3220/Trounced by a Quake

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Trounced by a Quake
Date of Scene: 03 September 2020
Location: Athletics: Triskelion
Synopsis: Furiae tussling, part 1!
Cast of Characters: Daisy Johnson, Jemma Simmons, Jane Foster

Daisy Johnson has posed:
It's evaluation season at SHIELD!

What does this mean? That the Triskelion is even -more- busy than usual with all the fieldies, probies and trainees runnin' around like worker bees making sure they are busy (or look like it!). But more importantly, it's a time for Agents to evaluate *themselves* too and figure out what may be lacking in their training, along with ways of improvement..

And so as to help her fellow Furiae with what is to come during evaluation season a message was sent to their group channel.

'Meet up for hand to hand trainin' 10am sharp tomorrow! It will be fun!'

Of course that there are so many definitions of 'fun'!

And at 10am the next day there's Quake there, dressed on tight shorts and top of a black color, hair back up in a ponytail and she tossing a few punches over a punching bag..

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    Oh, evaluation time. If there is one person that is acutely aware of exactly what time it is, it is Jemma Simmons.

    After all, she has asked, whether her fellow Furiae know or not, to work on her leadership advancement. And...there has been some strides for that, certainly. Though...other skills certainly need to be refined and worked, much like muscle groups. And...speaking of exercise, Daisy's message to the channel is greeted with the usual Simmons aplomb.

    "You have a bizarre sense of fun. I will be there."

    And...as Daisy warms up, Jemma walks out, at 10 as requested. She...is dressed is a more conservative version of Daisy's ensemble. Instead of shorts, jogging pants. A dark blue t-shirt with the SHIELD insignia upon the top...and Jemma's own brown locks pulled into a ponytail.

    "Well....here I am." No, Jemma is not warming up. Not yet.

Jane Foster has posed:
Evaluation season for the scientists and the developers goes a lot differently from the spies, the superhumans, the physical toughs offering protection. In short, it's the sort of thing that can cause a girl to frown and turn to the open slots for shooting and athletics practice that become vanishingly rare. Things could be better, true, if life weren't throwing so many hurdles in their collective way.

What does this mean? Stress over coffee. Smiling wanly at the knight who has all the advantages over her on classic SHIELD evaluation and promotion schedules. The spectre of Fury and Hill launch over the horizon and it's a hell of a buzz trying to figure out what might drop on her. Agents evaluating themselves is a harrowing task, but one she can deal with. She can deal with Asgard. She can deal with /elves/, for that matter, but someone measuring her talents? That's tooth-gritting.

So, Furiae, here they are. Daisy and Jemma earn that gleaming look, some elemental acceptance of things being very fraught ahead of her. Running her fingers through her hair, she descends in blue. Of course blue, because sky and all, the sheer cutouts on her calves the lone indication of all that running around lately paying dividends. So, of course, she and Jemma match. "You know, I'm starting to wonder if being a specialist out of the field is now my curse."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The pounding on the poor training bag subsides once the Furiae are assembled, Daisy giving one last punch on the bag and placing one hand on it to have it stop shaking. "There you are!" she exclaims, stepping aside and opening her arms to greet the two specialists. "Welcome to Camp Daisy. Where we put the fun in hard work and exercise." a bit of a gleam on her eye telling that uh .., as before, fun is relative!

She ambles closer to the duo, folding her arms together. "But with all the times you have been out on the field I think it's about time we get some more serious hand to hand training going. It will also help for evals too, but that's secondary." she says..

Mischievous gaze then falls on Jane briefly. "Besides, still got to see if that vicious personality is for real or not.." a bit of a tease on her voice. But she still remembers that first day they met during ICER training!

"Jemms. Shouldn't you had started the warm-up by now?" An eyebrow quirking in question.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    Daisy's question is greeted with a rolling of the eyes and a mock pout. "Oh, do I have to?" The light tease dissipates into a smile as Jemma actually warms up...with some stretches. "Yes, yes, Daisy. Remember, I am the doctor here. I know what I should be doing." Then, a wink is tipped as Jemma stands back up. "Unless you mean I should doing something else..."

    The curse of the specialist is known to Jemma. "Oh..and here I was just thinking I was foolish to try for senior agent. Specialist is just sooooo comfortable and familiar and not at all demanding of leading strike teams or running through a forest for your life." There is a wistful tone to the sentiment...which is broken with a laugh. "Serves me right for trying to broaden my horizons, Fitz would say..."

Jane Foster has posed:
"Vicious? I promise you, I'm absolutely terrible. I had to face down a living suit of armour bent on destroying everything around us." Hence its highly uncreative name, but that's Asgard for you. They have a Hall literally called 'Hall Hall' because tautologies are a thing. Fading into the moment, Jane pulls her hair back into a ponytail, elastic on her wrist brought to the ready as she drags those dark locks out of her hair. "I did my warm up on the ride over. You know those rental bike stations actually improve things fairly well! I haven't had an issue with the last three I borrowed, but having the Triskelion on the route likely enhances the need for working rides."

She bounces from heel to heel, loosening up her calf muscles some. It would be nice to think so. "Careful, you're inviting her to send you on a run up to the twelfth floor and back, or a dash out to the weapons testing warehouse." That's probably a good kilometer or so there, hardly fun. "Senior agent? You're serious about motivation, aren't you? The both of you are going to convince me to up my game, aren't you? Not fair. I /live/ with the epitome of excellence, you realize. Eowyn is going to be so excited, more running." The golden retriever rescued off that liquor store roof never did get outside the Whitman-Foster home, so yes, Jane has a rescue dog. Goodest girl, she resisted the Bells and the disco ball.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Good, that's the spirit." Daisy offers Jane a grin about being terrible. That'd still need to be proved though! But that's what they were here for. To get that aggression out! "Cheating with the bikes, wow, but fine, we can assume that as warm up." and apparently Daisy had done some of her own already, being here before the 10am for it. Pffff!

"Doing good on that warm up Jemms." She then opening her arms to the side. "And I have seen Fitz out there on the field quite a few times. Including during a jungle foray. Now -that- was intense..." she lets out a sigh, shaking her head a bit to herself. "So I don't think he is wanting to stay put in the lab either. Even if he blames just wanting to be away from Jenkins..."

"I think you will do great at senior agent, you have a lot of experience already, and a good head on your shoulders." A pause. "And yep, time to up our game! All of us. Though before I ask Jane why I haven't seen more pics of Eowyn on our channel I think it'd be good for you two to go at it for a bit? See where we stand?" she suggests, looking at each in turn to see if they agree.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    There is the slightest of shrugs as Jemma turns to regard Jane. "I felt my leadership quality was not to the level in which my friends needed it to be. So it was logical for me to seek out a way to improve upon it." Then, as Jemma finishes stretching, there is a ghost of a smile. "It was Bobbi's idea, anyways. So, if everything goes horribly wrong, you know where to go."

    A laugh is given as Jemma shifts her attention to Daisy. "You...want us to spar each other?" Another laugh..."Of course you do. I would imagine you set this up just so you could watch and see who would win. Though...I will give you a hint." Jemma settles back, though the giggling does escape her. "It will be Jane."

Jane Foster has posed:
"Come now, you have all those good ideas, Jems. You make the rest of us struggle to keep up. Especially in the field, there is no 'useless' you." A smile on her lips, the words a touch stained by frustration long rooted -- back to New York, surely -- Jane gives that with a ready honesty. "You've never been the type to sit still and heading up R&D can be fine... when you're done with fieldwork. Though senior agent status holds importance, especially since you can be trusted to keep things from going tits up, as it were." Savage English words! Someone put a bar of soap in her mouth.

She checks her sneakers are tied up and then looks back to Daisy, waiting confirmation. "If I showed you a few pictures of Eowyn, would you pretend to be amply distracted? I wouldn't dare to think of using it as a feint to pounce you and run away. You want us to go at it how, exactly? Should I kick you, Jemma?" A perplexed look crosses her face. "I really don't /want/ to kick you."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Well, you -both- have those ideas." Daisy says with a laugh, "I am more the muscle. And well, the hackerette, but that's different. And so, as being the muscle it's my job to make sure my fellow Furiae can raaaaa and be badass." and that settles it! "And this isn't about winning, it's about figuring out ways to improve." she says in assurance to Jemms.

The savagery present on Jane's words makes Daisy eye her for a bit, amused. "I see you are letting that viciousness start to slip out already. Good!" but does shake her head right afterward. "I shall accept no bribery. But I shall trade you for pictures of Boxer. Well..., Boxer by day.., Director Furry by night, that cat is a superhero afterall..."

"First the gear." She goes to retrieve head protection and gloves to distribute and says. "Just go for a while, throw a few punches, show me a few maneuvers." she suggests. "Grappling too if you are so inclined. And I have a move to teach you after." she adds.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    Oh yes. Sparring gear. Can't forget that. As Daisy hands the headgear over, Jemma slides it on, tucking her ponytail in as she cinches up the strap under her chin. The hands are then added, the fingers sliding through and curling to protect them. She looks, for all the world, like she is ready to go a couple of rounds...if it wasn't for the fact that there is a most definite hesitation.

    "Are you ready, Jane?" At least Jemma is being proper and asking. Though, she really should not be asking. "I do believe you can do whatever you want. That is the idea, after all." With that said, the hands are brought to a defensive position, both at eye level as the biologist starts to rotate to Jane's right, keeping her hands up...but not attacking.

    Apparently, Jemma is a defensive kind of girl.

Jane Foster has posed:
Hacker, cleric, stargazer. They make most of a party, and when adding the occasional toss-in like Mikhail or Dane, they become the proper adventuring party! Time to start those up on Thursday nights or something.

Jane glances askance to the punching bag, possibly considering smacking it around for good measure. Not about to break into a random act of savagery when everyone's back is turned, she instead bends in a deep bow respectfully to Daisy, evidence of her training at a dojo that probably ends up with her being tossed all over the place. The neat descent and straightening comes crisply and she tugs on her t-shirt to keep it from riding up. A bit of tugging and tucking eventually resumes a suitable appearance, though that's a bit of wishful thinking. "Director Furry? You know he's going to ehar that." Or sense it. She's one of those believers, perhaps, in Fury knowing everything. Maybe he has a whole spy agency to feed information to him. You never know!

A sliver of movement awaits until she gets the gear, looking at the gloves with a bit of distaste unless they're stylish kickboxing pads. Headgear, that's fine. Putting that on doesn't take much time, mirroring Jemma's motions nearly exactly. Tugging straps, tilting her head back and forth to see if it feels comfortable. That will do. Gloves, meh! Apparently she's all about bloody knuckles, spitting out blood, and stabbing someone in the leg while they look at goodest pupper.

Hey. Asgard likes her for a reason. And yes, under the glove, there's a bracelet she used to punch open Peggy Carter's glass coffin.

"Ready as I will ever be in one of these situations." Another bow follows to Jemma and she circles around to a spot she wants on the mats, watching with calm deliberation. She goes in crouched, low, peculiar to anyone who might be watching it. Certainly that's not a typical approach for karate or boxing, especially since she's dropped a foot off her center of gravity normally. She circles around Jemma, watching the way the Brit stands, and the first strike is fast -- very fast, at least for a regular person! For Jessica Drew, laughably yawn-worthy. But it's meant to pull the other woman off balance.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"It's his secret identity..." And so Daisy lowers her voice. "So we will keep it between us, yes..?" but she is still amused. Well, to be honest she wasn't exactly to blame for that name on her cat but ....!

Her gaze does sharpen though, attentive to each of their postures, the way Jane bows making her grin. "Oooh, I see you have had some training out of here." she offers a bow as well, to both of them, taking then a step back to give them enough space. Just so she can appreciate the spar better, and see points of improvement..

The over politeness from Jemms is one of those though. "No time to be polite in a fight, Jemms. And being defensive doesn't give you a win." she says. So merciless! But she has learned with the best, might as well offer that wisdom to the others..

Jane's approach is somewhat less orthodox, making those brows furrow. "You are a bit too low..." but she is willing to see what will come out of there!

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    The strike is certainly fast...and Jemma doesn't quite gets her hand over to block, meaning that the blow hits, but mostly glancing. Defense may not score points, but it certainly helps to come up with an appropriate strategy. And, with Jemma, it seems that preparation wins out over improvisation.

    The strike does set Jemma off-balance, but only for a moment. Almost as if she was anticipating something to that effect and had a plan to counter. And...for her counter, Jemma actually steps into the direction of her stumbling, so that she finds her balance rather quickly, setting herself right as those hands remain up.

    And then Jemma shifts to the offensive. Her movements are not necessarily as quick as the initial strike with Jane, but they are deceptive. Her feet do not indicate that she is taking a step until her upper body is already halfway towards Jane. The left hand leads, aiming for the head, but just a split second behind is the right hand, angling for a body blow. Almost both at once. Which one does Jane decide to block?

Jane Foster has posed:
Jane's practice lies in the art of jiu jutsu more than Japanese arts, but she's got a heavy dose of aikido in there too. Thus the point of her strikes aren't to hit, they are to grab. A snatch and a cling make for a good strategy to bring someone down and keep them there. She isn't striving to hit the Englishwoman so much as snake an arm around and pull her down, or hook her heel around the woman's and pull her down by taking away her leg as a pivot point.

The whole point of the arc is to swivel and move with momentum, being a reed in the river and a Richards on the battlefield by swaying, swerving, and going with the flow instead of just Thinging it and staying entirely in the way.

So while a swing may be at her head and another at her body, the immediate reaction is throwing her arm up, elbow tilted high, the better to defend her head against that slap coming at her face. Head. Close enough to matter, as she swings her other arm perpendicular to intercept the blow aimed at her body. That's all assuming she has the grounds to move around.

Either way, the point of the turtling up around her face is giving grounds to lock her arm around Jemma's above the elbow when she finally gets there.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy follows closely, eyeing how each goes about the spar, the calculating Jemma versus the elusive Jane. And ok, they are a *lot* better than she was expecting, "Good counter. Now keep on the offensive." she advises from the side. It's just like one of those MMA instructors, just with a nicer voice..

"Don't let her pressure you, Jane. Close in and break the momentum.." she says, moving closer to the punching bag to rest a shoulder against it. Because now this was getting interesting!

And hey, maaaybeeee she had been curious to see the two of them tussling.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    Arm up to counter head blow. Expected. Other arm reaching around to entangle body blow. Now...that was interesting. Jemma's mind ticks through the different possibilities as Jane attempts to tie up Jemma's assault. So. Two arms attempting to intercept two blows. What is open?

    Jane's abdomen, wide open with one arm above her head and the other attempting to angle to intercept the lower fist. And...what is available for attack?

    Jemma's knee, which is already in a forward motion due to the offensive action.

    So, instead of the knee dropping down for the step forward, it is hoisted up, seeking to plant itself within Jane's side, between the two Furiae. And...once there, Jemma *pushes*. The attempt is to shove Jane back and away....hopefully to prevent that lock at the elbow that is going to happen if Jemma doesn't do something about it.

    And...provided her leverage works, Jemma will stand back, providing as thin of a profile for the grappling Jane as possible. Because...no, Jemma was not expecting to hug things out.