3360/Rain And Dove

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Rain And Dove
Date of Scene: 13 September 2020
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Sarah meets Dawn and makes some green chile barbacoa burritos for general consumption.
Cast of Characters: Dawn Granger, Sarah Rainmaker

Dawn Granger has posed:
Someone has pulled one of the wing chairs away from the conversation group in the center of the room to the window facing south. A long expanse of water ripples under the westering sun. A regatta is underway, ten distant boats at different stages of the race leaning into the wind. It's not apparent that someone is in the chair until a hand reaches down to the teapot set on a tray on the floor and pours an amber stream of tea into a cup. The teacup and hand disappear back behind the wide back of the chair.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
    The elevator doors open as Sarah steps out of them, a bit cautiously, then looks around, holding a grocery bag in her other hand. Hmm. Coast is clear! For once, no one is using the kitchen, at least, as the Apache woman walks over with a faint smile, starting to unpack her bag as she hums to herself. She hasn't quite noticed the chairs having been moved, mostly because she's too new to know where they usually should be. There's a general rattle and the sound sof drawers being opened as she searches around. "Knive knife knife...where's the knife...what the hell is this?" she mutters, eyeing some high tech thingee someone just tossed in the drawer. "And did they really need seven pizza cutters?"

Dawn Granger has posed:
The door sliding open and the subsequent sound of drawers opening accompanied by a murmured litany as someone searches them slows the cup on the way to her lips. A faint smile draws a corner of her mouth up at the exclamation about the pizza cutters. The apparent excess of seven pizza cutters fits the exuberance of her talkative adoptive siblings. She had found the room empty to her relief; friendly she may be but even she needs quiet time to integrate all the recent monumental changes in her life.

A young woman with silver-white hair peers around the wing of the chair to see who the voice belongs to before one jean clad leg touches the floor, joined by another as she unlimbers herself up.

Clearing her throat in an attempt not to startle the drawer ransacker, she says, "Hey. Hello! Find everything you need?"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
    There's a little jump at throat clearing as the tall native girl looks over, straightening up as she brushes a few errant strands behind her ear and shoulder. "Oh! Uh, hey." she says, holding up a hand in greeting. "Didn't mean to interrupt you relaxing...ah!" She picks up a chopping knife, then pulls out a small chopping board as she carries it over to the counter by the gorcery bag. "I'm Sarah."

Dawn Granger has posed:
Tea cup and saucer in one hand, Dawn studies her a moment before making the decision to break her self-imposed isolation. "Hi, I'm Dawn. No problem. No one has been about for about an hour which is really rare. I'm pretty new here but I don't remember seeing you about," she replies, crossing the distance to the kitchen then laying her tea on a counter. A faint smile lights her face, "We eat /a lot/ of pizza around here. Wendy, the AI, has the pizza place on direct dial with a standard order. It's good, too."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah mmms, rummaging in her bag as she starts taking out some peppers, an onion, and what looks like meat in marinade in a ziplock bag. "Everyone's a bit frazzled after Caitlin and the others disappeared." she says with a frown, starting to expertly dice up the veggies as she talks. "And I know. There's nothing but frozen pizza or pizza byproducts in the freezer. It's unhealthy for y'all to eat nothing but junk like that. So I figured I'd at least cook something decent and fresh."

Dawn Granger has posed:
"You sound like my mother," Dawn replies lightly, in a tone that implies she agrees. "I'm mostly vegetarian so end up cooking for myself, too. But, people eat on the run here all the time, trying to keep up. What with everything that's been happening lately." She shrugs unhappily, not going into detail. "Not that that has really made people eat any worse, to be honest. Super powers don't need good nutrition apparently."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah waves the knife. "Not true. I mean, if you have some weird metabolism that lets you just use anything is one thing, for calories. But good food will only make things better. And I'm making stuff that can be heated up later or frozen for later." She separates out each diced veggie as they're finished into bowls. "Can't go wrong with barbacoa burritos, after all." she points out.

Dawn Granger has posed:
Leaning her hip against the counter, Dawn picks up her teacup to sip, "You won't have anyone disagreeing with that. Believe me. Are you used to cooking for big groups? Otherwise, your leftovers will be gone in a second. I mean, Heather, that's Knockout, alone can eat for six. She has a super ramped up metabolism. I can put it away, too, if I've been, ah, active." The young woman doesn't have a spare ounce of fat on her. Her bare feet are 'dancer ugly' with callouses across the tops of her toes from pointe shoes.

"I eat out more than I like between school and what's going on here."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
    "Mm, well, I've cooked for big groups." Sarah says, leaning down to rummage as she gets out a larger pan to set down then starts to transfer the veggies and meat together. "I suppose I could, as long as I was getting the grocery money to do it, I definitely can't be feeding everyone in the tower off my nonexistent salary." she notes ruefully, transfering the pan over to the stove and starting it cooking. "Also, jealous, I can't just pack in the carbs like that." From the look of her she must work out pretty religiously if that's the case.

Dawn Granger has posed:
"I think you could just ask. I get the impression that money is not a problem for things like food and all. You'd end up doing a lot of cooking for people. The tacos sound delish."

Dawn's accent veers toward the British, having spent most of her school life there while her mother was stationed in Europe. "American accents are still new for me. Of course, I can place southern accents and New York but I regularly mix up Boston with New England accents. Where are you from?"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah has a decidedly Southwestern accent, when it pokes out as she raises a brow. "Arizona, though not for a bit now." she says, getting out a wooden spoon to stir as the mixture cooks. "I don't mind cooking. I kinda miss cooking for more than just me, honestly. And not like there isn't down time to do it." She shrugs her shoulders a bit. "So you're, what, British? You sound British."

Dawn Granger has posed:
"I've been trying to work on that. My mother is American and my father is English. I attended primary and secondary near London. Yeah. So, whatever that makes me. Double nationality actually." She wrinkles her nose in a quick grin then takes another sip of tea.

"I've never been to Arizona but it's on my list of places to visit. Just seen pictures of it." Her eyes shift downward thoughtfully before she asks, "How did you end up with this crazy group?"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah raises a brow. "Well, I mean...it's probably exotic to most people. No reason you should have to work on it." she says amusedly, lifting the pan as she swirls the contents around, the scent of cooking meat, peppers, and onions filling the air. "Oh, I...volunteered, actually. When Caitlin went missing." She sets the pan back down, reaching back into the grocery bag to pull out a package of flour torillas. "I mean, I was going to come over anyway and, uh, ask to audition. Or whatever. I'd just been putting it off because I didn't want to show up as Caitlin or America's friend, I wanted to earn it on my own."

Dawn Granger has posed:
"Oh, bravo, having friends here. I shouldn't think that people would think of you as having an advantage. It's all what one can do, leastways, that's my take on it. With the way things have been going, we need all the help we can get." Dawn puts the teacup down with a click and asks eagerly, "Want a hand?"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
    "If people let me in just because I happen to be friends with group members, then it's not me getting in, it's that relationship getting me in." Sarah says, a little stubbornly. "It doesn't matter right now anyway, I'm volunteering either way. That stuff can wait until they figure out where Caitlin and the others are and get them back."

Dawn Granger has posed:
Her offer to lend a hand ignored, Dawn hovers, shifting her weight back into a counter lean. "Troia knows her stuff, she and Nightwing would never let someone into the group that couldn't pull their weight or be considered an asset."

Holding her hands up in an exaggerated gesture of denial, "Again, that's me talking. People here were a bit surprised at me, it seemed. Knockout and I ran into each other during a bank robbery then she dragged me back here."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah mmms. "I don't really do the supercriminal thing or stuff." she notes after a moment. "And sure, if you want to help me fill burritos..know how to fold them?" she says belatedly, shutting off the stove as she searched for a hot pad and sets it down on the counter, then puts the still warm pan on it before rummaging for some spoons and a large tupperware container she gets from the grocery bag, setting it down. "I just...owe Caitlin. She got me out of a really bad situation and got me set up here in town. And I'm tired of not being able to do what I can do." She smirks a little, smiling. "Mm, well, Troia is one of the ones missing, but I guess Nightwing didn't feel like turning anyone down. I dunno, it's kind of confusing who's in charge at the moment."

Dawn Granger has posed:
"Not sure I do know. But I learn fast!" Again, she flashes a bright smile that mutes into a pleasant inquiry. "Show me one?" Dawn moves over to join the other young woman, watching what she is doing closely.

"Who knows about who is leading us right now. I mean, besides, Nightwing. We just have to do our best. And super criminals?" That earns a brief chuckle, "Can't say I do, either but that can change, I suppose. It was just a couple of clowns robbing a bank where I met Knockout. The odd terrorist. The Lord of Chaos," she adds, her voice subsiding into a British mumble, uneasy with the idea of showing any braggadocio.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
    "Yeah, I don't know anything about that, I mean, I don't really deal with stopping criminals usually." Sarah says with a faint frown. "I'm better with natural disasters or....fights, I guess." She pauses, then opens up the tortilla bag and pulls one out. "Okay, you do it like this...I'd warm them up usually to make it easier or make them fresh, but the filling is warm enough should be okay." She spoons in some of the mix, then folds the burrito with practiced movements. "See? Like that. Then flip it over so the weight holds it closed. The tortilla will stick when it gets warm so it'll stay closed.

Dawn Granger has posed:
"Oh! Natural disasters is a good one. Huge even." Dawn's hands stop briefly as she glances at Sarah, eyebrows hitched high in admiration. "People must like you around for when there are hurricanes and whatnot. The worst England got were some godawful wind storms coming out of the North Sea. Lots and lots of trees downed." She returns to folding meat and filling together. "That would be rather nice to have some weather control, I'd think." Another glance from under lowered eyes is sent Sarah's way.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
    "Well, weather is my thing." Sarah says simply, glancing over. "Water, air, temperature, lightning, all of that in combination or alone. It's generally not a precision effect though." She mmmms. "WEll, as a storm. Lightning, electricity, I'm pretty good at being accurate with those." She demonstrates another burrito fill and fold, then offers Dawn a spoon so she can try, setting the two completed burritos in the tupperware container. "So if you're from England, why are you here now?" she wonders.

Dawn Granger has posed:
"Moved," she replies abstractedly with the offhandedness of someone who has moved repeatedly. "I'm at Colombia, now. My mother is working at the UN, too. Which is nice. We actually get to see each other once a week, on the fly."

Lips pursed in concentration, she smoothes filling into a flour tortilla.

After pushing the finished tortilla to Sarah, she looks at her more closely. "That's...well, that's just amazing. I would think that you'd use incredible amounts of energy doing that."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
    "Not really. It's moving what's already there mostly." Sarah says as she watches Dawn work, then nods. 'Yeah, like that. You can make the folds a little tighter, just give them a little pressure to make sure they stick if you can. These are still going to be pretty loose." she admits with a frown. She shrugs and smiles faintly. "Sounds cool. I'm over at NYU at the moment, but I'm going to see if I can transfer to one of the local universities if I end up helping for a while. Pretty sure my scholarship doesn't care where I go to school."

Dawn Granger has posed:
Dawn takes the advice seriously applying herself to the folding the next tortilla more tightly. "That's lucky. What are you studying?"

Frowning slightly in concentration, she comments, "Still. It's so vast and chaotic. I hope I get to see you doing that." She adds, with a bemused look into the distance, "I'd likely be up in the air on one of your gales."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
    "Oh, do you fly?" Sarah says curiously. "I can do that. Haven't for a while, it's just...too flashy for me, to get around town. But in an emergency." She shrugs her shoulders. "Right now I'm just taking basic required courses and patching up some things I missed growing up that I might need. I'm not sure what I want to do yet."

Dawn Granger has posed:
"Well," she grins down at her hands, then flashes Sarah an amused look. "Only in emergencies, so to speak. Only when I need to do it. Otherwise, I'm grounded like everyone else. I mean, it's like I have two aspects and I need to invoke the change. Flashy is right! There are a lot of flyers in the Titans so you'd fit right in!"

Another tortilla finished, Dawn contemplates it a moment before saying, "Hmm. This is making me hungry but I also need to get going." She passes it to Sarah. "It was nice meeting you. Some people call me Dove, as well as Dawn. Either is fine from people here in the Titans."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah waves to the burrito. "Take one with you then. It's what they're for. I can finish the rest, thanks for the help. And the chat." shes ays with a faint smile. "Nice meeting you too. And, uh...I guess I'm Rainmaker, if you mean codenames. I'm not really good with using one.' she admits without shame.

Dawn Granger has posed:
With pleased surprise, Dawn nods. "Thank you!" Grabbing a paper towel from a roll near the sink, she wraps the tortilla up. After a quick wave, she goes to the chair where she gathers up the tray and her book, deposits the tray on the counter and walks quickly to the elevator.

"Bye," she calls as the doors are closing. "See you soon!"