. Part of those artifacts we retrieved." yay for mementos! The mention of Matt's teacher does bring her heart to accelerate just so. Maybe it's how vulnerable she feels right now that makes it break through the facade she normally keeps to hide herself from Matthew. Regardless, it only happens for the split of a second before normality returns.

"I don't think anyone can see that light in the same you have, Matthew. Or whatever it was." A brief shrug while she ponders the Devil's words of wisdom. It makes her frown. Truth is always an hard thing to accept.

"Well, seems like age has made you find some wisdom to round out the devil I met years ago.." she arching a brow. "Though if I can say one thing is that you have never lied to me, have you?" unlike her.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Likely changing up their plans, I doubt whatever they had planned is abandoned, they're likely just looking for other means to make it happen." There's a smile about the blades. "Well that's something, all I got was a couple of new scars," he says with a bit of wry humour. He does pick up that spike in her heart rate. "What's wrong? Don't tell me you've run into the guy?" he says wondering what Stick would think of Elektra or vice versa. "I swear if he is trying to chase you off, I'm going to kick his ass."

"I'm not sure about wisdom, but I've got some experience now, and you're right Elektra, I've never lied to you and I never will."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"You always liked collecting and nurturing those scars." Physical and emotional ones. And Elektra seems to know all about it. OR at least most. There's always been a mystery about one another. And layers of secrets. Like Stick. A secret that she certainly isn't ready to reveal even if there is just that tiny trace of hesitation. It could start now. A different path, one without lies or secrets. But Elektra just can't change so much and so fast...

So she shakes her head, "I know of him." she says of Stick. "But no, he is not trying to chase me off." it's true! He is encouraging her instead! Yet this 'battle' was not to be had just yet.

"That makes one of us at least." About lying. She reaches over to place one hand on Matt's shoulder as she brings herself up to her feet. "We will meet again soon, I will try reaching for my contacts and see what I can come up with. And ..., thank you." which is a win in and of itself. She isn't the type of woman to say 'thank you' often!

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt would be lying if the layers of mystery didn't add to Elektra's allure, even as what they are that was something both intriguing and frustrating for him.

He nods taking her words about Stick at face value, "He's a real son of a bitch, isn't he?" he asks her with a smile.

He knows about the lying, at least in the general sense but at the same time he oddly felt he could trust Elektra as well as just about anyone in his life in spite of it. "I'll see if I can dig up anything myself, and even if I don't find anything, I'll reach out soon anyhow," he says. There's a smile for that show of gratitude. "You're welcome," he says getting to his feet. "And stay safe out there."