3290/So, Lian Yu...

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So, Lian Yu...
Date of Scene: 09 September 2020
Location: Arrowcave
Synopsis: Members of Team Arrow meet at the cave to begin planning the assault on HYDRA, the group who has taken over Lian Yu.
Cast of Characters: Oliver Queen, Vanessa Carlysle, Roy Harper, Thea Queen, AJ Strong

Oliver Queen has posed:
The arrowcave. Night..

Oliver has sent messages to team arrow for them to gather at the cave a few hours after the first one was sent, telling of a threat emerging. And whatever it was seems like all hands would be needed on deck. Lian Yu had been a place he had shared, the island he had spent those years before returning to Starling City and while he had never went into too much detail on what actually did happen there in the past seems like it was time to return there once again..

He is currently sitting down by the computers, the large monitors running various searches through, images zipping past and filling the screens for a second before disappearing.. Footage is also present in another screen, aerial footage apparently of an island. It most likely Lian Yu.

His hood is out of his head, the beard already three days long, blue eyes intent on studying the various screens.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa walks in through the security door, swinging it closed behind her as she enters the heart of the Team Arrow operations. She's wearing a pair of black running tights and a sweatshirt overtop of an Underamour jogging top. She goes over to get herself a bottle of water before moving over to where Oliver is.

One of the unused sections of desk space is turned into Vanessa's seat, her legs swinging back and forth as she looks over to Oliver. "So getting us ready to go, you know. Up there?" she says with a motion of her head, and then a glance towards the monitor that is showing the island.

The fingers of one hand rest on her leg, though fidgeting a little nervously. The island is one of those things that finding out more about always isn't a pleasant thing.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy comes down the stairs. Thank goodness for that super fast train that brought him back from Happy Harbor. He slides down the railing part of the way and lands on his feet before he makes his way over toward the desk where Vanessa is sitting and Oliver is poring over the information. He slides his hands into the pockets of his jeans and strolls on up, taking up a spot against the wall behind Oliver so that he can eye whatever he's looking at over his shoulder.

He's dressed in his usual jeans, a plain white t-shirt, and a light windbreaker in the purple and silver of Happy Harbor. A pair of plain grey running shoes are on his feet. "So, what've we got? Other than dudes with a weird fetish for cephalopods?" he asks as he settles in.

Oliver Queen has posed:
The Arrow's attention goes up to Vanessa when she arrives, noticing her posture and the fidgeting. Honestly, it was something he was feeling himself. Returning. Even if there was no tick visible on him. "I am. I was running through the footage I got from the island, pondering a way we can infiltrate undetected." he states, eyes turning back to the screen. "We may have to go in by ship then go into smaller boats inland.."

Oliver looks over his shoulder when Roy comes in, offering a nod and a tired smirk. "Hydra." he says in answer to Arsenal, tapping on the keyboard a few times and a logo recognizeable as Hydra fills the screen. "A group that began popping up around world war 2, bent on world domination. They have lost much of their power but apparently they still got enough to keep a base out there." he explains.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa tilts her head, looking at the screen as the logo comes up. "Seriously, like the world doesn't have enough problems with alien invasions, without Nazis coming out of the woodwork too," she says with a soft sigh.

Her eyes go to Roy then, flashing him a smile of greeting. "Bet you never thought we'd be dealing with something like that when you got involved? Or, maybe you did. I'm the one that's far newer to all of this and superheroes were just something to see on TV and read about online," she says, pausing to glance around at where she finds herself now.

"So, small boats. Much chance they'll be seen? DO we need to go in underwater maybe?" she suggests.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy Harper doesn't have the same sort of trepidation about Lian Yu that the others do. He's never been there and has only heard of it as a distant place that is more just an image in his head of palm trees and sandy beaches and not much else. "How big is the island, anyway?" Roy asks as Ollie mentions going in by ship then going further inland by boat.

"Okay sure, but if it's a Hydra why is their symbol tentacled instead of you know, a hydra, with the heads?" He squints. "That seems a dumb branding decision." He leans over a bit so that he can look at the screen then leans back a bit, "Skulls. Edgy." Then he says, "Okay, so bad branding boys have a base on the island and we're going to go punt'm off of it. Check. What else is on this island? Anything? Are there people living on it? Or just these guys?"

He grins over at Vanessa and says, "I kind of figured if we were dealing with nazis they'd be more the skinhead dickwad type and not the you know, actually base-building goose-stepping armored type. But, hey, we'll kick their asses either way."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"A few miles wide." Oliver continues working with the computer, bringing up a map of the island and pointing to a marked area on the western part of it, "They set the place on the side of a cliff, bullet proof windows.." he brings up a rough image of a man-made front on a cliff, along with a pathway down that appears to serve as an entrance and exit.

A few vehicles are visible on the next photo and he frowns. "They have a lot of vehicles as well, which tells me of a large scale operation. So we will need all hands on this one.." a sigh, "But that's not even the worse.." though he pauses, listening to the questions and nods.

"I haven't really been keeping up with the place, but that I am aware of there should be noone else on that island." He says to Roy, "And they are more the old school kinda of nazis than these new skinhead types. And pure evil.."

Eyes then roam to Vanessa and he mmms. "Going underwater may be an idea too. And perhaps better than the boats. They detected the jet I was using to approach the island, but it was a big one. Using this entry strategy we may just be mistaken by large fish. Like sharks." and before anyone can ask. "Yes, there are sharks around the island. So if we *do* go underwater that will be something to take into consideration."

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa holds one hand up as if weighing something. "Nazis with guns..." she says, and then holds up the other. "Big old sharks." She moves her hands up and down as if not quite sure how the balance should come out on that.

"So besides knowing they have a base there now, any idea why? Do they have some connection to the island in the past? Or is it more things that have transpired there lately that might have drawn them? Or option c) not sure, that's why we're going Vanessa," she offers, filling in the possible answer herself at the end.

She leans over to look more closely at the monitor. "Once we do get there, are we looking to infiltrate and investigate? Or is it more of a shut them down mission?"

Thea Queen has posed:
The message sent out as an Arrow-blast did reach a certain Queen in the City. With texts and messages sent on a train back to Starling City, Thea arrives late to the party. She's looking a little different than she had before, though she keeps to the back once she enters the 'cave'. She's toned, and just looks.. healthier. She says nothing upon her arrival, but instead, just listens to the voices that lie just beyond, her arms crossed before her.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy nods as Oliver begins to outline more about the island and leans over a bit to take a look at the image of the cliff and the pathway. He squints a little bit at the vehicles, trying to make out exactly what they are from the picture. He nods. "Definitely looks like it's going to be a big job." He grins, then, not seeming to mind the challenge, even when Ollie says that's not even the worst part. He takes in the rest of the information about the occupants on the island. "Good, not having civilians around will help."

"I've always wanted to swim with the fishes," Roy proclaims, undaunted by the presence of sharks. "Let's just not, you know, bleed around them, or look like a weak and floundering seal." He grins at Vanessa, "Hey, sharks might not give a crap about us. Nazis with guns will /definitely/ shoot us." Though her questions interest him as well, and so he looks back to Ollie to see what their mission actually will be on this trip. He glances over in Thea's direction and gives her a little up-nod in greeting.

Oliver Queen has posed:
"A bit of option C." Oliver first says to Vanessa, then adds, "But it doesn't mean we can't take informed guesses. Which brings me to the worst part of it all. Powers." a small frown then creases the tired lines of the man's face, he again shifting the images until one of a tree on fire with a man shooting a literal lightning bolt out of their hands. The image is rather blurry too, which suggests Oliver was in motion when that particular image was taken with his bodycam.

"My belief is that they chose the place due to how remote it is. The island isn't on any maps, and that means they have free reign to do as they wish and not bother about prying eyes." He points to the image, "They were using some kind of devices.." a pause, the frown deepening. "The way they were talking it was as if they weren't used to those powers, which tells me they may be experimenting with it. As for our mission. Infiltrate first but go ready to fight. If we can figure out more of the place without raising the alarms good but I couldn't take a good look of the perimeter so I am unsure if we will be able to do so."

His eyes then go to each of their team members in the room. "Another solution could be a swift assault, disregard the infiltration and attack them fast and hard. Would give them less chances to prepare." a silent question there on his expression, as if looking for their opinion on which choice would be best.

And finally he looks towards the newcomer. "You don't need to stay there in the shadows, you can join us." gaze on Thea.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa listens, drinking her bottled water. Though she's dressed for jogging, she doesn't look like she's gone yet. The message from Oliver came in before she had done more than stretch.

"Hmm. Well, if we need information..." she says, trailing off, eyes on the floor. She sighs and shrugs and looks to Oliver. "I mean, if we could isolate one of them and capture him? I'd be willing to try going in. Not to mention just... ah, interrogating him fully. If it's someone who knows a lot of what's going on, might not even need to go into learn things," she offers with a shrug.

Again with the nervous twitching of her fingers. This time it isn't the island. Probably.

Thea Queen has posed:
Blue eyes pick out those in the room, a nod to Roy, one to Vanessa, and when her attention swings back around to Ollie, she shakes her head quickly, her bobbed hair swinging briefly. "I just wanted to know if this was really happening," she says quietly. "And don't you dare leave without me." She doesn't seem overly concerned as to which option is under consideration.

"I've waited years for this." The words weigh heavily on her, once spoken.

Thea can't stay right now, though. "I'll talk to you all later. I have something I have to do." Turning around, the prodigal Thea begins to make her way out of the cave again. She got her answers, for the moment.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy Harper is actually quiet for a while as he just listens, not offering any of the commentary he had been at the beginning. Instead, he just looks thoughtful as he studies the monitors, the video, the lightning. There's a flicker of his gaze over to Oliver at the mention of powers, and then back toward the screen. The offered solution of a quick assault has his brow furrowing slightly. There's a glance over at Vanessa's twitching fingers that lingers there a moment, but then he's back on the topic at hand. He opens his mouth, but then Thea speaks and he closes it again, looking over toward her.

"That was.. what's she been waiting years for?" He looks to Ollie and Vanessa as though they might have some enlightenment as to what might be going on with that.

"If we don't know what we're running in there to, a quick decisive assault could go really sideways really fast," Roy says, perhaps surprisingly. As willing as he is to jump right into shark infested waters -- nazis with superpowers is a whole other kettle of fish (pardon the pun).

Oliver Queen has posed:
"Closure." Oliver replies to Roy in explanation. But it's not as if he explains much more than that, just a tiny bit. "It is where our father died." and then he contemplates what they both offer about a way to go in there. He steeples his fingers together. "It's an high risk, high reward kind of solution." he says of the frontal assault.

His attention does come to rest on Vanessa for a time though, assessing her suggestion. "Is that something you'd be willing to do?" he asks. "If we can find a patrol roaming about could be a solution to infiltrate them, using your abilities."

"But you know the danger factor it brings too. You'd forget other things." The images continue running by the screen, Oliver looking back at it again. "As for an -additional- problem..." he says. "They also have advanced technology. Some kind of flying, killer robots in this case. But I was able to disable one with an EMP."

AJ Strong has posed:
Finally descending the stairs, AJ quickly scrambles in trying not to make too much of a fuss with his arrival. "Sorry, I can only put him off so long before he blows up my phone." There's a slight wince, as he looks about the Arrowcave at the others present, likely trying to figure out what he missed without actually asking.

After a moment he decides to just find a nice out of the way chair, and spins it around to sit on backwards, folding his arms together on the chair back and resting his chin atop them. His eyes dart between Roy and Ollie, then over to Vanessa before completeing the rounds. Yup, the newbie has gone into quiet observer mode for the moment.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa looks over as AJ arrives. She raises a hang to give him a wave and a smile, but then settles back into the conversation. "Well, that would be the risk," she says with a slow nod as Oliver mentions the danger it would bring. "If I could get in and out and we had a bit of time I could be ready to go again. I suppose if nothing else I could just interrogate someone, if we can catch one, and then we go from there?" she suggests.

Another sip of the water, and a glance at the monitors. Though the brunette is lost in her thoughts mostly. As the possibility of doing things she's only considered before is getting weighed in her mind.

Roy Harper has posed:
"Oh," Roy says when Oliver explains the closure that Thea is looking for there. He nods, then, quiet, and definitely not making any additional comments about that. He'd lost a father and a father-figure before he'd even met Oliver, so he knows what that's like. "Alright, well, I mean, if we want to do the whole kowabunga approach, I'm fine with that. Just figured, you know, we don't know what they've got /in/ there yet. What if it's a lot more powerful than a little lightning fingers?" Not that he's above running in to find out.

Then he looks over toward Vanessa as Oliver asks about her powers and whether she'd be willing to interrogate someone if they could capture them. He doesn't really know anything about what her powers /do/ and so his brow knits a little bit at the answer. "Whatever you guys think'll work best as far as that goes." He can't really offer an opinion there.

He grins a little crookedly over at AJ as he finally escapes the Dad Call and up-nods in greeting to him, too. "Quick recap: Island with a base on it established by Hyra who apparently are named after a many-headed serpent but their symbol is a skull with tentacles which makes no damn sense. Some of them have finger wiggly lightning powers. They've also got quite a bit of high end tech and vehicles. We're gonna go sneak into the island, possibly through shark infested waters and then punt'm out." He offers the reader's-digest-according-to-Roy to AJ.