2892/Agent Evals: Mission 2

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Agent Evals: Mission 2
Date of Scene: 12 August 2020
Location: A rundown apartment in NYC
Synopsis: Four SHIELD agents are dispatched to look into the murder of a SHIELD asset. Additional bodies are found as the crime scene expands to include two additional buildings and four additional victims. The hunt for the killers begins...
Cast of Characters: Melinda May, Jemma Simmons, Mary Jane Watson, Daisy Johnson, Gothic Lolita
Tinyplot: Nuclear Evaluations

Melinda May has posed:
Early this morning -- in the wee hours, really -- an idle Twitch stream recorded the on camera murder of an elite hacker who has been a CI and valuable asset of SHIELD's for the past couple of years. The police have cordoned off the scene, but SHIELD insisted they wait until their agents were sent before they disturbed anything. Consequently, now, as the sun is rising and coffee shops are opening for their Sunday morning patrons, a small squad of personnel has been sent to secure the scene and investigate what's left behind.

What the agents know, coming on site, isn't much. They know the victim is a hacker named Ethan Katzman, a.k.a. KaTz0r, whom SHIELD subverted (read: blackmailed) into becoming a CI and secret asset some two years ago. They know the perpetrators are a pair of ex-Russian covert ops specialists named Alexei and Sergei Myasnikov. And they know the whole thing was broadcast on a Twitch stream owned by a 21-year-old gamer named Daniel "DapperDan" McReady, who doesn't seem to have any connection to any of them. Now, standing in Katzman's appartment, they need to learn more.

The apartment is a dump. Aside from the evidence of the crime, it was a pretty low-rent, seedy place to begin with. And if Agent May wasn't so 'persuasive', its slumlord superintendant would probably already be up in the agents' faces about when they were gonna clear out so he can get it rented again. But, Agent May is still here. So he's somewhere else for now.

Nevertheless, while Agent May is technically serving as the official liaison between SHIELD and the NYPD, here, she has given the bulk of the investigative work over to a quartet of others.

"Simmons," she says, facing the four of them, now, "You're on point for this. Consider it... *leadership* training." You think someone put her up to that? "The rest of you? You are to support Simmons however you can. I want a full rundown of everything you find. Time is of the essence. The longer we take here, the further away the Myasnikov brothers get. And that's not good for any of us."

She pauses. Looks at them. And then all but barks. "Get to work, agents."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    Leadership training? Oh...wonder who put Agent May up to that? There may be the slightly of headshakes as Jemma recognizes Bobbi's hand at work here. Still, she doesn't say anything out loud. No...it may be training, but it is still work to be done.

    Time to get down to it.

    "Right." A pause as Jemma's thoughts race, taking in a multitude of information to process what to do first. "We know the how. That much is courtesy of the stream. We need to know why. And we need to track down our pair of perpetrators as quickly as possible."

    With that, she turns towards Daisy. "Are you thinking what I am thinking, Daisy?" Usually the two of them are well in sync with each other. "Think you can get into Katzman's PC and see if anything strikes your fancy?" Provided the PC is still here and not just taken with.

    Then, Jemma turns to Lolita. "We need to figure out where our targets are hiding. I have my spectral analysis gear here with me, but I would wager that you would be able to greatly assist in that sort of thing, too. If you would be a dear and assist me, that would be wonderful."

    Then...a turn to Mary Jane. "That goes for you, too, Trainee Watson. Feel free to look around and see if anything strikes you as odd." Then...to everyone. "When and if we find something, let the others know. We certainly do not want to overstay our welcome, so time is of the essence."

    With that, Jemma pulls out two items from a small bag on her person. A tablet...and the ballistic glasses she often uses for spectral viewing. The glasses are donned...and the tablet at the ready.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Agent Watson, alias MJ, or Sonja, depending on her mood, looks around the apartment with a clinical eye. "Not ideal for streaming, but that seems like to be a side hustle for him considering." She wears her black business suit, complete with slacks... though her shoes are not heels, preferring black sneakers for the purposes of mobility.

She nods over towards May, "Yes ma'am." With that, she looks at Jemma, giving the lead a smile, "Affirmative, I'll take a look around here." With that, she produces a pair of latex gloves, putting them on. Though, whether that's to avoid putting prints anywhere or to avoid making direct contact with the... questionable surfaces of the apartment, is left unsaid.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The death of an hacker was always a tragedy for Daisy. Specially those with SHIELD. One less fighting the good fight, no matter if they were blackmailed into joining in!

So when she learned this had happened, and been called to join in the squad being sent she had promptly made herself available. She was in her black, with slight tinges of purple uniform today. High boots and a backpack over a shoulder with her tools of the trade. The hacking devices, laptop, a few techno gadgets and those gauntlets on her hands.

A sharp nod is given to May's instructions when they come before a smile of reassurance is turned towards Jemms. Time for some teamwork! As they make way up to the apartment there is an easiness to her motions, one that is used to these kind of ops. Investigation, long hours burning the candle in search for a lead... The change here was that they were in a tight time schedule. Pressure, but SHIELD was the best afterall.

A thumbs up is given at Jemma's indication. "On it." she moves towards where the computer station should be to begin prepping up, laptop coming out. If the PC is here she will hook up to it to begin searching. "He might have stumbled into something he shouldn't had. Though I do wonder what his last reports to us were too." she makes sure to get all those protections on her laptop up, along with precautions when she does the hook up. Hackers -are- twitchy afterall, and often enough they have protections to erase all their data when they're tampered with.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita, who is waiting patiently, her hands clasped behind her back, nods as she's spoken. "I will see what I can detect of lingering traces and murder most foul." She tilts her head, her HUD flipping over as she begins slowly rotating in place, her head tilting up and down as she focuses on different areas. Primarily she's zooming in on anything unusual or that would have a lingering trace behind, such as radiation or scent, as well as just normal details.

    "Hmm. Perhaps I need a blacklight settling for this in the future..." she murmurs to herself. "Then again, I imagine I might not want to know..."

Melinda May has posed:
Katzman's PC is still here. Indeed, it's a sweet setup in terms of hardware. Top line stuff all hand installed in a generic, if flashy, chassis. Even the webcam is high quality. But, no. The place is not setup for streaming. Generally, hackers tend not to show their faces online.

The footage that was seen on Twitch had irregular lighting -- a desk lamp or two that were knocked over in the fight, and the bare bulb in the bathroom and in the hallway when the door was kicked in. Nevertheless the camera images were remarkably clear. This is because the camera is such good quality. But also because Katzman, forewarned enough to trigger protocols on his machine, had a contingency in place to allow for the enhancement... and the transfer of data to the Twitch stream.

Basically, Katzman was a paranoid little cyber creep. Lucky agents.

The apartment itself is a tiny postage stamp of a place, as are most poorman's apartments in inner city New York. It has a single room that serves as both living room and bedroom, an adjoining kitchenette separated from the main space by an awkward half-wall that just makes the place that much more cramped, and a bathroom beyond that so that the plumbing doesn't have to run to the opposite side of the apartment. All in all, it's something of a shotgun style -- wood floors from the 20's when it was built and beige walls stained with the passage of time more than anything else. Now, in the early morning, a window is evident. But it would have been useless before the rising sun, draped with a dark flanel sheet as makeshift curtains.

The body is sprawled between the entry to the kitchen and the doorway. Katzman's neck was snapped. Sergei's work, rather than Alexei's, since Alexei was already headed to the computer by the time the final blow happened. There is considerable evidence of the struggle, even beyond what the footage showed. This suggests the footage might not have caught everything. Or it suggests that Katzman was just a slob. Hard to say. The most important forensic evidence, however, are the scuffs on the wood from the assailants' boots and a couple of bullet holes in the walls where a gun went off. If anyone was hit, though, there's no evidence of it. Still, ballistics could use the match if the gun is used again.

All this means that when Daisy jacks in to the PC, she's got her hands full. There's a bullet through the monitor. So, that's useless. As for the box itself, an expert Russian hacker has been there before her and has tried to wipe the whole system. However, traces remain -- mainly because Katzman was a clever little fellow, who had redundancies for his redundancies in the form of a teritiary solid-state drive jamed into the bottom of the case and rigged to wirelessly copy a drive image in the event of catastrophic failure... or to overwrite the existing drive and the nuke itself, in the event of legal search and seizure discovery. So, yeah. Handle that booby trap with care, okay?

Nevertheless, it does mean there's information to be had, after suitable analysis.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    "Oh, I have an ultraviolet designation with my spectral analyzer. Let me just say, you may be grateful in not knowing." From within a pocket, latex gloves are produced...the same kind used in the R&D labs. There is a wrinkle of slight disgust as Jemma reaches down to examine the body. Not for what she may be seeing with that analyzer...but what she is noticing in terms of her expertise as a medical examiner. "His neck is broken, which holds true to the stream. But...do you see this?" The hand indicates the indications of the struggle. "It looks like our hacker did not go down without a fight, if I am seeing this correctly. If I am not mistaken, the physical altercation happened because..."

    With a glance upward, Jemma points to the window. "Yes, the window. It was shot...which means...." A finger traces a line from the broken window, as brown eyes scan....and point to a spot on the wall opposite the window. "There. Two bullet holes. See them? Looks like the marksman missed, which alerted our hacker here. The fact he missed is the only reason we had the stream occur, I would wager."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Agent Watson nods, "This close of quarters, it would be a rough fight for anyone. Though, if he was deep into the stream... I would think he'd be an easy target." She frowns at that, then continues...

"So, sniper shots missed, the pair break down the door. Katzman is still at the computer, but had /warning/ so he might have been able to do something preemptively. He was trying to stall, figure out something... possibly going to the kitchen for a knife or something to use, but not in time. While Sergei did the deed, Alexei works over there."

She frowns, "Though, something bothers me about those sniper shots. How hard is it to shoot a mostly stationary target with a precise weapon?"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "Interesting. So the two that killed him on camera were not armed, but someone else was working with them who was acting as a sniper?" Lolita says thoughfully, walking over to the bullet hole in wall as she carefully probes the drywall, then attempts to extract the bullet in question with her gloved fingers to analyze. "I was wondering why they would break his neck. It's not as easy as Hollywood writers seem to think it is."

She returns with the bullets to Jemma, pausing to put them in an evidence bag. "Should I investigate the sniper's perch?" she says as she considers. "...I could also attempt to analyze the genetic fragments on the bullet. There may not be enough for me to replicate a genetic match, however."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Those creeps played with his computer.." Daisy says, as if telling there isn't much that can be found. At least not on a first view. But Daisy is here because of her expertise in hacking. World-class some say!

So she digs into that case like she had just received a new toy to play with, searching and .... "Ooo, what do we have here?" she spots that third disc, very caaaaarefully beginning to fiddle around with it. She doesn't exactly detach it yet, instead beginning to devise a way to simulate that her own laptop is Katz0r's own computer so she can hook it up to get the info out of there and peruse within.

"Well, being paranoid does seem to have compensated for him, even if in the end he was caught." But then GL mentions wanting a blacklight installed. It makes Daisy grimace. "Ignorance can be bliss sometimes... "

When she finally gets access to the files she brings them up on her screen, comparing them to the ones they already had and ... "I found an unfiled report. I am sending it to your tablets now." she announces, flipping a finger on her screen and sending it to the other Agents. "This is juicy. Apparently Ivan, the other brother, was killed by his brothers because he was selling info on loose Russian Nukes..." a pause. "Jennifer Santos' consulting company, rings a bell to anyone..?" she begins to search for info on that consulting company.

Melinda May has posed:
Jennifer Santos' company, Globe-X International, is a consultancy firm that specializes in connecting people and resources around the world. It facilitates large-scale financial deals among the elite of the world's banking and financial markets, catering to billionaires and nation-states alike. And has a laundry list of contacts with firms throughout wartorn regions, as well as several rogue states and countries whose policies are considered inimicable to US interests. China. The Middle East. Madripoor. North Korea. Ostensibly, they're known for getting the job done despite tricky negotiations and all their PR reads like a list of UN diplomatic greatest hits. In reality, though...

There's just no way Globe-X is anywhere near as pristine as it likes to pretend it is.

Looking out the window, in the likely direction of the bullets -- a line drawn from the slugs int he wall to the entry points through the glass and flannel sheet suggests the angle was up maybe twenty degrees or so, and came from across the street. Likely the old rundown brownstone walk-up there.

Genetic analysis on the bullet oils is inconclusive. The shooter likely used gloves.

The only other information of interest that might be found in the apartment is a frequency scanner that suggests Katzman used that to hack open networks nearby. One of which might lead to DapperDan. He had to break into that stream somehow.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    "Hmm..." The wheels are turning within Jemma's mind as she takes in the information from her team (noting how strange it is to think of her friends as her team) then processing it. If there is one thing that Jemma excels at, it is processing information quickly for analysis. "If there were sniper rounds fired, it wouldn't be likely that Katzman would just wait for the two to arrive. If this Katzman is as paranoid as most hackers seem to be..." And, with this, she gives a smile to Daisy. "...then if one of the shooters was the two that finished the hit, there would still have been enough time to wipe the computer clean and at least attempt to get out via an alternative plan. I....don't think he would try to go out the front door." But...that is just a hunch...and not solid evidence.

    Which means it is time for some evidence. Standing up, Jemma turns to Daisy. "We need to find the owner of the stream. Is there a record in the PC that shows which IP address Katzman hijacked? That would go a long way to finding the owner of the Twitch stream. And...it will help to see who all besides SHIELD witnessed this. If...our two Russians operatives are going through this much trouble to eliminate Katzman, then chances are they won't stop if they know there are witnesses. If we can track down who was on that stream at that time..."

    The words trail off as Jemma considers the sniper bullet. "Either the operatives were extremely fast in clearing the distance and floors between the probable point of origin for the shots fired...or there was a third party. We also need to check the sniper point as well." Frowning, the calculations are given over in Jemma's head. Who is going where. "Okay. I will go investigate the sniper point of origin. Daisy, you find the origin of that stream. Loli, you stay with Daisy for now and keep alert. If we can find the streamer, then so can they. MJ will come with me."

    Just how to get over there? Jemma seems okay with running over herself...but suggestions are certainly welcomed.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
MJ nods over at Jemma, "Pity there's not a quicker way over there, but yes, definitely feel like they got a replacement. I suspect they didn't tell them what happened to Ivan." She shakes her head a bit, then looks over at the other side...

"Actually, how far is it? Sonja could probably handle the landing, though it's a bit far to jump it." She glances curiously over at Lolita, at that, "I'd say it's about five minutes in a hurry to go down and come back up. So very likely a third involved."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita salutes, two fingers to temple, then offers in a deadpan. "Well. I could throw you both over there. A yeet launch, if you wish. I can calculate the vectors and force so you should land relatively softly on the other roof?" She blinks at the pair, a faint smile teasing at her lips. "It would speed your investigations."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Yes, we got the guy's name too. Daniel McReady." Daisy replies to Jemma, nodding at her conclusions. "And two shots without a third one? Almost as if he was being warned. I can believe ONE shot missing. But two?" the hacker makes a face and shakes her head. Too many coincidences!

But then she gets to work. The frequency scanner is there so she turns it on. "I am going to say he used this to hack into a nearby network, fish an IP and then get into Dapper's stream." she begins doing the same procedure, following those same steps to figure out which IP it'd be and then it's a matter of hacking into Twitch. Time to find those accounts connected at the time to the stream!

The yeeting proposal brings a raised brow from Daisy. "It's only a small jog to the other side. Regardless, I can provide a ..., 'cushion' to land on if that's what Agent Simmons wishes." Also, note to self. Check GL's humor levels later on.

Melinda May has posed:
DapperDan apparently lives in an apartment in the building next door. So, there are 3 primary locations on this street. Katzman's apartment, McReady's appartment in the building next to it, and the walk-up brownstone across the street where the sniper sat.

There's little else to be gleaned in Katzman's apartment... except that McReady's stream has started up again.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Trainee Watson blinks, then grins at Lolita, "Wait... really? How have we not met before?!?" She sounds positively enthusiastic, then looks at Jemma, "Though, in this case, I should probably go first. One, in case there's any sort of trouble over there and two, I have a higher chance of making it without a problem anyway."

Then when Daisy says that, she nods, "And three, you are in command, Agent Simmons, so I should take the crazy risk." Also, four, Sonja thinks it'd be FUN.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    Sorry Mary Jane. There is a definite shaking of the head from Simmons at the idea of being thrown over to the roof of the brownstone across the street. "There is no need to throw us over. I am not a dwarf and this is not Helm's Deep." Besides, the mental calculations of what may happen if the trajectory is off is more that sobering for that concept. "It is too dramatic and would cause a stir, even in the early morning. We don't want to tip our hand." Then...with a laugh to clear her head, Jemma pulls herself up to her full height. "No. We will traverse by foot."

    Then, with that settled, Jemma taps her ear. "Keep the link open. We need to get as much data as we can, but we need to be able to do it safely. Everyone clear as to what to do?"

    If so, then it is off to the brownstone. On foot.

Melinda May has posed:
And somewhere, maybe in the apartment corridor, a hint of a smile plays at the corners of Agent May's lips as she listens to the team's progress.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
OOo, Lord of the Rings reference. Daisy clearly approves. But then again she /always/ approves movie references, no matter how cheesy! She even chuckles briefly at it. "It is." She confirms through commlinks now, then suggests. "Agent Simmons, I can send a list of the various IPs that were linked to the stream at the time to Agent May, along with addresses. Since she is coordinating with NYPD. They could devise security for them if so needed. Yet with them having a good hacker on their brotherly team they will be aware that this has come out most likely. Them worrying with witnesses might be but a small possibility."

And then she notes that McReady is streaming again. Curious. She turns it on to watch while the others traverse to the other side.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
R    "Awww." Lolita says. "But I wouldn't tell the elf?" The mecha has a betraying twinkle in her eyes despite her deadpan delivery, but seems content to stay where she's ordered, moving over towards where Daisy is and shifting to put her body between the other agent and the window someone already fired bullets through. Just in case.

Melinda May has posed:
Over at the appartment across the street is a run down unit on the fourth floor with a window perfect for viewing Katzman's home. When the agents arrive, they find the door is partially open. Inside, a young woman in her mid-thirties is bound, gagged, and unconscious, slumped in a vinyl kitchen chair. Beside the window, sits a discarded sniper rifle. It's similar in size and design to Desert Tech Stealth Recon Scout rifle, except it's... well, apparently, it's disposable. It's been 3D printed, aside from some key components that must be made of metal.

Out on the window ledge are two brass shell casings. But there is no sign of the shooter.

Back in Katzman's appartment, McReady's feed... is probably quite startling.

The screen flickers and a grainy picture snaps into view. It's the messy bedroom of a college-aged kid, who's standing there in Superman boxers and a Flash t-shirt. He's halfway between his door and his bed. Two darkly clad masked men blur into the shot. They leap at the kid and, growling something in Russian, the smaller of the two men wrapps his gloved hands around the kid's throat. The kid's eyes bulge as he claws at his throat. He struggles, stumbling closer to the camera until his face encompasses it entirely. His eyes search pleadingly for help... and then go dead, their focus lost.

As the body slides out of frame, the larger of the two attackers points the gun at the camera and says something in Russian. Then, in a flash, the screen goes blank.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Trainee Watson takes the lead, in this case, since Simmons is the agent-in-charge. Nudging the door open carefully, the redhead makes her way inside cautiously, photonic sword in hand but not activated as she glances back and forth. Spotting the young woman, she examines her carefully, then looks down at the rifle, "Cripes... won't give Peter grief anymore for using it to print fantasy minis..."

She then glances over at Simmons and any other NYPD that decided to tag along, "Clear. Looks like the shooter tied up the resident and took the shots with... well, that." A frown is given at the printed rifle.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    There's a brief conflict in Lolita's directives as she watches the situation happening over Daisy's shoulder. On one hand, she's been assigned to Daisy, and Daisy is her agent in charge under Jemma, and she was told to stay here with her.

    On the other, on screen an innocent civilians life is in imminent danger This is counter to SHIELD protocols to protect civilians.

    Core SHIELD protocols trump current orders, and with a blur Lolita spins and goes THROUGH the apartment door, kicking off from the wall to get to the end of the hall as quickly as possible, then straight through that door, trying to get to the murder in progress before it can be completed.

    Thus her first priority is to go straight for the guy strangling the kid and extract the civilian. Second is to transmit. <<Assault by perps in progress third floor end of hall west side, responding!>>

    Third is to straight arm the strangler into the nearest wall as she tries to shield the kid.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    As Mary Jane opens the door....the first thing that Jemma sees is the female. And, as those medical doctor instincts kick in, that is the first objective on Jemma's mind. Investigate the woman. Still wearing her gloves, Jemma carefully examines the unconscious form, taking close consideration of any potential signs of struggle. In particular, under the fingernails and other probable areas in which the poor woman might have been able to get something from whoever did this to her. The bindings are removed, as Jemma shifts the unknown person to the floor, slowly working to bring her back to wakefulness.

    Because, if she was bound and gagged, this person may be able to provide witness to her assailant.

    In the meantime..."Collect the rifle, if you will, Mary Jane." First names....Jemma is comfortable with her trainee partner, it seems. "Also, I would imagine there are shell casings nearby. Please collect those as well. We will be able to test the ballistics at the weapon range at the Triskelion to confirm this is our weapon, though it is pretty safe to say that this is most definitely it. And....while it looks to be disposable, there may be some traces of its point of origin that we could use."

    Then, over the commlink, Jemma speaks. <<Unidentified female, mid-30's, found in brownstone. bound and gagged. Could have witnessed the shots fired. Also, 3D printed rifle found on premise. collecting for analysis.>>

Daisy Johnson has posed:
<Scratch that.> Daisy says of the 'low' probability of witnesses not being hunted down. <Two suspects on McReady's appartment now! Choking him.> she looks up at GL. <Time to ro--> but seems like there's no need to tell the former murderbot what needs to be done. A sense of achievement surges on Daisy's expression at GL's initiative, even as she gets up and gets ready to follow towards the apartment.

Not that she is a slouch, having been trained by SHIELD for years, but no beating a murderbot that can go through walls and doors as if they were paper!

She begins her own dash towards it. <They may try to escape through a window, be alert.> she advises through comms.

Melinda May has posed:
Gothic Lolita's intentions are good. Stellar, even. And, even if she has to leap down stairs or crash through walls like some petite, Japanese version of the Kool-Aid man to get there, she will make it to the apartment in good time. Unfortunately... not quite good enough time. By the time she arrives McReady is well and truly dead. Worse, the Myasnikov brothers are nowhere to be found.

A quick survey of the apartment will reveal that the lock was picked to allow them entry. McReady's two roommates were smothered in their sleep. McReady would have suffered the same fate, except he got up to take a leak at the wrong (right?) time. The webcam has been shattered by a 9mm bullet now embedded into the wall behind the desk.

And McReady's computer? Yeah, the Twitch livestream isn't 'live'. It's a pre-recorded loop that just keeps playing on repeat.

Meanwhile, the woman Jemma tends to is in rough shape. But she's alive and can slowly be coaxed awake. There is bruising on her face and neck, suggesting she was strangled long enough to knock her out. Unlike McReady, however, she wasn't strangled long enough to die.

Maybe she was lucky.

Maybe there was another purpose to it. But her black eyes flutter open eventually and she looks up at Jemma with a startled gasp on her lips.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
MJ collects the rifle, putting the shell casings she finds into separate baggies as well for good measure, "You got it Jemma. Looks like two casings, plus the rifle itself." She frowns, then tilts her head at the chaos back in the other apartment building, muttering, "Of /course/ the excitement happens when we leave..."

She does, however, do another once-over of the apartment, trying to make sure she understands how the sniper took the shots, and from where. Mainly because she's going wait for word from Jemma, or Agent Simmons, before leaping into the fray.

Or from here, walking briskly up and down stairs into the fray...

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    With a last crash Lolita arrives in the McReady apartment, looking around, her face expressionless as her head tilts, scanning and cataloging the dead. She's...too late. Failure to comply with primary directive is noted. She quietly kneels down next to the murdered boy, checking for any chance of revival...but there's none for him, or the other two.

    Her voice is curiously emotionless when she speaks over the chan. <<I am at the apartment of McReady. He and his roommates are dead. Nonrevivable. Livestream is on a pre-recorded loop with time delay. Webcamera has been destroyed. Computer is still operational.>>

    There's a slight pause. <<I will remain here until Agent Johnson arrives.>>

    And she doesn't need to sigh. But her neurological program says she should, and she does, before she shakes it off and starts turning slightly, beginning a new scan of the current apartment. Perhaps she can find something that will be useful.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    If there is one thing that Jemma knows, it is how to comfort a patient. And, whether she knows it or not, the formerly unconscious 30-year old is now Jemma's patient. "Oh! Careful there...we're hear to help. I am Agent Jemma Simmons of SHIELD and we just found you while investigating..." The words trail off as the commlink erupts into life, prompting the good doctor to offer a 'just a moment' to her new charge as she speaks a single word into the commlink.


    Then, back to the resuscitated woman. "I know this is all frightfully confusing to you right now. You are very lucky to be alive! From what I can ascertain, someone attempted to suffocate you, though I cannot tell immediately if you was bound before or after. However, if at all possible, it would be of extreme benefit if you could describe your assailant. Other lives may be at stake."

    Then...back to the commlink. <<Agent Johnson, get those IP addresses and who they belong to as soon as possible. We need to get ahead of these two...now.>>

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy makes her way to the boy's appartment eventually. A frown there as she takes in the room but then a dash to the still-running computer. She checks it, timestamps, when the recording actually happened to as to figure out how much of a delay they have to the murderers. And then an idea..., checking on /when/ that loop started to run. Was it posterior to the death?

< I am checking how much of a headstart they have. The IPs I will have them soon. > She announces on comms. Her eyes go to GL and she says. "It was a good initiative." she says to her murderbot friend while she continues to scour through DanDapper's computer.

Melinda May has posed:
What evidence that can be gathered will be. Gothic Lolita's scans will indicate the trio of college buddies probably died within the last couple of hours. Street cams might show where the perps came and went, but that footage will have to be access back at the Trisk. A computer scan will show that Katzman used McReady's wi-fi to get into his computer and hijack the feed. Presumably, Alexei figured that out when he scanned Katzman's machine after the first murder. From then on, it's been one big clean up job for the brothers.

So, those IP addresses Daisy gets are of utmost importance if they're going to figure out where the Russians went next.

The woman Jemma deals with is shakey and confused. She'll likely answer questions better after she's been seen by a physician in a less traumatic setting and given some time to gather herself. As it is, her throat is raw and talking is difficult, though Jemma will at least learn that the woman's name is Elisha Seymore and she really didn't see her attackers. They grabbed her and knocked her out. She wasn't bound when she went unconscious. So the amount of help she'll be may be limited.

Of course, the fact she saw so little may be what saved her life.

All that's left to do for now, really, is secure the sites and get full forensics and clean-up teams on site while the four agents and May regroup back at Headquarters and get things moving there.