3183/1-800 April Advice

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1-800 April Advice
Date of Scene: 31 August 2020
Location: April's Apartment
Synopsis: Donnie comes to April's to share his date results and get a lil advice, and maybe some free Game Gear games at some point too! Score!
Cast of Characters: April O'Neil, Donatello

April O'Neil has posed:
April is in her apartment sitting on her sofa with her phone in her hand. The television is on and set to Channel Six News. it's running a remote piece she did outside of Madison Square Garden talking about the ice hockey pre-season and the schedule for when tickets can be picked up at the arena. Dressed in a white tshirt with a cartoon picture of Chewbacca on the chest, some black shorts and a NY Yankiees baseball cap that she has turned backwards because she's 'ultra cool' April is just humming a little as she taps on the phone screen, super casual moment before she has to head out on to the town for the night.

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello's message was intense, frantic, and full of capital letters.

            APRIL, WE GOTTA CHAT. TOP SECRET. (Wide-eyed emoji)

    The Turtle Lair was not a secure location. Too many brothers. Too many Splinters. Too many eyes and ears. Donnie had wasted no time -- he didn't even bother waiting for a response from April before scaling the building and appearing in the window.

    "April!" he stage-whispers. Anything that could make this be less shocking.

April O'Neil has posed:
April takes a second before she hears the voice, and registers it in her mind, it makes her do a double take before she spots Donnie outside of it. She stands up and drops her phone on the sofa as she pads across the room floor to said window wehre she unlocks it and raises it up for him to have a space to get inside. Thusly, she steps back and puts her hands on her hips to smile at him. "Is this one an emergency? Or are you here to tell me about your date?" She asks in good spirits.

Donatello has posed:
    The last time Donatello was here, he was worried, scattered, and generally just on edge. Now, he's...well, a little bit on edge, but it's the kind that could be associated with having a big secret he's trying to keep from his ninja brothers and father -- and it's one that really can't seem to be held back for much longer.

    "It's about the date," he declares, stepping into the apartment from the window, glancing around the room -- as if there might be a chance that one of his brothers was hiding somewhere. Donatello bends forward a touch and makes a show of looking around the room just a moment longer. His eyes graze past the television. The mystery of whether April watches her own newscasts has been solved.

    The turtle takes a deep breath of air and then lets it out. "It. Was. Great!" he exclaims, managing to fall backwards onto the sofa with his feet elevated slightly during that fall. It's the sort of thing you might see in an old movie or something -- clearly something he did on purpose to communicate just how great it was.

    Donatello looks up at April with a big grin. "We ate pizza on the roof...And saw a movie. And she wants to do it again!" he explains, his voice filled with a newfound energy. "It's just...I can't tell anyone. It's so maddening!" Donatello sits up suddenly and knocks over some bauble on the end table. He moves to immediately fumble with trying to pick it up. "Sorry, sorry!"

    Donatello looks up at April as he sets the item back down onto its proper place, waiting for her reaction. He looks like he might explode.

April O'Neil has posed:
April continues to just stand ther eon the corner of her living room rug watching him as he paces and prepares to spill the beans. When he does so, she just grins at the reaction of him dropping n to the sofa. She follows that up with a joyous "Yay!" And raises her hands up in the air to celebrate with him before she brings them down to clap several quick times. "I'm so happy for you, Donnie!"

She states, whilst stepping over to her sofa chair to sit down on it's right arm, then reaches for a throw pillow, and throws it at his chest! "You did it, big fella! Wasn't bad at all, was it?" She grins, watching him fumble with the Harley Quinn bobblehead to get it back up onto the end table. "Give /me/ all the details, that's what I'm here for. I wanna know what comes next for you two!"

Donatello has posed:
    "April...We just...It was so great. I had such a good time and she said she had a good time. And, well, we just had a good time," he stammers. It's like there are more words than his mouth can let out. As the pillow flies towards him, Donatello catches it and then clutches it in one of his hands.

    At the request for details, Donatello obliges. "Well, we had pizza on the roof...And and then we got to the movie...It was Firestorm, you know, that action movie with the Vice President, and....She just loved the movie so much and she sat up against my arm..." He points to his arm.

    "...And...I told her what you said -- that if the date went well, I should walk her home, but also that I didn't think that I could...You know...So instead we went back to the roof and talked!"
    And then...Donatello makes an unusual admission. He puts the pillow down and waves his hands in the air, as if to pause the conversation so that this next detail could be given the proper attention it might deserve. "And...And..." he begins. "I /think/ she kissed me!" A finger is moved up to point to his right cheek. He thinks she kissed him. That's an unusual detail. How could he not know?

April O'Neil has posed:
April is all grins throughout his excited rundown of events on his date. She watches him wave his hands in the air wildly and then looks back tohis eyes. Then to his cheek where he indicates the kiss may have happened. "You're not sure...?" She questions. Her eyes then peer at the turtle man across from her. "Donnie, you two weren't drinking were you?" She has to ask, they're teenagers after all! She was a teenager once... the, well, none of that matters! April shakes her head softly and laughs for a second. "What happened?" She coaxes him for more answers on THAT.

Donatello has posed:
    "No, no, we weren't drinking, though I thought we might need wine for the date? I don't know, I never went on one. But that's made of grapes and she's allergic, so we had apple juice," he adds. The more he says, the more it becomes clear that the details are confusing.

    "Well..." he begins.

    "She..." Donatello pauses. He realizes that he's never given April her name.

    "Kai...Her name is Kai. So, I'm a turtle, and when I said Kai was like me...I meant that she's a mutant animal, but she's not a turtle," he explains, bringing his hand to rub the back of his head for a second. "So, we turtles...We're ectotherms, right? So...When she touched me, she's really warm, you know? And...I could feel something really cold right here." He points to his cheek.

    "So, she's really warm...but then, cold. It was her nose," he explains, smiling. His cheeks, normally green, begin to fade to a gross brown color as he...well, it must be blushing.

    But, there's still a missing piece to this, which Donatello provides. "She's a dog," he adds with a smile, explaining the nose thing.

April O'Neil has posed:
April slips down onto the edge of her sofa chair across from him and interlaces her fingers together, palms together as she leans on her elbows atop her knees. She stares at him while he speaks and smiles at his mannerisms and youthful excitement. They're not /that/ far apart in age, but sometimes it feels like a decade ago since she acted just like that to a date. "This is great, I'm so happy for you both." She says just before he mentions that she is a 'dog'. This makes April's eyelashes flutter before she tilts her head. "You mean her ... mixed species? Mutant canine?" She asks. "Might be best to describe her as such, because, well 'Dog' could be. I dunno, maybe I'm old and people don't call each other that anymore." She grins. "But anyway, what's inside of her heart is what matters, right? And Kai is a beautiful name!"

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello squints his eyes slightly, much in the way Raphael might when he doesn't understand something. He must have picked it up. The thought of Kai being a dog never occurred to him as anything other than the truth. He's missing the point.

    "Huh?" he suddenly asks. "What's wrong that she's a dog? Is it that I'm a turtle?" And then she talks about what's in her heart that matters and that she has a beautiful name. As April goes on, Donatello appears to understand less and less.

    "I mean...What's wrong with her being a dog? I mean, I'm a turtle, but...I mean, I /suppose/ I never thought that I might go on a date with a dog, perhaps I thought my first date would be with a turtle...But, I..." Donatello searches for the right words.

    "She's just...wonderful. The most beautiful, caring, and considerate! And she's really funny! And such a great artist!" he adds, getting a weird feeling like he's supposed to be defending Kai...but he's unsure against what.

    "I...don't understand, April."

    And, he doesn't. Donnie is talking about a dog, while April is talking about a dog.

April O'Neil has posed:
April cracks a grin at this and she just shakes her head, glances to her side to where the tv is on its entertainment center over a fairly extensive collectin of DVDs and Blu-Rays. She looks back to Donnie then. "People used to call women that they thought were unattractive a 'Dog'. It was like, you know, an insult to their physical appearance. Though as soon as I said that to you, I realized I hadn't heard it used that way in awhile, so maybe people don't do that anymore. So don't worry about me. I've just been watchin' too many old movies. My linguistic expertise is a mish-mash of 80s, 90s, and modern terminology. I blame my father, really. He used to make me watch all kinds of movies." April waves her hand and motions at him. "Don't worry about that, we're off track here. What's important is you two had fun, and she wants to go on another date. /That's/ what matters." She grins at him again. "You just gotta figure out what that second date will consist of now..."

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello raises his eyebrows and nods along with that. "Oh!" he exclaims. "I get it."

    "Well, so we're clear...She's...a dog, but only in the same way that I'm a turtle and you're a human," he begins, his words slowing down. His frantic speed may have caused the confusion. "She's...she's beautiful! And she...she wore a barrette in her hair," he explains, pointing to the top of his head. "For our date!" The young turtle seems to explain that point with a bit of pride, as if the concept of someone making themselves up to meet him wasn't something he was expecting.

    And then, Donatello turns to look at April for a moment and manages a smile. "Actually," he explains, his voice filling with pride again. "She said she would figure out the next one."

April O'Neil has posed:
April then moves to lean over on to the arm of the chair that she'd previously been seated upon. She keeps her hands together and just watches the Turtle with a grin. "Well there you go then. You just sit back and wait for the date." She pauses there-after as a thought strikes her. "Or... you could do some gift shopping for her. Like, say, a nice new barrette as a gift, or, well, maybe anything you learned about her while on the last date. A little gift, it doesn't have to be extravagant; that requirement comes much later in your dating live." She flashes him a grin again. "So do you feel less stressed out then? Other than having to keep it from the other guys... for now at least."

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello looks over at April, a smile creeping on his features. It's the smile of someone who knows he has the winning hand at the poker table. "Or..." he offers, his brow rising slightly.

    "...Or...Maybe engineer a laser-powered pencil sharpener? For her sketch pencils..." Donatello smiles, leaning back in his seat, clearly proud of himself. "She loved it!" he declares, grinning from ear to ear. "See, she found one of those old Game Gear things? From...SEGA, I think. She gave it to me, so I wanted to find something for her. But, I couldn't find anything good enough, so...well, I made it."

    And then, her question. Donatello lets out a sigh and shrugs his shoulders. "Well, I do feel a lot better. It seems that we're both on the same page, but...Yeah, it's kind of hard to keep it from the guys. I mean...Kai was...Well, you know. And they won't understand, I think. Mikey might, but definitely not Leo."

April O'Neil has posed:
April draws in a breath at this from him after smiling at the gift exchange idea. "I wondered why that was such an important project for you." She says of the Pencil Sharpener. "I should've guessed..." She states with a playful smirk before shaking her head at the rest. "You might be underestimating Leonardo. If he sees that she's on a redemption path... he'll respect that. I think it'd be Raph who'd be your hardest brother to convince of her intentions. Especially if they've faced off before." She shakes her head softly then. "You know, by the way, I got some Game Gear games in a box down in the store. You're welcome to have them, now that you're diving into retro gaming..."

Donatello has posed:
    "Leonardo has become obsessed with security and privacy," Donatello explains, his voice becoming a little monotone. "I don't know about Leo. It's not really a redemption thing, April...It's...it's not like she wanted to be in there and needed to be convinced to leave. The Foot made her."

    "And...I'm really glad that they did," he adds, smiling. The turtle stands up and tosses the pillow onto the sofa. "I better go. I don't need the guys more suspicious of me than they already might be."

    He moves to the window again. "And thanks for the games offer! I'll let you know once I finish the one that was in there. Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse!"

    There's a tight smile from the turtle. "Thanks, April," he adds, softly, before disappearing into the night.