3009/A Joyful Reunion (or Grey Goo Scenario Avoided!)

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A Joyful Reunion (or Grey Goo Scenario Avoided!)
Date of Scene: 20 August 2020
Location: Penthouse - Kord Co
Synopsis: Swath is back!
Cast of Characters: Ted Kord, Swath

Ted Kord has posed:
Alarms are blaring in the penthouse, nearly knocking Ted off his chair. The industrialist rights himself, "****!" and runs to Swath's room. the room is small, cozy and neat. the mundane things, throw pillows, books, some tasteful art pieces, stand in contrast to the device in the corner. Inside a human sized tube, a human sized girl is floating. The emulsion surrounding her barely keeping her decent. And not that in some states. Ted checks readouts. He had learned a bit about her working since he found her unconscious and, melty and designed a confinement vessel for everyone's protection. Maybe he should have put her in a lab but... Ted felt she had enough of that. She was a person, this was her room. Period.

Ted checks a few more tell tales and smiles, begins draining the emulsion-full of healthy iron, silicon and other minerals in case she needed a snack.

Swath has posed:
    "System Designation: Synaptic Weaponized Autonomous Tactical Homunculus. Initiating Self-Check... Stand by ready. All systems nominal. Dopamine levels stable. Suspending emotional response temporarily, psuedo-personality instated. SWATH combat mode... system online. SWATH nano-reconstructive instrumentation... system online. Sensor module, active scan initiated... " Her eyes open, but instead of simply being amber they glow with a golden light. "Subject found. Idendified as Kord, Ted. A.K.A. Blue Beetle. Subject friendly. Suspending psuedo-personality, initiating Shimizu, Nagi memory core. Warning, damage over 68.9 percent of memory core. Current memories found... "

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord makes sure his recorders are working. Shimizu Nagai. He'd not heard that name before. This is something to ask Vic to look into. he does Oriental stuff and Asian people pretty well. The mention of a combat mode worries him a bit. "Swath, sweetie, I am draining the nutrient bath and will have you out in a moment. Uhm.. Mate dozo." He gives her a wave, watching her hair swirls around in the tube then ends up plastered to her face and shoulders. As the tube starts to open Ted grabs a towel and a kimono style robe. "I was afraid of... you were wearing clothes when I put you in there. Honest." He's a little redfaced as he hands her the towel.

Swath has posed:
    Which, does beg the question, how is she communicating. But her voice, somewhat distorted and robotic sounding, and... coming directly through your console's speakers. When you speak, and drain the nutrient bath, she blinks her eyes a couple of times. The glow projects faint images of binary scrolling at blistering speeds upon the glass. "Disabling Combat mode. Checking for updates... No updates available. Checking files. Rebooting to install updates... Error: directory 'persona' corrupted. Trying again in 3... 2... 1... System online... " She blinks again, her eyes no longer glowing. "Ted? Oh... I... I had a horrible nightmare that... I was at the lab... " She looks down at herself and blushes profusely, accepting the towel as the tube opens.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord holds the kimono looking away as Swath dries off. Interesting, on their first meeting the girl had zero modesty, now she was blushing. Was that a learned response, or a reaction to his embarrassment. When she's ready he holds the robe out behind her. "Honest, you had clothes but I guess you got hungry. It's good to see you up, and not in combat mode. Sorry no Jersey for you this time. Do you want me to wait outside while you dress?" He does sound worried then, like he doesn't want to leave her just yet. Just incase she crashes again. he looks in another direction as he holds the kimono out.

Swath has posed:
    Indeed, her usually emotionally cool aura is still intact, but she is blushing and looking down at her feet as she accepts the kimono. "It is fine Ted," she responds in a whisper-soft contralto, "Just. Um. Turn around now, if you do not mind... please?" It is hard to say if it is learned or a response... perhaps both. But while her voice is still cool, calm, and mostly unemotive her physiological responses are, well, visible. That blush is stretching all the way down to her clavicle and perhaps lower if not for the kimono being in the way.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord turns around, starting on a blush himself. Bad Ted. "Sure... I just want to make sure everything is okay before I go too far. You had me worried... I was able to figure out some of how your nanites communicate with each other, for what it's worth. We could start looking at your source code. Those corrupted files... I have a young prodigy working for me now how might be able to restore them." Ted rubs the back of his neck. "I'm concerned this collapse was the result of mal-ware those lab rats implemented in case you escaped." He waits.

Swath has posed:
     It takes a little bit of time, though nothing like what it would take were she a novice with a kimono. Assuming you brought her a full kimono and obi, that is. You are made to endure the quiet hiss of fabric against skin and the rustle of fabric softly arranged. "I have no idea, really. I am aware of the self-check results. Most of the corruption is in my memory, and I'm not certain when the degradation happened. It is... not unlike missing pieces of myself. They are not proper files, many of them are literal bio-chemical records similar to the means by which memory is stored in the wrinkles of a brain. I would be willing to work with a computer technician you trust, however, Ted. As I trust you." You catch the motion of her finishing with tying her obi in front, and then the sizzle of fabric against cloth-ensconced skin as she turns it about so that the folded 'bow' is in back. "You may look, now, Ted."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord looks and looks some more, "Wow. Would a hug be appropriate now?" Swath is beautiful by most standards for sure, and very beautiful by Ted's. He opens his arms and smiles. he also has noted that a hug or some gentle pda seems to shut down the combat mode. that would be a load off his mind. "You look beautiful, Shimizu-san." He waits for her reaction.

Swath has posed:
    The faintest smile curves her lips, about the most expressive you have seen her and she still has a cool, calm, visage. "You may hug," she responds before tipping her head to one side, "Shimizu-san? That name is very nostalgic sounding. Written as 'Pure Water' yes?" Her eyes look distant, "Did you... name me that? Has it always been my name?" You see, for a faint moment, flickers of golden light in her eyes. Being a screen jockey in some sense, you likely recognize fragments of very complex code scrolling up in those moments measurable by heartbeats.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord gives Swath that hug and holds it a moment befcore releasing. How good is her fascial recognition? She might see despite his smile and ready hug, a faint undercurrent of sorrow. When she last saw him, we was injured and in pain and move with this written on his body. Now the pain is in his face and eyes. He holds the young woman by the shoulders and says, "Your operating system referenced a Shimizu, Nagi as your core personality. Whatever you call yourself, I am very glad you're back. I don't have a lot of friends to spare these days."

Swath has posed:
Swath says, "
    Though neither terribly emotive nor experienced with people, there is a raw and natural empathy in Swath. Whether it is facial recognition and voice stress, or simple human connection, she does catch the pain. Her body is small and feminine despite her obvious unnatural origins, and she is just as warm as any flesh and blood human so it makes her a joy to hug. She also knows her strength well enough to not crush you or make it uncomfortable. Quietly she asks, "Ted... what has happened?""

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord says, "I lost the best friend I ever had... at times the only friend I had. He's a time traveler and he was just gone. I don't know how to begin to look for him, or when to look. I hope he's all right... I sort of had to look after him here. I'm afraid he shot his grandfather or something and was never born. But you're back. Come out to the pool. I will make /you/ a snack!" Small lie there. He managed to program the robots to cook simple meals.

Swath has posed:
    She hugs him again, more fiercely though just as gently as before, "I'm sorry," she says softly. Nothing more, just letting those words of sorrow sink in. Letting herself be known physically. She doesn't offer words of wisdom or platitudes about friendship. She simply holds you for a time, her body and hair still just faintly damp from the nutrient bath, her warmth pervasive.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord laughs a little. "If I could mass produce you, I'd be a trillionaire. Not that I would. I tried to build a robot girlfriend when I was... 15 I think. I used my mom's dressmaker dummy, a couple roombas, assorted odds and ends. 'Kiley' scared the heck out of my parents. I got grounded and sent to therapy. The therapist said I'd make them crazy, then make them rich. Let him build whatever he wants. I never returned to work on Kiley." He's pretty sure from the fierceness of this hug, Swath would let him go when she decided to, and he wasn't in any particular hurry.

Ironically after finding so many lost people, Ted Kord is a little lost, himself.

Swath has posed:
    "I am not a robot," says Swath in quiet correction, "In a very real sense I was born as much as manufactured. I am an Android if anything. Synthetic life form I believe to be most reasonable. I think and feel like you do. That is why I understand you are hurting, and why I am here. You could manufacture a million of me, and they would not be me." She does not let go for a while. You can hear her heartbeat against your chest like any normal woman. "I do not plan on going anywhere either. Life is abrupt and unpredicable. But I am here now."